THE 'UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUST PUBLISHED STh LKLY, &600 BY RU DYARD KIPLING Publishers Price $,50 Our Price $1.10 SHEE~HAN & CO. University Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. U. of M. Barber Shop '~2; and Bath Rooms .U~;" 322A RE satescc . R. Trjanowski, Prop. Th 0sU5IR5NPES S'TIBFOfTION. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO- CIATION. Twelve Numbers to be Given This Year. Tickets On Sle at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 3. Congressnan .P.Oolliver, Oct. 27 4. Max Bendix Company, Nov. 4. 5. Brig. Gen. Charles King, Nov. 1 7. 6. WIll Carleton, Jan. 1 7. 7. Sousa and his Band, Feb. 20. 8. John Temple Graves, Mar. 3. 9. F. Hopkinson Smith, March 1 5. 1 0. Oratorical Contest, March 25. 1 . 1 Iiaa Amis a... . ... remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which we fully guarantee. What musie cans you ask ? Try as. DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. TallyIU For The Gaspe WHjY NOT GO OUT IN STYLE WITH- A FOUR IN HjAND Phose 505. 515 East Liberty Street. LAMPS FOR ST T SU"D ENTS Wte havetne st et ofCaentrDaft, Nichfe;lted Lamsps. itcludingThe Royal, The Rochester and the PlumewoadTheBelinan:dPefection StutLamp's. 'Te New 'Lap. P1 atntssad, is an advancein Lamsps.St h"vesamretight fttrthettiltuted thun any Lottttof its bind. N e angeyou tebet Leltp fottth COME AND SEE. Old Number: 4450S. MAIN ST., DEAI& CO AN ARBOR. MItCH. M rormer Botlsaot College. Calendar. Some interetng fOgures as to the Saturda, Oct. 2.-'Varsity vsIlfi- proortion of faresr' boys among col-ttao.tllFeltaa s iCgt studensohSar ebeen gatihetred by Nost'. attttltiefieldS. tise AnertiSas Ag icutturotIiet. St tao retes frotm 550 universities antSrt td e, o.4.Vtotlo.Ve teges replorting an attendatttte of (2,000 gonta at Detrtott., studenso. Sa turday, ov. .-'Vtroity vs. Penn- Sn thitsanalysis tf thi uesth ae Agricoltur attst reducae trstte nubtet at studets'contsidttered to at itle undteir 5000, totsotteruexplinetdreasotn, lite lat tt atdtrattenstitte,"'~ 'sty otfSoes'terOFis tt 'iersit t it fitndstthatse-arty 21,titidarteSfrtttnri ctotty. Itis.9 nte ot,45.3as the i-at Wst, fit.S in te cenatat e~ 29. inth ea dde Sats sd 9.5 Nets 5'"In 5no: ti te ntiotnt- silt o5n suthtatonditionbst ounSt' om meentaste A'rittaltist. "t i wonerful-sitrsibtte titheeeta alsittet:lit getaceof ourAmericas farmrs' s art- iteiestnd. tie the ta osatandasdeett -:sptrr.?i'o of thetirsns and deughters. Ts t exhtabtt~it ad etcmtgty tt theSit ntty oif t. tt tatureat feaset inttttye afth t~rmasses tia othster ttcations'. Sits BSlln, dressmeakting and ladies' tailoring. S0S9SE. Ann at. dt Id~arrt Sats at Wadhanes. Ryan & Rettle. Botst feat as the marktet at $3.00. 2G0-202 S. Main st. "Untitartan Achievemaents" witlltee Mre. Croaker's subject at the Uinitatrian church next Sutnday evesning, ther - snd in a course now' hein given. Steuben SO. Krept, trosm Erope-n Conservatory, Germnany, tearher sf piano, organ and musiesai eanatasition:: also the art of teaching. Studiaoll12 S. Division st. -30 Sturd as, eav.t8-Vatstty s's. Case Saturday, Nov. Ca Natty svs. Mats- mtazoo, at Reghnts' Fielt. A newe line of Manhattan Sthirts just at at Wadha ae IRyatn & teule. See thse.S.fsMainst. 