2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -DAILY. Published Daily (Sadays eceptedi derig the College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Ornate: The Ilatnd Pes, Hentng Boct. Botth Phones, t97. Ā¢IANAGING EDITOR. F. EsaeeUaoa, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. . H ANS. ,'0 L. EDItTORS. AThLETICS,. . . G. 1. IIleuT, 'et E T. R. WooDees, '0L. A. H. MefDoecAoee, 'tl E A. G. Bnowe~,'2.E, J.B. WOO, 'C, L.1J. IM ONOOMEeac,W'0 I. S. lIsrEiY, '00 , Theeubcreipio pieo e iL ts . ">05f oe the ollege ter, cith a eglr dliery bloroe noneci cly. Ntics, eomooicaooou, cnd oeecatec itecccldclfo Iclclleio ms tote handed ic atthlie DALoe10eoes 0 cA . ..o maied to the eio beoree3 pc. Of. cltIe ly previouesintotto whicheth ey ae expecteld to Sbsbcripitiotcstccayie loll att DoseLs'olc, %eyer', o Sicletescidorccwcichic tci Mang. Schciceisowill sctor avlorcc iy eoeticcg lcocctlytth di offic oay failccce 01 cariestto deloice Soes, All ccage icc ocerieceliciegtcccaln celini the othic y 4a. I. o. i ie cly peeiocc to ta oa which teeaec to cppter. Fumbling in Practic. Sitc'he. Illinois gamie oseeal snes men ehalove joiced lie 'Vasiy osquad aondiateedoing somiie rathee gooii 'oceh at theieipositiocns. SBeies getiing itc he g'acme fSitemsseves their icypea.r- once hat hail the effect of maing eveey one of te lit ten raiizeche ittoc'eatiy of lhiow plconOi te team andil ol iae tsoking 'arde it'i evee nd wthiib ettee esls.Yese- iay's practiieo woo aeiland fot but sneered by mcelfutmbiling. WNchecc ihe men who5cary 'lie bal get so tiey caliiihic-conccito it Shee wii be a grcat sigh ccf relief go nit fromoctwhere te cclcoac oecaiipedc. A trongcio:-c lege teamecw at pat ic against he 'Var- sily al iwectltey ailthe ball ihee fatousn "guaeds beck" of Pecsylonia wee tied, tics 'Varsity diicg good n-gelsat sopp~tig them.no odiccinco too playoed at left endi ant idtilsomi' goci Oorkcl. Libee acd Street ct half-basc linades occmegood ginsoand payet splendiidly on defeis. RotS 'V-cstoiy ond Collegeswee penlizled at dife- entstages of the gane. Onec great tronuble that te eoace hatovi to fibhtcagainst ioshe latees of the bone at swhichi Sie men get ot in the aftecoon. Takenco itoawhole te srusarticotntscuch ealie itantie 'Varsity mcec, the lateqitle often sot getting ut ntil after one o'lok. This lecaves a lamoetably short ine foe practice bfoe dat-i, entirely tic 0h015 to get the men io ondition thrugc tics play, acd they sus take a turn oe SwooaboutnthSb'tak;ale it is too nlark to 0scc the ball. If they cwiol molts an effort to get ot earlie it will Iroit mh boh to temeles and to te 'Varsity. Practice witl be scret today and to- Professor emn of te deartmet of mahcmatict and Profeor Smith of the Broekport, N. ., Normal School are now carryig through the press a tranlation of Dr. Karl Fin't Ge- sehichte der Elemetar-Mathematik, to appear in the teries of matsematical booktsnow eillg isued by lbseDie Cort Pnblishing Co., of Chicago. Tey have also completed the MS. of a igh shtol algebra to e published by Gins & C., in May or Juse, 190. The el wsork in the emos and Smith series of text-hooks will prubably be a college algebra on which considerable 'work has already been done. R. N. Anderson, '99 L., i sucesfully praoticing law at Summe Hil, .Ill, Unclaimed Letters. The folloowlog lettsrs remaintunlcain- ed at lbs postoffice, Nov. Se Allen, Men. Mary A.; Ammermn, Mis. F. Bsrger, Mbiss Minncie; Peown, A. W.; Grady',Edw'ard; Catulhon, H. A.; Cihudley, A. N.; Concger, S. B; Cnrtis, Mrs. Chat. W.; Curtis, Mr. All gusto; Dealy, Miss Lue; Paulloenbucg, Sirs. C.; Gibson. P. J.; Godfrey, WV.S.; Hageler, A.; Hecaly, . .Gin.; Itngraham, Mis. IV. H.; Kisces, Byron C'.; Laim- garter, Manobh; Larzelcre, Claude S.; Loceleso, L.F.; Lusk, SMrs. tSerc ; Lyncci, AnnsaSL.; Mtarsh, N.G.; SMc- tonsell, St. N.; Standtill. N. St.; Mion- ros. N. E.; Morrison, N. N.; Stills. Ethel;Stoicploy.,SJts.;SMcNemcac, ENo Powch, Aics. Nec-beet:;IRalsone, Harris; Rtowe, Mccc. Pereccal; Roe, Chas.; Slug- eco, OV. L.; Sctcecdh'r, Jios.: Teec. S. Ric-hmntd; lottie, A. it.; Lonicetr Pete; Whitforcd, Lydica; Droys-Duntko, Srs.; Neard, Pcof. IC.; Neilton,. Mrs. i.;:tRichcards, Ms~c. Geo. A.; Rosiso, GW. C.;Tenis 'nd, 1. R.; Tacy- lor, S. 1B.; Whies.Mr~s. Edccacrd; White, Elmiec I',.; Wi tecci "ccci'tc. M. f .A High Standard of meitin10clothcs maitg is gained oly icy Continuous Effort. Acid so lo is isclothesi dealinig. It cc- quirescontins fotoenceeourpar sl ctcthatsswhich ishcest feom 11cc sloths ofthe omsno clothes mnakers is this country. