THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Annoulncement.. The Largest and Mst Coplte Line f:.. WOOLENS in Ann Arior Nill be found at G. IL.Wilil& Ins, li08 fast, Wash:igl'on St.1 ral trainshayse been tak~eni in tlhi'selecition of all ,mhil los, lrnise'nings ti, nerc'(oating' for this season. G. H, WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. C heapstlace: in th t (: I (,Iif rl Ii il K inds of IUniversity SText-Books I Agents for IKeuffel & sser's Drawing In- IWaterman's Ideal Fountain Pens 4 Try Our Z * One Dollar Fountain Pens Warranteid. *SHEEHAN & CO.,I Students' Book Store. j3211 SontiSiate Sr'nt. OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS PssH., rsso .n r-ssi- Office 20l9 S. 4th Ave. IPhne 98. 14,i drne 302 S 51,11Are. Cline 314. Ambancnne10call. THE3 MICHIGAN DAILY mass metings in which to practice(f fff ffffti ff our ngs nit yll, wn willb le Ylaiimees t ht idas Second cla ss itier at tlii Ann In make Our fenting swha i shull YuEtre Nesi Arbls iione'l e or the ret of the senoon. sille 1os lmi. y (ifmri'ieimms lmil lmiirl MEMORIAL SERVICES *iLaw l fI l~1 ~ll MANAGIG EDITR. (CotinuedFrom Page On) Z alU iest s Mt 1101ASN achi Iaboy othe hall. Priies- l niest 1tu51Ns5 MANGER: oe is will dlier a shut address.* ItSi'iltt It II S7uN Aplrolialr nuisic h linben arrangs'iltBoks F.I)IORSn T e Fresh FEgineers leli anet. Tx-oos lihlire.. -- lisuuir ' . llAi'i'iing. yslnrday toloidefr a ten New and Second-Hand. * A~~~~~~~ S. B- - .5 amesun troil ASSICATFS:ray organiation. Irwiin V. Wl ie ri, o nsn [omy te ehieis. ire won electedutemotrary tresien. Drft~ing1 Insrumens and A. it. iPomud, imlA. ' lim~uni. JEIH5 lke utut A. C. fmsuimmi. Angi.eeriiiieyrI.GOSSIP OF COLLEGES. *p1b e 1 rrns:'pl Ii'lre.l I sil irmi 5 . si Ic lmil' .Imle.m5 Sir Fremlerich ollectwhii reenly *f ASpedily Editor Today-A. M. GRAVER. lectiured there, was iiatd ii iiieciiilally. 1irirr~t r Irerf)I~e I~rrrler yni/ l nl a Piliiat l(e university f Ili , sr' ml lur:I r.mrr;teli :it . The l'nerrsii The Right Prices Always. -fioSor:12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 17 niesrmr~ l il P.MB l. SOBsns -Olter 1 aesoe lpit o Second-Hand Books Addes-RSCE BHUTO, usies Mn heir oppounns IU. 1he y(ie:iayi agr,331 Packard Steet,. seien'ii 5iiciith, luoest seire Ieii'iiie Telephone, 461 . Allpoints, anil lhi Iigest sore 1. BuhtadSod I'At le fall games iii'the Ness Ysrlmm 5 ~Athleti Clot:,Alex. (ranisi.uriimer theii IM - -New YrksA. C. clrsrnmiitlis:nile A :io I nrilciabliile a: ire of t:' l0inso i: nutealisni27 secoindus.This bll: 5iiiiii sosiiar' ihis yemanehas bhen::bha s Iihe wordts rcrdinbylg1/ si':'S* BOOK STORES, tiihie.lckf s strg uniiiesd 'iiiil i~u i inls, and iheliietsmWeI~stern i i ee el . P TOWN DOWN TOWN. thei lhli':i'ii'. Niioil' knowss u:st lugal t e re rdl hy 2i s::'si mitt, t:: iwhei aiiiygll is Is: be'starite, ansi ihe ran: thei'first. mile 14: 4 %,secos,':fsiils fffffffffff**0f0~f, sesiliisI thait.Ithe:swisoseicrowitdosn:'t and:t te s'condstmilt:: i : 42 si'- gel On the: ll stIill it- is half finisheid.smus. fffff ~ !~p~1 'limit produs::li''s: it:'ch-jumbltesdyell ~ is oss::is'fsthei:crsswes slimnot keeith te Josept:heffersoil(, thneleran atri, Universty nt ooks. ie Immiibiiiibis ifetsisso iy forscolredmfz nshs be r nntn'N'ornti.C,- t h limit: goosd Iy'ell mali'ms slumswill slzat ganized, adacosiuiist ade uor 1 n (imm' yill off i i imi ma miiinmuicate tie e:' wn'' niouuI tinmm's sil 1:'m 'm'were Iii: mimig II: Yi'. il o- l adul o pte d. in Ch111 t e'm sti wiellm'g'm es- ,(is'gs's t sli': I Is:o umugmiiemid root: im, MichiganfingS mm present'mm is I'far Iulmbeh i mth e tofmii' TIe:'lodwing clippting oem mist 0 mmii::i. s i s mmon Stiss .... i the SWis:ern uis''rsilits. AMIinn:- lie Chiago DaIliy Mtaroomn, will t:pro- * .