rabliehe Daily (sdays ecepted dderin, the Cllege yer,at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 0 rticx The nlansd Peas, penig Blck. Bth Phaaes, lit. MANAGING EDITOR F.ENELHARD, sc'1L. BUSINESS MANAGED. 0.. .IASs'ttbL. EDITORS. AThILETICS . . . B.D fleNarse.'at T. R. Wacccss,'tt L., A. LI. MDUAcaaL,'t E A. G. B assece. 't2. E. J. B. Waa, ', L. J. MOTssacsERY,'a1, W. D.I.tlsesec, 'at, The caecesscs isnpiceoftt AM Ice.0 o th ie ' eewth a scegula elivieycefotrae nonect say staec, cassaancatccs, act other siattee inetnded foIce pssliscis sitt h haded iscat ticla ta.Iaaeays.c moaledi Is lhe eitrsefoet', apes tet iday prevs toc c tsassilethIshsisy aesexpectet aiper Snsesaiptcs pray hes.letsat tss.DAILsY atifce, Sfec's rstfe'sest'aiccorwith Bu'ine5ss Msanager s.. 'sries nilionersea Iavoriby rpartiss" peasssttlyatsttlesofficcayfalarlseccf caressoIsesiverssaper Alllassae ssnadveiacsiss.' mstte musst Iin lthesolce bysapIt.ass tesay peistoss Issal on swhichs tsec aec tiwr Practice Inproing. Foottbal pracice yesterday was se crc. Alhosughs the cachec dotnst, aras tsay smalch sregaleding te sot at the platyes, ,e-t they adsmittd lst nisIgla thaat ltheiratce sas te et catthe yea.They teelgeaty esscouaged at the ciange isa tssrs.The wsrklayester- dasy ateenaonawaPsasd sad tst. Siecrae swas isa the game and platdIis otlilaes.atriegit ItleHs'. sde is riddly rasscil stt shapse asshe 'a- ets las "c' 111thegamse srthVir'iia neastsattn as Seseitalhtses"aee'mid"hi tae lsss-upanasd sasie at the alde islaer ssereIslt sn sathItshe Setubsoanlloiaed ttan olsna the sssdelsnestil's eatn Itrest at guassctad dis gasdswtrl. iStw waslat n .a1 51uartIsesbakin55the psac a trSasst tlaso aast n it rgt halfbac. teetis stilht itat pssi- assessbt eepy tast asdtsecoahes :rc afth ocaspliin tht lh cali e of va- uable eratece at that psieion. PI'-a- lice this atiertaoasalsosswsil tbe secet. Auer Another Week. Anthler week oastotblaal histry pacssmatters isa a light quie diteresat froms thsat in which they stad btre las Saturday's game es'ra alayes. The idots at the ast strehsttced aw sn Yale ucunbed betre 'li slsaaugtst at Coltusbita's giantsta asddPrissetns weiled. Crnell appearing as the vsitre Thcoun tryoser there i intuasoaeteam as yet nstcosred against. That in Michigan's but se hae yst to play the tn's ha det games at ue schedule with an Inter-prink ling at posilel scres being made against us. Deteate and ictries are the men at elimina- 'ion team chanmpionhip honre but a serian et uch events does not give a trueetinate at the strength sst ie coious teams. Fr intane-Chicag walked allover Cornell. Cornell deet- ed Piscton swhoawon fses Ca~umbia' something Yale filed to d, as the Chicago Times Meacad has pinted out. Should the very improbable happen. should Penn. da up Macard next Sat- turday while Michigan is srestling with Virginia and shuld Mihigan n the Saturday next succeed In putting Penn. at f the business and later win from Wiseonsin then with all these if's realities. Michigan would be champions f the east and middle west. All this is leaking alng ways ahead however and the men who are trying for or 'Var- ally must first learn to de as the coaches tell them. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. DISCUSSED THE TRUST PROBLEM. Continued frmfstspa-e. state.,(asresgn as tessrieotaltrade o cosmmierce, and canot'touch prossace- lion or commece cnshoed to a state. Also because the United States consti- tution gsarantees to the citiazesat one state the samec civil rights in asnyails. cc state that it accords its owan citi- zens, certain siithodseoathtie corpa ate torms at trusts ise torthitasreasonbe yonad tlisate's panes to control. Hence bctore they can be leagally cm pltetely croleda a consetitutisosal amnsdsmentis necessasty.Theasasouil psut such as great adunutsrted pawer isa lice hands sat the satioansia overnmntse s las matersai alydsaictterb t e stetesec stealxistisng betwaseels tieitatioasl asei staelepowecrs. lisshaousld lie trie'd only swhen other lasse diesals. Oth-i's suggested ace (1) 1assusni sh selsitesa- liansetliss asItw55proteattcfotr ase ta intestatecocassse. tat thes.diffltyt sat obltaininsgc'tie'neliare idence ia aallesttassssuronalte; (')Reel thee it hes shuldlbe doe whas essas Is ay .srtclesitiscarstht ittsssmon- saptly asistpeldbyte iff. Ttte assess ay% povdes fteasosmething