flHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 r-l- Zt m.T- =T=",_'7--,mamsmrm -Srt -- _ I i ALWAYS T HE B ST IN S EKh Z 11----'r== I-== [-'T'T,_ _';_'TtT_1 r _-Z".._L_.-- - -' - 7I TYLES AN vD QUALITY 117 South Main Street *~-LomiW oTOjE HEST MAKES OF J MICHIGAN CENTRAL ',The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARIITME. Taking ffeet Joune 25, 1099. DetroiNil-ht Expres.......... 5 5 Ii.s. Atlantic Exps............ 7 440 GrsandlRpisEes ...... .....it100 Mail and i:Koleoo...............3 .t N. Y. o-:ou Special...........4a.,8 FootEa-ierns...............0913 Mal Epss.............. 940 A. n. 11o tinNY. and Chicago....... 740 Fa: tItese Exprh~ess.......... 1 38 P. G.0It.0andIKal. Ex'pres ......... 54i (hicago Niglit Exjpse.e... 0 .......9480 Pacific Express..............03 30. }t. 0-. WV. 5UGGLES0 110W,50 Hovo G. P.&aT.Ag't, Chicago. Ag) nn Arbor. .P2OOTD S mAZoLBTT TTT =S; TIME TABLE Tain~g Effect, Snaoy, Mtay 21, 1009. Traiss leave Ass As-bor by Central Stand- ard Tine. SOUTH tiOIOTI *Nlo. 6.-. 3:25 A. MI No,. .- 9 .o) A.. No. 2,-11:,7IA. 5M. Noj.5.-1:0 1'. A. No. 4.- 8:30 i>. m. No. 3.- 4:576 4>. 50. t '0 02.-0:05 1>. m. t1"101.- :05 A 11. t Run Sundayoly. *Run betwoen Ann Arbor and Toledo only All other trans daily except Snday. E. S. GILII1E, Agent. W H. BENNETT. (. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for D~etroit ando Ypsilanti every half hour, beginning at 6:4o a. nm. until 8:15 1.in- ; last ear for D~etroit 51:10 p. M. Waitin~g room, corner Ann and Main sts.; Detroit, Itl(Oritowold nO. SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER This $3.00 ti Laugbli9) Fountain MPen 00 11 tl ot~lon101 ek' it df-nn lietcbier, the l~otogvapbcr. Mnd is il t Sn ucha oehlii an,Wsh1butrn'I sc~aeberic Musi tr Lib0.oerty,only 2 dorsfmMak's_ orn_ The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD. 106 EAST HURON STREET What Yale Thinhs About It. lARLZONA 11A. A BIG RUN. Tho Yaole Noon ayo~o:f the Yale-Win- Iougustus Thomoo' onew drooma Arl- conin gambe: "It soas one of the honestazonesowill be see at the Athens Theatre exhibitiions of defensiv e football wh1ic10Saoumday night. The niece inslo c:oedy boo be:en seen here hio seaso:n. Tl it: t ood0e-ling with the people,scn e Wisco:nsin teain played a stroonger Ie- .a)d1incidenos of the far southwoest ter-- fensiver that offetniv-e gamec.butt too::-or)y . It has jnst concludedI a four thlessp, ()towrds the-end the g m mnths~' roo t) otthe G.rand:iOpera tHousn, evrry oplay 0)hblobYale tr ied 5gained Cio. n ITe rriticn of the tChic-ego soeli. O'Deao'sningt wsanltte shoort nespaper01cms uile in declaring thot in of noarve~lous nbut loin drop ickhing wslb slatetopilay-, "Ariznao," Thtomanso hao mtore or 1esn of a dinappointtment, a it ooutclasnsed that hest of Anserican dram- wsexnected that this woO oul pove :anas, Alaboaa OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron 5t. SaePhonne 109. The ot 00s0)00) ntint)g sill hod Hdangnterfer's Choocolates at )ll timesa absoluotelysfreshpueanatedu ~oltcr- ated. Choice Bnbonosfootbsoome CarameloNut Candites, Marshmoallow' atnd every-th-ing ln se lute of nuro-ir coofectionsd-ointy sond lone, 00 200 E. Wasiongtono sod 310 S, State. ntrooog feature of the gamne. Cochorns anod Wilmartho olso distinguishedthliemt- selves for Wiscosin. "Viewnd fromonetionodipoint of7tlb spoectaor, the game wso by for lb: mosot interestiong that bas beetspla~yo-d thnis year, 00n0in omaony rs:ecOs fully las en~tertaoiing on the chamion):00i))p gams.OWisconsin, a0s