THE MICHIGAN DAILY. .......... ___-- - - "The Naara Faly Rout." H verTh m ANN ARBOR to BUFFALO ,1 1 ~n af oe ee.yu II idalIs.Sig NEW' YORK ' I'es'4 oyrol(h'" 8 wso i00 n AND BOSTON " eert; wildr ,i n n : th( e, fo r.+ COLLEGE BRAND GARMENTS GEORGE BISCIIOFF,h)tony( niveo y(.1,.f:dad n' LLOI5T. b e CIIOICr CUT I'LOWI285 & PLA~rdY+ Ch'pn t 11- 1 teen w non t wad Iirv. SOUITHIIMAIN STREET.3 I In net 4 . N ew Brlllswick Tables EU 'ENIE BLAIR IN ZAZA" PRAISE FROM EASTERN CRITIC. AT tlhe'Athen (s Iheater 011il 01001100' ritic.e.writes0the Followin aricl11'hrn REID'S IBILLIARDJ PARLORS, e11v, ping, ) 'IT as"1 7.1), ill the t1 ie llu1tr1(e1 lior lee News fo Fine Cigars and Tobaccos ]1,,]1511111111 11productio o ilih()play.Oteober -: JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stale S.,S. 'iy'Ili l'A'ir. Heny t(loss))i 11at a1geat "the'leading1 01s) er footba1 llteams 1)11, f scul'''no rr s' lnS o e lect ra) effete 11 ls. call pooluce,) fi11(1) lse urish Cigarettes and Pipes 1pronle- 'l c. 1use bylo n 111111111 H a1111010h1111'slill(] it r 111111w 11, 1)hind Fine Lunches in Connection. 1real11y known)))for) 1er) 0)l'l id i 11111 sons0 f1 90II 111111 1 ad 1 , ail l hon'' 1 Everyth)ingO.INotrnod '1. il C ile. ly of Qual .'' 11110 five 111icrals re)in()i helhd iis 308 S. Sate S. R. E. JOLLY. elI., ht ee ehaeho)11II1111111' II(f)' 1)150)5 '11s1)l, onchlYos1101ar1)1e1 III')))' c lidal s) 1111)0 Os h r tHer Iwomrdy of I'e 11110)ie behind 1110'))) ROSS GRAINGER us u ui di re110)r1,1)11 111)1s 1ere(e('iel Of all) t1heIpla110)('('o111 11)'e('15')') of Sanage of te rp e o h I g ic( (ei atbc, e1 )1'IIi') S'111 1)')) l'')) II11 1 5 11000 he111 'was,5n11111111'hosnle 41 ' o r (o firstIll) 11 im oi S 11Iciher 22.l101 ily of lihioso (lIan 11h1t)of edden - ingenlin th :;ral S ee which te- 111e'e'1ven at SAn Aror. F"om (I1e 0 YOU CAN GET A ilhnb Ii suc .a ftch 1 5i 'ef hrd-Iwoeing, IIlely andrelible 1 (III II0Iism')' 111th111111111:dponw' 111u e aa in l ir erowsh~e of( h1i)' AtT tte s.('.St t i'ly l) ass 1)I ))1 11'IIII))'(('110's1 h ad rn ~ t isfis? Il(( l is111 01)111ot1111 r ll) " o 1111- - -r11" liosllo 1(111his'poit'ion.'i i nest1101 0)AN C NI[11. A NEW DEPARTURE. tliiiill i,, beenliiiishown 11in'1hi0 - nn.$ fr(of1 1 t }j tse1 ',1 111'))) .1'' 11.1of0 01(11. (111 r' a ti R e b l ocked(0. 1(1 UNV RSITY ACADEMY, Stae Sreet 1( w11:) )13, ) r fte asrf(rai1 iII') (f I l ldcIo's ill (ho gam1e' 11)11 ro- rAssno noof.(" 1 ae f t11: iga cirs ouhow.Ih P e su t s ,U B u t t e r e duPo plCo i n5fil' 1 ( ( 1 ) 1 1 it (i n i ' i I ) I ) 1 ' ' l i k i' ' 1sl i i s 1 1 1 1111 lI)0 I s im 1 n im. o' mo ' will wI Sml's 'onhcill (I 1',F D as. ciii BI' gi'r1,' of '1e 01' i sphomor'' III' e causet'Ii en ns wmi l ii ery (r ' -_ 1) i,'ii 11 (I'thellaIni)0)w)as, ro osed, 'wiiiy to hellpsthe')runii ei'il nne ( th II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n in In II onn vm e 0 11)itis now th l i ntention of the down i) Iiis01III'i so) ooabl . n)( is tc CrackeriJckBillard Parin r andjuiu1is)' l) n iit i (tri t 1)150)1' i a t' L do nIT, Fed -n l ks Peanus, MuteredPop Crn A 0 m ii ir. Is)iplionsc l 1(r c oy an FtsreH Nlc. eoi eATION s Bo lntAlyo cs ifi ol snn 'lb' l~a r f-l' si on1111 fint) ro (lo ss (I'll) I'V1R HOUi. ..ii ichii( cfi s aIlol ma vnce i th ea' lyn 5', 55w ('01(0' all 3 1S . S~oo e ly o t.nicinif ll(, hllIetglSogam1s -miliiloihe 'o a e. 