2 "THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. bihed Daty (Sndays ec'pted) dring the Cllege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrICE: The Inlad Prets, Iening Block. BthIthoee. t1G. MIANAGINGe EDITOR. F. ENOELeIAon,'t L. BUSINESS MANAGER. '. 0. IT.IeANs. 'O L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS . . . G . IlnaUr, 'ItE T R. WDeaw. ' L. A.t. MrDOUGAoe,'t E A. G. BoWEea.'0.E J. B. WOO, '00, L.J.MITOasitatY,'00, W. D. 1tcse, 'el M, The raubscrptio price of the Hoee~e ce V.50 oe the ellmre year with a regular deiey eoe nonecefdaty. 'Ntice, ccouncatoss, anI thereon ter itenedef oe plicton mst eath handed in cc the DILYsvotteretor 0 pe., or mailed to the edtce heor I p. in ot tho ay previous to thai on which thy are expced to appear. Sushcriptins ay e loll at teeDILYOile, 31yer', orSofloteto cwtad, or with Bicean laner. Suhcrihr will ooer a ftorteby reporting promptly at tisi office any faiuttero carriers to deliver toter. All tage ie alverisig nmaticeniutte ein the offce bcy4 p. I. on the (lay pevos to that on which thee are to aeoer. The telegraphic report of the Daily upplied the pec tatocs at Satutday's anime with the Beest oet of the Wiecot- sin-Yale game at Newc Haven. Such interest w s mc n'ttestd ice the outcutome of this coetest that the eeseas every- where eagerly awaited. Through the tindaess of the Yale Nesthtea Daily was enahled to supply this want. Senator Fryeo on the Uniersita. Senator Frye arrived here on Friday ond reamaiced unti Sunday afternooi as the guet of Pesident atd Ms. An- gel. lHo wo taken out to Regets' field on Saturday y Prersident Agel Iaos the footall ganme. The Senator is evidectly aqueited with the gune for afterwards he expressed thec pion that schtle stir here wase't very fat foothall. IHe,,aidilac he eas ned to seeing the hys go into it harder. He asoe told a representative of The Daily, who nmet him, that he rao meact intpressed with the audience ehich aet him in the evening. The attentios which was given attncombined with the acoustic excellenis ocithtic hal ade him eohusiatic and he woeult hve tallied tee an houe lnger had lee ccc been aftaid that the audience woeuli tire. ''hugh, ue hal is large, Seater Frye said that he could easily hove lectured in a haltwtin e as large. Its lad ate excelet voice. Iteas much impressed with the Univer sity fromiwaeti-lie aseonthea visits shich e r'de to the different tuidinseocc Saturday. He thitko ours is a woderful college. It's tumerou buidis, acd extensie euipmen'ts tmake it the greatest cellege in the cu- try. The inluence whih is exere lby such ani institution seemed to hisa to be incacuable. He let yesterday afternoon for his hoene ice Mssachusetts. He is a busy tian, having been away from hms for three weeks, during most of thact time be has been in Ohio delivering teo speeches a day. '03 Me i s Elect Ol~iers. Thse'H3 medical class hld a meeting Friday evening, and after adoting a cnstitution proceeded to et offers for the ensuing year. While factions sere ntet very forcibly detnonstrated, a numbner of candidates scre ofe~rd. After the ballts were counted the o- oswing officers serer declared elected: Walter P. Peck, president; Miss M. In. Moore, vice-president; G. I. Lynch, secretary; F. H. Meyer, treasurer; W. S. Shipp, ahltic saager. Mrs. Abbott Ousted. The Supreme Court has issued a set of auster against Mrs. MerriHaoevrr Abbott, proseutor at Ogemaw County. Mrs. Abbatt graduated with the lass class f '98, and was elected prosecutor the folloswing fall The attrny general brought qua warranto proeedngs to tet her eligbility is hld ffce. The court decided that It was uncnsttu- tianal fr a waman in be prosecutor, honcesthe auater.I CONLON CHOSEN. Cntined from firtpag. men in the class. He in a graduate of the Normal school at Ypsilanti clas of '09. After graduation there he accepted the position of principal of the Cos City high school, renmaining there for three years. He eas then advanced to the superintendency of the shools at Naon IRapids. After five yeas in tat place he resigned to take a lasv coos u: the University. He tas been a lit' itrurance agent during his -collee course his success beg shown by the fat that he lan seteo state championships offered by the Mutual Life Iensuraence Co., of Nev York, gives to ito agent swhsould write up the nsmost business in a given length of time. The folloeing other officers werc elected: Vice-president, W. A. West- ftall, of Savanna, Ill.; H. C. Beatte, of Wilmot, recording secretary; F. A. Cr- nal, of Waddingon, N. Y. athletic mno agter; B. J. One, of Doeagia, reas- seer. 