THE bUXdYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUST ~ PUBLISHED 8ThTLKEY' BY RUDYARD KIPLING Publishers Price $1,50 Our Price $1.10 SH21EHAN & CO. University Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. U. of M. Barber Shop Ind mtho,; and Bath Rooms. t 11"'""jiiiii 322 State St. i. R.Trjanowski, Prop., GUIReSrN EESI M5TISEfI5TION. remember that we cesa supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, whlich wve fally guaraintee.'eWh it mole ciii you askh ?'Try as. DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH M AIN ST. [or U y 0 4The WHlY NOT G0 OUT IN STYLE WITH A FOUR IN HlAND L1OLMtE'LIVE"RYr Phon 10o.515 1East Liberty Street. LAMPS FOR ST UD ENTSZ3 we hve afine assrmn f e Da ftNice-ltdLamps incuing The Rayal, The Rachestean Pie l, actiThe Berin andPerein Sdn t ii p TeNe Lam. ltewo ;a n d n nLams.It ivesm ar lghtfri ialeds tihan any Lam ofisin. e c ang eyoth betLupfrte Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. COME AND SEE. D. f1. TINKERF & SON~ HIATTENS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for RATS, CASi, : NscFUNacIcSas13 Gooans ail SWATSas. AGENCY FOR LiONGLEY HIATS I 3,34 South Slate Street Car. MainseanraniStlaeis. Capiiai, 150,000. Surplus, $3a,0a0. Transacisa5 genralibankingslinessi. S, KEMPFe,Prs.e C. SGiiEaE, Vice-Pres. FEn.eaRBEE. Casieri. FIRST FNATIONAL BN Oraii ai d183 Capital, 1i0100.SurSaplaa aad Proatsa, $0,000 Transas iaeneraalbaankiagebinaess. Faraign aaxliagaloutaand msald. Faurnih letieasaf caedit. S. ID. KINNE, Paes. RARIIISON SOlULE, Vice-Pre. S. W. CLARSOaN Casaisa Thfl inm Mor Savings Bank Capitl ISlash.550005 Surlus,$150,0. iReaauacea. sl,50.000 OaganiizedsadietheGeneraal 5BakingLaws aftislState. tecaives depaitis, buy~sadsel exchngeon aelrinipalcitiesofatheiitesid Staata. Drafitsacahed apse paopea identiicaiona Sfeiy deitaoxeasao ist laaaaaaaa:5Oairiian ack, Prs.;W. D. Harri- maVice-.Pres.; Cbaa. iise,Caahiea;,M. J.V.ASasata, ldVic-ps JOHN.C. IVAL , sst.iCalhier SI IN S IBtINK T ransacts a general IBankiiig Business. pipeful" is >1 E CUP "s one reason p Tobacco ,; why Old En. A lish Curve Cut pipe to- - bacco is so a The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. "It disappoints no one." A trial box Will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partnment, The American Tobacco Co., III Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. Such is Fume. Calendar. The eat oat Dr. James LI. Angellpe- audy, Nsv. 4.-'VParsity va. Vii- idleintoatshe CUniversity, is dainser iii a at Detit. vice iiti a nuimbiarsoftcauntry ppes aturday, Nov. d.-iilaxBenadix Can- as the seat atfCOam Paul. The deo s ii Ci t in Sh L. A. Cause. eiijoyinlg a good laugh at the johe.- -lnaNv .Oeigcneti Di hiChoalsi Cnioia seriesbheP:sbuhagh l3osarad hats at Vs adhama Ryan & 0.ahestia. Reauls SBost sat ain the usnarkleltat $3.0. SatursidayNoas115-'Vairaity ro. Peso- 260S0 S. AMain st.Sania at Philaulphia. 1't T i £ FCLTY AND Sa DNTl atrdyNsa. 