we 1x10c0e1 proved a formida~blr- opplonent, ptotica- larly for thols peiod in) 0he0s0a)on. H11 teaman fteritslong))trip :-abt, and tso lractrice lot Hartford, wsooundeniably inoo iorer physicl Icondi1)1::))than0 Yole's, yet thoe pluck andoth1iorooghly spo0rtsm0anlie con~duct of the: Winscon- 010 men00arousned macinfaoooablt:in men t. W: l)hope tha~t tis innot She loot Otime thot atihletcs fromt thaotuni- vescity soill contesr in Neworh1)0en. NOICIO TO) EIItBIotl' ZS OF ANN Al.ti BrOilGU lILt r.1L113. Theo righot of swaylthr:ogh Mc. Stolls plance has00beentsecureod to Apl:)A. All inoemobers :of teclub maoy now pa1::0. throught, .com Stalte street, an hereo- fore. IL. 1. JOSEOL~YN, SrC'y A. A. G.1C. A.comemtet line of Adler Bros. fioe onion at Wadhoons, Rtyan & Reule, 100- 202 S. Momn of. The stoudy of manOdolinis01a100 core- atoiln)fr:oetiois perpetua11 lcindl of Un)iversitysswortoand0I0an1going0dow othec lutooic 0::.land loot nc0a Waldo anodt-iveoit a little attention. Iliefhrst of thoe ner:es of ChoiOle' c:00ce00t0:to begive)) by tho Sch:olof N1O1in s) )0year soill tbe)0:'at Fridayo afteroon, October 2(t ro4.15 olo . fThese:cocrs ore- (coo. MoisosOluell, :dresoomaoisg and ladies' tailoriong.50 E. Annt st. 3t a 1r1:04O0LONLY N . V- 4, Case, Fii roandlirctinoo, "lie Buy it Baek( :00 go to Aoelooo dPAr.. Ca im-odA~ll1IIIV onswl ot dinFia oatn lmcot h c:osention:sofothe State Associa1ti~oon, fjjjflUU Is of Elocuii sts'.o Prof c r7 cueloo il:1 ra: apperon,"Pesonlily00nOoa- Warranterd for 1 Year. 0:0t', -Mr0 Soos wi)lleiver :onoora- $1.00 tio :on,::"A tnNoleoted Anerca n.'LAdn XVI1. A n l, .Jewele Thesoeries of aisoooblieosOtfrangeo _______rod'esdn ,'ooo:Ory wisoll con tine thougho helo 0 s«iloto' 0Sat))rdaynV enings 0334to 1t.00 o'clock. M1)000:1 .OGrnter ssil toeo t he uosu)l'fThanks1)givngnightpat 1u011 GrIRL.S. Is at 338 S. State Street. - 0 0 otlerooyo*$1teosi. w Ifit)a)..youhtveo adoo aprofl t If10It)do- NOT0, 50:00h10:000adoo i Anoy wny you Ogooco it, YOU ARIE Tisoistbst))p)eoi00nomade, heree is youroonoo to es it.I OiNoimQUL-oo osv DIAODsoonoonT GiOLDoN. 0)0:y 0oonopen n oo ooe addreson th0is10 Theoogrealtestloliday presentoniIO G01 souorndoo is early-Order toay. Slob whel~therladbor OiOetssdoleis deosr01 Addressn, L1aughlin lnfg. C®., 123 Gisold St., DETOITn,sMICie. Students are cordially incvitedlto in- 0 ne wi0l01 00 0 )0usines Beating for Epeet our ecomsiete blor-s of su)00, over- thoe girls swho are members of boo O* M. ,, coats, mens furnishinogs and1 hsaos. Lea:ogue londosewihintg to join, Sot- 'sadiaso, Ryan - teule, S. Main s0. murday afternoon a0 3:00 o'cock in Taop- oo'on I-Tll oecoj eroom 1. 10)iinmport- FUNERAL The best football squad picture Mich- 000tihot groupo leadersindsalot the gielo DIRECTOR ignever had still appsear in Sundooynrs esn s h ilssil eosiie mbalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th 'MOOs to gro-. S lottis mseeting. Ave. Ambulance night ad day. Ries- Tie-Herald. ANNA0 DALEfY, tPres. idenee 302 Fifth Ave. ~PrtnShoes W1 1a NR $3.0 ARE LEADERS IN STYLE AND QUALITY 110 EZAST HLURON R iauimai icos i aii .rdai. iaw _.. _. '.. E kr4 ??_v( d a ' ; />: i. *\.C°,S Evyr KidENC D&IfflU Embalmer and.Unve sIIEast William Street Evryin IEELFuneral Drestor nive sit onne-halfslec est Fss tu .Lbry Arl eieneL o spiogesldeP l BohPoe o0 0 .ahn-N.Mrs. Enonh Dieterle, Lady Assistont. ef law building. All kinds Fn ton SO., Ann Arbor. FesurthAce, Both Phone xla9. ~ io l~ ~mE. IRt.dal Photos WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.