""~e 1,chigan ally
IIOObURS DF[AT[D .**********************************j PRO. GR[[NE[DEAD.
Game With Indiana Results in a Score " R[SUL[TS OF Y[ST[RDAY'S 6AME1S. "Da fteEgneigDprmn
of hi to 0-Good Progress Shown ** -One of the Oldest Memers of
by Yost's Men. *.e.feeeeeeeeeeeeeee, eeee,*.*,**** the Faculty.
lendier fairy tavorabe wealher rote 4+81 (higati........... 51 Ind~iana ............ 0 4 Yesterday Morinig the community
dtis, Wlli tteir coache ight hen 4" \Vseonasin ........ . . 17 Blroit . ........... 0 4 wis shoetid by the tnews of1the s55(1
drd i ies sway, and iantiea hun I by' 0 (hicago .......... 0 Noelthwesten....et dIm5death o Prof. has. I. Greene.
the ahtifneidf the redFn~t ate Iles- tMinnsota .......... 75 owsa .............t 0 t .th asseot Proessri Gcrn's stst
toil,(ie f nicersity ot Mlielittan bftoo t-0 Oho lte.. ....... 59 Kenyon........ . 0 (1den dalh tas paralysis of liii' heart.
b ,III teamh. oerwhtemiy deetledIt 4 thiate.......... .. .. 2:1 Missori............ 0 e Ile ied at his hIcicloe 9totl1:0, wil
tie capable leant fromthteUtilterisit y Nbriaska. .......... It; Hsl l ....-....:.. .. . 0 f rern g ttto I rtie liPotesso (Greeini
of Idiana onl Ferry P lrttyestertday *eIliii............ 2 t liii.......... ..II04eicas (teanlothe enieeritng depat
It(oo y Ite coreott o 0- "1liiII. * \ etyao. . . .. 28 lditssateart .... ... I0 tti t , antifori tanty yas has tien
ispel l ilia generially'.i t wis i tiiit 4 f A t "esti ........... 45 lit rot. Coiittegr...... II--0 e ecosyidetmliidI viith te rost rie-
l ifr In t tesich tti~iittttigan il . 4 lts ti t. . . ..(I5 W st Point ........ . . I0 e totttantdtfiasncialiteliress of Anti
There'wsms stititrain wttrkansit me ttl, Yae..i ............ 27 'itnnIiStit ... ...... I0 4 Artor, as.wtilt s its eui onatt l m fnit-
careliss woirt yt Ihr W tlve rines, btttt Col(i ia ...i .ti...... 12 An s ....i ..i..... .. . II 4;tlaaos
Orrthewholei the laty tas giiiid, tnd * Anitpliis... ....... 5 Dikinitsiit .......... 0 hor i (Camtbrigi, Mss.,Fert-
ati tries lI ititti .4 'iia~i"f P ie t . . . .ii (tt ........i..... ...s ty, 142,his sixty-otti ears gase
It iiii i oiails til~iat s li' urs * lu-liu 1s-tu . . . 5 t~t ...t. .. . . . .itpromise'f ttiity yi'ar's f at iiy yt
i~sii it.i....t.t.t......i.it.i.....iitOit . ..Ii li li i0 it i comte.'wilhe his]senitmi tiulet atti
tie high scoreibeiieai s good0 in ressiiIii e 4a IiImthiio.i.i. . . . 17 'uSilitis .......... tepdis-hi itwohssae assrne ofii
toe Yost-i',i t. ToItoiies it iill 4444444444444444e4444444444 iteruh ttti i luutmuirtii ts tmtwimti
ori., tiilstonlitiyili 5it A LAR[ AUDINCE SCATTERDAY WINS Attititgh te bearer of an hotnotr-
fiteo Iliisilts, it silt Is reirnitiiathl d igre frontichtihigam, Pmfesstr
boixed, icre dc.fealued by'Saggsmen Greets Prof. Truehlood and Miss Prsident of the Senior Lam Class I~mei-iiwst a gdutei of Httrari,
last Stmiiruayy it s csiter if itiy :1t Bailey in Laiw Building. Elected Yesterday. whe' li) recit is Al. with thr
(iine iof the beiisit p mutitiiis whchiTi he hSetiot- w l otia- i-ii'iit ci i-cay I i if iiiti out Ilt tsstim
teered fronmt eu-h-t mii the:ii i g 5 'theaa s hias givei' it "iuly ight hardsits foitgtiCtetists seen iin iii th
I utttis Madocktiai Cu ti, er tutue he liauispiceus flthe (hatort-i- l cesit y tpoticual eirles fori'a niumiiber
an s odisvc aty n, ttil ii Associratiini ini rooii Cisoiiii eI aw o f il eari s hat.
