Aktkhlft -J) m all VOL. X. ANN AUBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1899. No. 30. I L D THENATION'S DUTY oitd Out btu Congressman Dolli- T- T rer in a Stirring Address. An audience of nearly cwo thousand IIFine Fall and Winter H People ventured out in the rain loot night to linten to the address of Can- E Snitings, Golf Suits, E gressnan J. P. Dolliver on the subjeact, Fancy Testincgs. "The Nation of America." And wl 000 ere they repaid fec theic t ouhie. Fe,: TDRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T the speaker proved a great entertainer 00 ad aesofa",tcquenty inter. upterlbyen- A We ° thusiastic applause. But his manner WeCrythe Largest indicated that he spoke not so mc Stock toe the .mere entertainment of P in In the City. listeners as for the deeper p)urpose of far seven times that anmount. This tact TODAY'S GAME. estabtiished the fact that tho nationatl___ credit wras ahsolutely cwithout limit. Michigan Will Meet the Illinois Ele- And it had its effect too on European ten at Champaign this Aft- powrs. Foe a nation which could thus tron easily raise Pd millions wras Pest left This afternoon the 'Varsity meets the alone, aisd foreign puswers acted on lis i c a.Illin o is teanm at Chsampaign. It is ill- A reunited country eras a result of nets' Pig game and elaborate arrange- the scar. Before the scar the inationi meests have Peon made for it, and a crassiled critic 'anling factions bat hard st single wiii he made ts cin thce suer it is once mcore inseperahly ye- united. Gallant of doe Wheeler wvho contest. Excursion rates frum neigh- could have no peace uiitil Iceeras suce r Ping places of Champaign have Peeon msore figthing' inithae uniform of the old imade on all lice railroads aiid iii Uniion a. ny eras a stiking exameple Pring iunsmany visiturs, The wrhole stu- 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R W I LD Chocolates 'i'me make a specily of Chocolates as a side line. 'We sell lots of them anid ouhr stofk is alwasys fresh. Lcwney's,Allegretti's and Kahn's always in stock.. Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD Fo isauwek wcLv RELIABLE bte lnow aric roLs , WithI R._E. JOLLY & CO. CAMER~A SALE We haeescpilaced isn ieeesswiidas abcout tweo-theirssofsurestolk of camieas a pricseso enughito makite m oii e nic a sir eeiw- someeeond iindieeronoe is good workiniigordes. i s Pringinig house a serious thought. His delivery' is f ee anid unconventiaaal, and he uses peculiarly expressive ges- tuics at tuiies. Pits many rapt cain- pcarisans and occaional sharp thrusts served ltokecep lice audience ie contia- ueal good humor, wchile his more pas- sioinate uttereances aroused a great deal of ciclhus ie'sms. 'Thccthemie of thceeaddress eeoc the rspansibility of the iaatioics resulting fromc the ISpanisha sar. He seoke ist of the natian's p. eperatan foi the Iasc ''cere aie twoccisystemcs o1 phloophyci ,)is selfish aicd te'eche's that eachc eiaii exists lout for hiimselfccwhile tic eelseri's larger and ProW~des anid cn siders mai as acpar t of ihuianetse- ill i as ithimen so it is settlen'a- tionis. Andela isatioin' susefulescs eeid grueatnessde nd cscicnithe icert it tailees intee 1cproc'resscloiieiackincc. lice U dSae t.te dtin wiltetwo thaineicap.''eoewsits owccii ; tics tor lbare' eeistcenc''e d she cotter xitlicwlice it wa foundcced. iBoth cOrse "hiepered its derelotornits. It hadece figh o isvry lifecigecaint staelesover'einityc' tPeolelcanl stactesen