ME UN IVER:SITT OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 ILDEBR JAND A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE.I THE NW TALOR,120 WASHINGTON STj MICHIGAN CENTRAL 9. The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Tabine EffetJune 25,18s9Jo. Detroit Night Elec. .5 . A. Atlantic Expre...............748 Graod laooct.E pes ...... ....t11 t0O Mailoand 0 rs..451 ..... .... 347.g '. N Y. tostono Specal ....... ..... 4 5o Fast Ea ter ............ ..... 943 Mailtand Express. ...........Si9s4 0 A Bo t nNY. and Chaooe ........7 49 Fa ti eite'oExpess ............ 1 8 .. G t. an Io l . x res......... 54 Cbieogo Night Expresso....... .....943 " Pacittc Expres .......t.......1 30 A.D. 0. WI. RCCI0LFSO e1.W. eeooo'o, G. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ann oArbor. AN2RD DR 0.tStIP z RIR RE; TIME TABLE Taking Esfcrt, Sunday, 31iy Ott, 1899. Traiosleave Ann Arbor by Central Staod- ard Tie. SiUUTII AtORTH *No. 6.- i:25 . a No. I.- 1r.. A.. No. '2.-1t: 7gAt. I No. 6t-11:30I'r. M No. 4.- 8:30OP. a. ho.. - 4::00 I.n. t'"io.- 80500P. M. t0"t1.- 9:0A M. t Run Sunday only. *Ruan betwaeo Ano Arbor and Totedo ootv All othor traina datly exce pt Sooday. N. S. GILMORE, Agont. W T5. BENNETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilnnti nnd Ann Ar- bor Rnilway. Cars leave for Detroit anil. Ypcsilatnti every half hour, beginning at 6:45 0. Rm until 8:15 p. m; last oor for IDetroit 11:100p. M. Waiting room, corner Ann and Mainastst; Dtroit, lilt (riswold st. Greatest Holiday Present on Earth. Wo oes $3h. : s, .. -miner Gran rts ca rn Rrv pA4&. -al f--em :ll/N lRentscbler, the IPhotograpI. cv. The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET sendIbis $30 LaugbIiQ Fountain Pen Otn onoov oal, 00OO FOR 0I'Y ' If itdos not 4 . I We Buy it Baek( Y W FOR EXPANSION. Senator Fryje Pleads-A Strong Ad dress on the. Nation's Dutq1. Sentator Frye gave a ritnginog expatono- ist taik before 2,500 people at the stu- detst' Lecture asociation 10Satur. slobt, upon "Tihe ope'ration of the peare rotm- moissitontand tSle h'hi~ippiooe Islands. lie wcaofrequntly interrupted otith atp- olaUSe. Slie reviewed Sloe work accompltished by Sloe Parisopecae commitossion, of orloichloie 10s0atmemboer, and odetailed tlb' olllhrilti' s enounotered bin reacrhing anc agreemooct thoat would be rotooidereol by Spoaino's reprsentatioves. Thtefirst taol,, noweve r, orao that ot btriogioog the com- otissioon itself into arcord. Thin ar- complisheod 010 oltimnattoomoranpresentedt 100 tih oltinog Spaniar~ds. The senator inc this connertioon 0000 the rommis- sioners reasocn for alloieng Spaito $20,- 000,000 for the Philippines in prcymeot frloinlocal imoprov ementsanod of ore- 'edrool. henrhe tutrneod to 00 study of 1th'restolts followring the treaty anod the doltyof thoe nation. R-eeretoce was0 node to the son-called nmoral and relig-. 10o00 iuty of bayrinog Amoeriran civiliza- tioo to locods 000appced in darkonesn, buot the greatest attentionovscan given to the mcaterial acod rco erial intercsts ito- volvecd. TheCrited iStotes mouot iteep~ itoe Philllppine archipcelago bcauoe ore need owider cooorloeto for our prodlurts. Ic' said thoeist duty of tioe United Siates is 1o care insootn shilcsto cacrr9 11s own odctrs all over the wvorld. The neat in thoe constructiocn of the Niagora oext in thec onstrutiioof the Rica- ri, 000 canal. "It in a noe'rosily atod groovs more so 'very day. The Suoz canal increasedt 'thete of cGreat Britain 40 tper cent icn the orient. lBnild the Nicaragua 'tonal atnd Newco Yrk woill be two days cearer the orientl, sohere wve bolt for our fuctuoretrade." The Senator said he favored thce open door in the Philippineu for the reasooo that if Nation in parcelling up China woold cloue thoe door of that contry againcst usone wnut nay " You shall tot" and they cold not point to the Philip- pineso 0104aslo us why ore hadeloed tiloc dooro