Ulf> in mlal VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1899. No. 29. WI T LD H Fine Fall and Winter Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY AWeCar Carrythe Largest I Stock In the City. O D 0 108 EAST WASHINGTONt ST. R T H E T A L 0 R WILD Wh I L Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti'sand Kuhn's always in stock., Wilder's Pharmacy TH For seveal weks we ba ve T ULL b aeen layiongiastock for the boys. and now are ready with a full line of LUNCHES. CI- GARS and TOBACCO. PIPES A SPEOIALTY. R. E.. JOLLY & CO. CAMERA SALE We have placed in onr window abuttwoethirdsofsorstockof cameraoatwpteeice oughlt make them move. Some are new- some second hand-every one in goal working order. Calkins' Pharmacy GRANTQFR' School ofDancing MRt AND MRS. ROSS GRtANGEtR, INSTRUCTRS. Ofice and Academy 3f 2Maynard street-ose block west of State street stores. Bell Phone No. 246 FOTNBALL -CLOTHING- TEAM OFF FOR CHAMPAIGN Twoenty Men and Coaches Left Last Night for Illinois. In 'spite of the inclemency of the weather some 250 students turned out last night to give the team a send off for the game with Illinois Saturday. They were reported to leave on the 9:43 train and the crowd began to show up about a half hour before that time. With much cheering and yelling they routed out Captain Steckle f om where he had already found rest in the special sleeping car, "Waterloo". He was modest in the claims he made for his team and spoke feelingly of the large number of cripples among the men. He thinks we will win though he is backward in predicting a large score. More of the men were called for but they had all reti ed and it was not until aftfr much yelling and persuasion on the part of the crowd that "Pa" Henninger made his appearance. He too did not make claims of a great vic- tory but expressed himself as thinking we will win. In regard to the name of the special car "Waterloo" he said that when the team rolls into Champaign tomorrow night "Illinois will meet he, Waterloo." A little more persuasion brought Director Baird on the platform. He said that every man on the team was in the game to win and with such a send off as the boys were giving them would win. His remarks were cut short by the appearance of the west bound train which cut off the crowd from the special. Immediately after- ward the eastern express came in and occupied the front rank. Each in turn was greeted with the old U. of M. yell and "Who Can." On the last train to pull in was a gentleman of an inquisitive turn of mind who came out on the platform to see what it was all about. He found out and before the crowd would re- lease him rose nobly to the occassion and offered a toast to Michigan "12 to 0", he declared, " will be too low a score but it will be at least that." And laterafter the burst of applause had subsided to some extent waving his hat in the breeze he shouted "You're going to Champaign and she will have a pain when you are through with her." And the train pulled out and the crowd yelled some more for the edifii- cation of the passengers on the one re- Steckle, whose knee and side a e sti.1 in bad shape from the wrenchings re- ceived in practice and Snow, who has been on the sick list the past two or three days. The initial line-up Saturday aftr- noon wili be as follows: Cunningham, center; Kramer and Seigmund, guards; McDonald and Juttner, tackles; Snow and Her.ns ein, halves; and Keena, full. Almost a whole team is 'e- ing taken in addition to these men and there will be no hesitancy in changing the men about after the first line-up should the condiiton of affairs demand it. As stated yesterday in The Daily, 'Heffinger of Yale, and Brown of Cornell, will be the referee and um- pire. Dolliver Will Speak on the Nation of America. Tonight the patrons of the S. L. A. Course will be greeted by the fiery expansionist orator, Congressman Jonathan P. Dolliver of Iowa. In Mr. Dolliver the administration finds one of its most briliant and outspoken defend- ers. The brilliant congressman from Iowa has a way of telling things that is extremely fo. cible if not picturesque FAME FOR AN ANN ARBOR MAND. NORTa STR IS THREE STARS. Prof. W.LW. Campbell has Established this Without a Doubt. Oe of the most curious discoveries of astronomical science has just been made by Prof. W. W. Campbell, son of William Campbell, of Pittsfield. Prof. Campbell graduated from the U. of M. in 1586 and was for a time instructor in astronomy at the University here. He afterwards was made director of the Lick Observatory of Califronia and it was with that telescope that he has made a discovery that makes his fame everlasting. His discovery is that the North Star is not one star, but thee. This star, which is 5,000,000,000 miles away from the earth, has been one of the most familiar objects in the fir- mament since the beginning of crea- tion, and yet its true nature was not even suspected until the other day. The North Star is one of the most bril- iantly beautiful in color and is the star which the children are first taught to