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October 24, 1903 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1903-10-24

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The Michigan Daily

This Afternoon on Ferry Field Last
Game Before the Minnesota Con-
test-Other Saturday Games
in the West Today-Mich-
igan Stored 9tfPoints
Michigain-Dratto al Ann Arbor.
Chicago--lllinoio at Chicago.
ttlionesota-Betlootat Mintnesota.
Liobardt--Washington tiverity at
Wisconsin--Knox al. Madison.
litritticOberlin al. Lafayette.
H arvardi- -lrown atCatttbritdge.
Yale-Wool Point at WVet Point.
Princeton-lDarttttontitl at Prince-
Pooitoytvanit Ctitmia at Nt-o
toritell-inittitat IthIaca.
Amhetrst ritity tt Attthtrt.
AntiaplitoLftaytto at Atnapolis.
Willittts--Syracte at Syracusoe.
Ite fotbitallteon ois 1ratitly r-
rivig at the seriottsotgt. Theo-prac-
licegatmtesoarctbottttvier oattt etach
at toato te att formeiry ratod, y
itsotwit sipterstocoat lat as otitog
thte ihamptiottship iioiilities.
fi'olay Itho cmtes-01ofinttstginrtal
itt,,rootitltroi gnoitheestois10the
Ilirohi ielidiBefoore to Nort-
totstrn gaitet-Chiciago wtoted anttIit
easy twititr, btilterthe liMarioit'
.,-lt-back byliii Pitcplei tnttweliltagoi
the mtlteItfruit Iihattpaignt ioultdt til
ertto litelitto ir shl~cowtito lili. lut-
ietir, S810000men iltiii tinotifier froun
ernianditill the changesi it oitte pati
at li-tonett tooccliotoi.
tr tletonit litttand-it the tittle
Iage tott eamit t illl p-rlytzedttfrom- lthti
itt Iilinig tilt attittmmenseOscoire.
MticigaOitniets-t histateofoi-utioit
lorry Fit-li its lat oo neitiin-ts efrei
the miometotttusttonitetto wtit innitte-
fromntodaity. IDratkeo Unversit y re-
coitly tdefea-td issouttri ytieOscr
oft 1 t10,tind Miooutri i it athiiil
thileoasonitby taci tc atloithe l dtii
Mlihiganita0 r, atitieI tomatiwo madeitt
te Knitx ICog iteam t 01 strongst
cilege igrgationitin liii-West ltool
oear. Thelisoitrs hareme te l
of tho seao a ndiicait l-etd-tpetndedl tn
t putituilttheir hot ight. A 00ntilt
iortttlyolobster Ciheteiamin itac-
tit for the laolt tti-itfrnet
Stutrdays ccitlo inet, oait at-
tracto-il by the- tesire lto 010 what thit
hiardt 00r1k tf the lao t eethao ac-
comisitthed, the 0tidetiutbodyis 1p110-
lar-Idt tarn tltcutt e aseadtthett
rointtg soldtttlt-hi-betofthi Ie year.
It las just1 devetloedthat the oore
ifthle gonte against F-risIstitttt
lat Wetdieotday souildl have been 90
inoteadi tf 8, 00 everywhere tprinted.
Ith li rt half, whn Michigan after
liii-kick-ottfidiwnetdthe otunnet bhitil
t-egital line, Rfero Holliter callet
i a safety, wiich entitleit Michigan
t twit poitstontre. hFeris kickel
off from the 25-yarti line 11011tho game1
wct1otn. ut foot perornotiing the
wser, teIltatg Iteing gtteraly ac-l
ciptedl aIitoch-bac.
Heston anti Gregory are till ott the
hottopital lht anit till nuttieetot th
game today. ftaidocko lg 10 eter
anti Dettreo may be givni altiic.

at half'.
TheteaIcms will lltte tit thusto
Mich. Pio. Drakte
L. F.
Rediduen .. .. .. ...... .. Jritan
L. T.
Curctiso- - - --........Walt-rs
L G.
Schutlte- - - --........Browning
(tContinuedl on Page Three.).


