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October 20, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-20

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The 1Vichigan ally



No. 19

TO D[[EAT frINN[SOTA. .. 4 ..... ...... .. .. "z. . . ..t...
g 'I The "ichian Daily sent @3 jb
iNow Yost's single Aim-Michigan's $ 1 D aily tJ o your address for the D adily $ 1
Coach Geatly Impressed By the balance ofstemtr
Gopher's Game Against Iowa- Mail in your address tojXhE ichian Daily, or phone 461
Hard Work Now In Order.
Whiat wii ci lipenin Niitruexp
"lxiii a week fro iext Sairiay? $194,752.33 IN [[[S. INERC[ASS FOOTBAL
Will the (ixlilies g'itowin i de lifeatl_____
ii'liiie lthe 'viir vitioics Yixiie? The Treasurers Report Fr Last Schedule of Games Announced-
ca Mxichliligan Ifor Ihe thirit sucisvex'
sea'sioxsweei asiie all oppolsxiio anil Year. Strong Teams in the Field.
again xil(i la urelwraih, dnixniiig
slip'remy in thei Wexsit? rhi' r-lart of the itreasurer of le ltrrxass Fooltball lManagr Harry
T'hee dqer l iiii''es oif lieimpio rt 'nivi''xi xii' l i wa retivitx'itoliiWiir aiiiiiiiifl tic'ixltxieing sie-li-
xxxi tbeig siiiiiiii ie(veriy Colliegexinthe; Board oel ii fRegents atito tat n t xieliiir tlie' srit'.sof amxesxxlxuadig
ix' \\i'est. I liigaii iien'iildinotxii xig, cottiained'iIlhei'folowixiingcs o- Iso(be l'axss chaminhioixf lthe' li-
hlp be iiig dexlimprieiassehd by Oin- 1a1 t ciii ts' fee, inclinla''botxra -ersiIy Match 1, rday, pct'. 2, 't
noo *x sscoure f 75i toi Itagainst the Iry, annxual, mxxtriliiiiiandi(1i11l10il1s. xvs. 'i6 Meis.SMtli 2, Sal xx-
lliitvkxyx', axiiiafier'theineiii'xvx i nxi fixix esx forii-tlii'yexar' e xni u n lxxi' daIxy, (lc. 2, '15 Lawsxvs x. 'l 1,10.s '
cirultexd anid thii'first ejaculxatiiiis 19011, xee $1914, 752.33.xiiii-li 2, SMat iiiMondy, (li-. 2,05 Med ~xicsi'
ofi siiiprise werex e r xi'thei' t uxght, i$2,55 froiimithii' Waiterii , n c] 'iil$i00ttv. ', lg. Slarch'lI4 l'esuxxxlyOt.can, W nlw j Yot lil of t? rm th Iabu G n si.2,'lL ws s. 01I g M ch il
Hex'xwas xiiiIthe iiiiii x, a t le xwill iitheIi lstof tish ls etiii'iiiu i s itIeii \exixtsxlxy, flt 2, '51hits vs. I lx
knoxwx. Andx xxwiiiinithei ixx'xurxxlil'titil piiy rll fr l year iiiofii$9,-mp- 'lix.lt~laih 6, 'hluxrsay, O(ti-i2
Yost rri vedx is-l xiiithe' 'lxiii Cit ixs 896.20,. the' liiyt ioll i the i'lite'rary dxli'o'(It edtis vs. 0 'tn g. 01axichli7, 'lxs-"l
yeteda mx'-xxy orninxg hex' fiitdxil xioxx s armt ixitt1 xiV$1i_.'10116.Ol (therx'in-l lxi, N . 3, tilnnrs iiof xxmiat lxs 1 xand
1111estxi s xi xai lg in. Hils cxxii- tees'xtng txenii i ilis are: ReIpaixis 2. Miichll8, ''lnsxlxy, Nv. , witl-
ixixits tx-I-Iaioxttxxx aisfoillows:i $50,111.:; fu l, $3037.8'; ihtng irs f ixxx lixs 23 xliii4. Mxatceli9,
