2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. abitahed Daty (Sndaya ecptett) duing ttte college yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Orec: The Ialand Pes, Hennig Btac. Bth thaes. tat. MANAGING EDITOR. F. NELataan, 1'1t.. BUSINESS 3MANAGE. 0. i. tAa. 't L. EDTORS. ATHLETICS, . G. t). IaIu~TT, 'It B T. . WcODtat','ttt L. A.t. MeDuAete't E A. . BanVe '. 'I.E. J. B.at'ee, 'a, L. J. MaNTGeeattt,'I, W. B. ttt'IEe, 'hI M The sahscriptintprieofathtte tni 52.50 aforte the calege yea, eith a reglar dttitcey eoree noneact' ay. Ntiee, cmniaton at ahaernatte itencdedt tee pcblicticeneaut e handed inaatthe DAILYrettlceeeattp.an. er mated ttoteteaitraefhe3 aC t . at te ay preaustoatthat ta whih the act expetetot appa. Suhbscritosayb eatalafteat te tAaY'oeice, MeesatorStlta ctstatttt. orwithe Btinaes Maagr, Subsecritesatwil cnter a tatb reeottegcptomply at thi aticanytefailrte at cariertadelaie pper-. Alt lates'cinCaaetisingCattea ut-Cbeai the atica by 4 p. i. onthe aSay teioces CathaC ona whchttlevae to au ear. Where Am I At? Thia it the qcatontatC someofathCec 'Varsty ten ittlte akingatheaelve withitn teanetctweek tnd tei only' enterer atllCCb' the gentle teacater of the aeelmncane ttd a t Ccit wafeicuCe trace the Stie eStreet Glfl itta. "Dutch"Feberiteend "Pa"lHenninger are watchy at e acriy disgset at the way soeaf thieeecandidteatee showing up; this itepecialy trie at tmen tatck ofte ie. "Dsguedcdoeeea t epessat ,"said "Dutch' at h I et-e n be' a Diy repoerc tat t'ht. 'Yat caa Iy teat ut that 'tin or tate at Illinoeis, there wilt be a staktingtp tat hit tcm at u ectran thtattii oepeteeye f sareepepe. Men wha averebeen d'peadd onetae a beettneilan td athitsahould aih their eperecteeput ut atstiftaggre- sivec gaetee pyitglisttiglcty,ted at the eat mementefotre theair d'leture tee the Iliiscetst put up a gea that mght heve petted ci the vray beginning oathieeatton but it ettir--y aut at lace ci peseneett ae ailee at Cheapign it wil nt be bcaue aot Michigan's strength but becaue at hIlli' weaess." "Seeraltoatthe paerysathathavce bee in iee geeright lngaduheasem tthinta t thyclav e e inetch n a pace atitt find"said Pebet, "that they ewit tnd lea teeubtitute rnt at the seethe nd men 'the era god nd 'wiling payers but heve net thus ftr had the benet ofasnuch cachitg 'tilt ceutout at the massacnd make the teem. Merit nd nthingelcie ia gonig Ca wrn n M thi tal." The tautiit net at muh in the ie as among the bactks, say the cachees. waho aloaet that it is their dta:"- rinatinthaet eery mn mut pay te game nt tr tne day but althIle time; and unlea the payer wh were taken to Itinia yesterday knuke dwtn nd thaw that they are wiing t devte at their energistoi puttng up the gamnea as taught by the in harge tollow intrutons tnd abheealt put saet ile, spirit and harpnes in thir wek, theta same gentemn witt fnd tht they aek the essntiat quaitie nees- say ta make them a part of tht 'Var- sity._ The Michigan Shakspear library wat inreaed durng the past ctege year by the additin f 13 vluemal and the Germ a-Amertan Gethe li- year by the additin f ill3vaolies This gives a tta af 4821 vaumes fr the Shakespeare coletton and 92 fr the Gethe acollectin. Philosophical Soiet.' Continue tttfiattpcge. tte adequacy at nature. Thia idea is the e atnalltoe Mgel. The proceta at nature Cs the divine tight isef. Alt in the woerld tubeerveetacue tuctioen it the aworld. Made- n thought takesae teculier attitute, forarl etprsottswho coanider themevesecditciples at Me;e beliere thet therecat substaneeof at ea is a moent, end -tubherres a usetul functioen in the wrled. Thet awhieh it colid te aen doeseeat die bet in hit funtioln he trvee en ferever. The renaiseaece has tee principal characteristics. First, talvatien by cheractera