No. 23

Receptions and Social Affairs to Be '06 Medis Hold '04 Lits To a NothingI Eckersall Matter Becomes More and
Given During Year-New Ideas To Nothing Score. More Complicated-Eligibility
For Entertaining Guests. Still it Doubt.
The oeriesofittganmes ftidetermine
fhe irt entertainment givent by thi- intercao chamiotnshiti wao in- The latet deveoipnents in the Eck-
lieWmans Leagito wilt ichebte girheeldoeiayalrntntt ral 0000e0001110 toictmlicae Ite
somtmimutoin Decembuer. Te mom- game- betweent the 1,04 Lito andthet oitatlitmortutui-Ihattee. Etvryne
hero of the league are- dividd it 1906 Mettis. Tt- game wos ohty cntcris taoptarenty ito hasot to r-
twenty-otne g roupuis, swit otn yungciutetiledfroum start to finish, at z:tract everyihitg lit-has sid in regarud
woumen itt each grotup. Each group wheit time woo caledl at the endt o oli-urucouiuuin i h xhy
has aladeot- rwhoitis att utuper casostoe SecoindlItaf neither osiehail buein harker
girl, andthlree tic fouur patornsses. ohioto cros tettheros gollit-it. N V ahuo-yteMcugt
Ontce a mitiuh three ittfteoupstoill tu t-nattniigiu othataunutimintol-Iti t nhocase, caimedu
uniteinitgivitug aotteitrtaitnmetif was with tte Iilstbtut itte sectitdlEcketrsallh utittit u-ilthattby oattditg
sotme indtttoiwhiihltallthfle colloge- haf the Meduits ofurcedutho altlt heUt-ivelority f thicagothi-cottul
wo-tntwoill he onvited. Thoepatron-tttinutthre yardsoitt Ihutgatotuitigilttettt his room and ordftct-for the
00000 tllot euertaitn the nembetrsofiithby were hldotlfr lws, aitdlthe c-ittire yar.fthittr partof te oi-
hut different grotupseThankslugivinug, ae entt deiud with thurscoreniting fessioi-re sold 0 toaec hot-itht a
aitul tne or two ente-rtainmtntsiowithlte t nting. Thie line-upsitwi-co itOfol- Pitionrriging ii $111fr wring
gicen exciusively for leagute members. los: tutu-hour a thoy as btookeper wutl
hue entertainmeunts this year will hi- lit givoen hintt, hits tuition wtul
lit- the sonim utorras n pevi 1s4 Lits luPs. '06 Muics- be waoutd aitu hi- wouldttbe "0000
yearssuicht as receputionts, tuaysi-t. LK.thurough" the titrtite examintiot.
flue onttauitnetts oftheWVmn'sto Yiier------t.........h ".IuTti Ltely1 at utosi Itutuas asitnt coci
Leagute-hutteeleu-itvery suic-tssfutl, I Ts outhitoiihve beleu-i prmiedi hint
aitulduring liefoloitug winer the Mitnoali- - --....... tinugiutufteoto-chis u-utnct-touuu thiaotis over.
itleogue- will be as ritttheo 110t1 0 lruti- LG. Ithe tiafll-iofttthutstaccutsationts,
n factorin collge socity. tCooer- - - - --.........Villr tbasedl0tutu Ahoisieys ownttstatenents
neutfctiritctoee utih.e li110A A . uoficias, Mtcheny
WOMAN'S LEAGUE RECEPTION. hiha.. .s nitto uuo o-u ututatherlt-cr denyig
Aboiut Oil girloof the utn uior Cthose I.t. atur t]towltlttotf te ffait whatetvr,
attene tuiothe u-eeptionut Barbor Belet ......o....... Snydthuc tid sayig tt t awlitsuppoetrt Stagg
tymnasiumntyesterdauy afte-rtnootn fromint. T. lit anyt sttuetut timeadutottutclear Eck-
4 t i. iTis is thutihirdt iof uch 1.0- i rutebo ...c- - - --....... Kotli 1 roll. hutatuthurt-c er ocWalter lEck
ouulttiosinithue-sirius which AMrs.t.u)ot.K- csuit enuitrtrtes I thtoehas tuvr
tha erni inautgutiateoilthio yoati aut H llisterut . ......... tutshmanttibtten taitd lby utuytoe ithi- eult
hut- usu-iuut o ccup~ieduh by a, shotrt Qtug ofIlluy o istt ihub h tlildrien. kilt
t al fom Mrs J rda , ollwe by Co. .. . ............. W oduf u- u-tilItuiorlt, utttphaticallyu i sc lca os
ret i-ttt to tttt f iututi ii IyL. F.
atcsttit ntl daotcitgu-ti i lto utut 1made Iaututyatemtntts
Mr s Jordan'stu hertne tous "Class \Vitoout ...........Mink waevradtueloltoig e
elci ttti t0eii-irls.i Ater shutolvershisl-f int a ptioittof vrac-
1rl1thehu uigui it-t 1tuiots siuuatted d Knap "" " "- ".. . . . ." Withey icy. Stagg sill inumbelirs(hut yunutg
itun i her upoInc 11111 th toltedtfloor of F''tutmantoitthutCli--atoutethu-rn ate tad-
thuegymnasuiumtn it. JorduanutoId them huiuthouousuo. .. ..flarkti-itItslittutltaiustht.itI tochartgeau-c
