THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Alllounlcemfelt,, TPhe Largest and Most Complete Line of : WOOLENS in Ann Arbor wl eifoin' otd at .I. Wild & C o's. 118 ast Wahin gton t( eat [ans hav euii tale i the' setietiots of all sitings. troserintgs &oeea' i,s t for this season. G. H. WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. ISHEEHAN'S tliI I s o t jUniiversity SText-Books Agents fotr " Keuffel & Esser's Drawing In- strments " Waterman's Ideal Fontain Pens " -- -'ry Ou f I j One Dollar Fontain Pens 2 Warated. SHEEHAN & CO., j Students' Book Store. ! j3211 South Stats Shreet. p The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Cuicil trtu .. 5,i51. SIO lis. ,; A GENEtA BANIINI BUSINESS TRNSAC~TD. 0'ii n:ll rl 'ors IE. I is'iii't. iPr s.; W'I). Otire 2091 S. 4th Ae. Phone 9I..Iest- diner 302 S. 5t Ave. Phone 314. Ambuatnce on al. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ptraere Qssecod-cassiitiii t tieAln atthe tsiersity o i iihiigIii. MANAtINGI TttOR: - S. Etliti 'eitiitAtiyN BUSINESS MANAGER: lust lt . i 'S7TilA EDI~TORtS: Autiitiics, - - - iRon.aeriK. iALs IAil'.- - - - - _ .. SBALEY ASSOCIATES: ('iiiot'tiSill ois. Roiy Peels, A. ,,I'. l'issi. A. II. lid ye. Edtor Toay-J, F. HASTINGS. Office Hours: -12:30 to 1:to aud 6:30 to 7:30 p. i. Day. Address--ROSCOE B. HUSTO, Busiess Mas- ager, 331 Packard Street. Telephone, 461. fyIty ii iieati ofD,'ic. 'lullnditProies siii Greeneiilthie Unesiy lss iii oit her most val uedI til'iii Dr.Y'iTaftii was teodvs. ehr fteI~nvr sii Faci'il.iyaiiii list c in yearstutof seie at theinstit tionashslero-ll fessor (hs'reu. Iatsi-datshim byii'threesi th iioir ii i i i l's,,n Ille 1woldli nild ;n ii i' 'he walusptcilly, cm uit own.;rees s ii:1h1 is arkinsiloni gitioni%11 1liedteitii:davies ' log: he fuis lm ti ubisgmn poiinlii i'stitiiii1i'i0. wi'el kowtihi l'"ineCsfg'otrt.s'e wall tigaduate ofiii'ci'hisaniandil'usoi yeservarli liii' lii i'is nieirthat pri' ihuexperience.iii e lsd mi :ianiy foiniu s iti'vilci1lg.c i l lsrenste lOh "li io ndvicluinlipti'elii s' ntiisi conlsuitingliii' icc ':slieu iwa5sa tuh Asfstho (' "iriliuSigetyi''of C'iiiliEsi iiiie livpailtmeitstiil 'syin bythis _. conttrion wills the bridge at Niagara 44006 1 OV A O ® O***** 4 Follo, it wsnlearnend thatin0 the steel arrh treesiiriidge wihich tookth ie pdase * Your Entire Needs in * of' Itneiriginial Roei'lli::g suspensin 4 bre a h si ismtoso optt ions were ones, selldiwhen theu' Law i Medical anad: strurcre nan completeid the comney *4 ha'l ats opport unity iio verify these ci' stits, whichiproved si treely ac f all Ulliversity o his colleagiuen. The hridge is the one 4* etB o s itn ciinsant use betweets Clifton soil * Suspension Bridge. * New and Second-Hand. * Professor Greesne heldt many psi-* iosof impor~ttanice, amoing thetm be-'4fDraftinet T.'