4 TJ3F UNiERSITY OF: MICHIGAN DAILY CO LIEGE CAI''NL TEXT-BOOKS.*,E FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS. LawandMedcalfrom $1.00 to $4.00. aw a Medca[ MARTIN SCHALLER, BOOKS. NEW AND SECOND-HARD. Agents for Keuffel & Essar's Drawing IIn 2II 1.1 E' J , Mlaterials, the beet made.' -- ~Larger and better .thian ever. Nearcy Waterman's Ideal - Fountain Pens. horses thu The best in tbe world. Every one war- Leave your TFrunk Checks uwibh rsnted for fire years., your baggage will he delivered proml Agents for Crane A& Hord's Pine Writ- 'hoe 06 ing Papers. - A P O For S1.00 you can buy a solid Gold Fountain Pen thai, is warranted. de have aIrive a0..orfomfii of Centfer Draft, Rochestrrad tie Plumsraud, The Berlinadold a0ny w Ifl of i Clu. e oso e -011 h bs lie writing papers, by the pound, at ~Lope t ld 1 o i:ueh n 15, 20, 23 and 30e. Envelopee to omatch. Subscriptions taken for all foreign Old Number- undt domstic eweespapers and maga- 44 SO. MAIN ST., -Lines. ANN ARBOR, NIGH. Brlinog us your old echool and college Tile Uniiversity sunline cho011051ie- hooks led exob unge theta for.010w. rolledl 220) this yearl, agaifnst 204 thle year bIefore. S A 11ew0linflManhattanl Shirts51)12 1: ftrEH115 ff1tiff1atWatlillols liyalfl iloteule, fl" ee t1hem.1 S11t11Ma~in1street. lEvely instutor t ud tl or~ 10k- University Booksellers, Sta- inlg ill the CIeticIlILaortotry Engravers, 0111houdhve11ll Aetnao Accidenlt Posl- tioners and ngrvr, icy. L. 1). (Julr, 0 011. .2 ANN ARBOR. DETROIT. lihe 1)1a11e torefnt 1111i00ofis5n11111 M~Aniil1rlMsic (Jo's store, WI-il.- 1111)11)0streel. to'11 10 11e1110 fitfI- 11111111)pe1p1111anff11 Cr01to knowos' 11111 1 .1111 ol~lions- 11111h1110 i. -2 y is U. of M. Station-: ery for all depart- ments. We sell Fountain Pens... fIATTESAND LU'lucfC5ElS Headqsarters far floes, 065-., Olsa's Fousroasl\G adComlelio111of Orxlsrlo Gooo eel SekATRoSs. AGECY TFOuRLONGLEvYfIATS 334 SosuLh State Street All are gua ranteed. BOOKSELLER Down TOWN, 116 Souath Main Street !treice as maory lacks and luau)' more an last yeir. us0 or we wvill call 0110 get 11he11 and aptly. 515 East Liberty Street. Car. Main asdurons Strerts. Cspital, E50,000. Surplufs,$0,5101 Tranmarfs a genera1 bankingf hoiisss. Ft, lstxrr, Pros. C. E. GOsooso vim-_Pses, FaREs. HBELr,s.Cashiers. LIATIIIAI A NKof Ass Arear FIRST NATIIIOAL BAN gsranied 180 Capital,.$100,(00. Surpluss and Proits, E40,(00 STU DEN TS Tascsagnrlbakn uies oeg credit. Prfeto Sro et 5al"S W. CLARIKSON, Cash:er. ,Lsflps. It iv100 more0ff11g111for lh. oil 1 u ~sed _than Landis for 1110 lv-rON---Zhet fli n tlrbor savinuls Bank COME AND SEE. Capitaf Sftock. 00. Surplusr $150,000. C Ojg1an1zedf runder 11h0Genral BaningliLaws DE N01ff rthirtae. Reoceivseposits, bufrfscard cello _ r r a ,to alff .1 riroo i l i o 11tl ol rrd1T. Acomfpflleteln1e10or Aler Bros. fidle sf1110 at WalflafC, 11)all A' Itoule, 200-202 501ut1131ain11street. The Ypsi-Ann Golfi Club. '1'lls filaniti a11ndiUniversity Golf (lobs01ave boeen consli~datedl under~ till nfameloof tills"Ypsi-AIIII lolf claur,'11001it islfroposedi to Imakleit one1 of 1111 swe-llest cluinf 10 tinn.rf Jo (10c luhouse 8it)1by(50 felt 111d1with 16li foot verandalll aroundlltile foffr 01100 of th11ffilingl habll en fefCr01101d and0 link; a inil eland a iihal1f itslleng:th 11111 out1. They res 'si0tuated on01 il S11010 deosffitboxso 0e01f. (BFrrEl: ChfristianrlfO.tres.;WN. 0.liarr'- manC, Vice-arer.; Offer. B. 5liscoo - Caher;-3t. J. BoAoru, LES. ShAT W0. AooROD, fti cros f0 J. V.sSHfEEANtoVif0-fir JoaeN.C. WLro, Assl.'alolff S VING DBfXK Trfansacts a general liouk~g IBusiness. STUDENTS'. LECTURE CIATION. ASSO Twelve Nunmbers to be Given Thi Year.