The Aichigan Daily Vol,. XIV. HARD WORK CONTINUEIS. Fierce Scrimmage Under the Electric Litsl-Charging Machine in Ac- tion-Drake Team a Wrthy Opponent. If hard twonik and eiiihiaism will Ain c hamioinsiipst Mihigantsure ly has irs(ii"climilanWtrn foo bl fo (il. Yotctha inpietcis u- pilwith li t''"doi or (ie' spiri an thlie Iam isconft identitIna a in fcorn grin (lthe huuutt'IulG(phersli n ith(le grenhg con tetl chdied lfor a ee from Saltttty.''lTe crimmag' whih tal(place'tbelindiiiheli'biar'iedtlgaeniof lerry Filii lastnightl wan(lemst tionn tartaheI(teamirha lxperie'ned this Yeiati'i'thear ighittsysttm il en'last:tnih frtert timealen- oi t aitt r te shaiei ofina itt' htin' ' a -i Caigc. Ys introdutlced isglaeil.ill thlie (l. Andl (iii Iprac(tice tltng ti lie' wlil lance 2)'itlli 'l, a 'aerian'a scimg oklaterii'demonsitraiiltedii. agin, tic gryci Dtfree bei ll(ipiingg inll the ineup or ina liwork.iii ti was 'tCll' at itldropiikiingcdgoals ('thin lainoii iit h inaliis b alc lit 'II ii'i'g ilwh a i n itredIlls a' i ii ad niadaol.ltna ndin liliii mwor tr(I lloi ed I t ixin t h g; U. 'I'.ge in, tut' Shu lderis a id ly ii in iic itrn gt a ndi i heliia oit; iaithallitina (nea n -wiGrIgory' ('yinl. tatk will nt'i'itli l);eeto (nritlill inurin li a liledgail to (lilt Vi'ta aettoitin a ard itrn, itiis hadllik'helyithatih nila lo ' tciit t keep '(him ii reath ot a iThea. '('(a nrilne neaorrita i mgand mfio li gl:LFIe bea g ((L. pillii (a L.t G., (a itt(liii., T'ied'.lii nan np 2:Q_11Yni'a LItI3(,iii' p ag' Rtl If.lit'.ttGraver;i y cc.lii '(liii'mmoniiiArc'umberlof angulanwee m111ade a5 pilaidyitii' (resit e baii cil l yiiis'iive t' th(le ('adNelnwo adiaetn dr(ledribyYosi ill 1'evieirl a and rladi'raioii n Nii ie(anyoli last'iiSlturiiiart (ce antib:(licedIar ciiigiulas' clnge forlig glltaiiii il tl re ceac tuhdon orthiirbsonaiory Yad ul i'anrligfeaoni'dohehiccuthi ainieurlformatin-gaut',h22'arsicie shtni sio'vetheil(iasian toard(an iihe anchili'hinsiamnmmrlaiil(liscrub alcks teinniiiv aia i l mlytr baktfria I lossi' aial clinnirc' iworti' wasnast anigaur'iatereglars igreci- allyof healeamsg Michti aallsiiret c min'ienpaiindt.cDpage[ie lrnn. ANN ARBO0R, MICA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1903. No. 22 Chicago Team Here Ready For the Game-Admission is Free and Visitors Welcome. TheIiniteirciille'gitegull' inateli le- 't''in Alichi-an aiiil (hicagoi will b yeal'ri i nn o atchesirnwhichliwee' plyed betwigeen mlii' ano temms Miclii gauinwas vctiii iiiind th1ely lia' sritg(m. hl'soa iii ciin liithegame t(lila tear. Lasmt year at lt'e gamea'niiai- nit taer (fi'mwatichlai'ge'd, ut ii than lein ideicieditomae t'h(e mchelisi year' treei'antIit in hopes[ltiatlthe at- Iitenaiii'o'will bt' 'o'i'spmndlingly laim ai luicessdtmti chliili. Eeryone isin i- N[W SONGiS. Will Be Sung At Big Mass Meeting This Afternoon-Everybody Be Present At 5 O'clock In Uni- versity 'Hall. 'T'e ((rat' offereid hg the Daily in yestorday ali's i it a ll'ilti llaii iiiiii'm'nimoedfr nmbreal' 'r'plii's. An a 'tatit, a larg;e mliiier of ieelleit. siiigs hareen'iireciviedand of t sicise thebetlare givemnblowia. 