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October 23, 1903 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-23

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0, obbhte youg f"llows who oro looto~ foe aood
Va rsity roti o« well lw of good musyle ti.Youst, the toIl
~ C lo th es v'L I rjlI t l one
goo'o II ~ x usuaeH
Nw Line of
S RAIN COATS T"he Clothier, :
3 ,Justlin
Others Claim Them We o Yesterda afcternlooln om 4lil ol 4.1(101:1e~ll od110 lio tll
o" Have Them, 0001 arbour It' in s'l o'oie a1111 llh
Shell O ler (oo' sins o~' io . 1el sle'ors,
'Ilo kh'leo I ol ielo I.kk~ hols ofl mssc Molly lFar'nseorllo,
.r lui"y s~ le. o l 110 t e c lro Mros. Aegell, Mees o dloMoo. tbeoo'
p l~l It .e: I (o ei.s 0o erre'"od ith 1 \te . Mrs Cooy, ooo lr M oooll 1111 tboo
Z 1. woOly soc 'oO ice boooolees. visitcoor: andoo wo lornoed Ithom'o. A large
The only strictly First Class Short siledo inoeevigteouss
4. Order Dining Room in the City. F lol looooth re11 bceptoilon 1005 11he pro-
Ole (cib ('o'1ole is Ic(1our ga n ee 2' ra which1, sool wile eoooo'o ol d jy 1tbe'
to fi ,iesleig Il ofi'''"be' Yellows and tl lb' bo,'
by lt i.' Gails' Glee1 ('hlb1. Miso "oros
Willits, the Caterer. w.orth, th pr' llesiden't. of lb' 1inagn1e,
O (ysterIm Oboe c l'ao ,I. th et gaveo a, sortoo. a0 o untoooo of Ih aim ools
Utl. trutho (osob l (1 iioluii'l anbold 011('e 1 oe ooo icnslon. lb'-
S310 S. STATE ST. side 'i~spre ocia~l sieb it. o'ooolo'
:1 orIs tooo aid osoe'oa in o a i o 'i h eir'
w th r o u'l gho eollge'. It lsoo cobbhlbe'h
i i llyrii o'oooo ill 1111 ,ylb'1110110011 loo
1i11 rite plao of10 e s t l foor lis yeare
New Brlllswick TalJII 1c ococ oll lil1111io'lsooo
AT would11( beo dividledol gr 0,1 lop ool 21,
REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, S eooooso bog of Il oeloae ( 1 ver olhre'
Floe Cigars and Tohactos 1werstrern ilivtsor)
JAoS. 'W. REID, Prop. 312 Slate SI ,S ie anl I'll It llbobbo'oo lbto' looe
1111101' IsO ..eo'o'loo'l the oo g',e~1c 111 111i 101 ohe s oo1 theo 'a to
ni ofirs Jordanlo Ihe poe ke ofthe1 o L it
Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes cind oool \'o olle Schloolarshlip 1:11111
ser r O- l e' heo'ly. Iwltio hi tob1se sa loan.o fund101
Fine Lunches in Connection, 11 lee cofoe' oebbb.'o Wo'he'n th
booEv oiioy Nosol n C'oooo lbnd is lully sublscribeoo'o . wIoill be'
308 S. State SI. R. E. JOLL. 1001 ib 1th0 handos ofl tho Reto''Is. Aoo
1111101 fun lb ha 1 obg olldedl'o r 110'a
+A ." V. . lollr«,. 11011' l' nini ia ( o loe~ Fre ma 1' 'l 0101 loloe'o.
4' ROSS GR.ANGER, e ls l~lS oll sai haoto lasi ye'aro Ih
Manager of the poroo ce 11111 h1 special w oooooo' 's oIl
,.c.,a.deso.3 Orchestra cIbo ol'ooIooooe'" 00looee
Ground Floor. 312 Maynard St. i to i)o' voool, of tll' 1 ohyllo, boot 1t1a11
tis Yes'-n e diti, o n 101 h00011 be oil
YOU CAN GET A + Iease 10 pe cet'l of all sll1000'itl 110n1
0 ootaido 'I l'oo' 10.
H t L u c I"~I~1 Il ~ ~ l siolcoolt Anoge'll Ihe spo'oe' inioie
At Tiztle's. 338 S. state se leo eoosiel sypaheic 11r1ct
10111,. o l o Ia to face's' 011 bony w5'omoe'n.
0® AI, N j C 1h year loo' l '1101 ab , o'o t 010101wselveo
10111111 ('loge' an nlt oool eo, boil eool
ls se $3 per 111 of 12 Wbooks illols rodo boaoly sedl elle oo' theloo
UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street 1nv 10100 t'ol 000 lloly. '['boyo'e't' 1m01ch
t6 PnoossonfSn'e'e oposton otNb ~ecrOadLtl
PALACE e PARISIAN jldbnts 1 inloo' 'oive'o'lly, aonoo by 10010
1lple oootsiode. If wase loivol lot tho'
1''KI(1 000101 d 11 ot11 iol at011'e' witlo hoe'
LAUNDRY AGEN Y" 011011 boudis;ooollolooodIo
Obib« 011 ~slwni~ Stol I n I"- stooi phscly Itso0ecm p
'N" k ca lle o r an 1 eice pr1 1115 0omptly 1101011 lout, womoocn wsere brilliant1 110
M.* i. DOW[[R, Agi." elass worook aono steadoily impoedl io
heaolth. '11er' rights were reognioz'o
PH T G A H 1lile bylittle. fAll loee oft women
PtIU1U 'I(.t rr'1 1whoo hauve come oiler ose e muchl to tbe
womnen whloo first eame. Thoe wolmen
Call on grauate of1 Michigano have' doooeo
SEY UURS SUD Obmuch for the 'world's sooil life. A
SEYMOUR' STUDIOgeneratlion of woeo'n hoove g~radulatedl
316 S. Mlain Street. 1e

