THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Teblisked Dily (Sndys eceped) drig the College ye, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MCHIGAN. oFICE: The Ilansd Pes, Hinscg Block BookhlPhone, it. MANAGING 'DTO IE. F. EoocEL~ocs, '01 L. BUSINESS MOANAGR. o. It. Ittos..00 L. ATILPIlO0.0G. 1I. IleCocc', '01 0 T. . Woococc. '00 L. Ai. M. IDoccCC. '01 B A. G. Boo'. '0.E. J. B. WOcO, '00, L. J. 7sloo'cd03eoe'o'.', W. u. IIcCor, '001, olkeesubcipti onie ofte DAILY11:e:2.30 or haddbottelc c 1:'D:. .Y cice befre 8p. 0,1o maill leteeditor bore31y,0.1] c.01 tiC cca pr~eouso to thatoncohick 110y5are OOOOQCCICoI lope critc. mybelf tte AL M AIceyce or S o::'e'e::ec"1'cdo r withn::e a 51o'oc.e. Sohciloce' cil cooe:a favore by carriers1:to.delicercpop'r. Allcangel ci-tsec. naoor mut be in.e~ tke olie lor4:. IL. 000lhlay ldl lonCoeccc100 oficial and Athentic Report. The Ad cli ' Aseciaio 0112 The Dal 001 cc. 1dfo-e and oil qisck adiccurcca srvie illeort- ing'lthe p'l' 11fc uroutid l0:1t ncme.e 'aclcsc maaeen2\ take coplete caccp Oilhe cc repii Trr ice ac c ' Pcc 11 e sing dc' ryi::"" insure a pe1fectlycurtean i reot s.ol ' he ' D' i ly hil cccce th news atOllTcis1 .occland p'esentit to t. 1 002ae:: cy 'o l ceio f 0 th2e'1010'too 1:- editi oncotan he ullAce 1. u11. 1:0ecc rep oceil.elvto Onlycioo: cc' c reor '000Ccoig oth o e cyandcastc0O: bc btatAeite booatteyding tic YA l o i ccia ' 0 ohlte ot. . TIe10 th 'u o' thelllio togacmoeOwill rnon-c ollool contloll at:,11get'cilclcdi an 00tlccocoI col .ccccuista ccc. t thsro stld aneesoAruanill Letre.e Inrodm theenntoyhevan. leecdygad- verbtloed,01cc ntyrebbs10eeglad et 1 Yaenni'co100i0Prol 0.5.Lmooflc Seiphasexcluoie origchttad t ileo tublesonthoeemnfl nt itsuropea edoi einee,c1110ngoujt be Iin". nne B Pey f.TLlmsn turopethuoreet wIllabeigiventN ov.r11.andisteoeod viedtheiyUBtycur slath rt B- "Thne Collegesof.Oxfor."mo oh LiquidofAiMc hinsonteto ecre teoarisrivaenfthEliuid ire a hpeine fromsGermanbhcehbeisthe.giltmof BcharlesTrF.inBrsof.Cileladre ei ce gmenaNdv. stuadents. seon Prof.Unty Pa ulre, whofis etc siummeAr inaGermnyStudnt e Hsrb- Te satesitatfthe machine willmrea.'h inomsherhaetihatIexeistewil,"sai hwed cnhet ith intoewrkingy hesrdrin AboutAwee alte t No arrIives." e GREAT ROOTING. Coolt'nued fromcfis pae. tory, that eeould hocve turned the heado of the steadiest 'varsicy playors. h3cl they cern greceted eeith it. They pee- ceeded to linec, up eight ahrea'ct coed nachlcdoeewn State street to thce lion blding, tc let the student conmunity kowo they we rc still on the canmpus. Tihcy shouted, s'acg "w hatth doec wecrare" lend and clear, coonted thei' wore", and::di1:1-e: at noe. After reacho- 'ng th' eewbuildiog they disesced, t mceet 020100 10 repeat the peomanoce e' l-cen they sc'alpIthcirconext eictimse. Practice Progressilcq Well. 'fhe s'eetcpa:ceof tic 'Varsity ecas begunnyesterday afternonnecth a pparentcootcd results. Thoeo'ne' 00e1 eeloe have:'s01w0:0u1011 eecen':tly' are digsoerather good ework but the "scte lyleaootd\ O ce tetabsoceof .th ol15en0of0000001ars tham holore :0t in conditionto play.'S'telckle'sas'e 00 colne'. ItBbold:::him. Whitos 10oc'" ci uthmotcof the buin.cestoe I' %\ek a est etze cla'Is.aclot ;s alo \"ry"truble oeceIdeowil C coo giie Fane"l ot:beae eo :_111 thi sesonsotha th tem :f1vt1:0n ,Imt i s pka~nof a- "-ek 1wll0h :0 0''::: cool:stuf.'0cc:nldie-ou't"o material. 