'T'e 'c liiicl itiam honiin liii'conietirc e i alm'sliiaks will fonriollegm aspirit. inci iittly ena nina na' formev'eryuuue le ak it Ia ipoiiiitinblit'esane: tlila aftemruticaaiidl (nter' (aartily iio(In' apiril ofithe(a'snameting. croiii'orStanlenyccilbait' hrgo D[[[GATEIS VISIT OUR CITY Members of Christian Church See the University Building-Mochigan Alumni in the Party. AiiiiArbitiwaticsaiitdyesteriday bg a nnmbi'r'if ('(l a ('rmt hi' Ntionbau ('onvontion of'theiCh'is'itian ('huct,wtichlisi iniires'e't.'illinses- in in the it ily ofIDueroit. Thei'ob- ject of thedeliegthenawas Io neet'heii I iierail y andto(arcipaelitcnii a gin' etal erircerwhich wan hlcillastieeni city. T'he('iiservii''cestinisteidiif'(le 'igular praetri' el mg, follocwed by ai Aiioniiitliii'legatles who isnite'i hutw wiiaer two menei'rs whiiihave oibutaiiiedh iaiitil pu'rnnehrc''ill fluiitinimattrs. lRnssell Err'e't, prim- I (tit (t Iuli aI.ucI (m int i i (htlc (tu bol luslceosrno tiquethmu o f ine haugllichyma' (~etinmg aill suuely hi' pimuctivie of ai ciudetuinmmAnnmArboitit mm((e '70's. t . c.,ali spec'ttoursn umutdh (n teeslti(nr (( unh esaultsa. H('in' iteduthe(u'ol Uiversity grumnala g~htl huhumuu tme ltgie auulmmiiialThel edmitorsa if th(i(taly havebcaf'tte a luas' if manmy yeiars.Mens yardsmuubehintiuhe laesuaedminIaintmutuluic' hut osenubctweeinucth tntmgsiLouais' Kelly nias in(lie hauly.pMrsn cours undrstic tha onlymembrs (mcr apesf "GoodaiildthSumpnte('Killy is thc'Naionimal Organizeof emuni umiii'rthnihmial tcy uuuuil l'iiiu'''''Yellonwcandl(((tic," anduth ' iii' 'uiimaar's Iloardl if itiann. Amang of the' tamsa wilhun'aloweduto htp(ay ica~i.''ii umiun cmt inthe(i pct wnhile'tthu mtch iI isi rlmtasoswh ee nte at 'The miat c ii llb beteeItch wor ccIll(, wnimi'tlnefthi eth sonmg cwilhi'wad ((mu ((ci' W. C. (((ilwhmwanata I uumuciii lnt mii ai-it mcii lii'luu nn-an uirhl mm nin rlimiccw' iiu. amne (imit a tni ului (mmmc', andi illuing tun's fciii elIi netm'eauch, ndI t, hit i mi biliti 'Stmuhyuc'mmi i iuTuulIfn rn hmmiu S''''a' in hutleus ccilhut'platyedu. The otherIS ' mit-cu camugafollow:c t cf (ien'S. ('. A. chil in'muitauuimimiSumamuily mummmii (mg IOur fitchstcsuwuri'cury umnim ueanuil ginningiat.9u'clc,.Thei 'umlens f l;i(ieu'mua high udracwling fltuiitml) ith iiAnnitAur(ttu'mmiindespecially wih bheu'matcihlwilt Vota'omcwhat cm iio--ow wwiitheumiv'unity Ibuiling,mihiithafr'oat- lning to tumaihu at' threei' acitil ofifi'ie'ii inmm nota! (n'risively.' imimmIictul 'miiig erbarilury dieu muatchesaimnitad if ttul corues', is Locomotive Yell (begininitig chin'.) ECKERSALL PERMANENTLY BAR las er lti an: e ( d n r n lt I (miii: ((tail:i 010i lim'(igmmu ? RED. the fimuuiniluntl e'((mimicofl thei'iplayersa Muiltigumi ! W tllerm'Idntc tuhi icwts pema nentuly'ui(a miei i (i Xi'tgui hm al(i ~ uhimgan!! iii ntuit ha i f (1ei' Aniattumir Athletic u-hampiini}i. It'hi Rhi!limt'! RahiIMichiugtanm, ttu (in IthutmardI of Mtumttgei'a of Theii' muuuut iiicof (hut.'Minhiihlti Ietam Mihihgtam!!I(hie (tututin] i sia tin ueaiuy might. lilt Sn(tut I lofii l d't, IFm'lii'm, Ber'ry.'Ai i'a ii iamhm huiiuh him muchr !ilhti X thim'cml'____-i Af(ter' a long' a ehi in h in cl osedi' im 1 i f ('mul b ti couldmc ('t'lay oniac- l i I iiIhtiiId iiis ('I rth ii'c ltihifloorti ofiisre' Ma U..('tof M.ami Yell. son i . icm l, m(-bardi'notmmminuly hu tJ id ((il 'uu uu.i,.hu rM' .liitI taul (hPalt mmcii' (imuiS numh n the sumli'tengthi'of nini aul10}(utig o ?lad !It cioi'iRah!iidiiitilproof ((ic-ria I h e'u<' Initum (((I- FRESH LIT MEETING. hait! Rh lt Iiful! iuii'tltuicuihii mmi .A (it'frs1r"ti'a r i nii I tithg ( tmaa:15 hyesit muhmuuiti mmmimgci(2gnWino Can, ' hit' iti-mimiof ithuutboari-tias hum- (ettmy ifteruinon. A lau-iel'mber tt I Wi um a'rum Iiim a' i moifi nm nimhm cit-muvery fewt i r ls tmonngiinau-u. '((m'e Icml i muuumi(Imhitmi (mlii im uof the metin (mg' man m etlgsb itd tit ut' (i io n ________(him-t'nw ciiummev i ubmiiled, inhit-hi ele afer hatoftl hei'cltas fi 190. (tIn' a!itchtillhi y.(( ip-u scatnidath a(iiumf+