'rie resaning class oflcers siil he eleced next Saturday at iS a. e. Saturdaty's Football Scores. ictihigant Alumcni, 0; 'Varsity . Yate 6; 'eiconsitn0. B~eloit 11; Nothwesesern . H~arsvard 11; iBrown 0. Iowaee1it'Rush OMedical College . Biuffalo 0; tase, School, Clevelatnd, . Prineetoec 2; West Poet0S tColucmbia 1; Aehert . eriel ; Lehigh . Hissosrei; Nbraska . Hidt'elbuere 22: Toleo 2. 'c'c'rsc Reserverr6; Kenyon 5. lartoneteuth 12; Williamns t. Cincinnati ; Vaderibilt 0. 'Tr init y1t; Anhertist "gges," 5. Lafayette, ; Pennsylvania, . The Death of Miss Fannie E. Lang don. 21;re Facnie E Landos. instruct or ic Zoelogy, died early yesterday norein after auiter eatione tir oappediciis Hus Langtontieras takten sethancitiattach tf apeictis les than a werekcago. An operieoneascs feund necesary, fromec e iti she dietnet reciteer. Hviss Langdiio entredtithe Uciersity in thtechalrf '1i grduatigiwith the cltass itt'1. She tpursued during tis tue' spi'eat srk ni iebetany adezoo logy. Sitheaeareded ter mnaster's degree it yearteter. Itedecitely spte her gradetoen sie wacs neacee instructor lee btany, retatning thatpoeetiton tie ye'ars . She sas then apptoeted incstre- ter inczoology, achting ie tatucaaciity last year. Hoing her connection ewith the' Uniersity she tursuet original studieswstll great su-ces and contri besteedseeral essys tee setional scecese publicationsoieeetc results of her i- vestigalieons. 'The'brheitr of the dcasd aried this mecereing tee take the remainlse to Besten feet burial. Short cericeeewill e hld this afier- noon100 0. Jeffersoncestreet ewhere she had resde'd. Captain Stekliii-i-as ucacble to pla Saturdacy'becuse'ofinljuries teetie:' muces andte ndeseess ies side.IHe hoptes, hoiee-r to Igt itceis Illinoiso gaeetstSaturetacy. HISTOLOGY BIOLOGY, BACTERIOLOGY Supplies antd Dissectiag Iastrtoineits. We geats ete tergoode, We gcaatcte tice ice. J. J. QuiBRIY, C.&let~t2'HDRUt2G O RE-WO ATHENS THEATRE ONE SOLID WEEK Commencing Monday, Oct. 16. WILBUR OPERA GO. In a repertoire af Oera, High Clana Yadellles and Living Piturers. Popular Price, 10, 20 and 30 et.. (Mata-ee every day ater Mnday.-, 2,00 Sale at t0, a fewrat. TIS BEST ANYGOOD FO? IF NOT, OUR Waesl-ezie Box Catlf, Wineter Ruessia, Storm Calf, ansd Vici leatheer liened Met's Liace FSoes at $2.98 will suit yoH tn perfectiste. Equasl to Magazinte $3.50 advertised soeos. Has all te style, no new w srieckle missileg. CLASS'S SHOE STORE -m;'0 SOUTH MAIN RNItAm USMTIT GS3 here noes is parttcularly faecis because nur ntock en an teens fresh, in full itt new Itiga. 1E us to lieshatnoP cu wnt'" inating irkably Expect Neckwear 50c 75c $1.00 $1.50 Hosiery --- - Scotch Madi-as, $i.oo, $1.5o and $2.co Sweaters The Largest and Woenl and Cotton kBest Line in the Plain and Fancy City 15, 25, 50, 75cta, $1.00 Noble's Star Clothing House 2JCISM7 FROM TI-WIPRgS STE VENS MICHIGAN PRACTICE stuenets ice' ANN ARBOR BRANCF CALLAGHAN AND CO. j OPPOSITE 340 STATE ST. LAW BUILDING G~AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, V PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY.e SANITARY PI t2IlitNO, SEAANDesaxeIOs Ton tsATI"RIETIIn J___ . F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT~tTT'TTITTT1 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF C2AL.La Ut' SNOW LAUNDRY 50 ~ ~ Ii~ Voter laundry wshed clean andes-elI Gentleme's ae hri lsrss. ltssdaeyetto0p en, starchir ied dironret. Evervthinghblsehed Lase ghcinigc lascts, Weei., o10p~i. andnairedout of doers. Te iy an. PINK BROS., Insgructors. 11lllll~~ltlll 11 . lllll ll~lll~l~ll/, ffceand Academy, Nickel Sail, 334--336 S. State - . .- r ,-chicede'8 pp 7i Patent Lecture 3 Book Before haying your note hooks or lestuare covers roll to and see stir noew patent sover. 'The paper does nsttoe or getemisplaced as in tine old stylt?ingilotehuboks. Parker and Waterman Pep's from $1.25 up. Wholesale arqd Retail' Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South Slate Street.. GET YOUR 99' T NII CHI1GAP4.No3AN fIT TfHEB INLfIND PRFES&' G URWND 5 Will canvine yea that ypancanbuhasgoad etylish shoe foe $2.a50, $3.00 and $3.50 .PRII-i.L.'S SH+OE STORE. A GOOD CLOTHES BRUSH FOR 10 CENTS AT MUMME ROt'S DRUG STORE.