2 THE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. bished Daily (undays eseptedi drig thos Collg yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MCHIGAN. OFFsC: The Tlad Oma, Itnalg Block. Both Phoes, 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. Eaaasaaan, '01 L. RUIJNSS MANAGER. 0. IloAN. '00 L. IHITOIUS. ATHILETICS.. . G. D. trsac, '01 B T. . Woooo,'00 L. A. 1. MDoGAatLt, 01 B A. G. BnoowNE, '02. . J. B. WOOL. h, L. J. Mohs:.hO~cO,'h00, XW. I. Itcac, '0OM, Tho cal ccptiot trice of 1he1 D cA is $2.0 fcc the colee toet, with0 a reglc delvory beoc' noon oPae ciy. Noics ommnca, nsn oth0rccutco'.ittonled oo publicin cmeet handeod io of thot),ot.v 010c . efreo8 5p ra.,..or mailed tothooedito befo31'.,cm. of te dayc pevious to that oa which 11hey aea ocyotod to appeat. Sbscrciptioscco 07beo'lft at the DALotc :c Mycrso. cc tl:ttt's c cacu:d. oth00 11nA_ t::oocc. Oolcoriecs will ot1cnfccofaorocby repotn ompt~octly at thioficatyfalurelofo 0c000riersltooc 0100ape. Alt changs tin avertioing aattre o ft e i the office Iy 4 p. m1. 0n teo 10ayjprevioo to tht oa which thycaro ttoo aa. As It Stands at Present. Thetpato-wot ek1 in tfootall has don little es'tan too cetotuat ite situ- ationis itsfld oeItrmetrly. Lfaytte thaso lettotrtctot'1cottolutil cy (tto 0) thoat Pennstyvania iot tof toe it c10ffs00m0110te' easter o le::t~s attd Chieago atd Mih'igatn soul s% it -whlensthey mteeIt te ltteteacs, tis year. Pettn.tply it Chcagogtatnd withithtie diadvanotags ot a lotg ti: can1 hardly e looked uton as a %%icter fromCcohicagot sho halaotoidemono- strate d thtshte hs a goot eattit snowoicg Oerlin undr tbyto sore of JO to 0. Mtichian goe 1oPtitadetphiat Nov. . atnd oct11 00elooted utona hee ac a owierifor erpastl.ttivasios of the east hotve prov ett hl gaee toy qulitiesoOateetoutgt to oecomtoe lrt;o- ly th' attding dsatdvatageoft t.t long trit. 00is onthoshit'se sd tot woitofro Ytale held thet owdttso soelt tat Ithe omparisontofotsore -twil itt this as srve as a fair basis uonitt whichl to jutge the eat sIadc woest. Yale's soe lctme as te rosult of te indtiidual fclay tof 0oneIcman, Itshsti- tte,sowto scceed tetint e luig tettn- tire Wseoittbacarlfittd. T'rowitg ott tiso0100untth le tamofstoere fairly balanceld, te superittr ush lie of te Yale mceni beingcouttealaceedty tt' superior kiking of O'Dea. Mihian beittg learly outapla ed by her Alumnti hts disovered many weal pilts ut a Mihtliganotattaaloay develop e stl- deotly aod at 100 cose of the sesooc aod hesutpporters looto os00 her mor than oequal taltsscoerogaitcthe tBud- getseoo-cn tho te coms. Is Gining Recognition. Theocast is gradally dicovtrloot-thtt thero aro moo in thoowotrn univrsi- tic sho coo ply football, but to rad the comaconts of thoeatr prss 0n0 would imagine that thi fot had but recently bon brought to thir notce. They forgt how Htarvard in '5. cor- iog n a fluko, barfly dfeatd ih- igan 4 to . Thi on an asern fSld to. Or toy Cornll c00m0 tc Dtroit in '4,~ and had hr colors lowerd by ur hut- ble selves by a scorof 12 to 4. The good wrk began set more than five years ago. It was bok in '81 and '3 that Michigan first invaded eastern tr- ritcry. The first time they were barely defeated n Monday by Rarvard (I ha 0), when a tuchdown failing ga scred but two pints. On Wednsday of the same week Yale won out from1 us 11 to 0 and again on Friday Prin- coton woas viotorious ovor tho samo team, the scre being 13 ho 0. to '03 anothor oroek of eastern gamoc woo scedulod and Michigan again ptayed Harvtard to a singto touchdowen. Yale, howver, had a ovatE away aod 0001140 to 0 and Wesleyacn pullod out their gamo 04 to 6 but at Stovons tnsti- tute Michigan etaimed tho victory by a seoro of 5 so 0. When the00 seortes0w0re matde a .goal and touchodowrnsoerd 6 points goal from field, 5 pointc, toueh- down faling goal, 2 points, and a sofetyt one for opponents. Aside fromtohs s' gancos of Miehigan's the only othet games in the cost in 00hich wotten teams havo figured are the Chicago- Pennsylvania gameo, lost season, whten te tisstetrn teamtceored 10 against Penn's 21 and tic laot ganoe of Wis- consin'c where haloev-as the vietor6 A High Standard cf merit ic clothes maknis-ga gined only Icy ContinuosEffort. Andl s0 it tisitt clothtes dealint. It re- quiOe00c1ntinouocteffoct osocc port to seleet Itoat whieh to host front thte stocko of the many clothes makecccit this coutry. