h The o I . o .At ab o VOL. X. ANN ARtBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOB3ER 31, 1899. No. 3".. WI LD' Fine Fall and Winter H SSuitintgs, Golf1 Suits, E Fancy Vestincgs. TDRESS SUITS ASPECIALTY T AWe Carry the Larcgest A I Stock L In the Cityj. L .V 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 Chocolates We maire a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is alswaye freeh. Losvney'e,AMlegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock.. " Wilder's Pharmacy R ELIABL E bo" n f eready wNIIithCi 'IFIS A St'HCIAL.'t"Y. R. E. JOLLY & CO. MILITfIRY flIR IBRU i6 Our prices are so low that any man can afford a pair of them. Ebony backs as last as $1.00 a pair. See them io our windaw Calkins' Pharmacy OXFORD As Treated bt Old Cnstoi to Amsr The U~nity Ciu opened loot sight timan vithlest leges of Oixford.' uncusuallyistoic! of the oubjeectan the opealeer tr'ey The wotkt, tie, the great l nse lively ioiiiiier,i atnd illustrated N doete. psion tht itr ciag neditdleeay v-arlecus coiiegvs ahietr hsveti hunrdh The 5tnies t Nachihs t itsse uiclatinetc. cats i, cact tsit Petrsonsma Lod prlvrity UNIVERSITY qjudge Harriman.- ins-No Superior. rican Uniser- sities. Lis Loc'aue Course ovas it by Judge W. t). Etar- lure enititled, "'rievol- The lecture wavan a sling otieboth because ini the osatiserin tvii ted ii. editions atid history of ,riyivory troiled en a ini charmsinig 'anguage, wihiaweelth of 01c latest that tse fitst isoi clkes theOvisit is this y. 'Te baildings of the dtiplayeversootydieelf iih hes eppeatred to vetavs. ye tof xfordconsistsofii loges. Eact ollitege h'as inclosedibyhyigihtwiails, ietely off tirim lie test. pste enedowmnt nd s )tesctihed by its toatnd- tin its cowntifellowisitand eqiiremoents0tor oait- tat crily'the Itiveosip beome mbe~e o'tinrsoifOo- soiiteceit eiatteding anty for Amoerican students to go to Ox'o d DISCUSSED THE TRUST to studty.Oxfeoid offers no superior oct- PROBL EM vantages excet for the needy of Pit____ olci"'' andOld1Fg"into ft is tiot 'oO Able Papers bqj Prof. H. S. Wilgus ,,veil uipped or teacihing sctiee on Before the Business Men's ouon schools 're. Class. Theme is nio such I. v chooil 5inillArma ikably able paper swas read "nlaned as on' o'n.at AniouArbor. before the fBusiness tMen's Clans of lbs icut Oxfored has one advanta"e'no' sa ed ho any otbet univeseitey.ThatCongregaltional churhloaest Sunday ithe inspiatontossich'lcomnsfromnots meoringti"by Prof H. S. 'Wilgus ocnthe oixtudreid0ye'ars oif history.tin every subje ces of fTrusts." After discussing hantieits'dietis met by crestsa'dethle natutre of trust, the extent of their reliscofLinliand's greatestio-heeiGri tatsmen, a1;_'hlls etc yetf prev0sil eiatioti the results they have acoon- duraions plihedand she rausrs of the trust, the p . nystangecusomsteeprva citpossoi 'tsts" , as foil uvs conce neng \hose n s esoing seirce boe orI- teeedy: exiss. Old oI"ns hoe gireat boil inisielts v noeto Criot churech still ritngsonstirhundedc'tfa gt soloit -oi0etorcorporations. andsoietisses evoty nsgtut 'insine' What stoiatied eletticity are to thse o'lcas it his lotte forthiree teti- iostsiaiiiworseldt he rorporation iotao tores slittoii ie ar riisel tilhei busitness 0w0rid-the one great of- 'hlte' wanderrswhotis shut oits lionytte gate lktelser a self shill ii"iilii i ieehn ltstascodesi got iit ad b sclleu netmornng teaiy 1f' fuler, our rounctry greater, On May flst oft'very'syeariio'l e losnatndt sstioitbidsfeair sootnttomake us if All Si'iils climttioi the Ion of the log e. of the oaid s comstoere.Pliers ,luai tow000 at ifiveo'clrciksinto 0the olssing of oiganoizedsatiety lout iAiotigeahtmtrulahitiitomitoneis that has boon made bettet or distrib- sentatroundiltothoe irototnsof ill theonews steel motesowidy thiroughlo rporate matrilassattdleavesssoito esch a toerstion. Itcoustntatbe destroyed. Sa 'celii'andt thread soills the woirdo, too indiv ideal efaottinust be loft rii- " h'aelies andoel iethrillt''' OttoChirs-tratomseled;soon tmust be loft fhoe to ia~sttnightiagraduppiiseris servedo'in t lbe d'einoitngball. A1 this supiper et bsa',theotmliost ipossible. Tutu is the very head carrieon it great ta sasoaesiss ba sis ot oil institutieons, situnist ntot bottitis. Oxfordis to 5beO ltlOnet be imieiltedos needlessdy crtailed. for ttkeep ilupthlse50 gotdcutomscoos0(1)Eleensntossivteintoutadestroty thy fettt a itleasintg relief ftromthuethsvat"'rgioo tethrt) tiltdes of liheiphilos'ophesrs:'hs atageatosaeete 2 "Friftheretois aiperson o earthinterncatlior0(31 external.'Ts' ftr'edly itocontributesotingottioo t'lope'eagremticnstepools e.,icannot laog clodnes oselfaiieofcmanind, ".'s nduroItor this tie tihatbinedsis soly the ihsksy-hea'rte'dlasool osriee'o ' tihle peronat'lhotnor oilits' iiontiirs; te an loosth veotlol stilstoths p e'o ours hl theomnillegal, aid all ag cmi' soolsioldellnittons osbito inobtody nn-tooetts contt uting theistvotd. Tuttei dntnslo 'ndI ooetaphyicaltoo 1 isla"s nterestsolosatie' the recotomic tossfur- aouttihobodycaretilynishstna tetmedcy-t(B) Externael,-these 1901 WinseA Fluke Desidles the *re (sf Thee tcomic remedy of crnito- Class Game. ittionsoicstisto fear has prevented any T'e Juior Ltortty teamsoosotn ftom tust ftrotisobtinming antd hioldisig foi the' Se'ioir class testist' ertsy'in the'any or"'geatlength of timeoentie roost excciti"ggame' o f the seson. hThe' sontoohof annyrcomodeity. Evoothoe solitarsy sc ote ottisve pitis wstmoade Stantediltr unt loan failedtoisdo this. in the toot threetmintsof otipt l iy.Te henoithere to the rcotattpotetili .O-tiot s kckedhoff tilt o obtaieto'h' molt for toter diono.They then c r i'i te otomtoteitin Ohaof works lihe grav'ity', oatl1trtapilyttdowtntohe ielodtoo ft'e 2;intlkees allpuiters owithin beareoblo yard lice of thse Juniotrs.OHereoa fuc-limit s. (h Legal, eider thse rotemioni bes made. o ThItobsalloledtiout i s't' list thior atbdo ormadeolovold all coti- oil thoeuplayerstoothlmy uttnnutoticdfi trlacts10ittueasonable restraint at is' i hreequatehr's ohto t mniite.'St1.0 esswian grbbttng it ovas oftilthiettoall 0 tttihtinatiito Otunrtasontailly owttthe Itild befor eoans' otthe dn re'trainti"gcrt,t itin a1 tconspoi a- inrt nticodeihici.ihSvral ot theo 0Jun ieosoalittonoptouies subtantially cni- osactcoospuastied boutsand isoevetnted ohingtt5thoe rodcutocnorpicee of no- thte fwSnos ho followsed froms tackiono'him.n U t e a runoout 005 cosatoc' As'toto suchIlthest'remuueiui ohrs anti itanteti the bil fatiy b0 orit nit isto'voidh ttttthtot tarty toot tooeeni tbe goacl iposts.ITahcott fatiloeohtaoenfeorce 0'it; tetiui so il direct its ocat- kick igoal'th ooughs Itohad two tties. celitonO'Otteiiottnito soerfaomacet, String thceomns'deostr of the gm"'i-ito' norrnea; h cibia o t'te00sstru""le'dh tacki, othdIforth0iu0000 tcevo'lboiboa ivrt ho ild. heb'lhhbeicg most ofltioncannotenforce aatonotractfurthser- te 1000eon thoJunor'os teroor00. Wheloon tg it' a coor ionra mdfO o r ttine il- 'rewas "alledl tcrrthe hirst bolf t ohtos lhga"opurtse,''rctrryingoit outOtmay oilts ; boo yard inolsea'soi ngoto raptily toetdhssolhoed toy the sethte crtesting' it; rsitetifoota