00 1110layw1isfas 010 th Iin r:e aneemuchbeter ysteday hanit haso of scecis mre' tio g 0\-el:theccocci::a :ifthemenchit toeckeep1: anyt c oololol- o::ino osympathizer fom tesdetIII)(' 'l'i asitomeisll lc doighe .00 '0:5 w0cc:kcincthslclsion 0of eici el. acti:". 00h00 00ea:::.'ili::leveltei'tlocat1 namesh'gofctoe wh otwile 00:0n01 'iI: notlbeog'ventoutnilth :e'''cis noone.eTore1 00'ilic n obe ' :'oerUoicsscc: :1 1: A High Standard of msesit in clotkh'ssoaking is gained only by Contisusus Effort. And so illis is clotikes deoling. It cc- quires continuos effort 00 Ice peel to seledt that lwhic is kest frcm lice stocks of ike man0y clothcoseoakers i isk coontry. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING is0wihutestion1100tlhe Coinee'o dooed anod is aheadnev ::ery respect of ikeaverecge made-to-orcder garmentsl', cataooe-hoalIke pcic. Ilis that kinod of clothing wic eli e scotldressers ace lookinog fer n el izin cg tisefocitore ' lhce this eson ch::eased coo uncsualILarfe lSckof SinisBloch Suits and Overcoats cadore in poesition to:fit alli01:p:00 ond formcsfboos oroomagificetline ofitisiogh:graeomoak'. Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. Lin einschmitt &Apfel Lunch Counteir in Connection f L SIC 1K~'S. SHOIIT RBPRPU~Y FILLED W. S. PARKER, Proprietor. 70 oii 11 s a -i .Xvse. 1'h ltfrohiilnt tanl .i th 'Atli ed we iil oObc under loo 'e s el'peeri io hiosoar ~ We offt cc::thoc V> ny Boh1T0E'. eer 1111110to ""il L l e seclilee $51..00 ld i-)750 in Russcet ccr Black.o N\B.-S::ic A-'etol.fort hoc eell:I'oatclA. E. Netl o- foe 1::: Shcoe, ''1'Tle Ult;',''Teeihoooe," andci' Thoe dl tcvomn n AHR - MILLER Thueme JVIC~2S SOUTH MAIN STREET 2jJLSM'FROM WH9 PR S STSEES S.pecia.l 1 ire' for A ANN ARBOR BRANCH' OPPOSITE 340 STATE ST. LAW BUILDING 0 ol sttl. IcfiGe c 001 AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, lleoerof orn~t'el'lha-,e behos U eePORTABLE LAMPS. ETC.! act as refteoeand btOidldre.A 'SPECIALT.' AI clTARY' PLI~t cNG, etF051 AN11 HOT eWATERIc l0ATIIG. '} '(J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. 'The ttlent of F.lgiocilhsocstrely F ,TT 0.0000000000000000000C00T'fTT 0000000TTT'b0NIER IY CH OLO the advrantage illexpress~ing himselcf UNIERSTY CHOL0O in prciewodangttage. H'e thasreenourse SNOW LAUNDRY j J X C IX ico6o0owceorols, whiletith ermant to'ncteohS~oIeIabl STATE PHONE, 520. cotrhdanlrnd: vrtigbeewt 75,000, the rech eithlo '0- Yourilaundry ewashed lecas snd eell LGo,ol':e" 'c in1o'fe e.s o 0 l a oc.eo0~1. 000, thec Tsurkishoecto 22,000 01101:tatddaired out of dogs.or.'iyuso. PINK BROS., Instructors. the Spanisho witlo o,ooo.-Ji'.. ccd dtdd~dededecdoc O ffi' ice asd Acadeny, Nickel Hall, 334--336 5. State h S Leled SCII1ARETTIS Lcture lehv wa oat.e Book 00f0r0 buying yor)otetboo s o ro elect:ure covetrscall is and seeornew patenticovere. The STALB L & O arke and Waterman Peas from $1.25 up. Wholesale aqd Retail N301 S. MAIN ST, Paper from 10 cents o Pound up. sTT -r--- )F. J. SCGHLEEDE, 340 South State Street. ATHENS THEATREX~~Z~, - SAITURDAIY, OT 8 ARIZONABuy ar. ALARM CLOCK ST AUGUSTUS THOMsAS. Direct fross agrest rus of 115 sights at Ike Granod Opera Hosuse, Chicago. The Same Great Cast PICEgS, - $1.450, $1.00, 75,580 cens Sale of seals opens Thursday morntng. HAILER'S JEWELRY STORE, MAIN STREET. College Pine of Fine Design. '5HY-JEN " BREATH PERFUME 50 AT MUMMERY'S 'DRUG STORE.