4 THE 1ji'IYERSITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY I JUST e~ PUBLISHED SThLKLY BY RU DYARD KI PLING Publishers Price $1,50 Our Price $1.10 SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. U. of M. Barber Shop eat a and Bath Rooms. bedoteene. Still 322 state st. J. R. Trojanowski, Prop. GURfANTE8 8AT18FfOTION. $.L".A. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO- CIATION. Twelve Numbers to be Given This Year. Tickets On Sale at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 4. Max Bendix Company, Nov. . 5. Brig. Gen. Charles King, Nov. 1 7. 6. Will Carleton, Jan. 1 7. 7. Sousa and his Band, Feb. 20. 8. John Temple Graves, Mar. 3. 9. F. Hopkinson Smith, March 1 5. 1 0. Oratorical Contest, March 25.; STUBENTS remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which we fully guarantee. What nmore can you ask? Try us. MART JIN $CHAL1LlER DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. J PARTY SEASO IS NEARLY In ordering earrisgee why not get them where you cn get your order tilled on time with a careriage. We have added five more to our already large linty and now hare the largest numher of hacks in town which will ensure you good service. Price the same. H LVOLMI I$'L L1TVERY Phone 106. 515 East Liberty Street. L AMPS FOR STUDENTS We Save a fieaseteset of C sentes rft, Niceln-plated Lanesinlsdisg The Royal, The Rochester and1 the Plumewnood, The Berlin and Pefetion Stauical Lamopt. The New Latap.Plcmewocod, sla dtanein Lat a at cites aore lightI foe the oil ased Ithan anytLamppofiits ind. W~ean give yoahthettamtpa forthe COME AND aEE. Old Number: 44 S0. MAIN ST., DE N CO ANN ARBOR. MICH. D A O Fresh Dent Election. Calendar. Thse Dental F'reshttett held c escitl Saturday, Nor. 4.-'Varsity vs. Vin- itng election of officers yestnrdlay. Nat. gnia at Detroit. orally ilerest centered itt the office of Monday, Nov. .-Opening concert in prnsident, as teas sltosvttby th11w fCbs. at Union series by P tosbuh thsat thtere trere fhvL canddtdesfor trso 0 heatra. positiont. The fitst ballot wsaquito Wedtncsday evening, Nov. 0.-Max evetnly divided. Ontiht Lsecontd, iat Bendix Concert Company to S. L. A. ever, Elderd G. Rob~bits, of Ishltavtis:.i, Coarse. hteld a majority of lte votes. Rc si ttayevnitiNo 1 offieers woere electetd as fottos: . -Bgt Miss Ctthsl, sireprsocialttat MctMillan Hall. Madett iraslr~tFtiday evelsing Nov. 10.-Prof. Al- Hetttc, seccretarty bion _tV.Sall in Good Governmseot Mr. Robbiits, thte ptestdenltosan nde Club Lec tore Course. pettdetldsettt, ruttitng tts oploltos to Satutrday, Nov. 11.-Varsity vs. Penn- thte dental fraterntyl catscdttle .,, Itto Sylvatita at Philatdelphia. personal quallitiLsta sa~ h~ivry Saturday, Nov. tO-Varsity vs. Coon poputtar witht his classataes. Intte1wat aRegent's Fildit._ slring of 1~88h a h ct:e1°L auday, Nov. 25-Varsty vs. Rota- schtool oratorical Lontestant t . ,n naaoo, at Legento Field. College. LOST-A ladies' silv ewatch with LOST-A red leathor pockethook in frn f80S. Utiversity ave.Fne monogram St. F0G.on hack. Ron aid Gn hHFne on etun o 77 Curh sIt3 pease teturn ts Daily offie. 