distinguish. It points constantly to the North Pole of the earth and has been of more aid to navigators and travelers in unknown regions than ay other cefestial body which illuminates the night. It was by means of the spectroscope attached to the great thirty six-inch refracting telescope at the Lick Obser- vatory that the existence of two com- panions of the North Star was dis- cove.ed the other day. Only one star is visible to the eIe, even with the greatest telescopes, but the spectos- cope reveals the existence of two others with mathematical accuracy. The spectoscope is an instrument which seperates light into its component col- ors. When the light from the North Star was examined in the spectroscope attached to the Lick telescope the other day changes in the lines of color were observed which could only be account- ed for by the fact that there were other bodies pesent. From this point it was only a matter of mathematics to cal- culate their number, position and movements. The North Star, which is called by astronomers Polaris is really a grat sun. It is accompanied by two invis- ible stars just discovered by the spec- troscope. One of these revolves about Polaris, just as the earth and moon do around the sun. It is calculated that it requires four years for the two invisible bodies to revolve around Po- laris. The year there is four times longer than ours. The bright Polaris rovovas on its axis once in four years. Polaris is approaching the solarsys- tem at a varying rate which has reach- ed as high as 16 miles a second. The variation is due to the attraction of the two bodies upon the third. This was another fact which proved to the astronomers the right nature of the star. Philosophical Societi. Dr. Rebec addressed the philosophical society yesterday on "The Heart of Modemo Life"-A Criticism of Hegelian Optimism. The speaker before entering directly upon his criticism gave a ret- rospective view of philosophy. He said the Greek philosophers sought truth but depended entirely upon the ability of their reason. Their logic was their strong point. Modern christianity seeks to escape the world. Its vital concern is with the church which brings it into communication with heaven. All writers agree that mod- ern life represents a return to nature. New England optimism prevails in our church. According to Hegelian interpretation the modern mnan is he who believes in Continued on second page. CONGRESSMAN J. P. DOLIVER. He seems to delight in putting things in such a way as to make them go straight home, without regard of con- sequences. While he is an orator of the fury kind he is at the same time a very careful student, and seldom speaks ex- cept after thorough reflection, and when he speaks he does so in a manner I maining train. That pulled out shortly leaving the "Waterloo" behind. Man- ager Baird then made his second ap- pearance and stated that it had been decided to wait for the later train that I c the men might rest better. He asked the crowd to consider that they had gone and thanked them for the send- off, but to yell once more and let the men go to sleep. With one last rousing cheer the mob started toward the cam- pus and left the men to their first trip of the season. '99. The party consisted of the following players: Cunningham and Larsen, YM centers; Kramer, Barkabus and Seig- mund, guards; Steckle, capt.; McDon- SUITS ald, Juttner and Wilson, tackles; Snow, Gill and Martin, ends; Street and' Fitzgerald, quarter-backs; McLean, Herrnstein, Burns and Weeks, half- OO D backs; and Sweeley and Keena, full.- backs. Directors Baird and Fitzgerald, Coach Ferbert and Manager Verdier Jerseys and will accompany these men to Cham- Sweaters at paign while Coaches Henninger and Al- len will go only as far as Chicago AW 41 where they stop off to witness the Chi- VI) cago-Pennsylvania game. The men %re ,al ip ood 0codition except Capt. as to leave no doubt of his conviction. For a long term of years he has rep- resented Iowa in Congress, and his strength has been acknowledged in that body by the position he holds upon the great co mittee of ways and means, and it is not too much to expect that he will soon be at the head of that committee and the framer of the ta-iff of the United States. Mr. Dolliver has chosen the subject, "The Nation of America," a subject of great breadth and one which will allow his eloquence to flow unhampered. He may be expected to furnish both en- tertainment and food for reflection. The recorded circulation in the gen- eral library for the college year of 1898- 99 was 137,365 and the number of vol- umes drawn by members of the facul- ties for home use, 3,200-a total of 145,- 565. This is an increase of about 2 >er cent over the previous year. The daily average attendance in the reading room was 170. Of these, 90 or 53 per cent, were men and 80,-or 47 per cent, were women. The number of students admitted to the seminary rooms was 428 for the entire year 80 of these to the east room and 330 to the west. The number given permission to work in the bookroom was 75.