"'if 111' 01iillioxia 1i-Micigxan glae$21111,6 lxpostage, $,217 211, xaiil corn Satrday, No. 7, iinni' s f maithes'
IxixI Saturdayxt l'the x(xlophers twouxldit It is xa lsl xxxiat xavliti'i--is lt t w iins of slt cts 7 tili 9. ixals.
tibaltylhavex'wnl. As toi whethelifomfiliieIlquarter-lxx xmil l axixt txx loi'seFridluay, Nv. I3, winneir ofMatihets,
Ihe wx' iill oilxOctoetxxlx'31 1it ii i ll 5s- or ilt,: yi'arl Alixll g t11 xx silgilg feinilS and1 0 i. Allfga imes iill te pliydil
silili lto sayl. 1 ii'tigxilnevirxx x pec10 'ts fori luxiltins xlonex'. Last yex rtil'hlee ,x Ilix'su'thx endii f Ni-u 'er-ry'
to ls; xtt is giamei wxill be noliie'- tas paii i l nthli accoiintii$,71,6.;h.1. ixxd, xwhichi-lxiil be fenceii'xxl li
e,-illxxix lxx ule-ii. Thexxx'xxi l ii hhl xxhixwlxxx xxxi Ir telx' Iiltixex'xixiixiprepaxrt'di 1by ixlxtay, wox- I ii irst
somexih'rd prail i-e the xsei'e111 ew01 fvx'iiig. gmxxx'takeis plce. 'lis y'xrx xsomei
dayx fo fr theliv' c1hxigxanxsquadii I t ut te1' Inx lhe liixnds oif li ieaxxxsxl xx'lxin lxvh x'xenth sixs i iic tiltl ii ntland ll li
aill dox lthe besiti ' 'eau.'om'frs.fil-l undnxl xxis ther'e'is '5 7,26.- l'' tthe i St'am iae pra t cvici haxitli- il
*'Tixty SIe fixtbalxxii -x-izy up11Ithere 01. 'Ph iiis i'lx xs fexxnds lxxxfelloxxw- ititiax itixi ifor iithe licom ig six-igg %In i
andiiI shoxxuildn'. elix'51 -iisx'xtoliisie ;h is, xt'xix i'lii fr els , li' Ixuis.xxxii i ew 0lii' ithei'facti lxiha t ary xill iih '
0lt,000itpeoplxeixlx'i lii tim , if th tiux n-xiu ia-lxi uxuxliforx-thei-vaxrious tuxxi-raries 1siua 's axi' 'xoxmposx'dlof li xxii
be cu bi cemdti-'xuuuiu lxxx. think x t xuitide]a' sxsislilxx'x i sucih xxanexr. gimes iihui't l i t-it'lhaun l i ll~y lpre-
xviw i'li iii'be fiiiilliiilt iiiibl '' 10me ever v____ -iliii0vIIIruxay ibe' expec'tlid. All lihe
pitiyixi lnitheii'\." .GERMAN CLUB MEETING. ".axieuxs xoni Collxg'dxays sill h lx'xlid
Co'hl' ix ' axi nlixy xxxiii of pi ise TheliC'ermnxxii latexof xie lxv xivr- at shaii415 f, xandi Ithe'tunex-firths
forIii's ii li'lii suiten,'u andtutlorrxix li re i ing fur lxir' - limyonxxxSlt uix'dxy xiiw i I l 0 i-'cl ici.
t- ii, xxxnii g ev, aI - -yworuix.'ixx'xsu' rea d i'uxuy tbe''xn one
lxxxiiiamiwork. Ii sx-'uemsxssux iibeyosnxdii giflx'll-xtx'h'xe'x- OTOBER ALUMNUS.
olixuluuix xuluxx , lxx, Oh xxi o t he (, liii lu bxxi,xx ndiu t hh'eeuux'xassxxg ill w iihihelirs xt issuexof xxeilAuxuiiux
Miiuganu xxi lxxxix'thelx'i 'xxxslx 1111l1; lexuxxe preseiilixxtouuxhelWeilixknownxx
lxx )'xxlou is nix'ophytsx uoxuuwilx
"xx''ixut'xx-x~iiyux xxx\xtl ue theliui m xe xx xu'xxIt-u. ixxxlxlux'x i l luxix ii xxix i'lurslxuponii
the order f th.xlay. xu -Al threeio'loeh 1 i'xui''in o f v'llx' euttx'xVt''c lxi' i'xuixuiux xlr
