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November 07, 1899 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-07

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JUS D. f. TINKER &41-'S
P UB LIS E D Headquarters for
L1 S I- E. £1 ememberthat ore Can SUpl2Y youwith aGue0HASCAPdS1iEocs FRo. IIM3
Fountalin Pcn, te Laughlin or aterman, wlich o nd Comleite iine of GYM:noSIU
___i-ce fully guarantee. What mir can youl ash ? Tr'Iy ri.
Y-A i334 South State Street
I.S NEARLY Cor. Main and uinrun Strct.
PA A N, 5 '"' A 5 0 N ERE Cuapi,i50,000. Soopns, nu.$s Transactso
6 0 9 In ordering carriages why not get them where ion can grtyouor order R, KxF, Pren. C.5E. GREENS, Vice-Tres,
tilled on tine with aacarriogo. We hove aidded fire more Inoileour ___________________________________
already large ha'- and noir hore lie largeostnus ner of hackso in tuwno Y1 of 011 c Ann Aror
which will enouce you good service. Price the80001e. FIRST NAIONAP4L AKognzd16 ff%: aia, 0 upus andPritsid 0
BY Tranuts ea ueeralooioinhwuines.oreoign
A-4 %t cxc i}; ought and'sol. Funis en ters b of
Plione 1000. 515 Est Liberty 0trec('t. E.LD.KINNE, Tes. HAnRRION SVLEC,
T J S W. LAR~SON ashir Vce-Pres.
RUDYA D LA S FO STTDT eAn ror savin s ank
JP JI T ~ T~ We havc a lioe assortmnt of ConfereDraft, Nirc. I platod Latmps, incluiing The Royal, The Cipitli Stock. 95,0.eu r oplus,; 150000.
I P L j'N1 4 G Rochest e 1nithePlumewned, The Berlin oni Peretsosilonitut. amps.ni ouires, 01,5000010.
The N w Lam , Plme~aod, i an avane in Linit . Itgitic inue ii-it fr theotl sedrtan lranizdcueer lte lGenra ingnkin Law
liuy tLam o 'ii s iikind.We an i odithe ',io L'tn. 1 tifort e eiii ie:iiilis oftis State. aiRe cesdeois, uts andiisells
any ii f i1,01. ~c iii ci. is li it 1.ii~e Ci' iex cha n li theincipcitis o e icUnited
szCIw - - _- Stat Dats cashed uonpoerit nificatioin.
COME AND SEE. tiionCEot-Cittinolck, Tes'.; W. ID. Girt
ma, ic-Pes; Cha. E iecceK. Cashier;M
ubihrPr coa 1,JO Old Number: J rtAssisat she
PbihrPrc '' 440S0. MAIN ST., wL) a iL AF %T
Our Price $1.10 LANNO ARBOR. hn~~tAicCpro
Secet at ie totllny. -NU adl- Calendar. N.~VLTst.ahe tIINGS
111Misioto at) hlletic' ipiti, Wi dii laeven iing , Notv. 0Si iax BANK
lirtitix Conceri'ft Cttiompany-Ini.i ..A. ranoacts a genleral
sE03 HLE H L1AN & C . spial Daily 7 o'clock 0Satrda~. Course.t ,Boanking i 1cc ll 1 i ______ Bsiness.
flowrdr hlots of Vodioutos, iRyan & .I'tlicol So 't y' t Lit'. Wiiliam . Mayrers cof
Univercity Bookaellersa fetlie. I00st ihatfon the markllef of $3.00. l~ttev'ils. t COLLEGIATE CAPS,
Stationers and 520-202 S. Main of.r<r ltin t'ovning, Ntis. il,-I s. GOWNS andMOODOS,
Engravers E'iCl.l'N 5,1 ti. oiti ti 1 c 11 .5 iltiah ll. 1$ Rooting of
l :I IN 0 A.A~7~. Iti'tltis tevening Nor. ii.-Po. o-j* Y; CAPS opd GOWNS,


I. of M. Barber Shop Ldt,1di
and Bath Rooms. th ~ n.sill
32 Stote St. J. R. Trojanowaki. Prop.
w 1 843 K E The

Imiocllt'odaoly. STetrotto lstshisve b5:n0'101ion1W.5Smalol io1. .in odGv eiimcnt
tmidelouit andi iwill bC oundlpos:0.1on Clb1 otu~ or
line doortof:theli:directfors' till 'o. All 111111,Nov. 10 .Atle~~itiodance a
frecshmen oith liliu it:terr ,n'er=it'': S'iattriaii 1.5111111010
ins; cla:sses atort' n itirrodtio1: tat t::' 511: -,1: v 1 .-Vasiy ss. 111-
scorlo tanid sillb0'expetedtoI1rep'ottat 'ylr'ooti'iat 0 1:1 lob Cii:
iii: li~o~i.s tonil Ct f~lo.Saturdaly, Not.t1is-'aiity1VSs. Cose
IiFltiN1 'ITZP.S1511 o i. 110tiegifts Fiold.
SaturdyNov_25-asity s. Kala-
maotAt eif'ntfs' Field.

AS 'PS1I. IlLICI-A I ltil'il..
Saititt::l Sion 1'. Staitont, tarchitc:'o of
guetat'thelome 01'ofCPref.[Itt':::so r.

