2 bished Daily (Snday exceped drig t: College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Osce: The Ilad Pes, Hteanig Blck Both Phoaes, l17. MANAGING EDITOR. F.ENEaLIAD,'01L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. 11.1 aNs O0L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, . . . . 1,. ilcasce, '011 T. I. Woonowa, '00 L. A.t. McDooeALL,'It A. G. BOows .'0. E. J. B. WOO, '00, L.J.MOctwO1IRY,'O, W.D,1.Ittcooc:, 'lIE The subscriptio pri lc cDALtc.c02f1 the college yea, with a egaro deliey belti noon etaci do. Notces, cooaa otetioce, a oheeooatteeitoeded fteepulcticomsotot haoded to at the DALoff ice beore S 0in.,o.I mailed to the eiorefohe3cp,0i. tof the& Peviaousto that en whichteyoeoexpectedI alpsa. Suhscriptions cmay e olt01t1theDILYtOllce, Meyeesor ee tclll'sewtad, 0r will:Busieic Maages.Sbcrbersiceewill cnferafaoreb repoting promptly at thi ffce a a ~tiurec< caeriers to dlver er l. Allcages icc averteisincg cmateenact be i thfic lec ti4a i. ccn. oc thec dly lceviosoto tic os whicho thyaec to avea. lin chtarge itt Tday'eilaue, JUtNIIS B WOIOD The Intellectual Coed to be Distir guisihed froom the Giddqj Crowd. A oovecment 00 eig cosidered bh some ofl lie girl acd toeir adviorat takte a radical tp in dres reormo They intend te estahlish a style o Bearing aiparel which will e peclia to the girla o te univerity 01fibico igan. They are going to et looerccar the rules ot society, prescriing vai oaa uncomfortable, ht so called ele gant garmntsanad lieunder the di rection ot hygietne witchbhano toci iron oacd rtle. Ticlelaofhe leroladers itt thismcae-e coent have not os yet rystalizedl icli acny vision o hocw the "hygienic Co-d' will lok. Patterna oe all garmenctc havec not been drawen. Howeer, aa it propler to n itellctual -movemen, they hoveeconmmened at the head an decided apon a style of hat. The heitheres cold hale aticoce r two straight feathers, and toe ar- osaother hats with many erly geah- era will all be cdiacarded oe they arc teaoIheavy an opresion n a yoang girl's head. Even othe ant-ohonter still hae to give way to the "hygeaic hat." ti.his ht ia to e o sot et, and thas not at all cambersome, head- aches sethlte a thicg ot the pst. It will e an impcioing sig-ht swhe all te girla en te camps appear in this dis- tinctive headgear. The halositill ho icc variousnorlrcand tisist note casing a great anont itt werry. The girls are aging the deli- cate question et allawing ec h girl to select whiatever color sats her cot- plexien and tste, or to asig a.ndinte clr dco each class. Accompanying each hat aill be nanabers of whie felt these arcc t e seaed n the hat and ill corelairn the clas to which the wiearer elongs. Smples itt the h.t have already been ordered and will soon be n exhibition and as sn as tke color quetion is dcied, they sill be placed on sale. Daring the past sammer a number tel Ann Arbor people. inclding Prof. M. L. D'Ondge, Prof. F. N. Scott, Jdge W. D. Harriman, visited the classic walks of Oxoford, w hich acorn to grow mre attractive from yar to year. One o the namber, Jadge Harriman is to re- soant his experiences in a lectre en- titled "The Colleges of Oxford," which is to be the invited number in the Unity Clab Lecture coarse. This lectare s-ill be given Monday evening, Oct. '30. the . i i I lE t, for ore Ind be or lay to ce, ess by of in iat n- )y to ri. Jf 1T 1- CYr 1- 1- )'2 O ,3 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D. Sec ret Practice Slowe-Seoeral New Js Men Out. TE B The 'Varsity practice yesterday vivas T E B deveted principally te the development ot interterence. Betore the lone-ap 0 pretty general practice a-as given the men in the radiments. "Pa" Henninger auk-e-zie BPs pat thec'Varsity men throagh a practice litied Mlet's Ls, in tolling oco the boll, a-bile "Datch" Equtal to Alagso Ferbert took some ot the sabstittate niew wrinkle tii. guards and centera to ene side and necked them en passing the ball and ('IA charging. At the come tome "Long" ~ a ~. Allen tookt a big spread and sent thenm __________ down the field en pants. After a good reund ot signal practce the 'Varsity and College lined up totr'a 3 shcort bait. The 'Varsity made steady y lc gainta scering several tearchdownes. r 'These g-ainsa wcre nmade largely throogh \ t intividaala-or. Once or twlce, hw ever, the interterence et the'Vriy E was goocd and netted loag gains.'t'oE interterenceewas slosw in startinLL.n. cceaggreceivenecs. 