A-A AIML f 4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER s, 1899. No. 36. IAI I I r-- VVI L5LJ T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A Wte Carry the Largest A I Stock p L In the City. L o 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 WILD Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell ota of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's, Allegretti's and Kuh's always in stock. Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLDFla or sekaeekuse v IflLLUsee iginaastock for the REI BLNoa.-andadosirenready wih, RE uAlE l ciilie f OBNUJC ,C- LA anaidiTOBACCOS. PPES A tPEGIALTY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. MILITfIRY iflIR Our prices are o low that any man can afford a pair of them. Ebony backs as low as $1.00 a pair. See them it) our window Calkins' Pharmacy JUST ISSUED Philosophy of History. As Itrodscionsis thi Philosophical Study of Politics Sy As.pass 5. Lara, asthnr f ' idslens. ship andSavain, ad "]Dyami Idealism." 12 Mo. 254 Pages. $1.00. GEORGE WAHR Pbiser isoSiae iUainnssy of fichigany ;Ass Arbr. r f VIRGINIA TODAY to tse convention as chairman of thec SENIOR COMMITTEES concicittee on College alaminac. Michigan Will Line Up Against Vir- Mrs. lFced N. Scott talked to the girls Class President Makes the Follow- giiaa Bnet arihi n a general way on the cystem of tens. ing Appolninenits. Afiternoon. She cephasized lie interest of the fac- Presidente Corwvin of the Senior Liit- The first conical in football betweeic shy ladies ilice wortk of the girls aiid erary aiid Engineeriiig Class has made a University of the South and oice of tite also gave asome advice in regard to leag- tie followinsg apcpoiintentcs for the var- Northwvest wiii occnr today at Detroit, uen worts. alien Mlictigaii sents the Uiniversily of Mrs. George WV. Paterson was called ion Sencior coicmnittees: Virgiiiia. Virgitnia arrived at Detroit npon aind gave aii extemipore report of RECEPTION COMMITTEES. yesterday prepared to miake a card t1cc meeting of collegiate alimniae RECEPTION. struggle to secure rccogtiition for the whclihl she attended in Chcicago dormn Chairmaii, T. L. Robinsoic; Fred Soutli in the Middilewest. the latter part of last weelk. Loud, R. C. Woodwaorth, Walter S. Virginia was the leadiing University inc The chief speech of lice day eves by Foster, Ralph Apted, W. B. Pitkin, Gee. lice Southc last year in football aicd has Mrs. Fox of Detroit, ex-president of Bentley, J. S. McElligott, M~iss Florence onsty North Carolina 1o contenld against the Slate F. W. C. and at present car- Hall, Miss Chsarlotte Walker, Miss Geo- MICHIaAN FOOTBALL -TEAM, 1899. for first honors tiis year. Thtus she reponlding secretary of ltce Natioiial F. esieve Deiby, Miss Anna Daley, Mien csome sias a represesntative of lice best W. C. The germi of icr talk wvas "ThuEe Irances C. Clank football beitng played ssiitht Masoics and Dixon's ln.Tar acntaswl f e sixty siintes in oiie sour hod oue ARRANGEMENTS. lie h; aetuswl f e crdedt na olrISeacovc hottsueJFMLeat; NW. XW. Tel- in a general way a comiparison of therehudecetinaolr.Sesowd C imnJF ative stretigt of the two sections. the inecessity of pironmptncess, aiid of tae- ma~nH. L Begin FP. A. Drain, Vertion On ctoer z, irgna as efetedinga dfinte lan Th gils eread-BeuscIElmler N. Beebe, J. J. W~alser, OttOctberisVirinaare dceatd iig deinie pati Tie grlseve st- aVltes Risley, Carl Pnltoii, H. E. Wees- icy Peinssylvania by a score of 33 1o06 0 ie ed to keep fitnancial accoutt andtrdlCIIS c. Nirginia eves badly htandicapced ic this s learn ecisnomcy. The Uiiiversity INIAIN gatie by lack of practice a-id bv lieIN TA O. long trip. Since that gance si a let is th lace to cearts this. 11cr remearkas CliairmenLafyette Young; R. C. iteprovitng steadily untder goodcoacchinegscere caelI received by 11cc audincce. Nlc~engleateL. N.Turner, Fred Hitlycr, aind outghct to lit tip a goodt ean to pl y Mrs. James B. Angell closeid the taent- Floyd J. Page, Miss Clara N. Barclay, The iccup for Virginia a-ill be as ml-itcg eithi a los-ely tallt on thce loyalty Xtli a ElizabethuI Shiermiait, Miss Antia loces:onc the kick-offT: - awhichc girls shiottlid feel to lice Univer- Carpeterc, hise MaclastDiuratcd. Willis, i.; Lloyd, It.; Mloorc 1g.; sity, especially after leaving collece SOCIAL. Ste-,,art, c. ; Frettnc, rg. ; Hendertsateitt.Ti scntitmcent is iceeded acorn in a elate Chiairmtain, Juiuics B. Wood ; B. 0. Suncersgill cc. ; Shibley, q. ; Gectech. iithaniatnetadoedeinestittion.cThce IOC Greenting, J. Walter XWood. Miss Mable Mallery, rh. ; Coltmast, f. Vigintia isatyhycim exists at Harvard or Yale, Filksins, Misc Marguerite Gibsoic. considered light atnd plays veriy fast. otifortunalely is too apt to be lacksing MEMORIAL. ini a state institution whitch depcsnds op- WSlomar~s League Meets. onci legislitueegicl not sltstcti for sipc Clhairncan, I. T. Raab; H. S. Smoalley, The Womcen's League held its first part. L~oyalty does not consist in bring-Chcarles 0 Hucceys, T.F s.iWhitcomcc, social fe nctiotcingof the yayetryofigu1ccsbject and talting ibout it Miss Elizabethc BotistMss Edica H. cosistantly, bitt in doing things credit-BrMs a .Xitacs terooi coct o o'lok tcNca-ntablesicandtetilpftul to the University. She CAP AND GOWVN. Hall. The sasty we-athercuncdoutbtedly gavc a feew instrucetiotta so the girls ae Chairmnt, I. A. Camnpbell; N. N. kept a large numterecacway fronc the reictders 'of their duties. Case, A. H. Raysmond, Miss Gertrude B. mceting, bitt before the adiounmncetI 1he cotnittee itt charge of yeat r- Kencnedy, Miss Geriruade Pales. thcere were several'Ichindred presett cday'a social consisted of Clara Barclay, AUDITING. The first .hcusiness of lice mceeting was chairmnt Nancy Bentley, Mable Filk- Chiemcati, Franak Diell; Ralph L. to hear the reports of the dclegate to ins, Elizabeth Rowland, Mrs. Tyndale, the convention of lice State federation of Flornce El. Hall, Josephitte Osborne,RocAle aict X"'nmens Clubs at Jacksonc this weents Elizabeth Brown.' There waill Ice a sceeting of thce class Mliss Aitna Daley, precitdent of the Inig- At the puncht betwls were : Mrs. Tyte- Friday, Nov. 24, to concider the Cap atnd un was lice delegate fromicAttn Arbor. dale, Clara Barclay and Florence El. Gown question and appoitit tewo speakers Dr. Masher also attended thce convnn Hall. 'elwhiccawcrc authorizedl by the last mceet- lion, buti not as an official representa- The leaders of the groutps of inn who ing and traitsact sutch other btusiness Live fretmItere. ; She preaented a report Csntisndaon scnd page. as may arise.