MFine Fall and inter H
E Suitings, Golf Suits, E
Fancy- estings
A We Carry the Largest A
I Stock
L In the Ciy. L
COM and wao will treat
*o CO E r ight. You
*il fci ind ousr stock
ADof Daugs, Sun-
AND___ dricas, Batha
Tows is, Coc-
SEE US esa nd
1-tL ouS Complete
Epo sand asew ar ,ady ifi
p~ Corplete et, parts of. seta
* or single istrments. We
s think we have exactly wat
you want and we know th at+
" the prices are right. Our2
+ cases for five instruments
are very neat and conven-
ent and were gotten up ac.
cordin0a to sggestions .froin
z Dr. Ytzy.
For all Depatments, 'Law
and Medical BooksBing
in your old books for ex-
change. College Stationery.
and Blank Books, all prices.
Writing by 3the pound a -
15, 20 and 25c. N1ake our
stores your headquarters.
Two ,Stores,
U}f fli. OOOOIETuJ0E UppY'ortoae.
.&,s saeat 5. )aiaS.
REGISTRATION BRISK. the auditorium'has been redecorated, ONLY TWO ELEVENS.
-- the boxes rebuilt and the-seats pain- -
Freshman Registering Ealy--Up- ted and varnished. Jut ack of the
or Class Members Slonw in rear row of cats a handsome half Not Manyj Candidates in the Field.
Arrisin. partition railing cutting off a roomy Yesterday was the first day of the
passage has ben raised. The box oeaon when tao elevens could be
Yesterday witnessed. a great rush office in the outer hall is now back to counted out of the men who are aspir-
at the offices of the Secretary of f he its old position, ants to football honors at Michigan.
University and the various depart- Mr. Seaolt has made n earnest This late in the fall it is disappoint-
menit secretaries. All dlay long of- effort to satisfy the students' and ano ing that there is not a greater amount
flees were besieged by crowds waiting doubt the boys will reciprocate with of material on hand. Scarcely more
their turns-, and presented a munch their patronage, than two teams could h3 made up.
noe buoy appearaiice than in years Though 'there are several big men
past. MINSTREL SHOW out, them is a sd lack of exprenced
-The indications point to an uniusu-ons Thgaeastbeaut
ally large enering l.'ss. -'T'hus far them- o ns. Ten game hnnas to etugh
the majority of those registering n-a ilbrieelm tltcAsca-te les nis uietr ons
freshman. -ton---Board Meeting Pro- The midtle of the line is week, The
The mncmhers of the upper classes ceedings. three center positions have to be filled
arc much slorer than usual iii Of- wsAhei orl edisfr'aith entirely new en, for Brown,
ricin, an whe the e nce ere euAtmeetingBlatdifilitsndfist who played the middle position last
theyvisk nde nruhetoreiste heye eueplaengfortihar'sis-year, thle early part of the season,
the tale n rshtorwaiterunThe bsedesplansacortiigterscampaign, has ainouncedl defintely thatbe will
seem to prefer t atUtltebsds-rnatn h routine busi- not e out this year. His laboratry
rush is over to somse extent. Espe- iess. Several of the old board are -d hospitl work will nt permit of
cially is this noticeable in the Law missinfg this year, leaviffg vacancies, the expediture of time Clit would.
Department, wshere but fewo uppr ifstie lit, miedical amd dental de- e necessary. Snore has mit yet maude
class menu have as yet entered. _ iartients, for which positions '. L his appeafaflee.Fr the other posi-
'llis large percetage of fieshini Robinson, '00, E. W. Case. '00, HR in i h euf aeteoea
eiitriig ladstheacitoriresto AL . Iobins, '00, Jar. Strasburre,'02, full-bak, the mfaterial seems to e
et ani uniprecedentedl total atto- 'J S.- MeGee, '01, ared, A. W. more desirail, ut still tie saie
daffce. There seemns also to be aico- Cok, '00, deit, cere elected, ako ~rftt sioiebe
siderable fnfuimber of forer sets, Dr. Siitley cos appointedl official lie Irr qantityiscoc tefasestta
as-rehal eei oitofcoleg ayer nrdicrl av ier for ttro football sea- has hren sean on the fiel at this ti-in
or moreretrrnimg. Sil.of the year for many seasons past.
