THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ".The Laaara Falls Route." : a e ~ ~ E ~~' ANN ARBOR to A3 n na LAIG RI~I-HlE CHICAGO C A e radClohsaeyon rns os ' eeoCLE 336G-PES.GSTAT E S BUFFALO ttltctdo ay orIforyuxep na prceand he'l NEW YORK o:te xtem sy-alteecuinssofbrcnt- AND BOSTON ° ater i Trousers Pressed, - I Oc loS teecneeitat ltf0 + CO LLEGE BRAND GARMENTS ' Si rssd 5 withdeta nectionstyat haofr SutPese,-- rS [aIiant Ct StW PiAIAgnlandaA tianeA hin,---------l forinfrmat rnand1,1 rughtiket c ll4no ou at sa ir;muded h wyanad a l t e a ia TI ornC on O GEORGE BISCROFF, nd jnsoraet. Youawyllta i 001 ankat e:l dnt- P~LOI5T. .1a'CB. i T r $ 1.50 worth of work $1. CtIOICC. CUT PLOWI2I5 & PLANT54: ta1eD 9 ~ erh t~lapil;it., betweenon l aSIt andC Millr Ate. SOUTH MAIN STREET. W t oben __ i , -nt- sl U n b c r i , New Brunlswick Tables -MICHIGAN MEETSDRAKE.-Ipoints scared uring the sasn ieli .anitatx3 f"Num~ber ACContinued from page one. ignlult. etceedt1,the, linnenta scoern. ~ l ttr C. n the relainingg gumea by an verrae ~ er f~Jit REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Tfed Hammond ... urrowas(f 12 Ipointa t the ame, for 2lnne-1PboInc 667. 303 Z. Mateat. Fine Cigar. and Tbaccos Rt.C( soa through aing played three I JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Sate SI .#S. fooding ........Stewart atse more than Mihigan inas playedt I1aeatreirdteaCn haan t RS. T- no1w lhaa aleadl ott point neoredt of 71 AN ARRO sreicl tearsandcn _1" ' rine of Maddtock .........Skotdmore Each eani han an equial nuatbertt . Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes tnm i. L- games to) play. HT Lontgmilyan.. . Lyons FineLunces n Caneclun.The Aaderny Orchestra will iiae irneeLuychsinnnet1Cin. uen .. .. .Taylor itsa initial howto nthe social worl a L. H.fGranger's Aaemlny tonight, 9 otckhQ 308 S. Sate SI. H E. JOLLY.NtrrsIeee ltchn +414 4 Ta",,t +nTnA .+c V. Cet yttr botksttndtttt at Seetde'en ROSS GRANGER, Craver, Thlompsotl......Main :24tt S State. Mnager of lrcestra- Tm SHammondI. ..Sints Roomn For Went-One blttk eset of C A N T A B-"A" Afidr~yOrhsr. le ralete lnan -1 arivl thin ICamus; snigle edo, large clothetMADE N ARER SIZS Ground Floor. 312 Maynard S.15CSEAHOTWFR25T, Itatriltg anti will te quart eredt at lbe Iprense, grates, a stationary aasi +"+4s+" *i' t'"t.~':r'qe+. ( '(oll Houtset'.tand, bath, gao antI telephone. 2ta..1 COT~tT, EAODY &CO., MnnERS 111 tiletls oate theel telwill le .Jefferon t. YO1A E iai iierfre iIolliaer. YOUtCmNltETe KOLLAUF, The Tailor, S NA RS umie._ A atl as receieti the repots of 11 Huron St. E.FOH o L ch~ the Other gIme trownutth It'etalemORSNA DR 0At Ttztte's, 338 S. State will te potae on1 the Daily'sitbullt illPanorum--321 S. State St.; rollo wear a dressy Black Suit and IttI. eli erspresed, 10.; otuit WhieeWistoatbeaincthi ill li ..1"bor r eds Hltliard l iltl. Teengood for $.50 famouWstcark erngti COMPARISONS. worth of work, $.00. fmu a +®_____________________________ itliia t in s firs154t h i Httn ils lie ei u itcl it't. iirI.I n- R m *+0+ fN C I N G Mc an'iirstiotsalsin;t g. aea pwitn ua -_dn. ate_.___Vn 'n Letsson, $3 e 'tetaof12 \eet ittaal i tIS 8110 it t . 