that tle, gils of he ', classin th ir Thi rnorlet ati0 o'coIktutu'0lit- sootantttuut hlcanno iabi yeb tith
itoihttut yealrthadulittoe cass suul tissoirt aw llmetiltI Ihut 16 Lits etutSu ttt decisiontoit tho -Amteiuur Athloti
tntainy oitheo tte-clautss, andhFortyFiel. Theil vors till beIt ll t - Vii lihter hutwitout hutetlullbly
thnug lthuit t conitte aiiti ad 5Intliiituitiuelonthgli theilltcollegus s ye91 tt.tbopniqui:-
Itt-u-ut i ti111moreit 01ctoi ite uti o ligi- 1 iont ut 1 whatiltevetu htoutucmeulthu
wvhttShut-alsotmeted tu- e 1 rht ttl GOLF RESU LTS lu- itut-Isrte lt iilil hby Miei-
Iha itthus isthe irst, iyearuthut Mihigan Theiicoiteistanitle ithlii-gllnmath iauuwithuuconsiderable in ter-est.
tutlu w-oill admitilom eo rtutu 111os yetelilly atur0oonttweretfo lll oed I by _____
Slit tic-I ihtoteretlitstedt ioub a god-sliectrtodlof spetaors, andttu MINNESOTA GAME.
turttryifli tIhut-ostins oitto tutuhly totcuhedtitih t Ihut- lit Off ~hicilsfoithliifootbu all game e-
hutrn In hubuiteutisCnCt nslut- it-tt-i-oilinterest Mich igan cametititotuthadt iii sil iut stilt unud Mihign, whiht
t hut-younutg latuis whu o a itotitng lullhutpliaywososhartoply foutghtt ihsttoue nNitIhutp-tielud
Ithis ytatuotut I ltntdtru bota-d. Iftoe i-oily poiti and it iiis impottssiblett li 11 I t 11I, tutu hutbitt uhoset hen-ry
tiuurss ui lt-ut withi te ol-ru-uuoto-u sty whatt ristls huto ys ihay w hl Clit lujr.,i iuruttry ratt heUnIiuletrity
ijuntiontoiiht- clsestoliigilt uptuitg. ori cagttu tltd1now ittf Omahautwill
classtongstangesuttablihome 1101phrt- .Thut cuors to-ireas folluos: unutue.1Lieutu. IHnry Ku-ty f1-Fort
touhoiti for futtue ilassos t follo. -Seidtant sill r-toret.As yt nut
Afteu-rtoe adduresos f itishedthetieclhign. Chicatgo. t utu ii Itatot-eIttdiitdeutdhiioutuhotry
Younuug ladis oet-rinitviteudl ttu teSittmoou i - -t ttt lresailoI cuili 1 teda n fthelitl-
it ight lunctuhetont, whihi tiiithul e rt- Blouuofild, 2- --...... .Petit, t ilt itt sseveral orthel ag-gamets in
tpared, tutulaert hut-f111110wtoscleanedtlKidtoilt2- - --...... ltnisonit.otbMinn1aotltusl(hirigtho- lutsttloutyas.
fori dantintg. Feler19 ........... tutulon0
________..........__.Cuti,_ MAKINC A DEBATING TEAM,
Ttl- tMihigit ; Chicago, 2.
THE HAMILTON ORATORICAL _ -Thutrdauy inigtht te ffirsoiu tSi-
CONTEST. ALL-FRESHMAN AT M A. C iet-told-lu.heir prliminaits attd the
Thou-Al-Freshmuante am hoats tutuflloliii-, en won ittiloutirthe lordert-
''is co1teel lst ituteduytle hualon- Wutedut iSountBils, Washbiurn.
iltn Cubof hicgo taes plae i toe8:461trounthtiis monuulilg fr hutto-
thintgt, (Ifanuar i.The lttoni'eren -sing wheethOtey ate schedultedl to but hut Auluabudi hue tigut awereo
ablolleges, uuexcpt. innesoaotiofn-roo l ay tis afterinogtinstot hutMiAhi- utu-uuu ath Aturelt ooc
gant Agrixculturailieouto.acei-bg-.Tetem itoeu to1111epreent ti tiam. Of
hub tontestantufrountiMichign nutotsgoutAgsctSartrothailbiogi-ofiutisentociety
ate ethouiourationstoreaudy y Motitday latotniigbht i-hocledu-iletr turmntent upttteaSushi huoon11nd1 t usoutrittly
Nov. 2, at tuttoi. Procions tmtlst Catal~iit-t-tit ~te uithubt-mn
totexcedt3221111words, antd musite flueAbh-FroMhituan mr-s awiaiyhut as
til 001111 phase oofIliaibiinos life. Oh folots. u- sut hoouti ustbuot uuo
Giorhiman 1I.;i:Nitsenhhturuan seuttnulthetUniutr-sity.
tie ortioins" sent in yill beuthogohse Theo uuu I Vtl 0 hit- reostlt f thu Wbstr antIAt-
oico Ihe highet ire uil hut-selectedletedIh . hmsn I ok ^;Ce
tut uloirtotrioashuttuottuhurani ettr. g.; tatrick, r. g.;httttnuy r.11110Nut withlhbe anouncuuettttomorow
o theiruits, ihaoto-thoe lrcught fttc(Clf)a1ngAltit1d0-tuy stiug tutu-itare out1 attubas the
let outiheadho a ootoll 1. b.; Kirby, inocltirr. I.; St. L-inuo Irawetiar iteresinhcses
bfreivsC1osfitteeCOanItohetttm1111n 0 w bho thcleMichigait haexcllnt men thio ea
recive frstplce rnran, othasaitdtwilhuttioutuuwill 11ut1out a win-
to thought andtol uoivrywiblhe chots- ln em
.,. - .- - - - --,,,,'1,, rtIV.,;..m,, OTER BAY" IN NEtWl OIAR- luntem