everx7 mairxexmus'txbexxonxxi I' x IFidt'll in ,o'xeuxuxi uixss xvxs lxxiii ated~. ix sveniith xixuaxuxtvoluie.x''. is 5 lowx
roliiirei c lld i tei (lu'xth ] xxx' tin xixrxams x'be lxiv iy lxxe slimrxi of liiieluxivrsity.
and iwo loursxuoxi thexi mostiiilii alo 2 xixusxiliiManxi ili x- (xuy lxxxgus hixv lxx n laelxx''ln
isix i-inxus i xii- xxxi lxxxilxix xxx seex n(iuli uovumeaptxixthefavo, lxxvits- lilly a n x' xxfxthevx agineuu'xnotvx
'oetrug ih Mawie thly suxtoutIhlxoutxwx'dllaxu-xiu'xu i
gxlus Vus xx ii' xi xxi g i ioilu'itu rtu'hxi xp uposexofxs lii' iii'stiernxhav'xixb' 'en iul t l dtiugs,''sxd iii
lxii aixxuxam lclit-blix'. 'eixy thve'xS'mples11 f lub . lipuint elubmeitxtedi i' v'
auxlx-l cxx it iii, u xi iixx lu vi i' . lub fr adopxion.xf lxix lg it 'ix' tx-stis enirxexy'u n e ur ei.
alub lxxxwerei x uxu' vi i' a-ui lii it i mxx 1 i 11'g hat lilely lxi T('li alui, I iiusixis ofa ey, Aluuuux l ilui
taoly aulxixulxxxii luilic'it.xPhisi' llc e s oh c n ,' rg if l'Ii-
nexl ixy uluixl.xieTos orrii' flihli suexuh ut' h ix-'eux ' eetig Y1,xtheglub "N wles m leuix'slt~
hixhti lixiily xxx' lx'huuxhxxxu xi iox t x it Ix'i. Sulx itgil lx'ikely'xhat i. lihu uuuu vix nut ux hit elly xxuuuuxcush
axuf'hug lx wuu xe u li' lxi u xuxi, s''uiax. lx. Ohxi'x i iti'lxxi xx l'''' i v, (xi
ifst wi'o, fxxhlxg xxu ii lv shx va uh''ix u''iho louxoclok iliaclbepla eines, O xliii lix s' necrif logiy,'xxet uxi
gin slxxxv xxxxxxri's Inui strxhia sc xxoo lxxxl isucueexd. ifrhs lxx rxhxit al Iuuxxiixxxxi ii ixxixuo
ofhall lxxv' ii o7hxoxixxax'ux h wn x ir , t he u ichi lsof thelxx' t liifxiVsui'n t lnxxx.A ixu luxuc ve tailffurlsuxxx lxxii
it iunieixxu uiht Yi'pr inux rca~Mx.fSlixlos:. o itlxplacey, i h i fe fthuts x iii'
seasoxhx levil rSin ha llaou t xontxa ixthr lxIx c iuxusi, Hra n f txu'' lmb, 0 s iyxnuixir, ivclr
luxxi' xviixx;l ht' 'vnice'it'r lx x auul iuulo', ,ralsu culxux .i Patonxxls. 'h1iutix' Ohel yG lEE CLU B MEN. t
xih thelliuig li'lxi 1i wxit xgaun sxxu' xcoxlx'ixx'.xcuxluxIels. l ra iuu xi' uxu xy lii uxult
Thaiitxtheyuxxxw ixux'ovxustrg erx thini e t, iiuu an('lx ix, M s Iiuxuhi, hxreiluft.I ciuuitx x lxxg f ht xtsu
Alio ixs ifr obauxx11'ble an 'xx otlasht - a l- Ms niaIil 0 xR. x''il'u is lxuxx uuiuui i x' nxlutx
nem bdakesxhimsoldhe'x'iuu'x',sx'xrfoxr.(Jxxutr(liiiMen's xxx fn'vauiuixlxuauixx l
'e x'fiixvxgJ ux c' xuex Cli llubxnxhschxx comt ses theu tree Mis sxxu, ls Uxxxs t T Ox'tutOxxii. 'ii'xi
uabuulxlem ilxxorlui'lx, purosx ofux, dcngxx', axy . Siithmixxi-'(it, lxsi 1nt-xxMr. ', 1 uivi'xnsti y ial, 0Vu'ulxxu'xhtx ,St
Cnraen ('oxhaIxent iothLiuxauntsn, tx. ixtaitt e Miss Irn. viit1.is 7robabletat JryHeGl
itlxxx ixc eie, lxxxiit's, Nrexs tioaMriiitz. miaadeajaotnaTcetulyy, ac ieltyasiaccet he.
bak ixexil l'hontoaster orxi, an d c illcnito Ieeprs eir

