THE UNIVI RSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays ecpted dring the College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFac: The Inland Pess, Henning Blc. Bth Phoe 11. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EaaELnAn, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER.. 0. a. IoNS. 00. EDTORSt. ATHILETICS, . . . G. B.Ilanuo, 'Ot E T. R. WOOaaROa, '0o L A. H. McDoUOAasL,'t E A. G. Baowac. 'B2. E. J. . WOO, ', LJ. MocTOMaoca,'00, If. D. HItREen, 'tM, Thcsscrpioa priofothle VAIYtSe s or the cllege yea, wills areglr dliey beoe non echkday. INotics, comuoniatio, aod other wattere itedd oe pabliaio msot ho handod ia at he BDAILY olco hfoe S p. I.. o maild to the edioefoe3a p. n. of te daly pevious to that n which thy areee cted to appea. Sahcipion coy ho lofl at thoDIoL office, Meyrsor00Sollloiccwtod, 00will Bs tinec Manager. aellocibewill cofer a avisooby repotng pomply a lhia offic any failrc at caricra ta dlircppr. All chagesaia adoortii"=omatr musot iein the ofieo y 4 P. a. on te ay proos to that on whiohhey ae to aoea. Pennsy-Mich. Dily 7 o'clock speil. Honors Won bq a Graduate. Miso Coa A..- Benneson, AM., '78, LL.B., 'h0, hoo recently won generl recognition by hoc pper on The Fed- erl Gaoatees for Maintining Re- publicon Government in th Stte." The following is from the Near York Journal: "Miss Coa Ag:ea Benneson, of Cor- bridge, Mas., who read a paper recent- ly before Ihe Aiaeicni Asociaioin for the Advaocement of Science, on 'Fed- eial Guarantees for Maintaining Re- publican Government in the States,' baa been made a fellow of the asoc ction. Msa Benneson is a graduate of the University of Michigan. Folloaiig her gradaion she went to Cambridge, Mos., and entered upoi the practice ot law. She made a specialy ot proe- dure in matters petaining to govern- mental practice, and in consequen"e of her special abiliy in this line of work she noac has a large consulting prac- tire in the east, and last year, as ivll as this, gave the asso'ltion such valu- able papaers that they deemed it a priv- ilege to recommend her to a felloshipt. Fieiv womena are elected felow,sni Miss Benneson is receiving the con- gratulations of her friends." In the relort of the Colunbus meet- ing of the American Assciationa for the Advancement of Science in the Oc- tsber (899) number of the Popular Science Monthly, Prof. D S. Marti soys of the social and economic scienc' section: "W~o sore saaggestive title aa ver been peaented to such a body than that of Miss Coa A. Benneson, of Cambridge, Mass., ona 'Fedeat Gualn- tees tr Maintaining Republican Gov- ernnent in the States.' Miss Benneson is a graduate in la, and has already aehieved distinction in her profession in subjects relatig ts questions of government." I Science also commendd the paper highly, and it has received a grat deal of attention frm ho newspapers. H. B. Skilman. '98L., sf South Bnd, Ind, formerly athletic editor of the Dily, is nova visiting old frienda whil en his way ta Detroit. Ie says that Louis Etel, e-1900, is located at N.7 nowned Strausee. "The Vicosc," Mr. that ho is studying under the world-re- nowned Straussee. "'Ie Victrs," Mr. Ethel's compositio, was played last week by the Leipsi Orchestra, under Nikisch, the peerless leader. It will all be in the Daily. Death oil a Former Proflessor. i h S a d r Andrewv Ten Brook, a formed profes-A H i h S n~~ sor of the University, died Sunday afternoon at :t5. Me avas a graduate only biy Continaous Effort. A of Cogate olleg. In 541 h wasquirescoatinuous efotlonoox of Llgae Coleg. In184 he easthe stocks of the many clothes Made pastor of the First Baptist Church of Detroit. Two years later he STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING ofameritlin clothes msaking is gained ind so it is is elothes dealing. It re- ir pact to select that which is boat from ,smakers ini this contry. moral science at the University. When James Bucehanan n-as le-tea president of the United States, Rev. Ten Brook was appointed canul at Munich, Germanasy. InI t86) Abraham Lincoln woo elected