- Tickets to be On Sale Seen. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 1. Lyman i. Gage. 2. F. Hopkinson Smith. 3. Max Bend:ix Company. ' 4. John Temple Graves. 5. Oratorical Contest. -6. Brig. General Charles King. 7. Will Carleton' 8. Sousa and his Band. 9. Congressnan i. P. Dolliver. 1 0. Chicago Alumni Number. 1 1. Announced-LLater.; 1 2. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00. Reserve( seats, 50 cents. Ipalrt of 111e1 Iice farmll, jiust 01101 of 115Howard 11010 100t lfilhfll, lRy'anl Carpfenters' Coriiets, 011thor lmotor A.Retile.10. eef. 100tf1oil e fmarkiet aIlline1. 3.0 21)0-2112 Suiftil Mllil Street. ____________Jerofffe 0frmvle;-iffas zf001lelfofl- 111LJSIC: toridI oflf Of the com~ingfOU!"0 ~ 1001 fOl 1 The 1ff, flU 10f th ll 11IIDA' aft I',fof F111151 o.,o05o0II',s 18990-19. rraf 00 f are topingfl.t.1 ff0,5 11 Coufrses ill muic w ril1 110 g'iveioo a01s1 1 010t1all110ed finfonemen~lt1111 hthe 'isf-Alif-,-teveosff, of f 11: fvilio followig hagnges1:11'C51s015h1ff-;010111,11 1ff .Llff Arlffo 11111 11the 1oive-it"%. 01s s ono is Course 11ff ril) e h 1)eel. O,10 1 g) rile inlstrumen~ts inl 11e0Ste-arn1s 110h10 111ri)0 f t lOIjl" Af. llloc will a111111re-1d(tolM.11.1 too: la111W00nWdllay 1f100- membeIIrrtle 111ER1.0H1110011NElWS D,01 l ,-were 111crpto a e 10left ff10 1110 0 . 110 A1.1101111 11Detroit. Mro. Eamaou will bhoat Dcly 1m 1 ,fidfrr r1111o1110er 011111 l" dilfesCa the111u aft1101110r Detolit Free Peierooit0111 lubIne Dtrit , 1)a111 hd Dtoocr t lierbul, IloorilgNourMeu0and1Cic,1.New vork rnd wh11010thle 000110is iltteltllg -tile 11111 1110le paprs. Promplyflf i ello 0 t.1 a11 parts of Ihe oily Oltloue. 121 No1101h Maifn sruf., 01 Oty. U. Vf . Barber Shop dffiod-f1 n11 and Bath Rooms. 91e iuoo-o. Still 302 Staue =t . .R. Trfjanowski. Prop. Fine GU05005FANE0S 5RT10151(GTION. U ves y610 EasatWilliramStreet U nivers oiiy ~ - Of 1,,off bloc!. off 11law ,bl ioo:. All1011111 Shoe Shop of rI0Efr Lambert.e SPALDI NG'S ~ootba1I FOR 1600. Tice Spaldfag Official lntercollegiate Fcotball Olflooo1< a, andevyle00 dil-fotbff010l1team10. Uiofrms, Oboelsed Every Reqessfte tsr the Gas~e. Sp1lailfgo 011110,111Fosf11ba~ll (111111. anld ff lltor ote11. reos 11, p 111o11 111410o ietdleilg eamso1.10 511, i loc llafc.otllely 111Cr- Irl scd Catadlognlu of l lortsfImaited fre. {I. G. Spalding 4% Bros,, Newyork. (lies,, Doie 0., M. MARTINII. FUNERAL -DIRECTOR, Emtbaing a s ieqialty. T o. 269 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. R les- idenre 302 Fifth Ave. GALL UtE SNOW LAUNDRY *.STATE PHONE, 520. Yorlaundry washbed,clean-and-well saced and iroed. livery-atiag bleached. al atired o0t1sf doors. Try us.. r { WAGNE-R & CO11 -~~ TALRST- MN TA L R OLarge'CoIlectior) of lExclivsive Hov- velties. A 123 S. Main St. is MILWARD, THE NOBBY TAILOR. STATE STREET