1T0: olesit>lioge tinOth troitS is Ma-- Stittd ollet tat tta , 1.YIti, ftort s esSundtted.tI It itad 51,000 st~s- dett. Stutlta's wisashing tttstructitttt te GuitattXMantltnttt aIfo mttust eeturo opotu ity:earatfy ats possible ety Itr- ioste trapidly illifnftgutp. .J.M ISSF.f. 55: LeShtt thad t vetryfltrg'e 'cliic 'y-Atr'day 'aftertton t t he IStantopo ta ihotal.ttAf caset tf-cane-aft-o stomachrsatnd ftetattttn lot intestitals adhtesiosec e tit sfetShe ftmriueand severaf othaes tere before the cfass. ftssurasre pay's. (fee a gatotSpotlicy tram L. D. Care, user State Savistgs' Btank. TCt' attetetiotnt tef the student body is ratt'ed isote mu ses an bible sftudy giv- en at Netwberry htalf unde:r the ausptices afthffa Stutfens' Christian associatiotn. 'OTesroaouses arte not a nesw undertak- ing.,.and Sts ear start oatitheOa larger entroltment Shots ever betitre. 'T'heste ctasses are op~en ts the public, atndbSth students and citizenss are in- vited tto attend. D. fl. TINKER~ & SON IATTPIS5 AN FnRNISES Headquarters for S ATS, CAr, I's Fe N sHM08ts ad Ctspet eief GcmAsrum AGENICY FORS LONGLEY SRATS 333 Sosuth Stae Street Csr. Maisad usontreets Capital, 850,000. Ssrpus, $30,0010. Tasats a general bkingsinetts~s. R, KaEseFet. C. E. lGsEENE, Vie-Fes. Fsss, H Bsttss.Cashie. FIRST NATIONAL BA stf nsnsdue Capital, 9:100,x0. Ssrps ad Pofis, E4,00 Trsats atgeseralbatnkisg tusiess. Fnreig e c aatnglut asd sad. Furnish letes sof cedtait. E. U. K~INE, Pee. IIARSON eSLF. Vie-Pes. . XW. CLARSO~tN Caair Ihfl nn flrbor Savings~ Bank CaitalStock.850000. Srpltus,$10,00 Searrt. sttu.0000. Oganised undestr Iteeeal BakigLass of thstState. Recesissdepsts, buty adtes eS exchsatothepiscipal citis of tt Unsted States. Drtstc ashstluttntprpeptietiieaie. Safey dposit caxstoIse-nt. O IEsstCritian Mack-Pres.; W. I. Hari- . Fit, Asistat Csie r7[ W. Atsssc, st tVits-ps Selx sC. WATt, At.Cashie Sf1VlN BRNK Transacts a general Bfanking IBusiness. This SPaGG BdOllps to SPALDING'S \\p TRADE-MARKI ®Vo baII OR 1000 The Spalding Offiial.InItecollegiae Fsotball P'tensy .a a ~ell Uniesitt ty f Ciag, tltttsttss, ansdtswerylea'dingeootbllftntm. UTi Frs, aSoes andS Eey Reqisite fr thse. tie a Offit i c(lialS'ttttbal tie. ldhil. itt Waer (sas:5995 ru5ttleth ne atal expl1antttrysnots,retord, phttttapsa ttf Sresdigte5attt , ptttait, be. llttsoateip llnst tttld Cataloguetnof1a11 SpartssmaildSfree. (I. G. Spalding & Bros., New Yttek Ciago, Da'es Makese COL LEGSATE N00 .1 - Retlg of Caps ad p Gwn . JaSpeciltys Class Caes Cllee Fags Cal1ege Statiaqasry and W G. KERN& G0. 411 Eat 57th St., Cicag 01. ewf - s nas- aP & &5 ~'0 Z 1 2. Announced Later.(~}! Season tickets $2.00. Reserved j seats 50 cents for the course. AG ER COf T TAILORS TO M4UN _____ _____ ___ Large Collection of r ,Exclusive Novelties 123 S, MAIN ST, THOSE NOBBY GOLFS- MIL WARD NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.