we rc re ithe carescs to"othce'rcclithelmtss'ii'of America. Nat far the fti-te ifteS'years f the naioil'slife'thecre Peas o iee m cr-es couldlool tlhe futureinitihe tice withithee 'itrnialIstruggles it iseeeo streilcue the cocuntryscould list c'erce leey greet enfluece'aimonig the lees,"is oef the ccorlId. Butesowsitees reco"gnuze'd thatsttier onlty qseetlion in pioliticse tha~t evey 11110 and ecceryecRosaec mayy iaae ano eque al rcance leetheseocld. "Tich eittedl States fee therfirsttlimse ini its historiyfiiiids itself is a pcositione Ice taecits pla c nprien inci"''snelu len lccceemog thceenatons. Insete ad ot whiemierin"' orer eoirlscececletuse P thaesnkiulIce be delieed couest of seii of this fact. Thcere heesbeeri instilled in the hearts of the youing mneaind yosueg crecnen of this c *etrca reaiztations of their parts in the protres'ocf therecrld. The fewr wrere cealedl eaid fee\v of those coall wenit tee tierfont. But the youth of America sheored that they 'haed thce spir it leegee foerth in defe'ise of leer ie- steltetiones, and lieat sipirit is 1the life of a natieoec A nze c harit, P policM ~atetnctpee is nowc frervaleent. The peepie hae bees lifted estee 'slarger cnd cleaverer atmonsphccere. PFor licefirst tilme in its history cisc couentry heas Peen lifteed ablove'hlic ontenetionsof ipartisenlpi- tits Cerainmared olitical dinecusionss 'ccaveen goctee re f.'Tleecleses die- ticeticn Peteeon the riehaend therhocr noe ilneeexcels ac it did. Theublic itoftee naticnecis naot hp eielees ley ceerrupt.I"Andctthereeev'rer a s tine inellehistIeeeycchern issuesas cuch scced for a ;much or dticarfe'rsolittep: Alier the aboe e cc elees thce ie 's1p''ereouteclhiseeiscteto teele cabiee ihere'Lincol's moiithierlised iandl pinieteel Iceicolncteas 1the'tyicaeIlecenr- ieea li. ceTh e ceesnsne\iiheelthicscmight- et eman ine tit tmccedi ratiecie'ittallistaes coezrtle" \\,il thiee e'the epcoeeoP'sehoeeecesce deest Pody will turn out alnsost en macesse to attend the Pig game. Illinois has quite a number of voter- aens, Jahusean, full Pocik,leaving played as she team three years Pefore this fall. Hchane, center and captain, aced fll left half Paris a e user in their third year of play. Low'enthal, l eft guard, Ctlateyons,ieft tackle, Adsit qluartee', playced for Illineois last year, The followring are the positons and creti'lts of thecir playerse Mtchaeenroter aid capt ..,., ...20 Losencethal, gualcd . .. .. .. . .7 Clayton, trike ............7 Stahl, end and tackle.........1 3 :Briley, euard .............7 Peollard, taclee ............7 PF 'eaecic sed . .. . . . ... .. . . . Adsit, clue.tee ... .........6 NV dsce 01 iP half ........,...........Ida Ball, full . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' Johalnsoen, tall ........ ....15 Lundgnren, hleIt Dccciciend ...............15'I Iliis v ciii eve, age 18pounds,thire life 17, a1cr1their harks 150. Hir11t- ga1i' treinmav ease's 172, thelineeItoo, 'cnd the Pac's' 157. Th tinier-upeit the Peginnineg of tice ael ciibe'as tfollowsne SlILBIc tN.ILLINOIS, Gil . .... ... .. l .. .. .. .. BarD"Nd thec iceoec Pee's govcceneent. lie icaid dallier . . .. ............,, Cltolli ise compil imeentinnen uicera i te mscels e Ci'Oiee' . .. lg......,,,Lacentheel lee the tlatter daycsocci oloegeste'seeittoi Cc u Onninghams....c...... itckaeee, Caept. morbhiddeateac ciig tie' tie \vo'ldegmscseundcel ...eg ............. BrHtep L, ~ ot11 toli~!.Ile dclaotredel elet ccf c~onald . ...rt............ Stail ail che necu ,eandwen i Nw leakSew rt............ Freanis, Ctyp'cfisoiieet greatess'5tleebe lenownre cut hecreccoteone wsc'e orhe in eethecitly of Newe'Yok., McrLean ...,,,...,iic,, IHall, SWadswrth Hlrrnsitee ......,r h..,,,,,,, Lundgrens Calkins' Pharmacy I T I 1 f 1 1 t redible tt so little expense itf Plocd - ' --'- __ ________and treasure." i FOOTBALL F-CLOTHING- OSUITS G OLF QODS Jerseys and Sweaters at. WAHP'S Thlee Wst result of the waer is a greest- cc natioenal credit, i, e., ma 'al r'rsedit, thast whichs ettaeches to naetioeneil cheer- icter is such. il3efecre 11he sar Anmeri- can influence had susek as 1oevthed the namie of the Utnited States seas no protection at all. The. Europeean poev- ercsore even ready to int erfere and attempt to influence the naticonal gev- ernmsent. Since the scar the name of Ameica is a protectione to its citizeecs anywhere in the universe they may he, The financial credit at the natione has also Peon demonstrated to be writhouet limit. The Bnited Slates simply acted on the wise financial principle that if there'is Ian expenditure there must be revenue to meet it 'ixhen the treasury needed tics mhilonss'the people of the, country actually offered to buy bonds ih raes eut of tlb reis therDeenr l..........b....,....., Johnstoin nereeesosibilitieeseofthter nat in. " \.__ cclio iiihse utecntece cuties5is a Ideclin- ng "'smithcer'Amercacmset nutjudiel Thee folloionmg dispatrcwsnreceiveed leer dillies- cccruesfIolie eponesibili-vy'terday' lie"" tOur chalie seenCubas'reiharedlp CBAMPAfGN, Ili., Oct. 2.Ilinois yetb~n h UntserIStatescannlot leac h ler list scarchpreactice tonight be- echoicanac'hy thereeandumidcll ohtiy there lore the'Meichcigeanegeame anud Ilactswas cut suosrt Py a haurdris.cThe crters aec until crde'ris establicshed.The crowrded mum double moiurnineg, tier P'olard is sick islamed setPocelo Rirco ewill he handle eeemedaibed amd idlthbe usable to ilay' citeh time bect einterest cchercpoule a- Saturdaey, amid time heavy raiu is re- tiomesisviede Amecric'a.couuld it cue garded 1s utterly crushineg any hope of wcould leave theeIhiliptpines.p0Fcr tutu localh success, The lossofatPo'llard led a mat insuevadetrritlery'inch cestroyps to achcaneeiteethe lice todaey, Stahli go- thee euisetinsovrnimsent me bocuned huetug in ts tacleused Downd talsing the slay ss u seslanlur govern sumeut ma as- eud. tablishedh me its place. TIhat sea"emust 'lmhrerctcce tonightp eas quite sats- be wrrought agaiust the PFilippino de- facetory to the coaches, although the de- plorable, Put thee Amseicansoldier cau- tense ws no a s015st oug as might be meat mruiaay swhen ired sun. The wse desired, Thee 'Varsity made good gains muust now be cammrmed on to a finish, un- through the scrubs, Lundgren and tin there us no mnnin all the island whio dohnson doing thee best wrork tarrying does not respect -the flag wshen the cwair the bol. is finisheed cail back the boy' and send 'nless there is plenty of sun tomor- the sthool house to the front, Al- cow, Illinois fieldewil be heavy, but mighty providence has laid out hie ihe determined spirit of the team may path for the nation and sill'ii ecclit, give the visitors hard evork in spite of To meet these responsibilities now that advantage, The team as a whole statesmanship must be as brave as is in good physheal condition, ad was the armyon land and the navy on should put up a good fight with the the seas. heavy men from Ann Arbor.