of those Islando against thoen. A fewv yiaro agn Turkey murdered or mnontariensoithont fear of 00. Today oll Notiono have heord the wvar of Dewey's gucos and if the Turko at- temops to nmurder our moissionaries ho'lt stop. NVe have become a power amont; toatians. Are no going ta give theo Philippoine bacrkoto the tenoder moerrcs of Spaino': 'There is 0000 a mao in the United Staten thoat wtoald. Spain never had any teno- derm erces Ar'e yoa going to give thoe Filippinos icmmoediate self goveoucoent?'t'hoeeowas cota tn oocs00100 camce befare the cocc- mion thalOt teslcied toat thleysoere capable of self-governmoent. Hoc: could yo txpct ancythoing else fromoothle school teacher thcey had hod. Put the ccracn on Alainaldons head and it wvoli he thoe uneasiest head that ever soroe a co. ito thirty days every islond orould bave a oival chief. Are yo0 go10g to se11 the islands? Wooldnot the old stories about those "darn moeano Yankoees" beconme fact? 'abe 10rst thong oive wiii do is too oe- cureea o cn hoe Ilanods ''eveco ifno have 10to ight to r it."'fh" tlag hb'loncgs there asnmcasio05it doss in Michigano. 1. Puot rowm the rebellioco. 2. Gice 11000m a good gaovernnment. 31. Costruct railrocads so an too hot thoeir po ooos to the sea-coast. 4. (Open loiptoeiroomines. 5. Drooide toemoowith agricultural tio- pleens. 6. Pecrsuade thoeto to wvork and pay toemoogood coon:s. 7. Build sc'hool housea and chourches. 3. Instruct thetm 00th civil and tooal goveroieonot just so fase and just so fast as tory prove themselves capaoble. 9. Emooy thoeoo in preference to anybody lymso. "Sonoetimoe tho Filipinos may prove capable of self-government atod to rmoa cepublic. Then ove tmay give it to them. Buet, personally, I ccwould never yield the sovereignoity to anoy peopl1e oithin or nithout thorse istands. I ato an exant- sobnist, Contentment is an evidence of decoy. 2 believe owe oght to take overything that ne can honcotly, toat 00111 he for thse benefit of our eploe, andI toever give it up. Our Rlag coon hauled downoin the Haooaiian islants. t don't believe it owill ever be haoted dow:n again."' Students are cordially invited tn in- spect our compinte lins 00soils, over- coats, men's furniohingo ond hats. Wadhams, Ryan - Route, S. Main st. ThIDEuBET MAKES OF '** Manouns aua Guitars ~Such as Joseph IBobmians, Washbun's 2 and Brosre onsaatthe r S 0Cae loMus5ic store 'W. Libelt, nclyi2doorsofomllMackt'sCornee OUR PHOTOS ...ARE .. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 Weat Huron St. State Phoone 119. The mosnt discriminating nill ftndi Hangsterfer's Chocolates at alt timnes absolutely fresh, puoe and unodultr- ated. Choice Bonbons, Taothsomne Caranmels, Nut Candies, Rarohnoattoor, and everything ini the tine of supeolorr confectios, dainty 'nd fRne, at 200 E,. Wahigtnard 16ottS.State, Warranted for 1 Year. ' $1,00 Win. Arnold, Jeie Is at 338 S. State Street. 0. M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulnnceenight and day. Res- idence 302 Fiftha Ave. and offer you $.10 forit. Pitted with ouor finest erode dia- maood-point gold 100n. This slohe bost pen made. Hore isyourictanno to toot it, If itosuits, yoohavecmad aprofit. IfIt do", OT, youlae adeloa profit. Orderson sthis offermoist tome to no by mull. Anoy way you Ogore it, YOU ARE AHEAD. Reference: Aeny oBock or Exress Co. in0 fetoait. Address, Laughlin lNnfg. Cdo., 133 Gis~wolad St., DETROIT, MICH. E\I NY1 V j \7 7 V- 1-Y'S, V ~Ptiritan Shoes WMN 1.350 ARE LEADERS IN STYLE AND QUIALF :Y 110 EAST NLURON OA Every Kind ENOCHI DIETERLEEble n 13Es hl tre lla Funeral Director University rrpeo~neabocetty ur.e ~. STJLMML~B1 Dirs. Enach tlistrte, Lady Assistant.,o awbuilding. Alt kinds, ~ ~ ~ j Fn Both Phanes No 8. tt9 W.Washing- No. tee E.Liherty Street. Residente63S hoea Shop E. Lambert.Poo tan St., Anu Arhor. Fourth Ave, Both Phone sta. She29IPh t WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.