hotme cottest wiii tite ipbace aouti
Novembuer 7.
fluebaitoun Club providtes $b100.l00
fur the winteooufthue conttest Jatutary
it. $21.00 four exbenettlotthuicaot$5.-
011 fort the bprinhtuigof his oratin, aitd
giveso.im tt huebprivilegeofoutenterinig the
Hlamoiltoin Club witin two years with-
oull initiathiontufei. Oratiotnsmaty hi-
beft wihtMr. Gailuoway, secretary if
thue Oratiorical Atsociation,100orith
Profesour Truteblood.
Next weeit Satutrudoy afteruoton, 3 to
i O'cbock, Mr. and Moo. Grttnger will
httbo lbhopenhonse at the Acadhemy.
Thouse iterested are inviteub to visit
the Acadletuy atod inopect the nowy
tubuituig. Footbaoll news wiilhbhueo--
ceived, and music futrnishedtoofr thouse
whit care to donce. The lathes' class
will meet at 1:30 o'clock.

husaV111Gl0^TEItlES. U~fR
Thidy evenitug the New OysterI EX-REGENT CLARK ILL.
IBay wibliwetomtte uveryonte lit a "chopi NteshutsItt-outruoteivedulfom lox-
sitiuy sphiead, evirythting strctlya l nubtunAih.thtHon.Arthur M.
lho inueoe. The occasiontiis te ophen-t(.hark,-exc-get ofithe University,
iug of theo-uttlar toting houueiltosto nd pa11s01grandthleclturer of tho Mtsoonic
ntetouarierso tn Stale street. Former- iratertnity if MAilgao. lies itt a criti-
ly tin Williamoshsreet, Oystor IBay is caondiutuuhion at his resid~ene in that
wooth ktnouwntoutalt, atndhthe impmruoe-bloc-, Het-wao takieowith on attack
menhs wiil aliow of a still totter ser- ')f brochit is bobt:Sunudoy antI tn
vice.1 luturohoy it del-opeito tt u motnuitia.
fhere will hue twa fluoors in use, ant i11s condiioun at proesent is utnchangedl
bte uppeitfltora hali eighty feet lontg, auth tvurything tttn otn In medhicai
wiilbhuedoohfur tinner Itarties anti sciene- is beingdhuhto li t het-dio-
class botuqutets. The Cafe below is to tingutished patient..
be protvided iwith ontali tables and wtili
oeat eighty perotns. A hordl oak stoic- ProfestorCotiter, iftt he Bihble Study
cease, leading to the banqpueitoll,1CbClao, atununc-es that thu reguiar stu-
fon the cafe, willb he a ft-attire. ftere' lent coiurses hut tutle Stuuy will com-
wvillhue spbecial muisic on teonintgm-ton iou-et weekt in Newboerry Mall.
night and everytone is purtombsed a The hours for flue courses will he set
good time, iater.

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