® All f +. l . C All a
*$3 00 LDoroLIhy yu ~oe 30
aD d Shyoes Suyes
a [OR [ADI[S.
* Toholy ehooe that ois ely shoaped to the b100110muclesl
a aood ligamoents o the foot as they are revealed by X-Ray
a US FOR Oh~NCE (coot you try a pair thast are not maode by
a gucework meautremwent sod yoou.xwill endoroe the uoani-
a mous verdict thoat thley 1010 ''00arrangO'eeof in comfort.''
® Establishsed 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas
e ~lo the aFootball ofen.'
a 0011onsiderationf of pdo r efforts, I will givFe
S* ex/erpd football mark of tfre 196." team clralirfg '
fr lis a 'n" a dd7e bill for $5.00, trarnsferable
a among 1..ooraelVes. Signed,

l'oooo boo co' 10111 'one (uoooo tbo ebolbo oithl
ot spolhdid1'equipment''landoil tolllc'oll'
fidenle bin Ob'ei ol'e. Anlollitis boo'
too thomb thaOOto'eeelhoobscstemoo of ti
011010-boore'l'obearo'osed too be00hatllowhe'n
womnbcm eredoio'o 10 01 o'o'o'lthooy woutlod
lsthei' somanh~l ooo, bouti wioooae
sentout.ool enbou~ghbnobllo'enoo((I-l
('omoinobeol froonopage11c10n0.
Drakelbo, whoo''e'he lab~yedltwo ye'ar'o loo
forohe OllbIbowacrdt or1p0ayi00g1ab ' 'oo's
u rli l b ob' foo t 01boollI anob ol ool in'ica 0(111

