THE U19lYEISITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY JUST 4 PUBLISHED BY KIPLINGI WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? FRONT ROOM OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. AGENTS FO THE BEST TAILORS ON EARTH. L. C. Gc O CaI, A. R. WALKER, NV. AMURPHY, THE MONEY SAVERS. PAM z~tASONIS NEARLY HERE In ordering carriages why not get them where yoo can get your order filled on tine with a carriaoe. We hare added five more to our already large tin and now haee the laresot onuer of haoho in towno which will ensure you good service. trice the sama. renae aa. 515 Last Liberty Street. LA MPS FOR T N 'T '% Wetveinee a scosomat of CeeStraft, tNicel-plted Lamps,, iocluding The Royal, The Rochester aid ihe Plumnewond, The Berlin and Perfection Studies-st (asi Tiie New Lamip, Plumaeaaoosias a dan sio ciii ii.. Itigivsamoeiitsforithe oil used than any Lampao ts ind.t Otaa ive youaithebeit Lssa forateio D. fl. TINKERF & SON HIATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters far fleTS, CAPS, MN s FeRNeaSacas andtComplt ie of GYMASIUMca GOODSa anS EESates. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HAYTS 334 South StaeStreea Car.anand aceonI ateets. Capital, 050,'00.Surls, $30,00. Transacts a general ibanina butsinress. R, Erresa. C.E.GREEN, Vie-Pes. FaEDa l R'nras. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANKtier AntLediS03 Capital,$100,(00. Surapluts anitPeofits, e40ten ransaacotirenaaiac busine..Foreign excanatgabougttandt acid. Furnis ettrsiceoa credit. E. D. RINNE, ares. tIARRISGN SOUJLE, S. OP CLARKOaNCastier Teo iin flrflor Savings Bank( CaptlStiii. $150,00. Surpaise,$10000. as-r cer 5E1,W00S. Oirgntitotundtite Getitalanking Law, at thiis State.tReeieisadeposits,ibinsds ells ecagontpinip ctsiti eisiofthticUnited .Statete-s teaftstas atponproer idetittcatian. Saety depsbxs t o rnt OF IE ,-:Citietias a sit, es.; W.tJ.I arri- mnVie-Peas.Cas.E.Hiseo, Cashier;M. J. Fritz.Aessitn ahe so .t ss W. . BOTH PRS.SPIfTE W.AN IaI,1tVie-tpres! Jt. V. SHEEtHAN, ad s JastN.C.t 4oueo, Asst.iCashiaerSIIG BRINK iLL T JiLtIOJiT 'H'. Old Nulmber: Publishers Price $1,50 4450O. MAIN ST., Our Price $1.10 ANABR IH COME AND SEE. (LEN. V. MaLLS' STUDENT DOREC Calendar. -Glisn V. Mills' neiS tudtntt' Di to SturdIayNo-. 4-'Varsity avs. Vir- toywl eoat assMonayi, ssov. 13 ss"isniaat Detroit. S HyE Ej_ TT C O o ill fad saitnsit lthe tiniiit t si t3 .totndSay, Noa-. .-Opentig concert is h by adalt tic N osmasgi-s. Cho a Uio esrieos b- Fitishui-~h Universty Bookaellera llth hghScool assH -Soot s .it WednVsdats-''y eensin g, Nov. 0-Mia Stationersanfd sit' posits. Tics- hooRkisswel -itangeii5'it Comspaniy inS . L. .1t. Ensgravers iand cots tittt ad vsil itoits o atmCoseto onis ha- ~ t s t -tit ed t otioing lp'sO y EvEr . No0. 00,-tiug'astf-.t- 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. anoneelseots. Sealto . rtsswitl - o iat SI 'Oiti isHatt.s studs ioarbr Sossidoots ~ov-Saturday os, 11.0 ososty as. Peso- U. of (arbr (ho Io thoa i and Bath Rooms, thc-ottiitstilld. lo,.'st'Shasts at OWtdts amssSRyan sst'asss-sat SPhitodelphia. 