15-Vaisity vs. Case The sudesgned las lilies possessionait Rgnts a:tield. ofi the ientiriestook atfIBoohsSIStain- Saiuray, Nov. 20"--arsity vs. SKala- a y, Hlilay se CinEacNaoatW.VAV. azooasat Stegents' Field. ~etmore, Alinsteet, si rst,.a1 the reqiuesl t fii sailoigagees, to ipose oft esltij es.Students. at aiyae riflietoameettaholigaios. aGlfitniials on SheCAn Arhor lins Vie haue all varietiesiot aondshils we silt pseed alt Saturlay aseing you us ui aile- andiIthis iiil1l b rri t hevt groands. SNoat Trueloioi apiortuitiy toaubtinthoeaniat emal-andsTlan il cointetifor the fRal shivliili iglures. The stoaek amus~t be doiioas Viniednday at 2p. an. Vise solii at oie. pirotessrsci bi eieishandiecapped f-iri H.dH. 1 OdBitlsT tiss t5 515510s hbylthe hansdiicap cuisiaittiss-j So. Tii 5-0 teley ad Trowhridge. Nat asly ia teScpeoalbii tisfaheischutstlants STUDENTS' LECTURE CIATION. ASSO-1 arieidyesterdy ora vek' say ini Asns Alrlisato talie in lie PiDelis Students .ae soidhilly assvited to in. spetaour somleite linssoatsalts, aver- catas, men'a turnisngsanansd hats. VodhinisStyana- Peale, S.Maia at. ally t i talOquestiin at supreacy at She tfsaitly oastnudent body hess also aiieii.STle students svisha the piopular pirofessor wel, buSt they s,:,e laese a shanc as She boss soy to oh u it ini to to set aspricident, that the tacustly ore their pri Si sciisssupeioirsand they hopae sot suipiemeci10a11 thinga. Twelve Numbers to he Given This Year. Tickets On Salt at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 3. Congressnan J. P. Dolliver, Oct. 2 7 4. Max Bendix Company, Nov. 4. 5. Brig. Get. Charles King, Nov. 1 7. 6. Will Carleton, Jan. 1 7. 7. Sousa and his Band, Feh. 20. 8. John Tenmple Graves, Mar. 3. 9. F. Hopkinson Smith, March 1 5. F. G. deadS "nd J.CG.Vlsurt~er,9,I evdysoSurnos it Detriit spicit Sand iy in Ann Arbohrinas calling on aid tiicns.sA nesslisnaeatfSManhattan Shirta just _________in st IWsdhas, tyan & Rteula. See 1-ALLIID ElN DANCINiA PARTYV hema S.Maln tsc. Mlr.iind M s.G ingissnnunceua pirograinapasrty fthiiis eeniing, 830to Bndwilpractice IWednesday, Niov. ii:30 'clock. ,at a:1 . ii. at hianidlrooiln nMain _______________ iinmuThursday evenaing, Nov. 2, a1 5F ankhVai sli 'C2, ut iNgItapidlshas 509 Jdfherson st. Allnisamiers abuse he hut is nowiconaieciig, a1these ties rehearsals. Seenclilite seiouslyill Sioi a towi iiays5I5-. DePONT, Manager. 1 t f 1 t I 10U. Oratorical uonuest, marcni eu. - 11. Chicago Alumni Number. ss s s 7ih " 12. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00. Reserved W ON P &,O .seats 50 cents for the course. 1 " l TAILORS TO MEN ~~. ~ ~ Large Collection of 2 .MISTj Exclusive Novelties12SMISTr1 THOSE, NOBBY GOLFSILW R SPALDING'S T BADE-M ARK S~al UPplls e~oota1I FOR 1800 The Spalding official Intercollegiate Pacobail usael rsluAely liy Yale. Pinaeauon. Hlarard, Pennsyilvanua iaaasnel, T ailesslit fChuinago, Nisl gai,n ianiilevery leaiit fota llita.- Upiforeto, Sboescncd Every Requisite far the Gate. Siiliaiu O ffCiliial Fiiotiall Guidie. iited bylilstisuseroampas899ues, ithauindex i leailing iiauusluaslaidloc10. luilauu.omiiI iatisdCatalgueesofiltSporaisuiltu-si'e (I. G. Spalding 81 Bros.,, New Task Cicago. Detver COLLEGIATE r I Gaps arqd Gown aSpenialIN Class Cans SCollege Flags College Statiagery acid W. G.KERN &60. 151 ast 5 ,t h St., Chirago 711. NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.