'lileto amthti ils Willis, 1I:9.7 Wdil toSt. UNVEnIYAAE, S te Street /lyer lhs as yetai tunrosse'ttgal ite -*AKRS :'NEW YORK PRFSO CTPIP AL"nt at Ci1S t'481initts belhtt i ldte 1scor'ttof Foutaint Pens at t aliilg'o. Black S isI es s hvos las yarwhn te amSuitsrof in eresJcnvi-s IPAAC[ &. PAISIN 1m erwlwilesuetltltrithibets, vicunas, unfinished al roftahe laei ltngh'worsteds; guaranteed all pure .one1 111mo~lire ttftlilt'aseasontl iMilchdatl t lays Yotr eyen examined by an .,JI epert noptician. All the fat wool and fast color. Style, fit, OIiaLAND RY AG InillPni lve gn1;:,asyea22iciest approved appliancen antI mtods fabric, n tlrigaehr Witt elld Ite tt itiie't" 1e t yi a s r te SMihigan ttiust make 24K1 w to the profesion are emiloyed i 1. F. DOWL[ER, Aqt. poitis, an aeragae f 42 poittthsle New eye glases fitted, lensen dli i happy combination that - - - gatmea. Thi s intmals that slit mustlr at ed, frames repaired. Hailer's Jew none but BENJAMIN tailors Cracker dak,Creaua Chewing Candy, ilt large seiores againt ak elt, Ot oery Store. j have ever seemed able to PentBterdPtCr atea and Oberlin. Ptirnlilteti' ma- produce. BENJAMIN Clothes PentBterdPpCr its tlilt lare aecres cn eati antul~l KOLLAUF, The Tailor, differ from exclusive custom. .Il'IOSII StI~ttY ~tlilt ag aits tm~st. nsta, Wiseotisin anditifl- 10 Httron St .Ii.mdonynprc;bths FRESH VERY HUR. E I " "alao. hy largi' sioras we'anli42,'-1mdonynprc;bthi F, . 2ILBItT whicht is Ithi' avelage ic lihigan mtsrI Freas Lowneyns, Allegrettiu, Spar pricedifference makes all the 301 S. StateStrfene. Italle to eclal lat yea's sore. rownsaad Iylern Chocolates at Cuh ifeec in the Wrt to - - - Iiimainthle saoe;e'of 3901pintlts ing'n Pharmacy. dfeec ol $5.00 IN GOLD Mcihigan has pliaed 2211 mnities.! economical dressers. 'T tbe gtsvett ae Wednesday, November z5, 'Tit' shorest gamle yet playttdwis thi' Bath Supplies of all kind at all The prie is right. Yor money Po:0pm, a rlor° AIitititame, 27t i/z ins. 'tt'elong j priceu at Ctohing'a Pharmacy, bak it anything goes wrong. ickwick liartu Par r n'stgaents wr eot n ninaf5 eaoneuhs carel. Bowling Alley mnultles. Ini ttnly oneiTane that witha JOB PRINTING -MEYERS, 212 aosaprl taut', has Mbichigan tailadto llseare Main St. S. Phone 21. Iy RYE& O aett and. Eus 07 It. Univ. Ave. ,I~it ttini ' CUTIG,--E O VVtcninet atlhaSscoredlIN poiitns in laoe'us-e 109.111 East aoSt We sold your Grandfather goodatile=antesan ltaver a'tf 410 Mih- O C~ ae ssngn anld did his repairing when he attendgitsavrgeper game i it m 326 N, 5t11 Ave. _ ad school here. We want to keep it Iltl.ii et~l ihs elia rpitr For Rent-Two large siites; all up and do yours. HaIler's Jewelry Toa.Mneoai h ubro bem hsan ll average of 51. THOMAS RWSU rorieor moderln iprovements. Call at 612 I. Store. Yt iljitlatailll'llmtro Bell Phone1 457 Maison St. tf SWAGNER & IAWPAINY9 4 importinq alr 2 DW O~et Baro inoisWEAR A IAfrON1h Baris iaoushave been worn for years by dilEirent lu.Ibers of tlhe diplonatic corps from tie Sottl Americanl Cottitries. 2 These magnificent stones have been the admiration aitd wonder of saiety wtherever they were Shown. Barrios Diamonds bave all tite fire, life and lustre Of genine stones and ill appearance positively cannlot be distingihed front them. It is a wanton waste of money to itvest $7.04 to $150 inna real diamond that may be lost from its setting any moment. YotSu tcan wear the identical piece ill appearance set with a Barrios Diamonld z AT 1-_20 THEt COST* o These goods represent all of the latent most popular styles anld designls. Tihey hlave tbe distiitive featlures of jewelry worth I sany titnes their cost aiid from whlich thtey canlnot be distinguishted even by the most critical. We absolutely guaranutee thlese goods to be as represen'ed anld will replace any stone thsat loses its originlal brilliancy withlout 0110 cenlt of expense to the purchtaser. Money returned withoult questionl in case of dissatisfactioll. The Barrios Diamond is beyon~d doubt the finest, mnost perfect imitationl ever discovered alndnmty lbe worns anywhere with perfect consfidence. All the beattty of a genune diatmond at a fractioll of its cost. so6 eIoth oafairr (StreetB r io i mo d C . WE ARE NEVER UNDERSODOO.DYEAR'S DRUGSTR