XIHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 'PRTIY The Best Value in the City ~G ODSPE $ 13.50_119 SokAAIN~ MICHIGAN CENTRAL ",The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIMfE. Takinag Effet OJane 25, 1899. Detroit Nght Exprss...........5 55 A. Mt. AtlanticEx.pre............. 7 48" Grand Rapids Express .........11 10" Mailand Expres ............. 347 P. N Y. BostonSpecial ........... 5 FostiEa-tern............... 943" Mail andEpes........... 940A. M Bo tin,N.Y.and Cicago ...... 748" Fa t if estern Express............. 3 .. G. I. and Itl. Expres........ 545" Chicao sNght Expreoss............943" Pacific :Express..............12 30 A. a. O. IT. OCILES. It.. IIlovo.s, 0. P. c T. A', Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor. .0. D S7 1M S 3RT-T Z 15.ES; TIME TABLE Taking Effect, SundaIy, May 21, 18949. Trains leave Ass Arbor by Cestra1 Stand- cr4 rioe. SOUT11 NORTH *No. 0.- l:25 A. . No. I.- 9.00 A. 3M. No. 2-il:'7IA. M. 'No. 5.-1.2:30 P. u. No. 4.- 8:30 P. st. No. 3.- 4:,0 P. M. t"X02.- 3:05 P. M. t" 101.- 9:05 A. 3. t RunSunday only. a*Run betweenl Ann Arbor ssd Toledo osly All otber traiss doily oeept Susdsy. E. S. GILMIORE, Agest. W 17. RFNNETTO ,.PA Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Case leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half hour, beginning at 6:45 a. nm. until 8:15 p. mn.; last oar for D~etroit 11:11) p.im. Waitisg rooa, corner An ad Main sts.; Detroit, 11t1tiriswrold st. SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER This $3.00 LaugbIiQ) Fountain Pen G, Case Fller adlDirootione I it doeosuitiy01 We Buy it Back( r and offeryou $1.10oer iS w If it suits, youhavesmadeoaprofit. If It dosNOT, you havie made a profIit. Anysway youfigueoit, OUJARE AHEAD. Thio isthebesot pen e e resi is yosrcbance:to testtit. FaNT hoAI. aTYtlIA., atuPotOINTGOD s 0tsOly onepensnt ta oneiadeoss o sa 7l("t-eaesot boliday prcset as Got yosur scder i1 -a-ly-Order today. State wheotbec lsdiea ae hk..:.O ciyla is desired. A. s-4 Laughlin 1;infg. (Co., 133 Griswold St., DETRIOIT. MI1CH. lRcntscblcv, the lIbotogvapher. YOU WILL WANT A R~IBB3ONS GET THEM AT A.0IZONA0 TONIIT. All tioe Chicago tritics hove agreed that is "Arizonao"sohichswill be pit sented a t the Athens teatie toight. Augostus Tbomshais wratten a great- or ploy "Aloaa, the play xrbicl fhrst gained himl internationli f',ise, As "Al altmitot s idistinctivelyI as stage pieture of Southernnlito and pteioleati "Arizona" is said to he asic ra kobly truthful portariture of the peopole sod cotumells of thso mostpic- turesquelc :tiona if lispUnated Stales- the giieai southwsest. In the coot of "Arizona"thr e ae 4dozens of closer pteopleansong them several wtho hive hecomae pil tiiaa favrtso An Arbioi theatre goers in oithe rrciopanies. The advlsncesaeoef stoils snd hoses for "A izosa" began yesterdaiy moirn- ing. Wild~er's dlug stole on Slate oh IA hias a comledte file of The Doily in a coinvesiest inde-. All thoe desiring to oefer lt The Doily at coy tinme are invisted toi make 000 of this file. The oerieo of osoeomhlies at Grangers Acadoemy sill continue through thc winter Saturdlay eveninso5:30 to 51:10 o'clorcs. Mr and Mro. fGrongerswill give he oisuaal Thanksgivisg night pacty Novcember 30th. Wo d4-,ao received from Champaign loot night annsouncing the safe arrival of the teamo. All the boys are in good spirits, tlthough somtewohat tired from the joarney, hut nevertheless will all toe ready for today's conqueost. TO THE FACULTY AND STCDENTS. The undersig-nod sas taken possession of the entire stock of Hotoks, Station- a y, Hloliday Hoofs, Etc., of W. W. Wetmore, Main street in trust, at the request of the mortgages, to dispose of at asy sacrifice to meet the obligations. We hose all varieties of goods swhicho you use daily and this swill be a rare opportulnity to obtain them at remark- shiy lowcfigureu. The stock most be sold at once. H. H. HIERST, Trustee. Tu., Th, 5.