Ca shawn in the wavittege at Shaketpeare 'ahteadeclaesathaci c man'tscercter Ca hit fete. Secontd, character istoC be recalized in the prest et world. They 'tere etptimistic eatd Mcgel is their philotepher. Megel cat ite aboe the tpectaceeoatthe trouble'd at 'Cld whilte hit descedaetsaeoblig- ad tereccegeize naturets ebertietsaned then cexla ithem away: Thecy are all E O DTH BEST TOO GYOR?. IF NOT, OUR 'W'atuk-e-zie Bex Calf, WineteriRustia, Stornm Calf, and Vici leather lined Men's Lace Sletes at $2.98 wiii suit youa tt perfectiun. Eqatal to M',gaciate $3.50 advertited shuea. Has all the style, us tease srinklemising. GLASS'S SHOE STORE l09 SOUTH MAIN > eere net si particularly fascinatieg o: because our stack ta at remarkably fresh, to full of new things.a"Eapect. 'tut tu hare what ayou want." mundean iie The cuetien istate atE ' I it Hegels concepeteon a christiane doc- tina? Theeanterer it -that it umakes elarc'ula-cstceag pre atesiot Cl'e- ciante. Itfts,,then 'that is the etsence of Cbt'eiiaity'? 'hristiantyei niecesala itselftintee iniidualc, ereryote fe ''Ce its influenc e directly. ttegel's Gad 'e tefs '-wh a tile that atftihristianity is C cC. sacaihiciaeg. The detiny ahiach Christ held tap 'a meatureless. Christianaity ia teatkly perfeciona but the present scehemeit rvee regarded as transitent. teeget Ca hitardier be'came' ebliciocue at any fault tee hit tystema. Everyperestat writhaduce atftphilosophitcatl instinct isa moecnist, but yet mocre lighet it neecddate all tutbjects. Then' Ce no reatsonaatwCy teeprceectsatiua'estig-aiona tshouldieecete. SHegel hatstactrigtt ta the fienaeuawahich tegesctial systi-ea.ytegeticna ist nyeoptiism buccis a n'aturalismu.Iti is ateatesthetic ntaturaclisme at the mcci. It it no mare an optimaisem then arere the Greetkiieast cci deathe.tHceearawasoest eatd yet one-halft atties systemensi ain theese. of figuresaawhich halt se'duce tephild- sce im elf-i. HISTOLOGY, BIOLOGY, I BACTERIOLOGY Saupplies i'snl Dis'secting' Inastruasnsts. i Neckwear 50c 7l5c $1.00 $1.50 losiery- - -- b J1rt~ Scotch Mudra, $2.00, $1.50 and $2.ce Sweaters The Largest and Wool and Cotton Best Line in the Plain and Fancy City 15, 25, 50, 75cts, $1.00 Nobe's Star Clothing House ,JULST FROM TNICS IPR SS STEVENS MICHIGAN PRACTICE SptecialtPi ,icr hfor -ue CALLAGHAN AND CO* ANN ARBOR BRANCH OPPOSITE 340 STATE ST. LAW BUILDING GAS AND ELECIRIC LIGHIN SPLES~, 9SHA E A SPECIALT. SANItTART PLUMBINGe, STEAM eN cTte cearcRauHEeAING. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. GALLU111UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SNOW LAUNDRY D .C STATE PHONE, 520. i 1N [ Your laundry 'tasheal cleat anal aseli:Gaetle cea'se e nctleec ce. Ittettey. State e). statrcheadediroed.eret. i-lce btle achtd tattles' beeinnintgeeclasse e d., 8 t te lap ta teend ared oetoderalcs. Try us. PINK BROS., Insttuctors. . .l.,.1111..Ail1111111 LAL1l.1.AIIAA Officead Itademy, Nickel Hatl, 334"-336 S. Sthe Schleecle',& LIZ Patent Lecture Beforhbuyig yu ebseceatlectuecescallncantsee or ew eeaepeatecoere. CTe papereeaoes eeC Ieee ee get meittplaced asin thte ald stylaetin t et ohokts. Parker and Waterman Pens from $1.25 up. :Wholesale ard Retoil Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE.S 340 South State Street. GET YOUR 99'9 MICHIGA2IN 3IA2X fIT THE3 INLfAND P[RESS SAITURDRIY, OCT. 28. Mrte Ek at Shetle presees ARIZONA BT AUGUSTUS THOMAS. irecti fram iis greeat unoft25 sights at the Geand Opera Hause, Chicago. The Same Great Cast PRICES,; $1.50, $1.00, 75,50 cents Sle sf seats opens Thusday morning. GURWINDOW5 . itt cosnvince you that yot eat huasgood stlish shoe far $2.50, APIRIIUn.1'$ Seiribm & STOI7t.E HY-JEN " BREATH PERFUME 50 AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.