36 D. fi. TINKER & 801" BATTERSSANDBFRISHERsSa Hleadquarters for BAT, CAS, MEN'S FeRNISHINGS and Cmplete lief OYoa otux GOaSs ad SWAERS AGENCY FOS LONGLY BATS 334 South Stae Street Cor. Solo and00uron Sreet, Cpilo, 850,00. Sttrpus, $0000. Tannsacto geneael banigbusines. R, Knar, Ps. C.E.GRENEos, Vice-Pres. FRED.HBE S mo, Csle, FIRST NATIONALBAKoan '13 Capitl, 8100t00. Sarpausad Poit, 0,000 Tasata geneaakinghsinsess. Foeig oexhagehboaghtad sold. Frnish lttes of cedit . D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULS, Vce-Free. S. W. CLARKSON Cashe 1116 fill flrfor SamiHUs Bank( Capitl St. 805,0. Surpls, Sin,. Sestarcs , 1,50,0. Oreganized asdethe0en eat Baskin Lws f thiestte. Receives depsit, hys asd sals exthange on the nipal cities of te United 'State. Dafts cshd pon popter idetifcation. Satety dpoit ots to t. t-C e a: CristisanMcktPes.W. D.BHarr- ma, Vie-.Pre.; Cha. . iona. Cshir; M. J, Fritz, Assistant Cashier W.J. BOOTH,PRE.0.fi . W. AssO, tt Viepreto .I. V. SHEEHNa, td Varpes Si I JOH. .WArnsT, Ast ashee IW NO BRINK Transacta a general Banking Business. COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS and 01000, Rettsg of ,:"B CAPScspd GOWNS. it 1. l A PECIALTY. COLLECEFAS s yC C CLASS STATIONERY, r f COLLEGE PINS, SPECIALTIES 1i 1~IiJ pipeful" is Lp-ECL one reason Tobacco o why Old En - r , k, gish Curve Cut pipe to bacco is so The curved in box that fits any pocket is another eason. No other pipe tobacco has ever nade as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." Itrial box will he Sent to any one nywhere on receipt of ten cents in ;tanmps. Address Old English De- artmsent, The American Tobacco o., III Fifth Ave., New York City. II dealers sell it. Mrs. Antta A. Palnser, of Sagittaw, ex-pres. of ltst State Federal of W~omt- ent's clutbs is a guest of Miss Atata Car- penter Students are cordially invited to in- speet our comnplrte lies afsuits, over- coats, monasfurnishsings atnd hats. Wadhame, Ryan - Otoule, S. Main stL Arizotsa ill he Ipresentied at tile Vp- silatsti Opera House, Tuesday tighst, Nov. 71. Thsose parties itt Atst Arbor whbo lid sot have list privilege of seeng this admtirable perfortsattce whlets here wvill save an opportuntity at tat titme. Sunday evening, at thse Contgregationlal chucthle Ipastor will speak to stttdetnts of Medicinle, 015"Lulke, lte Beloved Physician." L. H. Beats, '99 IAL, atsdAl. J. Foun- tiln~, twill delser an adtdress to Ycouttg Mlen before Ite Universily V. M. C. A. tomotsrroswafternsootl. Thsis trill beathlst s tim~e Mr. Beals still spak to his Anst Arbtor friends before litt leaves for sis swork its India. Every yotutg 11m1115isin- vited to attetnd. Howard hats at Wadhsama. Ryan & Rettle. Host hsat on Lbs market at $3.00. 2t0-202 S. Main stL OVER THE FENCE TONIGHT. A farce writh a plot; a tiusical cottedy witht good tmtsic atsd pretty girls; atsd a specially shsowr withs tse naimes of six highs salaried vaucdeville people its its cast seetts to be all utnited its "Over thse Fettce," te 'bundlle of futs" by Owrets Oatis, whlichs till be seeti at thse Atleits 'Theatre totnight. i ti r rr A a S p C A :,s t11. Chicago Alumni Number. -.-r-i - 12. Announced Later.S ssPADN i Season tickets $2.00. Reserved TRTA1L~~Y~S ALDNGS seats 50 cents for the course. 7 ,/XR ,(.C 09J.\JJM,1'< TRADE-MR The Spalding official Intercolleciate Football TAL ORSTOL Nted elttiely ndYTale, rneoHrad R T O M E Penns} lasiat, orn, rell, U t stylof _LChicago, G 1 Up otarm, Shoea and Every Requiase for Colecton the Gome. SI' liot,'s oticial Football Gttide. barge oft t Etited by WtlteCttmp,t1899 ttlesw n de E cl usig e o el ti es " of 1 i andrtnisptnytedersedtIotelptof 1. to ea esIo aa ,]ttatrd Cataloeoef all Sporta matled ftee.GS lin B s N e ok Chiteo, Deaver THOS NOBY 3~l ~ ~ A r~NOBBY TAILOR GOLFS V ~V iI STATE ST..