Buius . ildingt.,. 1Imrotessur T ruebiooiiitd wsms Althoiugth tic olyoute fr hsihtIt
slgtyiatul Ii iii' i i .sisi t tuby iss heuilte lBa y, asoihint ics mth ofrtiifconmteitstwas I ht VA
,sihlyiu e teg m fl(iheie b t itlsts ua eitts dec iedt"hit" it hilt preii t ii i pramtiaslyt heii w hititi
isnt-pet-c lizing frf u l aying w,,,.. (i e largeiiaudienie5 fri tt enIdIimhtc, . 0 vo ie-o ite csitt wa. s t oll hd t
anititeti a tetu reii. iiiBnotgh uiie oifiitu thterstscit
tev -uusi ii iIitscht hi's raiily islet-he ti-i. fi st f11'11'w],onhi n T he s lt s( ii theit. tlt otlloi :
hayweverind aothei sii atet: willo wer a isain g" llom i<sigair "Aot lb tie pue'siidets, Wllatn
mnhaogti ie orig H re tlpn n h, i-i--i 15;ic pesdet is
eon, ~ s i ths.front " ickwic hiPapesit2iitiiii (liii - -nr iop hrtsihuii tin e od vice.. PR F CH S.B G EE E
Sevmeral-itinies inlt hsccssion i d y 0 iftiiii u-a-i-s ii -.sn s ite
I i-t gu- I o is iii m ii 't i'is i-utexpe tuishfuig ht. 0 ilt'.Ins u''t tCo4mptotnr1ait natmosi',tit ihinit; i i I'i-uoui t 0
M iuhigan o ll( lo sie rsh h ht byiiih''iit ntui-teiw - fI'tu-l- 1 lii tst umiuS, iun . tu 115t: t Wellman-IgiIi8 );01
playi which conswstsisiw -tilIii toss'iil ittitidesvisitingI i-itt1'iis'iiiri't'iti g, yitil!wa
Nbuas uis to iual uti'elint yarioIs eri ai ' I * ht.Inshrui-tmsuuoriiY tius-i-u utms" to reus oniiiityG tel l [; l emiuistm tut . i tit tu Ili ii g mmu i li' Smm uu
thrs g wtymits the uiill t on m ut h uu---umit sh smtheuoppfuiti' tim' at t miiui s Iltrtmauin, usunnfo- uilOippmosi-m uu lii
sie tmmt soniPumti It u themiii t mi'tti liii l T, e cs-sit ylc RO, sCHAti pS-hi E i GRE hisE stE m
vio rs m old'. slve.uhim scimttuyI of play, '{r th I d ife tchlcustit ilium y l ic t. ii umhim ha ti it ~i5 Itlt hm i uuu i i-isi liiiir i mte
~2 :tj~x~tij 5 Tih eit eliiigli rl Ii '<ut i ly tine,. to lit(!. e tmu4hay i asebammt m , uf thu ia-'setmf IIsituto i iitietIi tth---hy
and i ntieac] o lio s:i1-. flu umIihemnummi. liiis a :shm'fr ty, nsopp sitio ;tirctsuanag ritFont Meitiltti his aS ttitm n I't
Ighnd~t.Iiuimtms' ttIipillkcedoftsCae, h r~onthu utirteeItt playihii-ofi'Fred's.- Iann poiin h nvriyo ihg~ n17
retit wt ytmurned hum2:1 um-t, mmiand the1mm- i el. - dith -il iat omi-i' stmi negl nt - li Te uMrgiS ca'mmiii ear' r on~ th Ihm tu-rh hum rofescriuhimprmutiem' is pro-
aronrrii let, snit Ham ondIfmllowsi hetmt -i Itheir'd. i 'tmer ;etl;do iii'up ort o1'-hishlasstheisll'.onI hi' rmilrsadiII1872'hm, w s At'i my'
5.iuc-I I i mmhat. and suitorfo ujr-uit imi -an env i l eor.fsr fcu'ttliy I. 5 i m ivilmehineim ngS'u of-i th - m
Yards throughI ii itil lile. I immif' iirGravumerun I. Me r '5 t -y, wih posiit tu n ehi s utm a s.nc
mamiietin' Iardusut'a mriou l t utnd, m mand t h uul. imm- .1s-ll hs tt itctm mit', I-h.-Stit rgtu
imu'u'thl uttii'iimiyoi'pim en i s m i th a conversi f a-tin tmmb 'm'eimsmu . ti-i mmhsh uuhugm, Imniof IN. bysithc.u iihon orteutix t gears