21 did net loot the ends hard enough, and ottencceenoed to tade asway betore aggresse Iack-Nec kX w ea toog.cvnoweas cocioattoeororacticod ito SOc esd a-as played by MhartinGCil playcc 75C ite other extremec. Connicnghomcwas act centeor with Kranmer 00 bob left. Lacc $1.00 aen, played at right guardacnd Jiuttccer $150 accd McDonald at tackle. The back1 ccittwasgiven lutte 00 shaking up. Hosiery - -- - Street anKeena play5edl their usualcc positions, lout larcos, Weekts, andtFitz-Wol geadwere lit i tt solf. Sose at Plain at qtuarter toe the College moade a gcccd 15, 25,c jTwojnew enon appoeared today.Ot I obee 'isofthesewase J 0 Dietz, otflast DAILY. STOO GOOD? IF NOT, OUR x Calf, WinterlRussia, Stornm Calf, atnd Yici leather ce Sihoes at $2.98 will suit youl to perfectioti. tone $.3.50 adverised shoors. Has all 111e style, no ssg. SHOE STORE 109 SOUTH MAIN BJUYING hcere nets is partitalarly fascinating hecauseouor stock is so renoarkably fresh, eo fall of new things. "Expect. no to hays what yeaua-ant." bhirtS Scotch Madras, $i.oo, $1.5o and $2.00 Sweaters The Largest and nd Cotton Best Line in the- ad Fancy City 50, 75cts, $1.00 Star Clothing House yecar's Northsresern tean. Doetz a estered the University aol will coJ {3 j R M T 2 oat octetplay tis tfall, althougohs cot eligible this year. liteoxpects to 101 00 the teano next y-ear.A Thte other cne man seas F. Ft. liss, M C A slo conmes lfrconlRhode Island, hocvintg ;eonppatryems rcceetocddcy oacoctocoocrocwesill he To"v- I f scet cinc prctpacration toe the Illicois g0000 ontt udaldy. S t, C E' e I' C i s O'T'it' TO SENIORIS Icc ordclo to asscst the :lochigaccecsi 05 inc hastecnccg the rcopolatonofto 0n 0 fo phcitcpsithe photogcrapers av consenoted ttt 010000the rc'gulacrserir cocos on picccrtscncc.cScc Osre'cohcs ifthelab~ssswho ve noitareicl- che ictli cocofer a gcceat ftvcrcpon cc1 licehcgaocenacac Lcoocclifohtoey cccli at- tendl to octticng socmeacvqickly ,cs ptocsile.IThe latest povvcible dci recceiinschrbphotccgrap~hs icvJanc - 1900. Atcratge s el aoy -beo oadtev.it it the photog'racpchc'rs to keep act ascecccat- edl pictture fcc or tcse. 110e care yocr' naeisswritten lighlc~yoct bock of all suecohltorevetonfuccttsionc. WI IOCGH'lON PITEINT, M1g. Ed .Miehigaceosico. HISTOLOGY, BIOLOGY, BACTERIOLOGY Supplies and Dissecting'~ Instrutents. W~e garentee the goods. eo gnat ete rce. J. J. QUIRfY, CAeSMT'0S 2=7,70r SNIH N. ATHENS THEATRE SAITURDAIY, OCT. 28. Mr. K,'rk La~helle presens ARIZONA, IT AUGUS5TUS THOMAS. Discct frost its great rsn sf115nights at 1 lice Grand Opersa Hosec Chicago. The Same. Great Cast PRICES, - $1.50, $1.00, 173, 10 cents Ssle of seals epens Thursday maraing. ANN ARBOR BRANC-j OPPOSITE 340 STATE ST. LAW BUILDING GAS AND ELEOTHIO'LIOHTIIGOSUPPLIES, SHADES, ,J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. GTTTTe~ fTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTT UNIVERSITY SCHOOL. OF SNOW LAUNDRY DA C N STATE PHONE, 520.C "Tour laundryWashled cleoos tid Well Oeccclecccen's lcevisccccg clcs. o .lo 0to lit0Ip. stlac-ebed aron ecced. Eveerytloincgbcachcd Locdecs' bceg.incninc lass, W5ed., b to litp. anod aircdotof doors. Tryaus. ? PINK BROS., Instructors. tla. fice and Academy, Nichel Sall, 334--336SState r Schleede's New Patent Lecture Book Beforehbuyintgyounotebook.i cioelecture covescallin aseeourcnecatet cdcover.Thk papbcechoesccotcteorgtmisplaed s in thoeoldtyle ting noe baoobs Parker and Waterman Perqa from $1.25 up. Wholesale ard Retail Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South Stale Street. GET YOUR 99' MICHIGANE NSIAN fIT THE, INLfIND PR~ESS GUR WIND CdOrW5 Will convisee you that ysa cnn hay n good stylish shoe far $2.80, $3.00 and $3.0 A.PRIL.L. 'S SHOD~ STORDM I 5"HY-JEN " BREATH PERFUME 50 AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.