THE IINIVEJSITI OF MIJCHIGAN DAILY. 3 EV~ ~ f-- ---_ WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE LEAD IN STYLE 119 South Main Street MICHIGAN (CEN'TRAL ',The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STAND)ARD TIME. Taking Effet Jane 25, 1899. Detroit Nigblt Ex press.. 55)AAt Atlantic Lbapressa...........7",4S8 Greand Rapids Exsms .........11 10" MailanadExpess.............. 347aP. M. N. Y. Bo sonSpecial ........... 45 Fast Ea-ten . .......94 Mail and IExpress.............9 40 A BotonNY.anad Cicagoa...... 748" Fat w externExpressa. ..... I 38aP. it. Ial. Sxpress......... 545" Chiago NightExpress......... 594" Pacific Expressa............1'30 A. t. 0. X. RUGGLES, II. W. HaveS, G.P. & T.At,tChicano. AgtaAnnAbor. TIME I ABLE Taskng Effect, Suntday, May 21, 1899. Trains lease Ansn Arbor by Ceatral Stand- ard Time. SOCT11 NORTH *No. 6.- :15 A. M. No. 1.- 9.01) A. SA. Na. 2.-Il: 7 A. M. *No. 5.-12:30P. aM. No. 4.- 8:30 P. a. No. 3.- 4:56 P. M, t"4 0.- 8.45 P.M. t '101.- 9:05 A Al. tRun Sanday only. *Runs between Ann Abor and Toledo only All other Itrasa 2ily exceptOSnday. E. S. GILMORE, Ageent. W Ti. RENNETT.(G. PA Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cnra leave for D~etroit and Ypsilanti every half hour, begianiog at 6:45 a. InI. until 8:15 p. i.; last car for D~etroit 11:10 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ass. and DMain nba.; Detroit. 111 Orrinwold t. SMLIAL HOLIDAY OFFER! $3.00 LAUGH'LIN FOUNTAIN J SPENS. cc Ien, postpaid, nn a week's trial- foe only $1 1.00 Ifit0 P'ntsuit ayl ouWEBU I aen1a..,n1 offeyoua$1.10 forit. If it Inns not siit MADE A Aj ny way yas fignaa i PROFIT ntS Xer th Ip oto rap et, KU. a m C o k of Mb. Pis 50 etI) $10.00. Fine L ". r tr. ;ex s "s $n a a s Waftch Itepltlltl0 a Specialty. AN& J, 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, a MR13IN A EllJIMA T On E I I U A E 006 Mai.. Snuth. OUR PHOTOS YOU WILL WANT A..A R E. . PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH GfXNL fIND TH E R~IBB3ONS Berryman Studio 1 1 2 VWeat Huron St. GET HEMAT M CK 009 State Phose 119. CORN'S FUCIIN18I 1) EPT. Phi Delta Phi cBanqe~sts;o t In the Dental Department. 13 OES TOED E The sevent anna ot vnino h The operating clinic of the dental ale- At thae low rate of Phi Delta Phb:cdosed last night with patrtnitent during the year '98-'99 treated 25 cells per mtontha abanquet at Ihe Cook H-ota-c at whihds8,000 patients, performsed 12,382 opera- abolut seseanty-fiseces aoce ad. Ed- tios anod gave 1,919 treatnments. The LEON SHAW', - 117 E. Ann St. 'wits Detay, 'tilaced as toastnater. number of extractions 8oo anad clean-s . _Tite followattg toast were respotnced to:attgs, 594. One hunadred and Iswenty- AT STABLER'S ART STORE, Piti Delta Pi. ta.rof. H. B.DHutchittssntne crownss were code and 8,934 fili-__ Thle Detch... judge Claudius B. Grantt tags. Ei allI~drg n The Bar ....Prof. Otto Kirchtner fTe Altamti ... Maj. Geo. P.Hopkin A comptote line of Adler Bros. Rine O ELTandme sias at bWadhamn, Ryan & Reule, 200- h LweFramitc.... 02S as t Plc.,. audgS.EStainKnt.eNew 'Alabaster Statuary. .Juda. LB KisateBeautiful in Finish and very The Future of Phti Delia Phi.....1101 us. 102 Mondeq,. lrtistic. .eo. A. Kateeer Thse second sciiii-fusal class amse will INDIAN HE'AD PuCTUREcS Thte Rotaor of thte Bar...... lie played next Mondtay afternoota at 4 PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO OUR WORK . ..Prof. J. C. Kntowvltooclockc at ihe Pair Grouds. The coo- SALRSATSOE Thse Mothser Chapter .... H. C.Hall lauding teatas will be those of thte 1901 SALRSATSOE The Iatfant Chaatter ... . M.Sasalleay ad 1902 literary classes attd thse win- New Stale Phuse 173. 