THE MICHIGAN DAILY. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine, - --f off+ sfe Fall And then the flag of victory will float Yu nieNesi entered a secondctrsw irte at the Artia above our hear; * Yu nieNesi For we'll beat them thro' and thro,' 'risli'earbytedirty Merdyrexciedi dorig tie uric or two, iol nl Snou cc f yrc try e itirbgoc l)aly alircrd Jurst a t w, and wecil how them that II 111 ci tic I erctly e Mtrlh'oe.were still the ame iuu MAAGING EDITOR. Old team that in seaons pat the van" al j Y*1Js BUSINESSGE: A. R. Oter.y lR)StCtE it1ii lSTt)N mfl lnText lTook Thu Largest and Mot EIOR:GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. omplee Line fA:..I Athltic'. --rirrereKi. iWATONiSNew and Scnd-Hand. ers,- -- - - JS. lArise Theefollowing tnder the title of "A* ASSOCIATES: Doumetic Erclir' has been compileuiII* iCliiifo Irdir eero, hy ebles. ty the stidens of Vaar Cllee: ZDaf tngInstrlffents audGaer ' i avs .Alborighue aetesm A C'Pluid.ccer, "l' . ilpC irec. IAll hoarding boucecerare thepcame !O O E N Jots er. Stddad S more. 2. Boarder in the ame boraring Eglerl Sple elgeI Be l. iRat ye cueado h ame flatareql EdtrToday-PHILIP C. AVIS. to one another.A Specialty _ . A ige romistwatcrwhich hliceays inAn ro wl e on .rleepti~rii'Teoro llrsee irr/cerc olilje i till tariuts nd nagnittidel. TheRight Pie nAnAboAlwaysn rrrlc.trcttguta'ri~u1t>Sx.O .Awagei tedsnlniio f 1Tt' at C. I Wil & os 08 Ofic Hors. 2:3 to .30and6.30to .30twoi boarders to each roter that met Eat Waisingtirn St. (reat p. . Daily. together, brt are nt on the corer' ScndHu painsO hareenii' itakii in Address-ROSCOE. HUSrON, Bsnesn Man- floor.Seod ad Books thr er'ettrit alt suiitngs, aer, 331 Packard Street. 5. All the other roirms being taken. ±n ndSlda trourrings & overcotis Telephone, 461. a singr' room to said tir ie a doblre for this season. -rtom. Potlates and Propositions: W H ' G. i.W ILl)herCO.tmestz d spite of tie coin windi a grid- . 't'e landlady may be reuicei to t size 'Caelryloed thi'erontetiati er lowesttems ty a aerie if prope* BOOK STORES, itn the. golf ltou~rnent yeterday at- ositins.Z 108 B. Wash. St. tc'trrroi, atd nre interest than usuia I3. A lie-line may be marerirm any U ON DW ON _ ws sows hre n tisgame. It is borarding bounc osi any other boarintg *0*@*g.....O....,,...O, highly eiicrouragto i thrie who are hoser. t 1ryingtoig 1 _u rp uic ediof nivuer- 4. 'Theclhecirt a bording huilsi-Af N NB N ry spcao thletiescccur many an interestedt ber, stretchedt oer for both weaycs,"1 - spetor asr foubndrtrriit prfitalle In with nt meet. flhY1St~y ooT jinrthi Assciatiron. There to no 5. Any twoi eecs iti alboring n j susjj iCps lue rin iiascumcchy glf shiuldrititrrrthave ccshoure are tgter les than rne-Y the City tee ll ptor ri a ptiouun it: crlege th- square eei. LWD RMN *idso ltis s asctntte raebal, cand Mich- 6t On the sanetill and on the same FIRST YEAR rtgct is lst waking ru r to tie at. n sie of it there shoirldetnt be tcei Anorc o nt~i'i:relict-..0i 9 a t~* *hrilatnd ececilly in Hararcttcharge for the ame thing 3 i rir.i4.1- I flhTTA'1'T o:IYale, goltournriaments tring oil 7. It there bet lardicers onrrthe ihni, 4 1 u Uuuuri\uv alos s mc nitrererhuisasm as tfoot- scoe flrrirand Ibi' amutitiofisie ou t * iri s .eiier nzie ccr:stir0 * i A U V bicliThereitis nr churl that icinre the re be equal fro the aroiut oh 3 e Ilin .5 pleaisnr t ind tenefici i every 'ay, tie