oal001in the sectond half. ToeJtunitor's soon lbhough supter00000toolthe, aissots1itof amoutingtoto e generasip.usey playedt foot adoci- at aorssptacy, becomneboths civilly and lott 0011ly 'iTalct tltKittl-occos ii"'heocitinallylitable. I ctiolle ts ttitl eeio luc Thy haivt no tr otf uset oofy Civotsitey buildios, hoo theOhio veby'thigt ht too ho examicnedc by thoe i ttrstly 'eamtinerstor' to tic greeo. T'heice t -tto' ha'ncelli ortis meretly miomiteil. ie hots notdutiesw coove osove that of ing ano5 addreoocsoot 'mo intaug'urattion. lie tmay be ctzetoro ftore'~tignr oleegrdaetcrtol.floe reaillohe ttisohesite-chiatcellorsvwhouis selectedi froms amoomg timehorco fessors omit The governmet othclottUniversity is by thoe ctii'c'gattttttamid conmvocaetion. 'fle coug. egaitioonssts of thse professoors, exaineritis' inchal'oi moportantotrtootsof te I'nmivernocy. 'lis bodyonear'ly crreos- pondstto turttotulty.A ctommciteeof foturteei'osthpoltitrtethby thssroorugo'g tiouuoand metsowely. 'The oto ntventio0000000theogatheinog ot all noaer 'of 'ortn of the Unoirsity, p. esnited over lay the isc e-chancellor. Pit is the supremse govterning boidy, subject only t aitam enstit. The 0000- vocoation elects thischsancel-lhor, andtItwo onoosbrs ts represnot Otford in P'arliao- mensot. Tim ierIomosity iu entortly indepenodent sf local muioctipa~l authority. 'rhe town s authoriotots mcannoot arrest a studenot.'floe0tonianod CUiversity govn- erimenot ate sepairate, but time lathe:, o'ver'shadowsvn eod belittles tho iatter. 'he moayor ot Oxford has of ten beon omtpscoued t tstaketti oath isnO 0no way tc interfere with the stocred lights asnot L FOOTBALL F-CLOTHING- GSUITS Jerseys and Sweaters at W AHR'S prinriples of the students," before his ina ugurtatio. Na wmcan may attend any of the rslleges, mid noise of lbs fellow'sitmay marry. If they doa they forfeit their light ta tins in the University build- togs. Womnen may, bownever, become nto-collegiate members. The Oxford student is much the sameo as the American. Ode b a his main dee- orated in attlomanner of odd ways, soth pictures hanogings, trophies, etc.r With the present bigh standard st American Univershtes there is noisce an ad tt Ric~huhaordson playted tbe (f) What bane the legislatues dooe? 00, oc soon peoheoohlyFEnactedh 1001Grangor lawsn, 'egulting slowtoppobinmg betsweens almoost enemy '11 lea o stub~d gaitns betlost..tho rates and prices to be cbarged by pub- hil on tech'iscalities o- fumbles, lie corporatioons, sucs an railroadt, floe lutte-etp was an follows:oweouse, gas, electric light, owater, Lsudie900.. f 1900r.sostelephoto' and telegraph i'ompansies. Lou ..........l......RAcmaron OBut lbs p. ice uf omanufactured pra- Slae 'g...:....... Koh loc ducts generally canneotrcstitutionally MhcEligst ..............'rpetser be sao fxed. r litin......... g........ Buoummouho fb) Anti trust lawsnow in nearly rpigetall lbs statresnmaking contracts its re- HlaoooIatch ris........ Stenens straict ef trade, rony bicalhons orcm- Nufx .......... ......... Talea)th 'Hateh, Ohi ad'o......... Kittlesman spiracies 00 restraini.-trade, rombina- Atood.. . b. .. ..Begte, Mcofsflo tions or rconspirarica to restrain teade, Mi'er . . ...... ......tKnsey, Begler monopolizing, or attempting to mounop- Inspire asd Referee-McLean and osilasanypdutacrm pnshbt SF- erbe'ci Lonsemen-Drata' and Birook- n rdcaciepnsal field. Timers Ifarobum and 'Bidwsell. by O fne sr imprisnment. The Na- f'Tme of hotnes 20 and 1 minutes. tional Act of 1090 applies only to inter- IT tehdossn-51 nen. Costissedeonsesx.d poge.