Secietary Johinson,rf tie lace oe- It cos decided that the Athletic Tire play of the heavier men unfde
iartmert declared that tireIrrospects Assciatiou wrold give a ministrl tie direction f Coach Ferbert and
frr a largeeiiicremsc iii atteniircace imi shrorwaort MarcelI. A imafage r Captaimi Stekle cos ciaracteried
that deartmleft cocci'exceerdifgly sol be iriiteri o ake charge ofb iidifrrbirchieti ihe
brefranIir -orrrl c'l ir' Ireogr n cr frdna) ref1 iir 1 cr spt
fecer bhorerecgicreci rio rrrigry ctau-oi. All he I ineritv i-reitil coahAlniiemc fse n
dents in sue riny as lie hadiiyeserdiay. e cahelto ursuseanid film ffo~t cilhrrldil il el Dico
The DAILY Will e free this week. ie iae in ave it ai great success. Kocie Fizpatirckwasi on hic field
__________________A "crmmeitee consisting of Pres foa the fist tmiie r evdcoted part of
Summa Cum Laude. -Da y, Woorowraid Browns cnsap-ife tiiss to co-ciinii the tauntes;
Assistamt[ref. Ges- IV. Pattersoi, Piederoir rraft tamiendmilents to the Ilatem le jriedhteoteicoaches in
coilliiiresumerie s rlrties ill te coistitritirri, prrrcidiig for member lookiig ftei h inheirems. 'ihe
Piiysics D cgrrrtneit of the Uniiivers- ship of the Amii Arbor bsiress mun, teirirolhed mup aist se another
ity this fill, after at year's ene rf and to miale ariangemnts for Ciie -ind ecclitrok its turnimiin ads-incifg
asence, has covered hii~mself swithr iiais meetiig iihiihiwrill ie elch hicb-ll by puitinig. ITie hrnors
hionirs rwchiihe at Munmicha. As tie re- Fiday, Octohber .wee eal cutydsrbe,
cull of a year' study at the Univers- Mesrs. Broskfied, Gradle amd aenevialeialfy ditmaede
ity of Miuiichi his los bremi grantedh Tefft cere apapoiited the cmmittee Sieeley. The laer got Iis pii
hic degree of Doctor of P'hilosophiy, or primtimg. FiTh Associatirrni cil1 off el brt muendo miattemfpt o goy
suimvirricumrilaudee. 'T'eucdgree of Ph.citrohChic prograiis amd score-cards dossn hic field. The huea up cas as
D. fromm Mumnichi is a most desirable durimg te Ipresent seasoma. follocws
one amd but very fecw eve artaimi the The board wishi o correc t a mis- White 1. P. Brown
additional ditQpgtion Of high prise takenm impression whcehi seems to e ittmer I., t Duant
whicha csas givenmiImi. I is ertaily currenftClit the Hillsdale game next igeanim 1. g. Carmody
a great compliment to Prof. Patter- Saturday cwiii be a quarter-game. Dickey C. Marks
sei's qualificationis anatua y u-Ths gamie promiises to e ome of the Barkabus r. g. Hence
fleets great credit apn th nvr-bs ae f h esn sHlsae Wilsoni r. C. Brookfield
ity. _________ - has a strong and experieaced ean, Wel r. e. Armstrog
csho aWill put up a strong fight against Fitzgerald g. Day
- A Handsome Theatre. the inexperienced 'Varsity material. Sh. s-McLean . 11. McAfee
A decided improvement lass-bhen Again Tied Up. McDnald r. h. Hineks
worked upon the Athens Theatre The $35,000 bequest of Dr. Eiza- ,Sweeley _f. Keena
during the summer. The house 5btH.BesolceUiriy is Ina speaking of te mena Director
nosw under the direction of Mr. Dean again tied uip iii a lacysuit. Mary A Fitzpatrick said hat this having been
M. Seabolt, who has given to the Hanna of White Plains, N. Y., lins his first afteroo with tem he could
place quite a metropolitan appear- imstituted proceedings to test tie leg. Hardly gaini a clear idea of just what
ante. A new curtain replaces the aity of the proceedings which cwill te capabilities wende, bt upon the
old "Nellie in the Well" dath which permit tie University of Michigan, cahole le was pleased citlraclasat, le
was such an eyesore to the students. it being a corporation organized under lad seen.
Heavy oak doos have ben swung at the laws of the state of Michigan, to "Dutch "Fembert feels that while
the entrance and a portico bridges hld a title to New York real estate tleeateramalthat has sheaed up this
the sidewalk giving protection to _________ fa s ged there so-nkk be at least
ladies during inclement weather. Prof, V. C. Vaughan has a papey twice as huch of it and that Michi-
Workmen have repainted ad over- in Apipleto's Ppular S ee rind- g an s rspects are not so rosy as
hauled the stage scenery and taken ly- this moth, on taegietu ih& som cJlildsem t o think. In fact
bu t he od faahionedi groove for or weare in dd ge nro ; alu cr: il having a hampion
cene ethng. 'In te futur ealplgue whi -=1}s o l 8 "isight in the material
scenery will e lashed -in poitin. Opoto and e to c" ieanig tu at udk
This will permit the cse of the arg. Prof. N ag'aU be~eclii - ta I u p MCL -spke of eweak..
eat pieces carried by any ocapany ros arele snes cashe dimett s a I te -i aindf
on the road. The Evhoe interior ~of tasmitted to ti country - - t ztt-o'aos 2. --