322 State St. i. R. Trejanowoki. Prop. Hoe.ists,ttsthsot a otssrkeot at $3l0t. Saturday, Nov.05 0 asasly VS. UCas IAfD E I ls 2G0-202 S. Mats St. at ROtt' Fit ld TI, ri S15~ Starday, Na ov.2-arsty as. IXata- YI1.IL.1 BfIRBER rrho attt'otis ititboar iti mee itncaldit 'tsaaooat'55 tatns' Fastd. G iRRN TEES SfRTISI RTION-tlasttnitht has loenpostponedtoito - night______ __________ ca. L adoutllttractioce00ednseday, Mop. STUDENTS' LECTURE CIATION. aso0 For Proapectire Teachers. Attl person0s wso oexpect sit (otinst.s 0'acuolty insoacuritsg-postioss a c-- s-e ststistss-si 5'the ie r sitreide-icesit' os-cetigosteos Ot st at s IsTppans Hall Lectur'etRoomsiTu urda,( Nv.2,sO oock Thez c ommissttee osf tse'Faul'sisy in00char iof apotintentiltl commus- sicte itnsaortmations of timptor tceisome- so fisicaswitl hoof seri-ascto t tses' sto aitt planningc thourcoiceofsitudtsta. Studeats ass corstlalyinvited to is- Eect aur coupiota linsrioarsuito, ever- coalsmar'sa furnsinsos and hata. WOadhas, Ryan -Rule, St insat. Thse Catabstllelassosnstilt aet in BairssHaisluthuspy-t.oaclock. Insuranc pays.tCet a roastsolioy (sass L. H.CatrraorStaeavissg' UBsolo A ,nae lat of M anhattan Shirts juat so at Wadhams, ORyan & Masts. See them. S. Masnsat. i Twelve Numbers to be Given Ibis Year. Tickets On Sale at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899.- 1900. 3. Congressnan J. P. Dolliver, Oct. 27 4. Max Bendix Company, Nov. 4. 5. Brig. Gen. Charles King, Nov. 1 7. 6. WIll Carleton, ian. 1 7. 7. Sousa and his Band, Feb. 20. 8. John Temple Graves, Miar. 3. 9. F. Hopkinson Smith. March 1 5. 10. Oratorical Contest, March 25. 11. Cbicago Alumni Number. 1 2. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00. Reserved seats 50 cents for tbe course. ".I4A THOSE NOBBY GOLFS, ', t i13.tat. at hbad roosm as on Mito stut. dihsrsday oevoninsg, Faa'. at 500 '50' sonst. Alt membrshcmsist he at thse- tw5 oleharsala. SH. DeUONT, Maaag r. 155 THE FACULTY AMTD STU DENTS. Thesuntsi sgntdihsotattn oo ssession0 sit theyentitre stash atBookss, Stton- a-,Haltsday Ga-ma HEcof at .W. V V tmuse, Mait satsreet,Oss trust, at tho resquest ositOhe-mos. gagco'! to dispaso of atstny oacsrificoto meect thss ohligations. Wes- havsoe asl artssof a g'oods wicst you issrdilteascdIthio wil Soa coor- opp~isortnity tosobtsntheom at rosaosla- - isv tossv isgures. The stoolka msst he soat totnc H. H. HEIRBST, Traos-ee. TIs OhS.-6S S13IZLIBE FORLTILE DAILY Tranaaacta a general Banakinig Busrineass, COLLEGIATE CAPS, GONSianad -O0DS, CAP ad GOWNS. CLASCN ES. CESSLPIS. CLASS aTATIONERY, COLLEGE05, P ECALTI ES ,t 455 h Fitt-Sevet'tit St. (OttCO , ItL. ~~It ~~ItII iIJ pipefal" is C Pipe C', L one reason Tobacco -- s why Old Er,- ;I~ 'S. glish Curve Cut pipe to. bacco is so 4 The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. .It disappoints no one." A trial box will he sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partment, The American Tobacco Co., III Fifth Aye , New York City. All dealers sell it. j ILIHIIIASALIN ' TRADE-MAtK __ 3 v0 t l FOR 1899 TIhe3cadnOffiatclalnercollegiate PFcotball e x uiel b Yal- eii, Priiceontttt rlassssd Pc0 a siassit nl, VnU rseitofsitChittago, soeial ndecNat's - l o t tea m. ists '!i IIII ® piotya Shloes and Every FRequisite far II the Genre. Spatis ofii l Fot t ba ssisll Gtuide Edied y lcor Camps 18t(t9arusle, switsthindex 11 A N O ladigl sps aitd, lo.llttattstmeillua. -s-t. VAG ER , ttsatedtltsatalogesoftalSportaamaled fre. " t tHaber"dasher5. EI..(3. Spalding 8 Bross, Se- York Chitcago, IDesser IL. WA R DNOBBY TAILOR DW ,,. ST ATE T.