president, sad oar- no s o Mr. Ten Brook's unblemished character, his studious and' reliable habis, laoewasrappointed, holding the position until 1h63, avhen he resigned, his health failing him. Daring the period ot the civil war, whan he was consul, it was hio and icc anabassador's untiring cfforts that re- strained Germany train recogniaing the confederacy. Mr. Ton Brook was an accomplished linguist, being able to conaverse is four different languages. In 1875 he warot'- and publishcd a boaok entitled "Ameri- coil State Universities and the Univec- sity of Michsigans." It waos ini 18"7, awhecn he was appointed librar'iana of the Unli- vecit oyatMic'higon,awhih positioni ha is without question the fiestpea. dnceod and is ahead is every res pert of the average siade-to-orer garments, at ab a.t ose-half the prce. It is that hind of clothisg a ich the best dressers arcclohking foe, and realizisg this focitive bave ibis season purehased asnounusual Larme Stock of Stin Blach Saits and overcoats andl are ini position to i all shapes and forsomi 1ou0rImagnificentiliisa of this Ihighs grade imahe. Best Lire of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. Liondenschmitt & Apfel Lunch Counter in Connection MEL TICKET~S. SNORT1?ORDERFIS PROMPT~LY FILED~ W. S. PARKER, Proprietor. occupied until his health teailid hima 709 North Unsiv'ersity Aveo. again and herresigncd. trians that tisalrS 'icRHfroleshmentSad at tile Atletic Field wilhe uscere myenperision again hio year. as he iroteIcarticlcs torimaazincseson papers, alsoefar the Slate PianercSo- cicty, octiog in the capacityofatocai- ate editor tar that organizastion. O~nly onse dauoghter srvesc Mr. 'Ied Drools, Mis. Eugene Maudger,at Brook- lyis, N. Y. Dr. Hotwlls' Lecture. The subcct at Dr. Howeaalls' lecture befare the Medical Sacicty Thursdlay earning is "Phiysioloical Instruction is Mhedical Schools." Thae subect iwill he teted fromllthae standpoins t o n instructor and aill hr interesting to thase awho attend. Oue obect tisa Medical Sacidy hod in vicar in securisg IDr. Boaweils to deliver the address awas that it awoald be upon a subject avhich eat only awauld hr at interest and bene- fI to the upper clansmen, but to th: saphomores and freshmenl as avsll. The lecture awill be is direct lin~e to tile warr at the saphanmore class. Whaile in the city Dr. Hoawells aaill hr entertained by Prof. Edirard Camp- bell, Rtead the Daily Saturday eveninig special. We liae w'at yo11ussat. ive 70 dsfferent tsssds. ii STALZELB& GO4. 30 .MAIN ST.,I ATHENS THEATRE FRIDAY, NOV. 10. A Atsgaiideont Prodactisonatfllamas' Imsmortal Rtomance, by LINO. GRIFFITH (of Faust fante). PRICES,- - - 25, 35,.50, 75, and $.00 Sale af srals openo Wednesday, Nov. . I . k~t PQ 3.00 and $3.50 per Pair Pita, Laaks Best and Wears Longest WfiBR & MILLE4R, THE SH5)EMRN. NOWV IS THlE TIME TO BIUY YOUR NEX'T SEMESTER LAW BOOKS (New ace) Secsond-baned). IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MON~EY Every thinig goesa. 348 S. State Street, Opp. Law Buildting. CAJ.JAGHAN & Co* ANN ARBOR,1tBIbGI. G As AND ELEIRT LIGHTINGSUJPPLIES, SHADES, AEI'ALTT. 50ANIT.TARiPU-lIINc'. TOAM ASH BOT AvTo.R IcATisH J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. ADVANCED CLASS IN DANCING. oTmeovweave TTvevvT,,voeee T77TT77 TTT' GALLsUP' Ladies and Gentlement SNOW LAUNDRY STATE PHONE, 520. 4 'h'seday eveninstGani csger's Acadesmy.; Your lauindry washed cheas ace) wall 7stached aol ironed. Eveorthinlgbleached Special iitioci.Oforilisclocrssilsrclasesa n od ired cat at doors. 'Tryuas. Schleede's ~5j. Pew ..:°= atent Lecture Book Befoare haying raise nato books or lectureesc call in siid see oac sew' paten'coer. The pdoe as not hear o geltsmisplaced as in tse old style sings note hooks. Porker and Watermon Peps from $1.25 up. Wholesale ospd Retain Poper from 10 cents o Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 Soath State Street. Bay an ALARM CLOCK HALER'S JEWELBY STORE, MAIN STREEET. College Pi ne of Fine- Deaign. CHEST PROTECTORS, ALL PRICES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.