COLLEGE 9 KSOR ALL DEPARTMENTS. law and Medical) BOOKS. WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? Godih&116 S. MAIN STREET, DZ. fR. TINK~Ai & SON MIATTERIS AND) IINISIIti5 Headquarters for HlATS, CAPA, MENS FUNSINS end Campleteilineof Gyxstse GOODS4ned SWtATESe. I AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS AGENTS FOR THE -BEST TAILORS ON EARTH. 334SeethState Streot L. C. GOODRICH, A. R, WALKER, H EW AND SECOND-HAND. Agents for Keuffel & Ennar's Drawing Mnterinls, the beet mode; Watermanes Idenl Fountain Pens. Tbe beet in_ the world. Every one war- rnnted for five yenre. Agente for Crsn & Hurd'n Finn Writ- iog _Papers. For $1.00 you cnn boy a Eolid Gold Fountain Pen thnt is wnrrnnted. Fine writing papers, by the pound, nt 15, 20, 25 anod 30c. Envelopen to match. Sobscriptions token for nil foreign end dosmestic newspapers anod maga- zines. Bring us your old school anodrollege books and exchange thes for new. SHEEAN &Co. University Booksellers, Sta- tioners and Engravers, i r THE MONEY SAVERS, L AMFPS FOR STUDENTS Wc havc anfne aeerlmcnt of Center Drafl, Nickct-platcd Inamps, including The Royal, The Rochester and thec Plumsewood, The Berlin and Perfectien Studcnt Lameys. Thc Ncec Lasmp. ttleond, is an advance in Lamepa. 2t gives snore lighst cer the nil need lien, any Lampposlits kind. We cons give yenuelhe beet Lamps lee tse COME AND SEE. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST.," ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAMPUS NOTES. Dr. S. Yulzy spent the summer abroad. Mr. George Dreiske, '99 1, is situ- ated in Chicago. The Southern Club has locatcd at 804 Monroe street. Walir's Bookstores spply second- hand books for every department iei this University. Students are cordially invited to inspect our coniplets lisies of suite, overcoats, uen's furiiisltings ind hats. Wadliams, Ryan & Reule, South Maisa street. J. A. LeRoy, '0, came in yester- day from Detroit aind is looking over the foaotball candidtites to get a lilac on the probable teaim. The tinigs you have forgoften we lilv- remieimberedl -- cotubs, hair brushes, tooth brushles (wartauted), soaps, shaving brushes, strops, raz- ore, sposiges, toilet goods of all kineds --everyting you would look for in a well sipplied phariaacy. Quarry's cor. State and N. Unive. ave. G.'11. Aiiderson aiid AM. W. Rix, assistant electrical eniginecers, have been placed in charge of the day run of the Uiversity Electric Light Planet, tile positions formerly held by Mnr. W. L. Miggett, Sept. of Shiops. DEVAN & O. Howard hots at Wadhams, Ryan &Reule. Best biat on the mnrket ot r$3.00. 200-202 South Main street Prices are alwrays right at Walir's bookstores. Prof. John B. Johnison of the de- partment of Zoology goes to Morgan- town, WV. Vs., to accept a position in the State University. Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley, late chief engineer of the Yosemite, made a stirring address at the Soldier's and 'Sailor's Reunilon, held at-Big Rapids, last week. Prof. P. R. de Pont spent the suim- mer with his family on Le Cheveux Islands. C. W. Whitney, '99 Eng(,is as- sistasut editor one the staff of the W~est- orn Electrician, Chicago. W. L. Cooper, '99 Eng, is inuthie employ of Wickes Bros., of Sag~inawv Mich. Stuidents shiouldt take carc to regis- ter at onice at Brown's Drug Store (down towni) anid Calkina's Drug Store (State St.) Post office emaployees have strict orderosenot to give ad- dresses, so that telegrams anid ineport- ont niessages oftenc do inot reach studenits because they have anot regis. tered. Have yosir name and eaddress at both of tie above places. No charge is attached. Car. Main and Huron Streets. Capital, $50,t00. Surplus, $50,000. Transaectsea general banking busiess. Ri, KEsrr.,Free. C. E. Gassos, Vice-Fees. FnsD . asses. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAINK Orgesizd t180 Capitl, $100,000. Surplus and Frofits, f4OBO0 Transacts n general baking busilness. Foreign exeheage bought and sold. Furnish lettes-of crerdit. E.0D. KINNE, Fres. HARRISON SOULE, Vice-PFres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. The6 Ru Rirhor savings Bank Capital Stocb. 00,000. Surplus, $150,000. Rlesoureso. 1i,600,0e0. Orgasized under Gee GenealBankbing Laws sillhs, Sat. teceives deposits, busaned sells exchaange as she principal citiea s lteUnited State. Draftsocashed upon proper idetifcation., Saety deposit bones so rest. OFFICERSe: Cbristian Macb Pres. W. D.Starr.- meas, Vice-Fres.; Ches. E. illisock, Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier W. J. BOzes,PFoS. . W. ARNanee, itice-pres J. V. ,SsIEEAN, 2d Vice-pres JoN.C.tWAL~vz, Asst.Casheer WtINK Transacta a general Banking Business. Randall Fn U. of M. Barber Shop detlsp~tin and Bath Rooms. ll se4, Ste5ill 322 S~tte51i. J. R. Trojanowski, Prep. V~tIRR[N R GufiRFNrEBS SMRTISFI5OTION. ENOCH BIETERLE, Fnealmer aDirco Slre. Enochebelei, Lady Assistant. No. lit E. Liberty Stret. Reidence603 8. Foumerh Av othPhne x129.eer SNOW LAUNDRY'OE50 } ~~~STATEPHN,50 Your laundry washed cleanand welt starched and iraned. Everyting bleached~ aned aired sat ol deore. Try no. ±e11Itsso111aoa1IIIIe~toA_"11 k11"" Alarm CocsSI. U. of M. Pinls 50c to $10.00. Fine Watche Repairing a Specialty. "- L.,1.CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 20Saaan0South. ANN ARBOR. DETROIT. AT STABLER'S ART STORE. The Celebrated IFEIRIY FIGUIR[S, 1,00 subectstle leat omat Onee Cent Earls. Far sale oely at this store. ARTISTIC FRAMING A SPECIALTY. STABLER'S ART STORE, New Stole Phaone 173. 017 aSutha 4t15Ave. Fine Confections Bon Bons and Chocolates. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. VVAUINLLU TAILORS TO MEN. Large Gollectioq of Exclusive Nov- velties. 123 S. l main St. RHNN S O STHE BEST SHOE ON EARTH. 1 SOLE AGENTS. G OODS ED-,119 SOUTH MAIN ST. MILWARDZ. THE NOBBY TAILORJ, STATE STREET