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING is sithout gqusios thcinessi pro- ducd acid is aheaod is evey respect of the aveseagecmade-to-order garencts, atoh ccl ones-haiilbsheprice. IOis thoot hisndof clothing whcichcthlb est diressees ace locinig foerocndirealisinigtlids focisee hoveslhis season pucrchascd anicuncsual Large Stock of Stein Blush Suits and Overcoats cod ace is cositiono iS all shoapes acidfoerms feoms huagi ice tsneoftchic high grade stabe. Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for 'the proper thing. ____ Lindenschmit_&Apfel Lunch Counter in Connection 9l[1I 4T inTf'iTnn nTT(BflTPtf ~n Mn n nI TITIAIII TT T TTT Tlll Foreign, Sos. t1. tHatter',AcieItie, P,DEitLbTlU EiTii OuT U1L 'fl 1' IliU ily P lILLE Chlarles. Set.B. L. 5.- Kilboucrne, Ms~c. S.I:., tic cia, Ne'lle. In Time For the Game. TheiJuncorbatw'cass cnes bhtve 1bcccc heard IScfcom and ii is ecop -''ci tic-tt6if themc sill be here in tics for te'Xicginiagoome. They still b ice -c sole at AWahr's bocokstr', Pci-i! ccornincg. The ease is a haoteeciscdcc at caciga soac i s ~ttic' opeca cookt, acid clpedSwsithcsterlisg silcer. Abtet si.inc-iccs dcccin the sticko th eeswill bei a nar-rowc siltver banto n wicchlb is mounaedictac eceltld heldi s itaibhuls eael Icentein lic ch lticc goldle ctt arei'Lawcc1Si-1901." (tile ''Loa''aboe oaci che "191c" belco ite' "Si") Ge-I havetinified thesirctientiocncof hits - ing cones andetihesstill Sc supicpliedl as fast as te calits cacn be obcained. Ac 'ca the fis ot clit cililibefircst there 5f rst W. S. PARKER, Proprietor. 709) North Uitivi- erity Ave. Tht' IR Scef es et Stacdi aclthe Athiletic Field sillice iiducmsicnpcervs ia- ignstilt cc- We offei' youtshic VERv BEST SHO~ES ever smasde to l ~ eSb s sel liii'r $3.00 antti$3.50 in Etssset or Blosci, NDB.-Sills Ao-egisforfii'ticscelebrated A. N. Nettle- cirtnSc, "T'rie Ultrta," '"Terhunie," asciI'Theo Gentlewomen 1910 ColoWaHR Da m IL ER Th AftTAH R MIL TheShoemen M'aen aiS SOUTH MAIN STREET N014b' IS '1ilETIMIE TO 111YV 5101 RtNEXT SEId'ES'lEit L1W XXBOOBDS New and Secoiid-band). 'IF YOU WCANT TO SAVE MONEY ME'ery thing goes. 34_ 10 S. Staste Street, :ALJAGHAN +& (C00 Women's Leagun Reception. I)p-Law - iilding.AN ASIII3XC. 'lie Xac'Woe's Leacgec'l avscei rcecption Friday afterncioontom4 toLEIIG{;. SAS ANDPI~ I~nr Sire, ~ ~ ~ ~ L S"So ccfIi S- ti. SikPPLIEASA SHADESr scverclaltc ilies willadresUhePORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.,. mccecting. All scocicicarec rill n A SPECIAOTT. iSANItIRYI'LUCMBING, STEAMI AND HOT 5WAT051 HEATING. "ic~i.J. F._SCHUH, 207 E, WASHINGTON ST. ADVANCED CLASS IN DANCING. *55555 ccsccrcccssc'css 'TTT~tTTTTTT+TT" SLadies and Gentlemen SNOW LAUNDRY C STATE PHONE, 520.9 M stdarchedandystased cea ad el5 S 'cci ute- ion 3.0 c u gl sect rs Xr lf s I cccicc lotdIercihg bleached" STAELLI &CO. IllS AIN o It 177Patent Lecture A Fill" IlQl 1 c id Il- A rF!aRri%1 SFITUlDAY, NOV. 4. The Latest Laugchitpcoducereand leg Pits BasttnBascc of te Seasaon. OVER THE FENCE (By Owen Davs)a Presentedtby a lurge cud sosciutistigy fuany Comapansy cfCosmedias,asroudedI by ascombinatioaoflthesveyanewest POPULAR FEATURES and a seiesaof high-class ndalw'ays up-to-date CLEVER SPECIALTIES PRICES, - 78, 50, 39 and 29 vents. Before buyisgfyorsnote oosorelecturescosversecalliniud seeoct eptaentcosvelTe; papee does sot tearteree itamislcted as in lice old style citicol snite books. Parker and Waterman Peps from $1.25 up. Wholesale asjd Retail Paper from 1O santa a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South StateStreet.- TJ~p .Buy an ALARM-1CLOCK HAILER'S JEWELRY STORE, MAIN STREET. College Pins of Fine Design.- CHEST PROTECTORS, ALL PRICES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.