-60 ilES F 5RYISIIN1DEPT. Whist Scores. Thr foll owring io the resolt of f~ght's pity of thte AWhist Club: NORTH ANDiSOUTHa. Murrill stsd \Mrsltall ........... Siiith oatsd itltidlshauni ....... Oversithsanid Beisel ........ Montgotmery sod Fisher ....... last F18 {- !Alarm Clocks SI., U. of At1 PI u 50c Ito $10.00. Fine WNatcha lRijaititi0 a Specialty. J, L, CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 2060 Main Soutb,. OUR PHOTOS~ ...ARE.. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State Phsne u19. B ICYC LES STORED FOR THlE WINTER Al the lootrte of LEONE SHAW,-17 E. An j t AT STABLER'SART STORE. N f alMouldings and N EfY Ou Frames New "Alabaster Statuary,' Beautiful in Finishannd Very (Irtistic. INDIAN HEAD PiICTURS PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO 00R WORK STABLER'S ART STORE, Now 91at0 Phose i7t. 231 7 Soustli 4tdbAse MONEY LOANED Os Watchos, D anions, Wheels orsoerPer- onl Poperty. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED Oflcesat osidence, 131 E. Liberty Si., AnnsAr bsr, 1Mich. Alt busiessi o nfOOidenitial. Hous, S to 11:30ti. i. andi ot:30anid 7tob9p.in. .Joseph C. Watts. Barfoisis Secondhdli.sPtholes ooid Diaosds. READ THE DAILY. Averlage...... . . .211 EAST AND WEST. Iitavers sod Kelsey............j+ 101 Bleardsley intl Fleming........-1- 8 Kettoocand Prentiss..............+ Miller arid Keeler ...............- Average.................... 242 'Tle study of msandolin is a recre- atiton from tisis perpetual Grind of Uitersity Nvttrlsanod I ism going down toi the Mtusic Co. ansd get mle a Waldo 0114 gve it a lithle attentlion. LOST. C. GMc oalililditeirosloat the vgym list. niginrIp100ati l onlfor leav- ing foir 0 itslipaignlllost his porcketbooik root~iiiiiig $3aantI stoinereceipois.tibt- ertltresotrd is offer tlforitsar turn. Students aae coadially Iisvited to in- spect our complste lites of suits, over. coals, men's furnishings aiad hats. Wtidhaoa, IRyan - Reule, S. Main sLt.inre Mr. Mhorgan Strong and Miss Maod Aa IJIUcisi Bdond stere mnarried at St. Andrew'sWarnefo1Ya. episropal rhurrcs Wednesday at HighWarnefo1Ya. Noon. fho groon graduated wyith ltist Vc rears law- class, and left wtith his bride W m +Af. Leading foe Spolsaise, Waohington, immnediatrly W .Ai- 1 Vfl d!iu, l tifter- the cremconly. iHe his arranged Jwl to enter lawr practice thcre. TU1"TLE'SV There still be a bssiness meeling for he girls who ore members of theLU C uO "M urday aftcrnoon at 1:00 oncs in Tap- Is at 338 S. State Street. pain Hall Lecture room 1. It is inmport- ___________________ at Shot group leaders and all the girls ,M , be present on the girls wrill be assigned0 mMATN. 'tooups at this meeting.FU E A ANNA DAL ET, Pros.FU E A DIRECTOR A complete line sf Adler Bros. fine Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th suits at Wadhama, Rysn & Reule, 200- Ave. Ambulsnce ntght and day. Res- 202 S. Main sL. idence 302 Fifth Ave. a r s , IPuritain Shoes WMN $3 .50 ARE LEADERS IN STYLE AND QUALITY 110 EZAST HURON I 14A14 1 . I Evey indENCH DIEEREFuaneral ridDirector {e lusast acnethtlf block westsFn k O A L ~~. ~U oar. rsiWee. Enoch Dieterie, Lady Aeitast. atL0 law buildiag. All kintdsjjjFn Boh hoesNoS.1 9W.Wahig-No 16 .Liberty Street. Reeidence 5138SShoe Shop E LambX ( LPhotos nSeth ., n ror~ .a~fW. Fesrth Aye, Beth Phans1el29 . Lm ert WE PATRONIZE GOODY EAR'S DRUG STORE.