rfiE UNIVERSTY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 I ILDEBRUAN A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. I ~ ~~~THE NEW TAILOR20WSI GOTI MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Niagara Falls Route." I en tchlev, the boto rapber. CENTRIAL STANDARDO TiM.E. Takin~g Effect Juner 2, 1899. -, ---______ -- Detroit Night Expec. . 255A >I Atlantic, I0xIleC.. . .7 48 Grad pd.110 oI pess..........11 10 A N. Y. Boston Speca ...........145 Faot Eaotocn..............s4" YOU WILL WANT Ieo ton, N. Y Ind hicao .......o '1 Iwt ,ter~rn E xprc." G f........ 13 .M (hifioro Npl tLxp ...... 2 43 " 0. W. RU1GGES, II.22 . 1ES 0.P. & T. A't (11ca1o. A-'t Ann Arborr GET THEM AT; JPaTo temoc~e Entrance Conditions in A .4Geometrq ..n vz a -= =s Z" = UcA.g'corseof t en lessons, one 01a11 TIME TABLE 112c3'1N111l11be1gi1n 1or .13113re0oval1o Taking 1Effrct, SuendayCMay 21, 1899. Trainsleave AnnsArborhy Central Stand- 23111te r111131131311313 133 spel ard Tine. ical 13232212 121' 31fe 1113r2111s(1121.. * . i ',A m o . uA . meet 3o2 11r'13n5z''o n t ool11Iay Ni.t. -11313.2Mot 'No.5-23002 M. No. 4.- 8:30 P mC! o.3-7 :5 P A. Ilo rn I..,. 311.3 -All c10di32110112 'th01. TA EfAiND BONS5 Frarce Will Plaq. 1130 2cmmittee1113 on ligibility h13e2i12 21111112111e112the ma31t2r212112001212,0121 111111d11t11t12R. 2.2312.n12.3a1122u121g the last it " 721100121ughtois c21111100 work' up 23o 10e1requir212 sta11d212,2a01 be1wilbe11 mited31 312223 p1lay heri'fter. 131 111110133122321m1nt 2231 be 30yf211y re- 12113 12as rnwil 111prov'e 1a 2013112 of U. of M. Pis o 3)$10.00. Fine '\V'icli Itcpar121g 2 fSpecialty. J. L. Gym'PPAANJEWELER, 2)36 Minon 2311. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THllE Berryman Studio 1 1 2 West Huron St. State 1'11he r119. 5ICYCLES STORED FRTHE WINTER At thele ov rile of 275213332sfpe 33373111 LEON SHAWE, - 117 E. Ann St.I AT STABLER'S ART STORE, T u.805.2M . Ijt C1ioi-1'05 A. c j .~ 2211s3113d be removed21 bseforie tile I1l21'1g l2 221220 33e0 tenin haso booen E W Fall Mou11. dinis and t RunSun2da2yonily. 211113111m222322222 , 2 all seo..112I)OETNFa *Ru2n lbetween2 Ant2Arbor an3111Tolledo only-ir- ____IFr me All other trains daily eept Sunay21he 17udyof 0113112322'022210312 02is7103 ai Ne Aabstr tauay E. S. 01LM012P i,,Agent.ttT e eterpcebo n N w"AaatrSaur, cari. 333NNETT,. 11. ,A 11(3 io fom s p111 tu312131 nd 1111232nt lf30S 7 312122012 y e. Findter Beautiful in Finish and very 3 1212011' 211332111work 21212n111111 312m 21312i122g211owonle. * rtistic. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar-11ho'312aC 121 n0 22 ..32. ldn INreturn to Daily olTice.I3 bor Railway. anlgie 2111 lile etion.11"O172r Itie Fence0 i oaid to be 113020f'PROMPT ATTEISTION'GiVErI TO OURhWORK Cars leave for Detroit 0111 Ypsiti 1512 I~ I .1st1c 0111121120 212101 ,:ii SAB every 111211hour, liegitli ig oat 26:415 o. II, 3 0Pr ofsor Tru.ebld «1122 he 1121 eiid 21212 111.Teeae112012-ABE'S ART STORE, un351l18:15 p. 12.3;13st cir fur Detroit t chi he o lfg5 tournament12i0223 2001 :111P. is. Waitingogm03, isc orerAnn ty -fiv12 e329 e21211 o23111112113' i n 22 ts's 2.a11 Newt'StalePtioiiet 13. 117t;South411! Are ayatronfo V V oi~nand Mbain ts. 3;IDetroit, 11.Griswold St. 115'1120011 'and 0 2 113111 1 t13ho er112 and o stuines'' re '' Q NJINNEY 310 .21113o 12eofree 0231a1nd(twoto p 131 'i i oad effective. At teAhn rf 'relo t shaniapetin L O aces imod, A N te D er SPEIALHOLIDAY OFFER T. aioeblsoot121203r.ay.3 391 112.P1.opertdn. Ts st"rookesi.t -neWATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED This )3 00 ISI 321112A c003051010ineoe derBos.Cy53,ineoA 3 13011 2 00 1122 11311 suls a1to lV adh 1s, lyan & Route,200- lot, 23ic32 All bhiie o dni al11113'1C5. Hiours, 8 j IIni r.ty B lla19 Ctran Iea ot1:.0 a n.1 o .3:53U and 11to,111i1. 2ura12011.03 3inle ls et turn to 0 2 .Main st1 .1333!1213C. IWatts. B. . i. i-1') . tae 5. 31 Bgi32 ns12inSe'ond-hand921Watch~e and Diaon~ds. _____________he__junior011 den32s have rlected thee C ___ NO [ti)'IC 3 321211i"ofice: o hn S'' 030crott, of N7o« E.. I)THEi DAILY. m 1(1Nvrk1"1li. strts 111322212127y'. Co 11an , esu. Wa1"33rra nted for 1 Year. W l 723' 3'N I FlAT 1313112 '112o2'12 Boa15122213r2031 AlWo ll.A rnoldeading _________Jewele A 32300linof'Man012t11n2Shirtsuto O i n ppya r. Naneo 's '17110' 'S. T0 rUl i0 2211_______E ___ 231nd3olitre 1112$1.16 fr tiei. 102 at1 35i1390'202 Ryani & eule. e a lao M Af.P ~~~~~~~~ iest 33e 3i2it,212iiiiilil 1lr t1223 1 7.222 11'217'2 33 1 itlit o ie ade. a ro ft11111 there. S. Main st. ____ AH lisisA11D es. enmae hr i rbor le iioi o., 05- E.li nto n. iiiI noIs at 338 S. State street. your chaci ot est it i oi. tQUi.- t \hi 321 li N 03292213 _________ 73hI tr iiCi i e A0DI'ITGy ';. ol C1.7202.e-01 af-akonls 11112 3231 2230o1111110address on11 31)s Mr.231nd M 2s.(ria032121111133their aoil. 21,23 2footballte