THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SOUR TAILORING 'I SDEPARTMENT,,,'. is gaining in popul'arity Conme and see us Ite- - fore plactng our iordcer.-I -#PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $40.00. -: Best kind of worktiusluhp guarateed. rr. + ++ G. J. BUSSca ~xKyr"C. SManager. Cx~ng ~.yv C. J+ 109-Ill Wash;igtorv St., Evkst. +rt+*+ti -+yt t rt sr*+y* +r++**re+*r+t++t+st+++asr+*r4+**+ r rrsr*ii*r r~~*+*+it4.r+ *+0 When you put your pipe aside light up a MOGUJL Cig- -aretta You'll he surprised at t h a delightfulness o f t he change. MOGULS are the real things in the cigarette Tyone for a little change. " t 1 Plain and Cork Tip. ZACHIVANN 8& PETRIEFI ~i i''le's 't DEALERS T v Dollar Alarm Cok FRESH AND SALT MEATS.1. +aH.utsJeeefiS.101S. 6017E17W il mimSt. .tt. t~t*+t~s .t4r .r~ .*ss F**st.r~ Pictulres andU Franmes;,' R E N T S H L EsR~h~ga For anyhin inthelnteh y0 Phone 389-2r: Corner Min and H~uron Streets. 0 21 iS. I'ttilt Atv'tie. 21 -ol 3~t ~ tt 1'~ oso~~oo2 DALNU ALAUlniversilty Notices. Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spar- DARLNG &MALLEUXrow's and Hauyler's Chocolates at Cutshs- inag's Pharmacy.' P'illows, Penannts, Fancy Gods All firt:i searlilts ad Engineers and Notions. tttttslt'e'eaitttdtlphlyscally betore iWe 001(1yourat rndlfaster goodis 226 5 STAT ST.Novetmher 1. All olters 1101til inltet'. int li(d( his reptait'intg when he al ltel ali's at taitialoti 2 l4i ed scihool htere. W~e wat to loop it n 2pFr lJ T ad7t 91).in.i tp ttnd do yottrs. Hailer's Jewelry D .VY.AH A .1 J.RAILW tAy K1 KICNi+'2 l"lZ'A''tlt'K . Store. /COLLARS Linen.(and CI F FS AR~E THE BEST. Barker's Collars are Stamped " Linen" Ottor brans adIert'is lndSol ttienare NOT s~ltd"Lnen.Why 0 AS'IIAgI) 'I'IMr: fi15 1 . 'j. ' jI t)iii ry un 1 :1:> ~ . ''1 j iJtjtjo jjjjj y. fl-..'o6:171 .'jjjl nn( il 1 l l . Waiting Roont, Hursn at., .WoftMaln.. Everything to Make Your Room At LOVELL'S Corner Store. ~Dwight E. Watkins7 tyPE~WRITING Dtjjjoa s ..i'Od il323 S.Mn~alrs St. I ndll1 ei tsjj v aljl forit )11j 5 ljt American & Liuropean Hotel Opem .Day V rsd Nigtt tLLIAlttt HAtLt, tOWtI~ti AtLtt0'tAtNt 'Tro ur ljlo f.'jj onjjjjj in "jI''jj 209-211 N. 4th Ave, rIRS. M. A. FINDiFRIaE, GYM, SUITS AND BANNERS Nt'xtldor ttit t0E i'lds-thjers, ove shieell'tiss Bok 'tole NOTICE FRESHMEN. ll fre hjl'1'im njat' re uirj fIreor and ('lass ANslltllti't)N. FRESH LIT NOMINATIONS. 'I'lle I~rushma r I t 'c 0 1 11155 tt ill meet. ii room j'j't'esijy' ail, Th arda~yzit. : l t jl'cejtj njjj 1 , i'jijj'muj oidas fortjtj'jji j'j' class 'ljT'j'ere ill jjo'a mttjjjingtie te Ito(lk'l ounjjt iijtj('tiit l 'ijjrsjiay t. 32, jj: 8 p.tin., 326; S Sitle(Oh dor1 Btatit Stttties of altliiindis at all irices at Cushiing's Phtarmtacy. itoot's Orchestra, Phtone 832, SI rict- ly uit-to-ldts antlust;-class. Any nato- hinitlottofi nstrtuments desired. 'Traps antd sting hits a specialty. i KOLLAUF The Taiior, ORFL HRSAEDS til0iltiron St. . ORFL HRSAEDS You eesexnlff h y to TINCTLY SWELL expiert opitician. All the lat ii at' l 1111 jji jj ic 1111 ot 0ji i i jtjjj 1 IfIl 'st approved apjpliances atnti st Ilods Ii v isi i, cvir 1 1 iII i l l iit1i it1 kown i to the protessiott are ettpltyed. 