THE U. OF M. DAILY. nity the DAILY offers him of keep- To Be Played in Chicago. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. mg himself posted. Be wise and The report that the Wisconsin- What It Is and Wat It Needs for a send in your name early to the DAILY Michigan game would be transferred Successful Year. office, Inland Press Bldg., opposite from Chicango to Milwaukee bease The following schedule has been .8 > OPP farranhgegobyoDirector Bbaird.e Twelve To the 3,500 or more students Cook House, or leave it with any of legal complications which involve arrange ay irector Baird. Twelve who will this year attend the Uni- authorized solicitor. the grounds where it was planned games are scheduled icluding seven - fMic' hU ME .P hmegames. The schedule is the versity of Michigan the U. OF M. Death of Professor Hench. to play in Chicago, is hardly true, hardest that Michigan has gone up DAILY extends greetings and begs While coasting down hill near Pro- Upon Manager Baird's authority the against, for many years. It is as leave to acquaint them with its his file, in the 'White Mountains, last DILy is prepared to say that the follw tory, its organization, and its pur- mouth, Prof.George A. Hench of the game will of a certainty be played in Sept.30. Ypsilanti Normal at pose.'Prf Ciao et30 YsantArbora a The U. OF M. DAILY was founded German department, was thrown from i Ann Arbor, he Fhis wheel strikg on a heap of stones. It is believed here that Michigan Oct. 7. Albion at Ann Arbor. in-the fall of 1890 and is therefore He was fotid unconscious, suffering and Wisconsin can draw the big Oct. 11. Physicians and Sur- in the tenth year of exister~ce. It with a broken arm and concussion of crowd i Chicago on Thanksgiving geons at Ann Arbor. was established to fill the need of a t . day and the Athletic Board would (this will be the business dil f the brn. An operation for emor- men's game). a ty means oa communication be rage of the brain was performed but hardly give its consent to a change Oct. 14. Western Reserve at tween students and between the fae the patient did not recover, dying a nless Wisconsin is prepared to come Ann Arbor. ulty and the student body. Precedede to Detroit which she is not. The Oct. 18. Notre Dame at Grand by a long line of annuals, monthly,sda .v wll.pulissketchofhi Chicago Athletic Association has ' Rapids.umiattAsiaArbor. semi-monthly and weekly publica life later p given up trying to compete with the Oct 28. Illinois at Champaign. tions, the DAILY is the natural result big colleges for a crowd so the field Nov. 4. Virginia at Detroit. of an evolutionary process in jour- To Be "Supt. o Shops." is left open to the contests between Nov. 11. Pennsylvania atPhila- nalism at the University of Mich- . Wisconsin and Michigan, Chicago delphia. igan. In other words the DAILY is W. L. liggett, of Massilon, 0., and Brown. Nov. 18. Case School at Ann Ar- the natural outgrowth of former col has been appointed director of the bor. ege journalistgc h ef fortsand ere- Mechanical Engineering Shops, to -Nov. 25. Kalamazoo at Ann Ar- ege journalistit efforts and it is there- e thiaE ring Taylo r Two pleasant suites, tastily furn- bor. fore on a solid foundation. During t .place of Prof. . G. y o shed, 600 tahy si fern bo the nine years that the DAILY has who resigned last spring, owing to i'he S. Tlayer. Io smoking Nov. 30. Wiscosin at Chicago. been befor ars te c g pli ihas failing health. Instructors Purfield - -i the house. L. D. CAe, beenbefore the colege pub it has McDonald and Winslow, whose health over A. A. Savings Bank. Stylish overcoats at Wild's. been entirely successful both in pay- failed at the same time, were rein- ing expenses and in making itselfit As prized by those whom it has served- stated. Harry M. Cobb has been ap dard these are statements that cais be pointed instructor in the machine o f etcin i clhes making is ained truthfully made of no other publica- shop. b orit is clothes deking. is g n- . . Eonly by Continuous Effort. And so it is in clothes dealing. It re- tion ever in the University. U. o M. Band. quires continuous effort on our part to select that which is best from The DAILY is issued every day of the stocks of the many clothes makers in this country. the college year, by a board of twelve All men' who have had band ex. students who are elected annually at perience and play and read readily, STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING a meeting of the subscribers who are requested to call at 509 E. Jef- is without question the finest pro- jointly form the U. OF M. DAILY ferson St. or at Mack & Co's, cor. aduced and is ahead inevery respect of the average made-to-order Publishing Association. By the con- Main and Liberty sts., as soon as pos- garments, at about one-half the price. It is that kind of clothing stitution of the association one-fourth sible. There are sne vacancies ii which the best dressers are looking for, and realizing this fact we of the board may be fraternity men. the Band to be filled by the men nOve cotsandaein paosit o t Lar shtos at Sein d acrs from The twelve students elected select showing the most ability in execu- our magnificent line of this high grade psake. their own officers and organize the tion and sight reading. Those wish- Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. board. All vacancies that may occur ing to try for these positions are on the board are filled by competi- requested to call at once at above Always come to us for the proper thing. tion. Thus the DAILY is distinctly a places. E. P. DEPONr, student organ, controlled by the stu- Manager. dents and responsible to them. The purpose of the DAILY isto fur- Fine fall suitings at Wild's. Lindenschm itt & Afel nish accurately and promptly all col- A. H. Maywonn, '99 Eng, is with ' lege and inter-collegiate news and to F. W. Fletcher, of Alpena. give correct expression of the opinion The annual report Superintendent .=-:". of the student body oi all maters of Clark of the Uniiversiy Hospital common interest. II carrying oii shows that the Uver stpHrspa this purpose, the DAILY gives reports tie thaigth average cost per pa. of Regents, Faculty and student tint during the past year has be meetings, the doings of college organ- only $13.20. izations, society news, accurate and Overheard on the street: "I must ALARM CLOCK complete reports of everything tak- go to the Ann Arbor Music Co., on ing place in the athletic side of col- Washington street, and rent one of lege life, campus notes; in short, a those new pianos. They have a fine volume of the DAILY furnishes a assortment." College Pins complete record of the college year. F.L.Arnohd,'99 Eng., is employed DILLL S)JEW ELRY SO RE'lDsof Fige Special features this year will be tel- by the Whiting Foundry Equipment Design. egraphic reports of outside games and Co., Chicago. MAIN STREET. daily bulletins of all important news Lst month a fire which destroyed j 1Y H lIc The DAILYoperates bulletin boards the city of Victor, Colo., burned at the Athletic field during the pr- "LmBill'' Caley, '99 law, out. His IN ate tecgress of games. office, libraryand wardrobe were de-le,'9 osou.HOsI The one thing the DAILY needs to stroyed and he had a narrow escape ER carry out its purpose is your name with his life. Bill always was in theR on its subscription list. For $2.50 warmest scrimmages. THE BARGAIN SHOE STORE in advance, the DAILY for the yearIIL- will be delivered at your room every To the Advertisers. Means Good Values, nothing else. Lowest Cash Price for Good Shoes. day before noon. This price makes Contract space will be givei to Weare not ne s e. L o eest Repirg, sing each number cost you the absurdly advertisers iu the next issue. Owing We are not satisfied unless you are. We do the Best Repairing, using low price of about one cent. No to thie rush of matter we could not good material only. student who does not intend to bury confine ourselves wholly to contract D. E G LASS, PROP., himself during the four years he is space in the souvenir edition. here can afford to miss the opportu-. BUsINEss MANAGER. 100S)9 (O TI) JUZD.TH EIJ_11T TREE JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. HILDEBRAND THE NEW TAILOR, -- 120 WASHINGTON ST 4 . x