THE 7U.NIVERSITYOF MICHIGAN DAILY JUST ~ PUBLISHED 8TflLKLY & 6O. BY RU DYARD KIPLING Publishers Price $,50, Our Price $1.10 SHEEHAN 6& Co. University Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. U. of M. Barber Shop L" Odi° n and ath ooms tl~t,° c'e. Still and Bath Rooms used. 322 State St. . R. Trojnowski, Prop. GUfUOOI'TEES SOTISF'PITION. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO- CIATION. Twelve. Numbers to be Given This Year. Tickets On Sale at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 3. Congressnan i.P. Dolliver, Oct. 27 4. Max Bendix Company, Nov. 4. 5. Brig. Gcn. Charles King, Nov. 1 7. 6. Will Carleton, Jan. 1 7. 7.. Sousa and his Band, Feb. 20. 8. ,lohn Temple Graves, Mar. 3. 9. F. Hopkinson Smith, March 1 5. 1 0. Oratorical Contest, March 25. 11. Chicago Alumni Number. 1 2. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00. Reserved seats 50 cents for the course. THO" 1Q $ WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? Good rich, Walker u rphy FRONT ROOM OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. AGENTS FOR THE BEST TAILORS ON EARTH. L. C. GOODRICH, A. R. WALKER, W. MURPHY, THE MONEY SAVERS, Tally I o For The Gan~e WITH A FOUR IN HAND HOLMt4L S' LIVERY, Phone 100. 515 East Liberty Street. L AMPS FOR STUDENTS We have a fine assorttment of Coatee Deaft, Nickel-plated Loamps, including The Royal, The Rochester and the Plumewooad, The Berlin and PerfectionStodent Lanmps. The New Lotnp. Ploumewood, i0 an odvaonce in Latops. It givensamore light toe the oil used than any Lamp of its kind. We cnn give you the best Lanmps tee the i ABT 3HON YVJ'2 COME AND SEE. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN.& 00.1 Societtj Programs. Calendar. Webster-Saturdoy, Oct. 27, Monte by Satorday, Ocl. 27-Congresnman John committee; current evento, T. R. Macrns P. Dolliver in. S. L A. courne in Pal- speech-Life of John Sherman, Louisvesthal H. Ehrlich; Impromptus: H. S. Writes, StroOt 5-ont o li E. M. Priest, H. Raae. tDebate, Re- nolved that the ballot should he ox- 0010, at Champaign. All Freshman vs. tended to women in national and ntate Nrasa tltcfed politicn, Aff. J. E. Tor-bell, G. W. Saturday, Nov. 4.-'Varsity vo. Vie- Blaine, W C. Dlios; neg, T. E. Lyon, ginia ot Detroit., James Chenowith, H. L. Child. Generol Saturdoy, Nov. 11.-'Varoity vn. Penn- Debate; tteading J. H. Hanburg; Crit- Sylvania at Philodelphia. len t eport, C. P. Halt. Jcffronian-Saturday, Oct. 25.- GCurrent evento--Mr. Nieman; Address, Mr. Rosenhaupt; enay-Mr. Happen- port; Inmpromptu debate-Aff-Pearry; neg-Williamo. General debate, Re- nolved that the Doers are justified in the stand ltken against England. Aff. Sehoulder and Dickinson; Neg. Fall and McPhernon. G~lico retort, L. P. Gole. Thoe Alpha No and the Adelphi hold thoeir preliminary debates in their hallo Saturday evening. MisBuell, dresnmaking and ladies' tailoring. 909 E. Ann at. It Howard hatn at Wadhams, Ryan& Retale. Rest hat on the market at $3.t0. 2G0-202 S. Main at. Tolman yesterday beat Prentiss in the 1, It semi-final of the golf tournta- ment three up atod two to play. Tis leaves Tolman in the final with Prof. Trueblood to be played on Saturday At 7:30 a. m. Reuben H. Kempf, from European Gonervatory, Germany, teacher at piano, organ and musieal compositiot; also the art of teaching. Studio 312 S. Division at. -30 A F. Ashbacker, '99, is at Martins- burg, Va. Saturday, Nov. 1t-Varsity vs. Gase at Regent's Field. Saturday, Nov. 25-Varsity vs. Rula- mazoo, at Regents' Field. The Value oT Good Hicking in Foot- ball. The following statistics of the Yale- Wisconsin game last Saturday, whicta Yale won by a score of 6 to 0 are in- teresting ao shooing the vatue of good punting. Yale, exclusive of Richard's long run for a touchdown, advanced the ball 250 yards-220 yards before the touchdown and 30 yards after. Wisconoin, during the entire game in- cluding a run of 30 yards advanced the ball less than 50 yards. Still the net result of Yale's 210 yards was matte aboolutely nothing by ODes's magni- cent kicking, as without Richard's ran Yale could not have. scored. The vale of good kicking could have no more brilliant demonstrations. Anew line of Manhattan Shirts just len at Wadhams, Ryan & Rteule. See them. S. Mtain stL Students wishing instruction on Guitar Mandolin, Danjo most secure opportunity early as possible my per- lads ore rapidly filling up. E. J. MILLER. Inisurance pays. Del a good policy from L. D. Gore, over State Savings' Dank, D. fl. TINKEBR & SO HATTERS AND FUNISHES Headqarter for HS, CAr, SlE s FueNsteonexs and Complete linef fYNASUM GOSonand SWnEATEo., AGENCY FOE LONLE HATS 334 South State Street C. Main and HronaStreet. Capital, 050,000. -Srpus, $30,000. Tanact a genral banking bsnines. R, Knxr, Peso, C. E. tRnosNE, VieePre. Fans, H BacoSa, Cashie. FIRST NAIONA~lLANK oganizd sa Capital, $10soc0. Spuso and Pefit, 940,ttO Tansacts a geneeal hasing busties. Foeign ehage oght and sold Fnmsh lettee of cedit. . ,. KINNE, Pse.,HARSSON OL, VicePe. S. XW. CLARSON Cahie The (inn IMror Savnus Bank Capital Stock, 00,00. Splts,$150,000. Rtesce, S1.500.000. Organzed unde the Geneeal Banking Laws of thin State, Receies depsit. bus oand sell ehange n the pincipal eitis of the Unitd States. Dat cashed uopn peper identifcation. Safety depsit ose to en. OFICaEe :Chitian 300ePe.W. D.Hrri- man, Vie-ree. Chs. 5Hiocoen. Case;. J. Fitz, Assistant Csherte JO WALs Z,Ast Csher SVIN BNK Transacts a general Banking Business. This SOM6GB610ncaS to SPALDING'S .yT RAE'SAR K lotbalI u FOR ia89 Tho Spalding Ofiil Interollegiate Foothll used ecolsively hly Toe, Peneeon aad, Pensylania, teerell, Unierity of Chiego, Olcigo, and eey leading foobotl team, Oeqtorin, Sboenand Every Reqisilte for the Goe. Saoing'Official Foaotbalide. Edited y Wltee Cmp 155 eule, with index and explanatoy note, ecod, photogaph of leading esoAe0tpaid, Oc. IHndonely lio. teted Gatloge o06011 tSpnretomaied fre. (1. G. Spalding & Bros., New ok Chiago, Dener Makers of COLLEGIATE CAPS ;t FOODS a fpeilty ClanCase -College Flgs College Sttio~ery and . W G KE.N& GO 411 ast 7tH St., ' Cicaego 10. NOBBFY TAILO STOATE ST. Neckwea r N N GRAMATAN c 5 0C L 555 WINDOW A RWagner,& Co. MIL'WARP