THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. U An Opportunittj. 0 4 .0 It has tong been recognized that the httshed Daily (Sundays excepted) during ties medical stadent graduating team the Caliege year, at Iuneiversity teedteat receiced the tee- THE UNIVERSITY QF MICHIGAN. struction he should tn given asaestteet- Oricoc 'Te Inlandi Press, Htenning Bleak. i t s, and to lanaoweewhat to do in ease at nets Phones, 11'7" danger arising frees their use. t~i J ; MANAGING EDITOR. F. tisatnAtoo, '1 L. BUSINESS MIANAGE. . I. itus, 'at L. EIiTORS. ATHILETICS, . . c.. . HtDNtesee,'iiE T. R.Wsosttse,'IO5L. A.fl.MAT cootAL,'O E A. cG. Bootie, 'l. E. J. iB. 'con, 't0, L. J. 3OsseOss,'O, W. LHCc.tKoE, 'eOM, The sthctesIo ice iceofe liA cteec,=x.2.50itfla the' ealtc eaeel, wilih ete'i i qideee'e iceiera teon t elct. Nctic. caecciiceeieioei, andi ochrint teeil I< c eteu l ictio mucct e hesnc'in ieat tice Itr ofictes tfcccepaIn- or. maldto ie eitoraIeces3 pi.,ccofcitics dyi irvo s te at an iciahie ase ipcedtoi Sabcitit cc cay ie, st at the DtIL ofccceie, iceyc's oas tottlet'sie ecwtno wi tt 1ic i Matese'. hci ers'rscwilitconerla ccvrcesbc repotiniir epli atthefl ticancty filueiofa cariestto dlliies pr All acha eeaerising eemccttemseecie inei ties oie hicy l.i. on.eelie'cly 1-n ace, to tcat osewihe tsarestic appearc. WI tEY Dceicii i elii . le cpetedittoenlcre! tie Diy ferto c- eaetcic', 11111 see-Mnday tehe 'c- icergsed eitons cii aitear. lice Dity ics cmmuneiatled withtileli Yale Nets oecure. th scoreof iii '1ae-otiseiieitl teceit by ii}catle'. let scae wil e etcantiucedcliiie ielI) 'itli fethclesetethera lee ii i Tie 'Aumit gaesehles cmet is tie pat itetwiteastoIeble ac establihdi titiue ot the' fooctbll seson. Aciny it the "oeedcgrads" etuelioto tcheerxioncthe i- lice ioiorsc citMihigane. Thsgee-cl illicitoctflit-"lieubees"is gtellyii efetve i prodcU'eie lirestc ii'ct' ac th lierrectegnts'fit'd teedi soeit ittohe tiseei te stely ihomeegeicoci these aelsn iin uisthe' '\'i'Oit 10lldi uponcetcccher cheeing tee'thi' ceicpeecle. ,Tiersiudet body ses i lii'elste t a'i ccirile ax is he' supe ct ithei ieee i' iiithi' team on chcl ieldi iee this gilaeme dit ceouald eena'ctil it behooics lie tresoet iceecrradtat' 'ody to tne cmasseece and emaie upcli, tieir pateotshort comigs adchee'the' meneeon the vctryi. Important Notice. Dli to cethe'fater tat Settr Frio wcipek in U'nieriyHal o cit it, 20 it ba outand nessary to potespoeteiii reguiar meerting efthe Alha N S cetey, sed aleo to make other arrange- escee s tr tie drwing at laes tir the preimtenares lee the soiety. All thlose intending is enter, an draw' tir lares at Mr. O. R. 'rumeble's roont, 324 Jeferson s., at the oloing horse Saturday, 3- p. u. From De. 232, Monday, -it a. c., and 4-6 p. m. Tues- day, 1-3 p. n.; Wedesday, 1-3 and 4- p. m.; Thursday, 1-3 ad 4-6 p. m.t Fri- day, 10-12 a. i., 1-6 P. m. Aloe on any evening of the days nomd ram 7-to exept Saurday, Oct. 2. N. Merlin has theoughttint a titan te relieve the situation. He wylil hae e ric diffeereat atudenssosoist tiehesnsou eeh- siin lee given ike aatchetir icea'crc rose aoieratedcuponeleein ri lncr. Tie students ciiibetakleenealphcabetialy and icethtir teurn.T'l'a crgetnmer D operationss leeDr. Merlin's crinit'cwill f risible eerech enior to assist in givileg tier asnaesticineesuffirientnitcher -it cae oh iii be thoroghy rcece'- tnetecheen hr graduates Is adeeieiotc eaa'eaic teenrgenerc Iric itire. A High Standard of mesitin leeaities saking is gainsd soilipb Continuous Effort. Ated so itlls is alothess dsalineg. It se- quiescotinuousefostionsoursi o seleet thatie'hicheisiobestfeast the stocks of the many clothes cmakersi is kbacuntry. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING is wictout quesstiosn t hsnst pro- duedanod c isediiieery respect of thesacesagsemade-to-osder garets, at abt ltnes-half theics ee. It ie that hind of alothineg, whchithe lesi dressersetsoiktigfor,ndeliztting thics(atw hace this seasoen purchased an sueat Large Stock of Stein Bloch Suits. andi Overcoats steelate tee positioni to i all stealers asteel rssfrom. sees magniiaetlieeof tlisshigh graeoemsake. tBest Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. Lindensch-mitt & Apfet lie' announceseenct of tlits ni ccneett-serr'lc' auntie great ill - tonas' by ts' seentees in Dr. Mainr lectnre yectestat', aid it it eoe b '0 iP LP R tm ' there etether temteberc at tie' Pice lie itar;;ratithe sceslicielce. Games Today. tiler'lin te Chiscic. Lieigh ccit'Core'es'. Ilitnicis at Lcfaettle. Aes at Mtieipolis No'rthwie stern teBci it. 'lest P'ntetece rinle'toni. 0.a1aett tc'hi ladiielp hia. Iniantae at Notre Dae. Tie- ccork Prisecipesecot Surgery, .i Dr. Chaerlec P Nceeecie eec roessreof plcace'ol thee 'lst cliii.tIi'tfcs-a losiery ciise licte work. as ' cariedit -i e scd'by th ue juniiirs, asea' teat werei' treptererd b r W.A epttairy. Tie'Nvcsisti i atioelum e aot 2il psi-'.ush s el' eiledtheir repr'esentti'vc'eon tie }teiti'tc AtlticBar.'pi ewsi Lunch Counter in Connection MYEAL TJgKErS. SHIORTl ORDFERS PROMTLY FILLED W. S. PARKER, Proprietor,. 049 No tit-n uix en si.t'cAve-. The R eeesntSt ad atthe' Atlicie ldillt te iunderia ne rvi55'sit on ~inthitsnear. We sffec' ysuse Ie aEST Hs Si ever ntieleto ®J sell for 'x;3.00) citd$ 3..50 in Russcet or laick.l N.D.-Sale oA cyesafor tliceebristed A. P.Netle- for tote Shoe,''(lihe UJltIc," ''Tat icecee," ,ad ' The Gentlewomen and fColoiacl Dcame." WAH &-MILLER Thte Men 213adSOUTH SMAIN STREET hen AJLIsST FROM WIHi PRBS STEVENS ANN ARBOR BRANCFJ OPPOSITE 341 STATE ST. LAWT BUILDING citsrsrusanceof cacncciamedmentsedb tie s it isle t od alice'fotbalmas AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING 3SUPPLIES, SJADES, cl:ii hei ldin etile'n].a eev, 1tuPORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.,. ad.A S EAT.x saNIT'AovRY LI NGtis , TaeticANiiOT croneet MteEAT. -- -- J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Jyh,._ --t Schiee' CIGA, E ]"ES101 Paten Ave 111ewltYu" 1tecture ove] 7 ifcc i ind.Book ~ STALZJ3LLe buC t i n-oa hed u r oie cilo recc t urc o e scall imtn and seeue aen corer. 'lies 'I301 S. MAIN ST Parker and Waterman Pe s from $1.25 up. Wholesale a~d Rti - --- --. = =r---r- ;Paper fram 10 cents o Pound up. AUFt' F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South State Street. ONE SOLID WEliu Commencing Monday, Oct. 16. WILBUR OPERA 00. In a cepertoire af Operts,11igte Class 'ansevcliles ad Livngmtiet Popoul rics, 10, 10 ancd t0 its., 1Intinesa ocery day aftssrIMondiay. 1,000 SSinusat 1laie, at.0 Bullj an, ALARM CLOCK HAILER'S JEWELRY STORE, MAIN STREET. College Pins- of Fine Design.. A GOOD CLOTHERS BRUSH FOR 10 CENTS AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.