'jo' jjsl i-lr jjj olO 114,d ijo.s 1 0 oe'et'glassesfitit ejt,lines tlti- 'u litttii~ r ti ill l ill441411111 11111 l'jica , traites re'pairt't. Haiiers Jem- 1 j'jj jjjj(11, c i jjjjjjjjitl~jj ty5 Il',jiji l lo icy Store. I jjktlil jI i sl oi ic.N 14ii'' firu al I j W . ta c 111(111 illj allj jj ies' ,jj tjff etteioo olwt riotIi Neit'j'jl 0 "l:A : 1 j'j Ojjtl I y 1.,, 111ii ;, State. 201 ilttterru y sijt'tets deiinitg to se- KLAU ThTalr cuejjp'ositionstjo toI'at'hi till id it j LA,TeTtir, t.her'l'vtjj'tt'roiwitot.(tiJamtiF10 iii~o'St. Rj aie (Willis, 1217 Wit ttitt I1Si Viiitj and11c1llo1ttial ot' Mandotlin - -- A.niversisliyr.1txailec LADiES' CLASS CHANGED AT A. +, huieerLeder 1 GRANGER'S ACADEMY. Until aftir lie fotblall seaso is il'. ad tics.Mlss(Gratige r a1-iover tiii, thij'class itt dancitig fot ionC ll jextr15 1assembilty tor ntijXladieostrill Iscet at 1:15 oclock ott Frida ~ij htjli, 9t1 oI j'jloc, aotil eli'Sattirdays. Air. atid hM. Granger will prsetijj'Acaemi'jy lOrchestra, whjichtmt'et te classs tiext Sattrday at aboive 'nters 10ipon111th1111;seasontjiof 1903-0.4 wit out'. tegistet' atIthe otie, rottutid the'bst lon1111leiavj'Aia nasu-Ite lo'r, Acadeoty, 3032 Maytiarid ante ofpulic avor An nuberstceet. Other clasoes notw opteut. C- ofll'en11111y bjj' 118'aili'lfromoui 11)toicetar's at hook stotres. I1011113'yiwto. 1 *1) 1 .Uv, -1) 1 oaug tl) Dan McGugin says President ,Suspenders encourage every movement of the body. Guaranteed "All Breaks :Made Good." Soc and $100o. All shop- keepers in Ann Arbor C. A. EDCARTON MFC. CO. Box 288, Shirley, Ma. AIGRIOAN CENTI]A "The Niagara Falls Rsute." THi' OuIt ' LINEt- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON wit di"(- c nll "tion . t 'Cilj'ifgmj t'o i. ItLou itll ity. Va.siu tdtjji tii il( wrt io1. W.L(A:-41,A jolt. A A hior. Panlerum--226 S. State St.; trolls- ecs pressed, tir.; otit ipcessed, a5e.; oshitne' Ic. Tickets good for. $1.80 worthli of work, $.00. For Rent--Toolarge suites; all 1 tttoiert imiptrovemtets. Call at 612 E8.k Mdioln StS. tf Lost--Saltr'day tiooti atnthwtlltest cr- ner11'Newv IMedjicas lBldg.; IHisttoltgy bl. tbook-l Fittier pleaiso'leave at. 1112 Washienatv. 22 Rsoms Fo ee ts-Otteblock twest. of t'atnlius; sitigle bteds, large ilithles Itresses, goalteo, a slatiottacy oasli- 1. ieffecsott St. COMPARATIVE SCORES. 51ititeserl 55 stcorlm11111ga111(0is 1461i to IG, Slioiigaoi's i itlvi' gamesl'5is 13021 ltI0. littte;aita's poills avelratge 51i to Ilii' gamne, MAichigatn's avjceag' l60. M~iinnesota. hotwj'ver,attihe'tills- whtili' Miciganthoiutghi playing ifewej' gtlii'o, it its1'011t,01,teitig exi'j''jlj'l11 1 Mintlttlsla, C'icagto atdIlllitiois. t'iltumjtiatt Co'lleige', al t, asilglti. is plannliig iU)orgaize'a crew this ntO spr~ig. KOLLAUF, The Tailor, 1010 Hturon St. E. JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 215 Mtaint St. S. P.hone 281. Voil i i .(11.S i s p 11 nv a1 ero1 Wan'dner £ Co. 121-123 Me%,lrn.St. i~ft'it~ t+ft*st*ft+t~ft~ft*ftft ft} a1W arranted ' IItileofotr4ool I uohsa 205 r 4 4, Ifontell.rooh ,f. S. AB4 CSTMSHIPAIES. +*. at4ta tt tjj l~ iti ttdt EIf~+tt t * ' 1101' Ojr t>jt4 lt ' 25 ftf,.+t11112.,'t~~fr~tf WE CAN SAV[ You ION[Y ON - LAW BOOKS - OUR STOCK IS ITHE LARG[STIEN THE[ COUNTRY CALLAGHAN & COMPANY (faW e ablial-rgraarTd Importers) CHICAGO ANN ARBOR 'BRANCH... State Street, 0100. [aw Bldg. Nj. Ii 1:211A. A No. 2-11:13A.At. Nut. 4--- 8:.. .A. ot. 1I9j0llA. M. 5i. 5 12:011.>5 No. :3--4::53 t . 3 iraitix 1,2. 3, and 6tiil, dly except Sriday W.'f. IWILLS, Agoeny. Always Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.