...6e l~J d3 in,_, that of assistatensgiseer of tn ~tltheIG {LlUtltt danr It, & P. Railroadl its Maine, fro':im106814* toi 1811); assistant venginervriertand : Engilleering Suppiles : hsarboie rknt, uiiiMaine anid Ni e f* lampsice in :1870; city visguiineer A 4Specity, Ihangorc, Mtainie, I871-72; etnginisrof c :1T the Ansn Arbiir roadi, 1877-78, etigineei t oftheVWsseelinsg & b~akei'Erie' iitit . The Right Prices Always. m, Tholedo S1 81-2; pri~''ojetr file ip * ,tsuu Arbore Watuer ioecss andisesser eodHn o systes, asoil aso thiisevofii Pettii'c, n Ypliatst iandl 'elses..* a D~evoteid hehis elasse seindIss stu- : Bought aild Sold a * dentso, Profoss(ente gav'e i'iis ien- * orgies and lfacrltilee hetheir andsihei fu'rthieingof' thisv ie'laltment iwlihihi'e cad biiilt :)pandilwhsich :itWs lis«+4 lii'os' e ini v ii'o in'iewi'lbuilding, hits4 BOtYKSTOREES, t hat ilillart nsct, busngappoiintitiiii : ii UP TOIWN'I DOWtN .T.OWNh~. Ilu Lill'it Ifsis d tlli. 4 4404A 444 4 I , I-tishes ihis waidtow l lis m ii' i i biy twoii ihileui, iss.;Ftorenc, iot Aniii Arbio', 1n111Allirts-i ., o'Dtot Thei' 'Siule .'tsginICii''vcaslled a mtills' tug acstsnight.ifirllihe iii 5 iltito' ak-tis iig S1ite g ii' als' i sc Afi icflral I lu~fg itas clled'l itutuoIs'r'by dlii- i pr sssi t, rl lvi oil, motion:,huer madeilthatlit beii'a ldiarnnnl affairu c 'tillitIiIri'iss. ieisu' eachila nys ,ivas lullutitl 'itolisecurei'i upi if resiuliiuic,. t'1 uhuhalrt uuuttwuill ihldc a.imass ills'title 51(. u') h o'clc Moduiay niihi to1 sushI ltheseur'sutionius eif' yc- Ihillilil wil.ecmilee i qiiet ie ,iine I st'uuiusli'helhouise' hiltiay DR. GILMORE VISITS U. OF M. h ir. Ghimoe, who isti l tt 111ge hl- higical shall' uih 11m'edicaheush hiat etel lit Nuietl: (t t l niivi'isi y, ws is .iti Arbortat' al e uuhous Saturday itud c'ahl t ,led son )Dt.u'suuuuio. IeIt'otidua Diltyirephuhrterls that uthe uitvesity spirit wais uetter 'at. Niuri hwtu'seuluilhhun in ye'ars, antiu hIlatt'e Stuiiln tiody wuldhIsuppot thue hfoouI tiallesheto i'( e'ncl. SBELL RECOVERING. fficuer Isbuullho reeivseduuauuhuad sutit the e a' l o'iuh utheuu' 151o1 utie 1 ruesh, is improi'uvingii elty."'llui-usitay ws thit eiritil lay andl a riulitii'ftr vleii wotrse55 wass expuet'ed. Conti-acy, thotuughi, lto 'expetat tion hs lu 15 sitd thy ghinedl , alliSPt-iuhestass abletohu dres's, althughli'hewas stilubhjvec t (fizzs' 5h11 holu:ies' eduabosllt. The u'cliii uuhlooduhihict'h theliii'esit tug lplut'icialstishuuigh t'was foritiinig aluouuittft'are is tutow'gitvinsgthis tnu rause fiur fears. Scrutiniz Colee I 93 5 1ej yeu yft ThD wlg'oo tretan'slitlt Stic. e ca lral cr i 2 BUY A SEASON TICKET AND HEAR 2 9 0 Henry Van Dyke, Lyman Abbott, F. Hopkinson Smith, Isabel Beecher, Madam Gielaw, and Walter Wellman, " Thte Asciaitiolh returnsllS i the IiitInty to tIbe stuodenits in= the Formn of ('110ures. INO STUDENT CAN AFFORD TO MISS THIS OPPOR- TUNITY. Ttckets may be obtainsedfromeasi er AlditoO p. t C h I RESERV[D SEATS 50c EXTRA f f f O f f f f f i f f f 2 2 Pr I U I ~THEN S' THEATA OCAN M. S. 5AfOLT, lMonage rvvv vv v! O _ , ' °: WEDN ESDAY EVE., OCT.* 1 t11:,fT