" THE U.NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY UTPUBLISHED &6O. BY RU DYARD KIPLING Publishers Price $1,50 Our Price $1.10 SHEFEHAN & Co. University Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. U. of M. Barber Shop ae',,ntit.)m ron and Bath Rooms. ttb edts utill .525state St. J. R. Trcjanowski, Prop. I IflRI% ThN V KThe CUmaIRlNEES SRTISFfACTION. remember that we cain supply you withi a $1.00 t Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, whichl we tally guairantee. What mote can you ask ? Try us. DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. WFJy NOT0TISYL For The Game WITH] A FOUR IN IJAND Phoet1t6. 515 LEast JLberty Street. Wea hae a fianeatmaent af CentaerSDraft, Nickel-ptated Lamats, inclading The Royal, The Rothester anthelumePwaooda,The Berlinanad PerfecstiocttLamps. Tile Nesw Lamap. Plumeetaaa , iana adv ace in Lta,. a. Itives ircaec light faa the oil ased titan any Lamapof itsbind. ste caila(ive youthhsttLamapsaftathe L Ati ' MONTiW_ COME AND SEE. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEA &CO. At the Jeffersonian hootls the faltaw- Calendar. ing members wtare setected ta represent Friday, Oct. 27-Athletic party in the satiety to thaetact department can- Gymaasaaiumc. tast: A. M. Cloud, A PI. Forester, L. Saturday, Nav. 10-Varsity va. Cast Cale, atORet's IField. -Saturday, Nav. 21-Fatally va. Kafa- [Toaward htats at Wadhams, Ryan & rnaaaa, at Rtegents' Field. Raste. Rest feat ou the market at $8.00. 20a-202 S. Main at. A nete fine atfOtanhattanStairts just _____ ______ in at Whadhana, Otyata & Btttle. See ReubeunH. Kempf, fromc European theit. S. Malt sat. Cotnserv-atory, Germaany, teacher at piano, itrgan and munialctotpttitliotn; Athletic Dan1ce Postponed. alsa the art at teaching. Studio 12 The dance cwhich woo to h-ire beat: S. Division at. --30 egien bathatAthletic Assoiationbas haen poatponed Car a ahiort flute. It in Tha serisafatssaemblies at Granger's impossicleto give tha dance otn Friday Academy cwitt cantiau° throughe te afthin weeck hacause at conflictsa'itth winter Saturday evenings 8:30 to 11:t0 other attrattions. 01 astaoped thaat it o'clock. Mr and Mrs. Grangerutill girt wilt bt given an the eveing Store t he ussat Thanksgiving flight party the Pennaylvasia ganme. November thtt. D. Rl. TINK(ERF & SON BfATTERS 5ANDSFURNISHESS Hedqarers for FATS, CA, Mes"Ns Stastatmas atd Catuft0itlief GOMASIsMa Goaatu adhSWFATas. AGENISCY OR LONGLEY OHATS I 334 Sth Sate Street Cer. Mutend uron Staelet. Cpial, 950,000. Surpus, $t0,. Tasacts a R, EMPr Se. C.EOttENRVit-Pea. FEs.lH5BE e.Cashir. 'FIRST NATIOUNAL BN ogaa d1see3 Capital, 50,'0. Strpls ud Pofits, E400ff Trascstauigenealtcah igstianets. Freig ecaarlaesgbhughtaddsold. Faaih lttestof treet. E.0D. KffN, Pea.BAnRISON tOUS, S. cW. CLARSOa~N Cahir IThe fbinfli'or Svious dank Capital Stc. 50,000. Shaeuttlaa. 55,000. Ogaseied tdar teGanetl BakngLaw fahiehltate. Ulieias tlpaat, blsand ell Is ec asgeonthe pitipal citta test theUnttd S tatasDtatft achduahanipraoatt ie nlatificaton. Safety dpositabox~ estet. Olrcne: Chettiata Mah. PestW0.tHar, msa, Viae-Pres.; Chats. . Ifiscat . Cashe,0M. J. Feitz, A-tatsC-buiersa ,] OW. J. BW Ts, PEtS. -- U W. ARNOLD, 1stVice pasl J.f v sesAo,fdvia tas 8l IG JaustN.. WatrcL, Aat.Casiea SIVNG BlINK Transacts a general Blankinig lfuiness. This So)o66Bfors to SPALDING'S TRADEMARK ®OI ll ~ lisFOR 1899 Thse Spalsing ofical In trotegita Frt bat ti en la a , tt ctll *ht lrsit sara C hilt~ca , 1ilt''~ n, o m" atdig nobll teats. OyitaatsS hoeanad Caty Requisite fr the Gane.almg'I W1, a lt:: ul ' alGuiide. taiepllto aot=reod, l:tnrap olafa. laigta s latat1ltct1 00 llC_ aa-aain yilaist tatea aiaaf I a oflace: mt md se o. G. Spalding & Ers, HOOS Retis'j at Ca a tsep as 410classanef tst Chtiag 11. NOBBY. TAILOR ST 'ATE ST. U. PF Notic-The UppearUPenins evening at 7:3 MisOuchl, STUDENTS' LECTURE CIATION. ASSO- Twelve Numbers to be Given Tbis trance. Owe Year. Tickets On Sale at callissg at D~a Wlders. ihis "ad." Dr. L. It. F COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. bian, Callege, 3. Cengressnan J. P. Dolliver, Oct. 2 7 cityda, preached 4. Max Bendix Company, Nov. 4. lysonsg 5. Brig. Gen. Charles King, Nov. 1 7. Students at 6. Will Carleton, Jan. 1 7. rpecttant con 7. Sousa and his Band, Feb. 20. coats, wents 8. John Temple Graves, Mar. 3. Wvadhamns, FLYt 9. F. Hopkinson Smith, March 1 5. ______ 10. Oratorical Contest, March 25. fuj-- 11. Chicago Alumni Number. .12. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00, Reserved N feats 50 cents for the course.W ALarge 5eOLTsaA® THOSE NOBBY GOLFS .CLUB NOTICE. ere wvill ha a me'tsag at the sua ClubnatcThanraday 30 p. m. at thae club rooms. ,dresakiacng and ladies' a E. Annsa t. 3 FOUND. )e itstrottoatlibrary en- tar intay haresamtae by aily office and paying tar Fishe, es-Preaent at Al- ,and former p'aator isa tii dsn fhe Of. E. church Susn- 'a cordially invited to in- agaEte linstenfatsuits, aver- -furnishings and hats. can - Hfenle, S. 'Main st. FUBNCSIlED 110001-A very dectr- able suite tat roomsc; telephone, bas atad electric light. 4tt E. Haron sa. Johnt N. Trash, 'at AL, hbheena elect- ed treacurer at the maedcal saciey, by his c:J ss. Studtentswcisinag lanstructliaon at Guitar Mlandoln, Banjo anustas-caa'e o~ppatrtunity ealy ac possihlemy per aoda arc rapidly fOlineg nit. E. J.MLIt Insuaceapys. aGft a goodat i ty trans L. D. Ca'r, cr Statle Savitags' Bank. Thto German Cotillion, Mr. Granger will give private ta- trcio n tatlie late fOgures at the "Geaman," also in any teaw or old dancae aequeated. OBateaesc are noaw opent, and5 lessons devoted to the wcalta, youa eatl join nowa and receive the peti'afy inatrncticat necesary to the meaking at a dancer. Colt at GrangersAc'ademay, at telephone (246,Bll.) - t TAILC2S TO MEN Collection of, sive Novelties 123, S, MAIN STIl