217 South 45th Ave Cotmstock Chtaptert ncrswill platy thte settior loses for tihreIM ON E Y LOA E Thse last butsiaess sesstott wts teld class chaatspiotnship o fthte Utttversity.OnWtce.aaodWea s e yestcrdlay aftertnoonatsthen1 ci d- iThe gatme Xwili probtably be close atad ex- sonalIPropaelty. cd to told tse next anntutal conveentiotncttitag as bot classes hsave good teatms WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED weiit Cooley Chsapter of thte St Loaias inte titheld. Offiae at residesee, ma1 N. Liberty St., Ans Ar. Sclstil ottsectd tit Xaslt~ -bee, Mlob. Alt basiness confaitential. Housn, Laws Scolconae wt ahig o11:50 a, s.a nd 1 to 0an7toasd911p. us. tots Utiversity Thae delegates saktip ~ LOST-Betsween 548 S. State st..and Joseph C. Watts. a tllyItoItaty o lteVtratta gttt University Halt a Watermata Ideal BargainsisSecend-basd Watche and Diaossds fsuntains pen. Finder please return to READ THE DAILY. 1.rnrrV 2 0 .F41r, fitta t A . ,. This isIte bestlpen made. Oee isayoaarchanctol teat it-FPNESa Osly one pen snt to one addres on tis offer 'Agiftoftnser rending uasel- nssaaand aacnstantppeantlre- misdrofthe giver. Get youaerned in early-orer today. Slate bethser lady's or tests style is desired. Addres LAUGHLIN MNFG. CO. 129 Griswold St., Dersit, Rich. Any Bak nr Express Cosnpany is Dstroit. 'i . ; + . u i v j '; ; , , , ,, 1 : CI i , . Atl Enginteerintg and Literary freah- mittmust register by Saturday of thia sveela for the computuory gymnasium wyork- whirls starts up on nex t Monday. Exoacinationsa are going on each day from 2 to 4 acid 7 to S p. mn. 26 KEENE FITZPATRICK. M%,rs Stsiths, of Hastinugs, is visitisng her sott Shirley. Necw Hardmsan Upright piano for rent. Inaquire for particulars at 420 Mbonroe at., cor. of Twetfth. 37 A newv ine of Manhattan Shirts just ina at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. See thems. S. Main st. Dr. Croolser will give the last of htis sertes of special sermsosdSunday even- ing, subject- Uniarian Aspirations. The atudy of manadolin is a recre- ation from thia perpetual Grind of Univereity -svork and I am going down to the Msic Co. and get me a Waldo atnd give it a little attention. For rent, at dincount, desirable room; heated and all right. Inquire at Ann :Arhbar Musie Co., 205-7 E. Washington. FOR RENT-One single room, mod- ern, 727 E. Univerni ty ave. 27 W3ANTED-GIRL STUDENT for light itousew-ork. Board and room. Also money retaumeration aceording to time given. Apply at Dr. Nancrede's, 720 5. University ave. 3d Insuranee pays. Get a geod policy from L. D. Carr, over State Savings' Bank. Warmanted for 1 Yeat. $.00 Wi. Arnoldee edn TTTLE'S LUNCH RODM Is at 338 S. State Street. 0. M. MARTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 2109 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- idence 302 Fifth Ave. FOR $ ~Puritan Soes WOMEN$35 ARE LEADERS INI STYLE AND QUALITY 110 EIAST HURON EeyKn OC ITRE Embalmer and eta East Wl~tom Street i-. EvryKid Fun IE eralE, Director n iversity n oehlbocwst n oth ~ HMOEMLEMO. irs.Enochk Dieterle, Lady Asisatnst. h o f lawbuiltding. Ai knda ~m KM, s 3TiE 3Arr Furh veBotofosir.eiinLnalybon. L BohPhsnes No 8. 119 W.Wasktsg- No. 116 E. Likeety Streest. Residence W3 5 girsp E Le.ia n a l -I WE PATRONIZE- GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE. ------7