othier,acurthe c'wtanglr' hitwcen t ri rur ti. . s ur ....4.5 9 3n sl ~ t udentir s iiashoruldrjoun tii' Aurru'c- tr' rie brdrcrliranit the lnrdlarybh ty lr i nrii to: r t-s l.N) Iet O(( ' t rtrandngeot oire clirehnksctire-a equal fir lie wrangle hbctweene' ii' turs ir e lcl ii iii. fi~Li.U~li3~ hn e tronsspot..Mic i gan iha landlcdy, irn shalt the w hklybils tr'isECOiN YEA 3 ,0 An sm, good of p yers, tutu wans ofi lie tweiolboarreros ie e kly oiif Irir'riiCop-,.Ii,:,1:I rdi 1. .50 "l S e i vryone citt itly Itsie at:intreto ithut'is testhan i migthaeben IIl c ir 'ertue e Vs e 51 *Keffel &Essers Drawing in- f iiynnttte mauttaerndwohec h iseabsurd, vi laramoYEARriii: Y Watermans Ideal Fon~tain Pens The' Daiy hs eietoawardithei"DownWhere the Wrtrer Flows" iircrt'-rar-ct'irrririri1 i:: 'wl-t 3 'Iry Our'Z Itiro r , hum eitttrusi-fisirringru -'- i e'-er''r- wstrscc wscr is ws , 3 us r il ' cii: rst iitr: rii:1 ± One Dollar Fountain ens ui t'hhcelc" 11r tiiilmucancre, ndw o nce e m 3n rr. ..:a liiiS a on. 2.5 Fiepii t o nf lirs: lrniuInilesaaumntelitesecno Wrrar'rnted. (L'un t Hia wthla.' Justit s .r s casets of--in-ori-f- curuedor, lull fit li lrrrisrl~ tuertrit nrtnoIlai±ur - a r n c erun: ur ts 00 2It wouldsemtsuru hiat tir'earpiniirs iof And it they dr'i.uri s' temt'm heylt i r lul rr .50u ' iJ thicteetthiydle, ishr they were ida. ii: o s ,r SH E A 7 Ard SrIaliii'mightl y Wolteerinei s toutOld uuusofii ircs in tel3rr u ii t'iuuruu-iy:icrri.. Sudens' Book Store. pe1rsh in: tie gone. soonr be bit ghrusts, Bu teyrekoedwihot.Yotwh'sDon heeit n-ever snwsecC.E.BARTHELL, 320 Sooth S6tate Street. Ottie rebroas initclinsUICLCUwic a ndiii .ri i iioot--ierwaNiciu fe burh hst cut te earers of the MSC LLB. =Sconr-rirtdun **@>" Nff.,A*f*f*fe* arite an Bte. The Factty Comittelle,whchao 32c S. Stae S. Second Floor. - C NT ALList to tie, sng we sing will:ters charge ofthtie misical cubs, taicsven* OHIOl CNTRALLINES cuai 7 tir dea SManager Waling permissin tonlhid fN O fi Nm I ( COUBS bal braves, e taen, but they havonntbeenu TOLEDO TO LIYBS Or, hearts are yiurs yiun oir, dfnliritely decidedt ipo as yet. I olvleyu Prlor C~reoh llT.,iic Firm oih! set-ltreeyr:ou o'ITheiexaminatioscftrimtroGlee (Clirb ~ t vla ot 01:Ohiresria gribatrad rslit own ae nearly over ard the prspecs are face do't experiment M ari, FUNERAL For tie CHIAMPIONS AAIN is veoy bright. Prstestorsc Stanley and Witha S hIa nvvii g Soap. MICHGAN owland haveebeen trying 1out1 the Use Williamst Sh'avling DIRECTOR. difeert candidates, even the old Office 29 S. 4th Ave. Phone 9$,. es- Wrhei ae met helm ftae ic elod, momber having to compee, with thro Stick. dene 02 S. 5th Ace. gPhone 14. cmi the hield, rectrlt that the best talent is being Ambulnce n c-tt. They will yield hr the prowes of the secured. ME1[STUJDENTS, LECTURE AS~SOCIATION, ANNOUNCES Mrs. Martha S. Giolow ON- IThursday IEvening, Oct. 29 boufbern Daec tories I Thu next number on (lie Coorse is Pres. Northrup, of Minnesota Unicersity, on Nov. 14, the date of tile Wiscon- I NNm.NNN......NN...r.4.N44444444444'4'4N44464 i OCAN M. ZnIABOLT, M~ahager . Satuirday, Oct. 24th WILSON BARRET'Se GRE'AT PLAY Prices: 1, 50, 76c, $11 Seats Now Selling Tuesday, Oct. 27 Chas. A. (Karl) Gardner, IN THEl Darkest flour Coming : The Princess Chic. 'o 2 2 22 Z N f NN N ON O sN fON 0 01 0iiN NNN NION "rl N N NINN O N NN NieN N40N e oN + T HENRY & KYER, MERCHANT TAILORS , ves vave.