XfiE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. GOOD PEEDS ST LESAND QUALITIES NEVER DISAPPOINT , A p~OODSPEED'S MITE= OBE5117 SOUTH MAI MICHIGAN (CENTRAL ',The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking EffectJune 25, 1899. Detroit Night Exprs.........555A31 Atlantic Exprees........ 148" GrnedRapids Express..........1110" Mai landExpress.'........... 3 471.31. NY.IBoston Speocial .......... 458 Fast Ea-teen............... 9 43 Malil and Express............. 940A. M Bo ton,N. Y. andChicago ...... 748 Fat W etern Exssq ..........1O38 P. G.I.adKl xrs ........541Chico Nighct Ex~pressc......9 43" Pacific Sxpress..............12 304A.. 0. W. RUGGLES,. 11. W. HIavcFo G. P. & T. Agt,Chicago. Ag' AnnccArbor ..0L3 TD RH oITIN IZI=NfEM; TIME TABLE Takineg Effect, Suendray, May 21, 1899. Tralins leave Anno Arbor by Central Stand- ard Tince. SOUTH NORITH *No. (l.- 7:25 A. M. No. 1.- 9.0U A..31. No. 2.-11:17 A..M. 'No. 5-12:30 1'. M. No. 4.- 8:30 P. lat. No. 3.- 4:cce. t 02.- 80509P. M. t 101.- 9:051A4. N t Run Sunday only. 'Runae, twce ncn Arbor and Toledo only All other trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. Iv H1. BENNETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Dletroit ond Ypilnnti every half hour, beginaing at 6:45 a. m. until 8:15 p. eel lant ear for Dletroit 11:10 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main sts.; Detroit. 111 Gtrinswold st. SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER This $3,00 LciugbIiQ) Fountain Mp Pen a 5en potlaionaowrek'es f.00 I r I FORtONLY j .'J W Cae, il~eoandtDirectionse w Coplete. nIl ll d ot suottyoue We luy it Baek~ aand offeyo $1.10fnreet SIf t ictse,you hav'emeodpoefit. If IttdoesNOT, you haesee a Any way yocefigure i tOUlARtE AHEAD. Tis t e et ccpen nende, here,,s yet: channeetoocestit. FIESTeQeoe. ITYDeAeeONDePOenINTeeOD PN.Onley eneIpee enltooe oddcrenthie offer. Thegreateet holiday Iprecent on enrthe. Get yoceraotler in conly-Order todny. Stole whether ladies or gento scyle to desired. Addreess, ILaughlin 1mnft. Co., 033 Griswold St.. DETROIT. MICHl. i lRentschler, the Ir'otograpbcr. The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. :BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET The November Alumnus. Theo' Novenmber Alumnucsenakecitso ficot aplpearance tomorrowt. The openitng article to the addcccs of President Angell at the inatugoration of Mliss Hazard, p: eident of Wet es- icy Colltge. P. ofeocor Wenley routei- butecc a very focceful article on the "Phi Beta Kappa Society and the 'ni- versity of Mlichigans." He giveo a brief outlioe ot the alms of the cociety to genetrat, and of ito advantages. Then followcs a consideraotion of somte of the objectiocsemade to the eotaliohomeut here. He ceizes the butt by the horns by going squcaely and vigorously at them. A proosoed constitution to given. "Michigaen in the Civil War" to a caretful cotice by Blyon Mt. Calehreon, '61. T he alumni gooe set diocucoed at some length. Bescides theoe articlec there oare the ucual University, athlet- ie andi alumni neeo. The study of msandotin to a reere- ateion froon this perpetual Griend of Uoiverstty stork and I am going down to the Musie Co. and get me0 0 Waldo ond give it a littte ottention. MIEGAPHIONE: NOTICE. All those wishing to cecure mega- phooneo ace requtected to roll at 'T'he Dlaity office tonighot betwreen 7:30 and 9:00. A Record Breakuing Collectior.. The Junior law class at a meeting on Saturday breke the