XfiE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. THE NEW TAILOR,. 120 WASHINGTON ST. MICHIGAN CENTRAL 1, The Niagara Falls Route." l e tc lr CENTRAL STANDARlD 1.11E L Takhing Ef'fet June 5 9.t D ettNight Eopt'os....... . 5 0i5A.31 Atlantic Eprss.............. 7 480 e.Y.w o to Sp c iatl. ........ . 11415) Fast Ezt-tr ..............9043 YOU W ILL So tto N 5 IdCIJ 11 .......74 Fal t1t's 1 & pes ........ 8r t Chavo o itEr es. ...... 43 " (Pific looios ..1 ?3 A I - GET THEM AT q Cornell Freshmen Called to fur Printing Posters. TIME TABLE TrislaeAss Aroroby CystralS tand- adt ne tpu abdlonany un;100 1 tt t o ''sO . .20 . t N . 1.-1 0 . M. ollooto '.1 he t~zll'l u No. 2,-1:w7A . No -13 r it. No. 4.- 5830 tn. N.3. :,o1.Al h euatltot wa totd *Rst btwecens ADOtArtsor and Totedo only Lotb13ylcture oo, thtesollowit. Allsothtraeinst daily except tSdy. i. S. WGtiORt~lEAgent.oltios ob aoptdandtowi, rde Detroit, Ypsilanti and Anin Ar- "Whereas, ot 11T71)sday atoo bor railway. p (tIt ddesedtt)o0 the c1ass Cars tetave for IPetroitatdXYpsilant'i 1V1'(! placedtuon theltwlkothe7 every ttiti twi 0 ttgojbe--inn iat6:5an.Puld until 8:15p.101.1m.;las stcarfotrtDettotti t o Ite plig;of suoht1) 11:10 pa. t. NW itirg room l, olrAnntit otsnci ' by rt4,io a and NMainsti.; IDetroit, 1tt1 lrtssotd at.tIt __________________________ ttttttty tttdfutooher-more -Ahutstttthesuject matterc SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER 1os1e173 tendeld to ettitt1lterho This $3.00 b ttoeen tlitottad t Laugblo9assmbled censre th Fountain I iulso scit rsonibef o teran rois o usethi Pen d5.1lioto .WANT A fRNL fIAND ° $7. of At. PiIts 50ctoh $10.00. 1tine Wtcht tRep rait Spectity. J. L, 5MANj WrLLR, OUR PHOTOS PHT ii]STYLE AND FIISH THE 12 'Nat H u ron wit. ! ICYCL 1S'TOKED < -j FOR TH-E WINTER At te low rate of tot ot as 25 Cetts 1er tttottt et in th LEON SHAW, - 117 E. Ann St. et. AT SJA L [PISART 8[ORE, it v" wward -S111('11 01 tt 00(i 1ste.ttAto t who1 have Boiw1 rcal1_)ra1,c}ta" "rr ,11t -t 110007 0110 os wlo totanesof sits, over- EW Fall Iouldings andi coats, hlns furtishi111,3ntittts1015 OVELTY Franics Wadhns Ra ieule Stttaist. Now 'Alabaster Statuary,' The tudyof mndoin i a rcce Beautiful in Finishand oary titt 0711)7 f 1331) rtistic. [Nut. 71IRAIS 01 CTOiIOiE Utt o0(0 city-Ot. tttd1 1111 goitgdowtn (to theAtn (71301 ndgetmea Wld PROMPT ATTENTIaO IENTOaUR Wtef (01(1 .1111alitle