Pantori I.I
336 S. STATE ST.
Trousers Pressed, - l ocI
Suit Pressed, - - - 25c
Shine, -- ------loc
Tl' m's lfll 10100 wolt
$1.5o worth of work $1. 3

loll1 "lly o lo looobooi't'oo s ig ga i
ontinu~bledl fr''owpal' ooioc .? ELECTkIC 'AN,5
f lanooooooa s 0a11111t('lng 110111 ' o Electric Ckh D. ske5
Noo I oo'MinOoso + ~Electric Tale Larps5
061 Aint It Great!l 4
(lbn-,11it gr'e'at., ci st soply goriat, 4. + I.tat, oylb ireqo HlO' Ntyou"rn
'bo swoo ip Mino ta ti 'ghtl off bo't h oe b ao.44i44 10M CA hd 'c urdisp'la..... j
'bool upoo thO 11'scoreoel a t-s me110
1110w0011boocolom010(1sib (owoo!eo 4*I WA5HTL'NAW LICIIT &
Wibis 71 Vlmoot d. f44...it.44..4..44.44444444a
Wecsoold youor bgrandfaother goodslig'hest cashPrice
andoidiolos orepairinog wheon Iuleoottend- .paid 1(01 s01'01,11 cl o 'lthoiog.
e'o shoool oero'. We os'uoot lo keplit Sh1oe, r' o'iteri'oWile1(1you 11011
001 ando dot yoous.Haller's Jewelry (Gotods5 caliledboo.
Store. S. 6OLDSTIlN.
Wanted--A m n oooobo t'e coorcetio o u-I-
onace'o'ohNuooSigma.Nu oouottse 1(0091 BAILEY & EDPXUND,5,
ohoornaiPe al _<t ii1 a1 n. 2-b FISH N ETI'S
.Vont~in ensat nshng'. rjz okt.'rm.121 East Liberty Street.
KOLLAUF, The Tailor,
tOO1.0Huoron St. H. 44444444444444444444444444
---- V4 The ATHENS PRESS .
Youor eye's examoooed by anI
export oticiaoo. All (ho lab- N C" 1fPrS t
001 applrocved applibaneswood methods 42n~d Fbias. .Atkh Tk 'rb,nods.4
konown to the Iprofe000100 a10 eoployed. i*4 r+is r.4. a 4*.FF4'.'4.4n.h,+
Flouyeoove ne oooseooi nno beeooop

catod, fraoomes roeouirod. Haller's Jew-
ery Store.
KOLLAUF, The Tailor,
1id Horon St. 1.
Freob Lowneyos, Allogrettis, Spar.
row's und Huyler's Chocolates at Cuooh-
lng's Pharmacy.
Math Supplies of all kindo at all
prices at Cooshing'o Pharmacy.
Main St. S. Phone 281. I


bloctohLionehoetween oole do,( olub-
bolos, N lbmsI Ibhbbboo' I- ho itrles511)10W.
oo., oaod blt'eSoth.oAshkyouo' agent o'
oappoly too I_,. PI Lohol. lP. A., 7 Fort St.,
Dtroit, iolch.MOLTtoooON HOUf,
CJ . Y... Yoledo, .
The Frofessional Sale Dreoaer
322 S. State Street, (up stairs), oelteoolssp-
iloo invitatoionooto t-o'llsto 'all Itlie,'parr
ol(loto n 'eL tierlnew litreoflhair andotoilet
Tey my Scientific Face Massage and
Money Loaned
* Watches, Diamonds
Or bother1 1personl propeorty lf
salos'. Wahleos aooolJewelry 11
pa.ire'd. lioo'g'oiooe in'Wlatc'hes
Oicehbo at resiodenceo'.'310E . Lib-
erty Sbtoe'e't, A n110Aroro. lI~os 8
to 110 int., I to 3:310 11 11., 7 t
1111,. on. All Binoctoe('Confiden
that. .JO5EPtl C. WATTS

i'i4sia.+iiir ti.i.r .4 i err.+ ti.iit4i.t.4t4r .4.4. .4' ' " 4. ' '
tUse hy all the Leading ' o I
+= olees 1 0.00 I ad$13.00
. . F oooBllats I. olo Itoh n
dip and coolent oe'bcpadded Wnith
'.fie w le ho i ndthnk es.i teworld
I eo1'rb01COlad. 1
4. w Yollo's , i ago ooD0env oea.IN '''U ET4U~
+SadNew (Trk Chic ago, Denver Z LLE TE COTHE
fo Cie1003, oditoo boy W ollo 10 00001 .
Price 10I cnt. 113 S. M1AIN STREET
4. H *+a,.*r~~ -* A


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