record for raicing enoney for claocs atholetics. At a small meeting of the claco at which not over a. half of the memberosvwere present, over sixty dota n was raiced in a few minutes. All swho would give a dollar were askced to rouse forstard. About chirty recponded. Then those oho wtere willing to give half a dollar were rolled for and some sixty or oeventy recplied. The collectiotn woo theen postponed to a future time. To Trip the Light Fantastic. A movement to on foot to reorgaosize 11he Porty Club. It still be rememsber- ed that thms club waso in former yearo ooe of the leading society orgatoiza- tosin thoe tniversily and ito series of odaoces were among the moot delightful of :a11 thocrollege scieal funrtios. 'Th' clab tas a p) ivate onoe ond consioted of foortv memtbers choce from the lise fratertnities, Alpha Delta Phi, Sigma Phi, Pci Upsilon, Beta Theta Pt, and tPih isaatsi. Last year ihe old or- ganization stas not effected but a series of danceo were given by thoe Thirty (Clob compooed of menbsic of the Beta 'beta, Pt, Phi K.apa.Pot ond Phi tDlta Pi fraternitiec. This year thoe old Forty Club will be coo ganized swith the origincal live fraternities and stith the adoitiots of Zeta Pot and Delta Kappa ttlopitoon. Arrancgemoentc ace nows being usade to form the rcohbotod its danoces promsise to be the leading society occas- tos of the wivtetr. NOTICE. All Enginceertog ansd Literacy ftresh- jTH.E BEST MAKfES OF mainolins ad GuitarsI SarIh as Josephe olalenan's,SWanhburn's and 13runoe'areeeonale at the I claeborle MuIGStcore 1. Lbrty,_only 2 doorsofrom Mtock's Corner OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 11I2 West Huron St. State Phenne 119. A CANDY PULL float no one can compete with,se hav&.- in popular favor in Freneh taffies, sheet caramels that will chest and not stick. to your teeth, guaranteedpure and. wholesome. You'll find largest and fin- est asoortosent of Hangsterfers, 200 It. Washington and 318 5. State. torn must register by Saturday of Itis _________________ teck for thoe ompulsory gymnasouoons twork swhich starts up on next Monday. Au ld ~~~ Exansinotios are going on each Jayaocs frono 2 tot}a ccid 7 to 9 p. us. Warranted for 1 Yea-; 66 KEENE FITZPATRtICK.$10 W m r odMax Bendix Date Changed. W i . rn ld eading Secretary Zimmers of the Students' T U T LE' S tLecture Assoociation has succeeded in chanoging the date af the Mlax Bendix concert from Saturday, Nov. 4, to Wed- U n C H R 0 u' panes ofSetheSioureto etlhewNthe UN C R O ptonayftSetcoreto st thein Is at 338 S. State Street. to game Saturday and otillecot emso r*M MARTl~IN. hearing this concert. Dates wee e x-U I. lI changed with Hope College, Hollatod, FUNERAL thus molting the change posoible. DIRECTOR A complete line of Adler Bros. fine Embalming a specinlty. No. 209 S. 4tdr suits at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, 100- Ave. Ambnlance night and day.. Itna.. 202 S. Main at. idence 302 Fifth Ave. Purl'*tan Shoes FOR =nt ~Purtan hoesWOMEN $3.50 M1 ARE LEADERS IN STYLE AND QUALITY 110 LAST HULRON A L Every Kind LItflCU DIETERLE[ Embalmer and I . 613 East William Street Fn *CH GcU E.~ III5JUIIFuneral Directo isunversity last ane-half fblockewest Fn Mr.EohDeelLady Assistast. 1of law bulding. Aill hinsl " 1(. Bath PhonseNa 8. 119 W.Washng- Na. 1t6E . Liherty Street. Residence 000 $ Sh o eShop, E.RLambert. Photo IotnaSt., Ass Arhor. Fosrth Ave, Both Phans9.E0. 1b WE' PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.