Silldents ore 00r01alily issited to in-
01000 00our comititli nes:0 0 ofsits, ue
cootis, lienl's 101 iiilOstanolhatf.
SS0:dlotnsifyan - I oni', S. Ala1in1so.
l+O1l NI- lOtfail hS.
A prize'of1'$50 wi.1llooe ;'iven for1,1:
ieto 1ess'y Itoa1 5 tilboot'gitl oil'a solt

WO ,K[RN & GO,
.7 2nft -j1 A slice to a
pipeful" is
010 ' C 'w one reason
Tobacco " why Old En.
glih Curve
Cut pipe to-

~I:'s. II. IC,. Ad ltiooIlill s1ree1, WS'o'ol-tIOjiotlll'1'o> ui'l~iilott ill b", Cu' t ci':ul

A vonti~g conitest for a $3000 :tsAO.5 ;tI. 0 5 loit 1~I: i: ll:nc i o i 'io.tct 0
LulveP11 si llno e 'hl de rvestit dentoi lofolutota:' tire initledl. R 101 itilil. 'lTose N' 1 5 1 1 , 01ioznp-1to ~ppua
Shouldlcontsulf t of, N.IcLtlll" Slitiie-
tbae stlorestowhose mnes appleiar belowr, Dr. Vaughan on Ttjphoid Fevser. <'i'.. i'.a ljoi tili'i ©iots..~ The curved
for tie benefit of the variouis chill chies, 1):. Vicor(I.t'Si 'tt nis ipr0Iti in-ta
lodge.., Clools, etc. , of Ann An i'b r. loiper Conr i:sthe i r oiop.::'l tii' pofn the 'eI l'ts3: IArCoI.TY .ANI-) S'C'l)IIN'i'. tin hex that fits any pocket is another
For fulrtheor lparticlatrs ('tiuire nif 0 'Pl 1tilology ofi5'yphotid Co'ver.'i"Phe 'CThe iltorsineI hs takn loss sinreason. No other pipe tobacco has ever
the lill.A..bsr 11100 Co or i aytilol e'i'itill blo as'lar gteti lyu onthe111:' thesl.'entile'slotck :Coftoos, titin-
11005i0'iAnn05 f lirbiiorOluiOS1111'o . ItCo.or 50tr Nany o-SO.f mde as manyfred in so short a time.
tile ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ftheii~ toc'11 i: Spih lwiait, lht beoingog n Cho SL~ t inusteet' in trust, at the: « It ditappoints no one."
.KOCHS. Furniture, Carpets. Picture o trnlliil''it iotolk' a cillitain ves nt inrqust :oC ilo'm1ooo fae' o S oispo o':of
ation of ver, car at an '11cri'ile t I'o fi th b liat io s
Frames, Mouldings,.Trunks,.Valises. OiilItCooyInolNv.hiN~ allt vatie~nt'icof ,ods 'hichA trial box will be sent to any one
WAHR & MILLER, Shoes. The:'a1:r1In ini ii~Isheniliiclt su-yoi ltii indtitiisis oll1:'e a ntreanywhere on receipt of ten cents in
nut10ed00aspat of lte'repot oo~f ithe i- t ootiltiitoobtalltinflth'mlt lo rk- gtamps. AddregsOld Engelish De-
RINSEY & SEABOLT, Grocers. st:gttttio i. theC ii0 'illltOif:tto 11l :tic, atily lo,,.'figureos. 'Theo' tcl ust0sf e
soildIatl'1110. partment, The American Tobacco
GEORE HLLE, Jwelr. t~:oloo c':l'0 os onntolo~i hy1111111 i. 10. lORItBC3S'Tno'lc . o. Co., Ill Fifth Ave , New York City.
LAMB & SPE NCER, Grocers, State St. his prtoelabor~tory. Tnu., Thi, S.-60 All dealers sell it.
)MIUEHLIG & SCHMID, Hardware. ____
'W. N. SALISBURY, ruggist. s - - - ____ssS~s
'L. C. WEINMAN, Meats. '~ S PA LD ING'S
~~~NzDAVIS & SEABOLT, Grocers. (VA l A \ f I G N~TAEMS
'fHEUSEL BROS., Bakery. 'V t -~ ~ upkFR10
MhILLER & PRAY, Grocers. ft FOR 1899
H-. C. E°XINGER, The Fair Store. Thr"~ ff"1c~eldingcOffica ntohtercoenegiaeo nbel,
JOHNSTON&Ct GrceresJnd easL(AV(1 ' 11 tt itisiooly 0 l'tte}itO~itifGrct0
(/,0 sitli ot ball teaof
Forest Ave. ti Situ fo' mSosadEer eust o
THE~th ANaABOrMSIeC.. Sboen end Etofieal Rosbllitfe
THEeColetinNN ARBOR MUSICiltili' IiletoiP Cii uilde-
. Large Collection of Ed~~~~~~~~~~5 itttb~le ii> 193rls ihiiie AN nesii Ot S'l'noecaii. hoto : s~illy,
C. A. HENDRICKS, Millinery. ', Exclusive Novelties 13SMI i~ Ieuildli it i ,lithai~d,ol 111101.sll1illume
rGOODRICH. WALKER & MURPHY, , 1 CaedGtl~i ftl prsctel~e
Tailors, over First National Bank. s "s <:s <6 Ts " ~" . "G Spalding & Bros,

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