£HIE[EUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 STLSTHE NEWEST .... PRICES THE LOWEST yGOODSPEED'S 117 SOUTH MAIN MICHIGAN (QENTRAL 6,The Niagara Falls Route. CENTRIAL STANDARD TIIE. Ta ingEfet Junee2e, 1899. DtroitNight Epres..........5 5A.u AtlatcExpres.............7489 Grand lRapids Expres..... ...1 10itt Mlean d E itress............3 4 , t N. Y. Boone Special.......... 4 5 FeetEaterm ... ..........9 43 " Boton, N. Y.andtChicag..tt .....7 48 " Fatest rn Er eso ..........1 3P t . G,1 tIt n t a.Et xh pres.........545 C'hicao Nighi t E pes......... 943 Pacific Express.............12 0 t . (.OP. T.Ag'tChcago. A't AnnArbor. TIME TABLE Takineg Effeitt, Seuntday, May 21, 1899. Trains leate Ann Arbor by Centtral Stad- ard Tlime. *No . .- :25A. to. No. .- 9.u}A. IAt. No. 2.-11: 7 A.MA. 'No. 5.-12:301,. M. No. 4.- 8.30 Pt.At. No. 3.- 4:o .5P.M t1 02.- 8:15 P. M. t "101.- 9:05 A At. t Run Sunday only. lic e tteetc Ann Arbortttd Toledo only All other tran aitey ceept Sceday. E. S. GlL1d1llN, Agent. W 11. lF.NNiOTT. 1G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for D~etroit anti Ypilanti every half hocr, beginning at 6:45 a. nm. until 8:15 p. m. a t canr for Detroit 11:10 T). m. Watiting r001m, cttrner Ann and Main std.; D~etroit, ill (iriswold st. SPLCIAL HOLIDAY OFFER! B tite of tes $3.00 = LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN PENS s enttpostpaidl, lota weeks tl - for otly ITre aci. ttffer yoa$1.10 forit. Rentuchlcr, tbceIIP'otograpbcr. The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET "Tine Three Musketeera. All obout the gamne in Special Daily. ttn Friday, Nov. 10, at the Athens Insuranice pays. Get a good policy Theter M. Jtt (lilithot11 t dti erom L. D. Carr, over Ann Arbar Sav- ior ctefirst time in tiscictv Dumas masterpiece entitled "The TMitee Mus- gsBath keteers." Of all ite rasctnating, to- A netw line of Mtanhattan Shirts junt mant~tictttovels of theltt s it ibttk has it at tIVadhoms, Ryan & Reule. See tatentdceerved rank among the Pet. theml. S. Mlain at. JothttGrtffiti, thtc best ofrr o omantlec- acittrs, impresti by the thttm ttf the yb'ere twill be a meeting ttf the tics- ttott ithiaditt dtamtied.Thtenet er-ee pital Circle otf Ring's Daughters Sat- sonttsthihtlyvappttoved or bythteGrt- ttedty, Nove.11,oatt2:3top . i.Biy order ics, atttdccreared 1y thetm tsthe most oi ike Circle. -42 pttweful pictueseotdranta ot tht.pe- rittd. The ocenery by Mr.1Unit, scenic fhose NWaldotmandttlins have a beau- artiot nr DasnieI Frohemon'tsLyceumntitrul tone, quality ctosely retemtling Theater, New Yortk citytoirtfttm pbhtto- the violin, antd violin lone is tte ideal gratphis in the actual ttiacesttf atton.tof human production. The Ann Arbor Fotttifullstage sts are uoet itn thts Music Co. nave .150 of them in ntock. lisprducltion atntretl.ie as tt31 ____________ ca ftc its trattsporctattion.t-lt. Giithit BAND PRACTICE. dteirmtnedtottpIreet nttonly catsplen-T usdaty antdiThursda y evenbtgs, tidt seeni n dt ttttosttinetlay, but olco Notv. 7 and I, at 509 Jefferson. tte ttestttttdrmtctotptny obtatinatl H. do PONT, Minge. hats surtounidtd tntself twtth tb ________ i THE BEST MAK(ES OF Mandolins and Guitars Suc asneph leoimae t, IWashburnse i ne~rnic are en eealeattethe 8cIhaeIberie MUsi Store W. Liber,nly 2ddoos frcoacnCrner OUR PHOTOS ...AR E. . PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 112 West Huron St. Stae PeFe11n9. A CANDY POLL that no one con compete with, we have in popular favor in French taffies, nheet caranmels that tvill chteswcud not stick to your tecth, guaraitleedpure and wrholesonte. You'll find largest and tin- est assortnmcnt at Hlangntecfec'a, 200 E. WaV shington and 3HPS. State. Warranted for 1 Year. $1.00 Wi. Arnold, .nelg Is at 338 S. Slate Street. 0e M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rie- idence 3022 Fifth Ave. stroogest aray oft:pltayers itat have ever appeartdin toporPt of tis ite atr. The eletrical effects used by Mr. Grifth its"Faust," whennrotduccd by hidoltn thtsvcitt, canoed a sensation, but hte et'om'oeOa til grecatercite itt "The 'Thbeet:Musketeers. NOTICE. Titere -,Wtbea maetog of Foley Gtildt at Si. Thttmas' school at 8 p. nt., lamerda. -41 FOR RENT-Large front room on first flooi, half a block from Campus. 303 S. State. The usual pgtogr am party will take litrce at Gracnger's Academy, Staturtday tight. Da ninig ttil commience at 4:3 oclock. The balcony is not open to viitors -39-401 Hlobart Guild ttill meet ioniarris Hall tot Saturtdoy ntghhf ,. ..ti, a ,, h, f i it II A Ifit sails YOUlHlAVo Ifitidoes eenot i IU MAnEA Ansy weyyouaiue ismt PRFy Thisois theitest let mode Hnrn istou ette itcec to tctiti-Pit ese tQtALITYc IOD Pet INceGOttLD 07Onlon Iensentl t one oaddress onthis titer. .-A gift ofinever endingtuseful- nesada ccit~tnt ptleatltt en- mn der ofI te giver. Gel yotturorireerly-order today. Staeswoothetr lady'sor gensstyle isodeiretd. Addrens LAUGHLIN MNFG, CO. 129 Gisiwold Si., Dletroi, Mich. Any BatnilorpresComanyiiny Detit. G,, f ^. F {I'' " ''°: , Oceontt'kcgc~fciikino eaty dne A complete line of Adler Bros. fine at 412 L. H-uron street. -45 suits at Wadhants, Ryan & Reule, 200- Wine'stLtwtNumberetwill be oul Thtursday.It will be of particular value to tielega'"0side of the University, Sot te general itubic tNvilfind much ottin- terest. Tfhe organizatico fthtde Fresoimato (mele Ciub tsill bte effeced this afternoon at 4 o'clock is Loom 2,lUniversity nloll. HARRY KERNS, Managec. 202 S. Slain st. Yeterday noon C. Hurdick, elec- trician for the university, tcok from thtt toll of the flagstaff eight thoto- grapthic viewso of the capus. The cain- era wrasoptinted at each of the corners aitd sides of the campus. He recthed thie lap nf the pcle by mecans of the hat- y Ards used to hoist the flag. Pu ~an ShoesFO ARE LEADERS IN STYLE AND QUALITY 110 EAST HURON w~W F~ieie~flI malerand 6 131 1ilamSret1- I.J Every Kind ENOCH DIETERLE, Funeral EblmrDirectar University j63ls at oir_ halback Stee ll DT..M ~ i rs. Eneoeb Dieterle, Ledy Aesietant. of law buildinge. All kind ~ ~ Pbaieo a51W.ebieg.N.na .Lbrt ohPhe S e hoe Shop of repeirleg neatly donee. Rd a li phto B oth taonsiN.8.1A 9.a shArb or . 116E erty e.Street. lReideece 53 sE. Lambert. tnS. n ro.Fut vBt hn 19 WE PA ROTRNZG0DYEAR'5 DRUG ST0RE