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING to without questioc the fittest po du~ced ond is oteod10n eery respect of theoavocage mode to-order gacmects, iat ot otto-haof 4cc prce. tto thot kintd of clothintg which the toettiressoecsace lotohing foe, anorlsoieisg thtis foot owe hove thcis seasoncputcehosed on ocosool Lamc Stock oa tein Bloch Suits and Overcoats and arae itt positiont to fit oil shtopes ottd forots fromt tttoumgifiectlineofftisigh otadeotoke. Best Line of F'urnishin~gs and Caps. Aways cone to us for the proper thing. Lenschitt &Afe Ancient Monetj in tite Museum. Amosg sotne of thce ftin-sintshle University mutseutt havett ctonot sect light before arc somoe acienot apcr Lunch Counter in Connection tmoney asnd sioeroodern, botneatrly on i a s :1'lthtitou. The followving 4fi~f1C Ifll t s ' Ic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l iboits boy Cutrator Saorgent. Theofiost t I is.~lUUu IJ~P~YFbif a Virgintiactreatsuryc noote, of whoticItoe. S. PAPK RPrprietor'. folitoos tnis ah opt -t~y: Lo 225. Noc.799. This 13111 of Seven 70,) Nt1-01tUivesty- Ave. hundllred tondlFifty iDollars shaltl bhoe eo.. 'h flo e l iefo Stndoatthe Ahleti0mycOO Ot lo againOttothis ytoo. chne r anlgo ttd redeemoed itn Spanishtilledi ' AW-ttrlitthepr IfT hotfBI cotlet Dollaors or teotalouo thereof in G01100 or T I D ec) soil for xt.00 oand $3.50 in Russet or Btlac. Silveor, atCthtortleot oncefbr Porty, at N.B.- Solo o.-etst for the celebrateod A. E. Nette- thte Treastury of Vitrgitiiat, cciiofbefoefor ton Shto, "' 'de Ultra,'"''Terhtoite," andc1" Theo the 3tdacty of Decoember, t7912, toocord- Getleomn ad (oloniattl BDame." ic.g to ott tot of Assenmbly loosed the XIVAHR X& MILL1ER1I The 1st Daoy ofIfarrih, 1181. (S ind) 1hi MenShoemenj Mtarlti, F. Wcbb, S. Pattetson. ottT AITRE Thie ntla eenOi troced to Alexanlder1 S t ?R S Winritell for te museumntby Regent21C S P FR[I)A. 7- ( I1i? S S John1 IB. Bowmtanct, of thec Kentckyo~ Uttiversits' ill1867. riot feoosto ruianttfractol ST E N ocurretncyoes of the taluce Of 20 andio d0 cetoissu toed itt Limit, Perot, ittI H I A 1t73. Thecysteme prin t-ite Amccri- 0c01 Note Co. aniolpre'sentecdi to the cinit-P R versity tmucseumnoby T.c 11. Cole. Thio contrasct btweethe11cciineosteel etcprat5- otto'o isg of thoese notes antd ttoecr'dce ssork - ' todvlsoLa CRL AG A AND Coo 0o0 the Vitg ioiaohill is tory macrredt. ANN ARBOR BRANCH OPPOSITE Althird little slit is atstonmile of re- Z40 STATE. ST. LAW.O BUILDING ceiicts giveit a huntiored yotarso fO. The poits arofthoeisbtding.111101fol- AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, iowinits ore orf t itt~ le, it o he dotumeit'aaroiEyIofTtile tlootttttetct, PORTA BLE LAfIVIPS, ETC., wicholtsoalcscopresentedl by Recgent AfeIlT OXTBiPCIIOP00 51Ei5 o0lt010 Jothtt B. B~owmutan, of the Kentoucky- J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Uniisersity: TTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T T TT1 UNIVERSITY SCI-OOL OF "Louisville, Jolt. 1,7,85). Reed of Lt00.C.E5UP Rtobert Craig 0 toe ccia of twselvei otPots SNOW LAUNDRYT - Elevens Shillings, iccful, olte froco staitd STATE PHONE, 520. C IN.A. Cali-' on twvo bonidsoto Jamttes Gowvdy & Your laundtry wasohed cleon ad welIl G(iolemenos teeiscticcoetatoftltato. I.tt Joottot W scot. Wi clot coyIdtctci stasorchetoo di tolionel. Eversothotg blsehed ad Oiest' gingc law, W'ot 1,8' o b010p11cc. andy 0a1Ytrfrsct.ilijheet.tttired outof doors .Tiy us. 4 PINK BROS., DyadYe frsil ej oet.Instructors. Jais.tsts~o~sssasaas:a Pate. ataaooots:::,11.1111111111111 ill Ofie and Academy, Nockoi Halt, 334--3365. Stte New Patent 1 f IA EtTS IL ~ 1 Lecture Beorebuyinsg yourcnote bosolcture-ocoercaciad see ourcnewoatnt covcr. The ST IZ L B SC . Parker anod Waterman Peas from $1.25 up. Wholesale ard Retail 301 S. MAIN ST,. Paper froam 10 toots a Pound up. ~--->_-_- -- tMo:- i F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South State Street. ATHENS THEATRE - SfITU RDAIY, OCT. 28. Mr Ktich LaShelle presntsl ARIZONAALARM CLOCK BY AUGUJST00 STHOMAS. Birect fros t is great runs at 15 nightsnat thou Grand tOperaItotuse, Chicttge. The Same Great Cast PRICES, - $1.50, $1.00, 75, 50 cents Sate of srats opens Thursday marsing. HAILER'S JEWELRY STORE, MAIN STREET. G ilege Pins of Fine Design. A GOOD CLOTHES BRUSH FOR 15 CENTS AT MUMME RY'S DRUG STORE.