rely..fs, *: ': >r t+r . ., . .;
NOTICE ENGINEERS. The "richigan Daily sent ~ lif~
On accxount of the ideath oxi Dean 30cL DaUil to your address for the D "l
Grene no ci lasses oiltie Ioin the fnest month for 30 cts.
eninoerhog deptartment today,. M'ail in yjour address to Tbe frlcblqan Daily, or phone 461 _
Bhy Ordon of tho Faclulty, ,

Prof. Hemel Loaes Right Eye As a
Result of Blow Received From
Broken Golf Club.
Prl'ntessor IHlmp]iilhs's righti eye' as
a re'sultiSifhblowsxri-ceivxedufrmibroken'x
glif clubi.
tOxi Sutuxuxixux a fternooxn Pr'ofessoir
I Ixauxl, profiessorx'ofiiguenerallixnguiat-
les, xhleiiuplauyinug gulf xxxitlii'Ann
ArborGx'lfiii('liii)linksa mxii oitli a suni-
ousxaccidenltxx,xvhih resulteinxx xthei
liuxs of lhis rlihtxoy('.
Hex'xxai u'xgagih. in ia gamxei'withx a
ixixi vi'whenx heux Il a xtter's Clxtu brxi'
axxni onexx'of tlxx flyinug piuces stxuckl
Prl'uufixuxii emIi ],ulwovi was IVtSxaxinxg
u~bttuuuuthulirty foiol awxy, 'l'li jxaggedl
andi of thexlii clu ituui lithe 'ightl eye',
txhich uwxso xu'xxuiu(,I axshunrt xie after
bxy Drx. liirxxiii ai lie lxxixv'rsit y IHox-
pital. Itis thouxxglut:xai.lpxesentl thaxi
the, othern xyx' xiiilxxiiilbe'affectedl,
bat 711slyet the iidottu's an' not asia-
luxiuls suire.

viii e=s it tllis l sohill xxithu hxus-
xxiiaxi, I xxixsix-sinlxi t'uxiforit uhiy, maxnd
burnxto is iKoxxinii- I xihy ori tumorrow. x
'Thu accxulid xiiiwasunot, 'atusiul by xlii
tai' lxxviiiexx of ixuyonex, bl.i asxixuei
lxx a flawiiuslxliii' ixuassie xxhuch Ixuufex-
siii" huulluix Iclxxiii uxxs lusinly
''leiv liu iii ,locIigxiiiiu''ulxx ife-
xxxiiien, lxix x a xmeeing MondaxxiiIxy
lxx lxxixto -akexationux lii lixe death
(if Itufixiu r lieu. ''t're' xxwasa
large' xxxxxxiilaxxii. lProfessorix IDxvis
splhx i'thhiilixhi lux'lixug if lhe'life
mid1 sxuces xf Prxofessor Greene xxi, axnd
es xuu'hilv if leis wxort: xi lithi' it l-
e xl lxxxxduxax-id. A tuxsixuuss naut
xiv xx olxxowu-u. li'floxraxl Scommxiltteo
reported t t asuxixialuix iveathi had
lxxxn procured, and xxhxt. xx hIley lxadi linu
ixx- txuiiuiixu wtiliilacxki. xA iuounuit-
liii tuOf xxive i l'Prfuessxorlxavis',as
chaxixxmaxxx asexu ppxixnxuutedtoiisuelcta
ixl huxuxbroze taletii to be ht'plaxcedl
in the liwi u il x'i oxuluildsixvg'in
'001ereaxi, iiil'lxth 'dep xsorrowxvat
(heix' eati xixiili i iuor 'blove Dels, lPxof.
csngueeing epalmeiof lt'he Uiver'-
-ity if Ohiu-ihgxxx desixio tox exprex'ss
lheir deepx 01101' iof loss, I hixtuliun
"Bex h h'uit ux'uhve, tlxxxinl t' heudath
ifof o h hir xux' xx' theuv'enginevvering
diepaxuxxii metuxhavlosvtla kixand uitlovinug
fried i aviserxandxiii tsh uxuxtuu, whosea
lifi'an sxuccexx, sissuxxay ixiellibex a model
liBe it fullJlxx hhuxixu hatlxiwe' ox-
lend tolixlihe bereaxvuedfxaxmilySlur deep'-u
x; es:syiilmthu iy iin Iblistlirx'groaterx
"Bei it funlxxxhlusItexoi-ut, thati a cxopy
ouf Itheuse' xusoiut ituxux huesentl loxtho
fxaxxily, lxxxi ihey Ilex'sipreadlliton (hex
uixias if exxxiii asinx the en' 'tginee'r-
in dearmet and thauttIxxii lxxtIhey hi' Sub'
fisheduilitheuu' cibiapers.
I. Hiusv Iraxur, 11114,
J1. II. hunxt., I1905h,
(A. (O. huuxtyxi, I19061,
ExrxviniV.It1). xalxace, h1i907."
Per'manenxu'xt resoutioins will lbi' drawn
ji hp abt'rhtoiu'bexieseniedxtoliii'faclyx
lx liii'he 'tdl'ceased xxiii tu to Sginoox'-
Prouvisioun was xmade foran isthortone-
nialtsaevicben'lx x'heldltbusy in
Unx iv'xrsit yIlillat 4 xo''lock. The
enginxexers will xmeeti aitft'hexIxgineer-
log Building at 23:45 p. m., antI will
(Coxntinueon Page 'Two.)

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