'iii ri'laIn')i iI 11li i'll ll' 0)10 mo~ios 5) ill~lwil lti 1 I nLoIe Ito) noil(,nedlofsp1iroithllwho.In e lnrihe lhll imen udr et ani' $5i.) 11I00 IN Olile Is 0111 1 ii Ness Thee olm 1111i) coi.1 1 1or1n0ed0rsh0y dogeswit lbe iih nig P" till)) lin e.Ar) si S s ice . 'hh r)11'1It'lhiii s' S Kend o LLo UFhn the fTadis lor 1'g 2S\'si Day. 2211 --, - --81 1 Pantoriumi. CLEANING--PREINIG-SIRES 336 S. STATE IT. Trousers Pressed, - lc Suit Pressed,- - - 25c Shine, -- ---------0c $1.50 worth of word $1. U. of M Antiseptic Barber Shop AND lATHrf oo)515 J. R. TROJANOWKI, Proprietor. ac Massage a Specialty. 322 SOUT STATE STREET AN ARROW C ANTABA 1CT. AhOononTWO FO020 CTS CUTI, PEAODY 6 CD., MKoS shun Ri teMENI ln ---not sent out to take chances with othoers. Correct in cut, because designed by style-. creators. Correct in fit, be- cause measured on a model of your figure. Correct in tailoring, because each tailor is a specialist (making but one portion of a garment), each receives a weekly salary, and the health of each is cared for in sanitary workrooms. The price is right. Yor money back it anything goes wrong. One store sells thshe e. This in the on. CUTTING, REYER& CO. 109411 East Washington St. KOLLAUF, The Tailor 110 H Iueon St. ':. Foe Rent-f-T ii 111141'sill) en all la isini So .i WAG W/UNLEC A9E"L IEmporingJ Tailor 542 OcOWN -IOWN. 54 000000ooo,...,oofosooofo*fooo,9*,,*41*****41 0000f00oooosoooofooooooooiooofoooHoooeosoooo***41 oo*** s** 41 O1 O1 41 41 Barorios Dianmonds have 1)0012 wornIfior yeassb117dilisrentl 1112Is of the" (lilthiC coops fromnt S )t oishls Atoric'ss Comitries. TFhese Imagn~ificent stontes have 1120)11the aiao~~n .1a1nd 1) I'ol' 1 o )7 ~iywh'er'everth iey swere oso. Barricos Diamnlds havc all te fire, life 1111d lustre of g--uiuim stonies attdIin aojparance pioitively c1)1)o111he iistingsish~ed frost thsemo. IS is a watonswaste of !HnItey to divstdk$75..)) 5 1I5i ia ll) 4.diamIonhtll isS1007 be 1015 frbomlits settin~g a1111)' 1 et11011t. SoII canI wear te identical piece itt appearan1ce set swith a Barrios Diamond AT 1-20 THE[CotsTL Tihese gooids represent all of te latesSt io ss 10plar stylus ottdI designs. Tihey hove te istinlctiv'e features 151 jewelry worfth mtany tithes tiseir cosot andl front whichrl they canoct ite distissguishseci even by te 11100 criticai. Wc asolutely gunaranstee tisese gill)ds to be as representledi 011 will replace oany stonetehiat loses its (oigoinaOl brilianscy witihout one cent of expense 110 She purschtaser. M01oney retrned swithsout cquesticontis casc of dissatisfactions. Trie Barrios Diamtondl is b)"yon' diutitttte finest, Itost perfect bimitation cver discovered asIn lay be worts anywhere wiith perfect coisfdetnce. All te teaty of a getnuine dIiaondl~tr at a fractiont cf its cosl. BarrMos Diam ond Cole I I I 2o6 hSolth "oMaine Street, *4141414141*414141*414141414*414141414141 eN+ *e+ee e®ooeofeoeoeoeoNe Ne ®ea seo"wseeoet eeeeeee e eee* eN+ e* ee + eer"e+i WE ARE NEVER UNDERLISOL"iD-GOOVD YEAR'S DRUG STORE