at Itth llest lasttheeeIosssetaissc is cuti- fictssi teaobtain;ss'3itEteqiescartpora- tiossto 5maeasnieformasicses te a ll,- stsssst ld eevaluaaleas tar asait coustlhasoabut lsshas% ,it scouldsail coa- stilttionally as. apliedeetoltrsts ice tse formsssa arpseshisps ass usts in equissy, hasvsea no Israsceiseafrossatlis sate st lso taa coauld nsisalsesthelisptao- sits Ishait ate sold to cross sateclisnes, lerts i usesleeog s othse snatioalgoav- ernentexclsivsaely; (4) IPablicity',-- lhisswasstheoneaesmscdssy bthstrusat acanaerassespacicll a I edupon, ased teas the tpreset isemost teasilte. A ecommssion eashosldsatb e apiposinedelto dsise aitomsse f eot n an ssyentlispalseoitslts he aopiteed ly the tifettrent saeadte rvso smadetforcasatoal eossnssssasosfsex- per ts las set ses athassfoeaatiases tse asvailaleshsasetesrssathPusrtser esctiont assma~y beifound necessary. A High Standard of merit ini clothes manoesg is gaissed only by Cotissoss Effort. Assd so illis is clothes dealisng. It rc- quires continouss effort as ace pact to select that wshichs is best fromo the stocks of the maany clothes makers is this cousley. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING is without quesateioSnfnst pea- duscdasd isaheadsinseveryerespeat isf the average msadleto-order gametsatas ot osse-hafthpi ece. Is is that kind ci clothinsg calichthle boattetressrs aetokisg forad reaiigthisatse 1ace sthiasasoeasn purcased an ssala Large Stack of Stein Bltch Salle. ated Overceatssltacae isn positions to fit all sap~es assd formes saam ourssmagssihcentlineolthis high grade make. Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. Linden-%schmitt &Apfel Lunch Counter in Connection NiEb TICKETS. SROR0DERSPROM1L~Y FILLED W. S. PARKER, Proprietor. 709f Noirtli Uisen-sity Ace. 'ile iaeiccslaaantSa tandsat ssthe Ahtis. c tieldtsill ae aldr s up ssa evsious easiss this yeas. We seller you tlisaVERY tacaT 5Siaseerad isae In T fl iO 6 sell tear i$3t.0 sand -$[;. 50 in Musset cc Blaick. NOB-Sale a-esets fte sacelebrasteadA. E. Nettle- fer teaseShoce, "Tae Ultra," ''Tecliesise' snd 'The Gentlewomen and Colna. Hne. XI1AHR & MILLERTileShoemen MenCI 218 SOUT MIiN SITREET Zjj.Bp EZFROcM Tf9i T2ISB STEVENS DPACTIC Professor Mechem Sick. 1_a®LA .£ . Prof. Mlehesr, o1 the hiss departent, Special Ilieeft].y"' ir leas ba-en coesaelled tea aivasia hissworel 'Stueslrse n CA AGM N NDCO for a sheettIise becauseofscts. ANN ARBOR BRAN'CH- OPPOSITE lie asail poasbitey noeable toa ~ 305 STATEC ST. LAW BUILDING sneet hsass sentnlsabota -tesan l et Novembes. Tody ntie %jasposed ntiyi2 ASAND ELECIRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, te sensseansd juiesssheat hs aor thea vseehansd neat ,oudsesflle G,5PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., oteher mem'bslers aoasthes.facesty.ArSPCIeALT. SANTARYa LUi INsass s acescl s I HO'TWATRE TINGei. It Naea slnsI usasaselsisal Prafeassr J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. M~echa' em asoutlhseetea lsd isrthsue hs _____- - ____________________________________ Nseasefo to h eem cassinde eathe smete, ADVANCED CLASS IN DANCING. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTITT bes th is hoped a t aisea rc ovey Ats~sUt _ ____Ladies and Genleen SNOW LAUNDRY STATEI PHONE, 520. ta C-1 Turda vEnie,:atGrners eaet. sYur launsIsryasaslieti clean and vvell ae of n e da. sss'c . lccrhssig hach 'C \S piARS "'1J ion000frtiG~claso.rcl is ired astal dos. 'Icyse Sehleecle'8 New Ove 0llS stbi nd1sc. IPatent ISTALI3LL &GCO. Lecture LAN Book ATHENS SeletbusysIgYouotsiss e os or lecture coserscallsnssd see ourcnew'patenst cove.Th A in ENS in EATREe lsledoes ntsear sorget ineislaced as is she ohd style els'isal noteeboosks. Parker and Waterman Pep's from $1.25 up. Wholesole apd Retail 8fATRDAY NOV 4.Poper from 10 tents a Pound up. SfTFDXNV . F. J. SCHLEEDEOy 340 South State Street. Tbe Latest Losgs prsodnceessndiKingDPin Battes Busese felSas.oen. OVER THE FENCE (BSy Oween Davs) Preosntd by a large anded rta isisly funnytCospsysofComaddans. sorresndZ. by a conminntion of Ike vtry neesto POPULAR FEATURES asd a seets ofhigh-clssand alwaysoup-to-date CLEVER SPECIALTIES PRIICES, - 75, 50, 35 and 25 cents. Iup Buy an ALARM CLOCK HAIRSJEWELRY STORE, MAIN STREET. College Pins' ofDFlea Design. CHEST PROTECTORSv- ALL PRICES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.