flHE 1IYERISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE lLEAD IN STYLE 119 South Main Street MICHIGAN CENTRAL' "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRIAL STANDARD T.I~E. Taking Effc ct Jono 321, l189). Detroit Night 11.4 ...........555 A. T Atlic If 9 xte ........ ..48 .44lalm 1 +;pi.4 .......... 3 11P.M Fast Ea-te .. ............. 9 43 1t141 44414.14 4 444 9*4i dt 45o. ..1'o .........9 0A-t Too.gN. R I,Sot 11, 'VV.411, 1801 G. .- .4:95 ha.o. N44.4..-Ann.Arbor. T14rain~seve.4AnnAro b nr al'1 Sta4 nl- E. .-1, A 1 * o . -52:31014 i%,Age. t " 10.-RN:05 P.4m. t 10.- :A Del tritraYpsdily nti ptand anAr 11~etschler, the Ipbotocjraphcr. YOU WILL WANT A GFXNL 1ND An Old 9OCieitli Reorganizd.d '.t110 Ia1.i',nan 11i Sml 4144j,4hik114il he remmbi~rd a 11he w 4l-1n1n4ho4 l4 111 1 .rl 11r2 1t444444i01ti 411O ' t4 soci1t1144441441 11.4The f >llo °,41n4444 444 , 44 we 41111 4.11 11444p1411114t4444. Co1eland; 44ck4444 1 144 4111414444st '00 c oresx din ec;etr, ,4. . 44444 e414 'Of); fr 1asur ','4.4.4S4144 s,5'1 ; 1 exec-, 3014 4 I'1511N( D Oe' Impcrtant Athletic Business. Gr. il teMnae aird' s 4hg44la4444 44411144.ore the E11444 444 t 44441 414444 4414414 h a44 4144me444i44g444f44all444t44e44member14s f44h 1.1444 4444 ss4 9444 4 411 1Til9444 u held14 444 A4. comple4te4line of Adler Bros.14443 wis t l d-i n 3 4144s 44.9an & lReule,2110- ( O: .44plain St 41i 1 I1 . 4 (L9 1 9 NOTICE There will4b14an m 44404 044444404 414 the.4mem441 rs4 41 the144 44434449 1414.4, 44 11 11444144 1 444e94114.44119 414 U. of, MI""s 50c to $11).(00 Pine 1. L, H P IAN, JEWELER, 2406 Steals ,Sooth. OUR PHOTOS ...AR E .. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio I 12 West Huron St. Stateo Phone 019. BICYCLES STORED FOR THE WINTE Atelo w444rale of 25 4cent1s'7er41444411 LEON SHAW, - 117 E. Ann St. AT SJM3LER'SART SMOE N E alMouldirngs and N VELY Frames Now "Alabaster Statuary,' Beautiful in [inish and very jirtistic. INIAN 1101 AD IPICTUEI14S PROMPT ATTENTICN GIVEN TO OUR WORK STABLER'S ART STORE, Ne44451teon et173. 21 South 4th Ave MONEY LOANED 4411444 444444444414e, I> 11.444444. 04W ; 44444 bor Railway. Downin',4'014j4444444414444t 1, Dr Caro leave for lDetroit 411441 psi4444141191 14 44. 144444 14'0 444n159W411444444'N. every half9 lOlt'r, beginning14a14 6:45 . . 11h 444n 444414444in of 11444S4ci4t4444444411 until 8:15 p4.1 14109 arforDeroi11ldon4ex41 1)y eenn10at44 11:90 1). nm. Waitin~g Eroom, co1rnerAnn 4441414411444414.414 atidM~ain to.; Detroit, 11(Orisoldslool(40 E 144 4144 u14444144g . 11 444144414 44 and(1f94444119 44 the depa1rtment444 are44 iii- SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER fldtobreet_______aklwsont"intuena__O__ice,__mndl el o terPr f This $ 0MegepiloneBrigade. woin ;.plas fr te srviingga WATCdES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED 194$3)4.0044'4 wi549 44444 411ll br 144 949444441nd 1discusse. 11144441teresidence=33 I. 4 1 berty444St., Ann Ar. It ha bee sug c stel b som40f bo ,1h.All 14440144.4 43491f144441444. 114440, 8 More 44(144444141 4044.44441r4o 41 444 44s t1ha411,44444 44US t1441 1 4444a .4)4414144t41to 44:310 nd7444141p.i. L a Ug l l 511n In 94".O1ver. 94444e31Fenrce,-4414t44e14n444w941usic-I3 Joseph C. SWatts. O441414444441) 444944444 441444 91mes1444" 3 144 4444(44 t 14144 44 .4444 444c1a1 4t44 th444 READ TILE DAILY. t 1 seenrc"is to dmit nto te brigde.44444_ 41444 s tresai 91t444 4e mos P en+^ 4544 44144444s414444 4i1444his 444it ' 114this season.o~k _ 1011 h0 Vi n51gmeSaurayan4141ok' s heco 14in o eadies ofWarralntedt for 1 Tear. 'h1114t hato19044nt 449ndtWin. T ArnoldL g W Je 2'.ly it BaelK j eg19141 4411too~ 44444444~_____________ the________brigade_44 41 i. h141411 4s 944l1444444e9om ~L1. .544rr04441r Sate S1441010 an4d offer you4$1.10 foreit. 4444444444.4 1444 044441thes organizatio 1441414 If It 414444 044, yu9041 ad a6 arofit. 44419 a 1d1apnea,4on4opII4 tun> o444444A4l599 gi 444' 44144d41 it.19 ry 4411 9 40 4 AHr:AIa. 9414144 ditosaeb Str nc utrgitrb atrlyofti U 11 1 Thiosi Ie es344t 4e de hre i344l9.19 a14410444 be1 snt044 144ne;4 4444 if week for 914e r1compulsor44y gymnasiu Is at 338 S. State Street. 9off1441s 01434444409i 4411ll be 44419eSfor W593 fom1 9403 nd 4 to9449 rn hegreat1et holida4y present on 0 esday 141914and 93the 114'phns 4o1ered3 6 0 N 1 NE 'ITZI 991419. Gel your40order isealy-lOrder today.994410e 104440osill 4404 3443334 444e3ch. .F NERA whther ladies 00r404440 style 10 desired. 44,ames44in1 today to theDily.'floe lirst The study of masdolin ioarecre- Address0, atio~n from 4this perpet441a1(91104 of DIRECTOR 44L14144u14444h441loi1n014 449444 nlleriy gk 444 ,oOoigdonEmbalming a specialty. No. 209 S.4t 194brigde. Of0011143444i4l41b0433973471144 4414 to the 510101 Co. and get me a Waldo Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rea- 1.13c GriswalsISt.. DET OTLTJ4O41 MIH. c)4g0if lhe 14 040444goes0throug. an0441give0 it 94 114410attention. iene302 Fifth Ave. 1Puritan hosWOMEN $.5 ARE LEADERS IN STYLE AND QUALITY 110 EZAST LHLRON' L ~VI IUJlFuneral Director Uier iy tone-half hbloewet IW .1 Fine K O JILEvery Kind I E'OCH DIETERLE, Embalmer and Un 6riy13 East William Street 2011.SWJ5.alI~a ~ MrWe. Eanoh Dielerle, Lody Asaisiout. oflaw bilin~ag. AlkinidsPht BulhPhaone No 8. 119 W.Wahing- Na. 116E' L iberty ;street. Besidenee 63ll8Shoe Sop E ab R a d l Pht tan St., Ane Arbar. taFaurth Ave, Both Phanes129i.P E.L m et WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S- DRUG, STORE..