haf a d C a e i uln , an h ei ,tle m t hi erft, multI Prth enti -ut u tsttia, rtmye termyimgro m ' , of r h mLaw i tuco ifer mmid litha t a t he= 'mmecus. t
bigmhurdlerh traidet'i5-mmyardsi'iithroiu'h hittt t Polyshlu Iuis. u-im'tmhBildinlimithes ott mmmiT
rihtti this'kletImnmianI n' huli ih 11it , flatl usdec ie. heiil I mu departsI it ,nus I enter ed. ''o 'al 'Sttsii
yamn,-mt vehu e nsu t s-mi rii fohi it mmiimelyi lidi le Parthi m umeniatsoliloquc iel l'y'-r clsmfles.7ehryVatda'tedd Sae t o l r rr i-lt tt' hmm
hi-is of 1m'tmeirmt mi uhum u'-u' imt iutiittii hm muu mAm mf ti ll n tsg' 15 mmiolooreedtaimIt mriI sst' lfi-1u' hus sut tn sl
0..(j c'tt ehitwtthturm-micuch-aut t tgiumuam. huguumu-muin athni' hamretmui, tgsuut u mtt-i.mhnum smm u n ti (m t ii-, liliiiwasft IhmumP s ays
l-as-i'm futm umb.limitIndiaiin sas hicko uf fcf (i. tii h eu old II'miretftr 'ti Denut temm; i t h-i rwmsD neC. mmmii li early' iii' m y bms f m huits . umi thin
fao rablet oStorthiI.untit gl a s tI'I'nm chiefmuh, fmu n d uuy nf mi' Par inm I.1 hulms. lmt wtmm n w-ity
frmnithe 2fieldrmentid c f h e tinum tmumltefrin esm to t gos tong heut- ta mhintm i m''tu uinst''ahnd'm -hus i mtt uimiummlii tmuum" -nifges," "Arch st-i
nT gallm hrolledtgh indhueit al-line icas ferhmersithfhis uauugauem. miIT RYi tllcOReinAL-e E Sliit Woodif ,iu Irons-i a niStotne m-i--and iShtmtc-s
yaga inefumandh 1mse nt,.te'fl ermmth e a-as rli nmci mpersonaItng tnunhe iffera-nt lt~m urdnyi wen uit eftdte he De- u cu-mm te-renti5 cmf lhu-ngesm'meait
lirn t a nd teyuiwermuforced to tmeon tes.ri aly rlii mtherhritue it o ing inum in in-ea nsxcleitfu. ~wr nlhi nci-u- wasuitn ota holu gh mi t
on the 5O-ysnin linet, anindshsiledthy Mlad-nt himi mapplause. "A Sienatorun- ci11mmrmneofdds. ..
tork's cer interferencei in fminling tangledit" byIts l-Silt,55 iwa tsnhamingy ADEL"PH I ELECTION. ti-cn u'fmmsmr'futmus
mut thin'heehs of a purummer, scoret'uhe11m'presenliutin y Mlis Btaiey. Tlhem'gruff Atua mmieting if Ithe .Adehlhai lsit y'rttfi'sim rtu m, int cumws thi'thintd
thmird tohuchdomwn. IIatrntmmims goautlupresuenttedt by 'SisstBaili'y, uandntthu sin- night. . W imJyne, '115,a-as riim-t-ut ummlucist roaonthe PI mi l'ty. tDe, lies.
ninadem'thm'scorme 17-I0. tt-tiommfrmim Ithii-'huhmry Finnt," by Itreuasurerm'to f ilt thur vac'ancys mmumsil ruth limeing thi nt' ofi''tini 1mhe tnirity
(On It eshextlay Curtis -cI thrumghu ttrifssrTir 'uiebslooid', mtas bmubling bj tiy hut- einattin miniA. IC .Arnn- hamlti-s smut Proifessmur hLmi' m mth
righfttle fume 12 yardts. tlatamtmmm-tommem- smtt thmmm. Istrong. mush, Inrifessorm' (tna's appotmmit ent
wccnt harkto mmhabus tlIHammoummtnmtoomuth e-i siing thuat of h~m. 'Tafth, whmmsa
the haltlminm fatke'play anditsecuued ;r+'-. W+0t+t 'IF4 4..4 dthnath mintss ms-hyeste-rday, b tin mmthree
8 yardhs. Norcross nomw secred'mt101 ears
ynh, (rcm4yarfs ant I hamnmmh Te rigan Daily sent - em.13 ~riofth< niier
game~d8 yardts on ltmesame tick play. 93 E.Dily to your address Jor the iIIw 'mmlJ tm.mthimcemn ,i e edufor-a
This mas immedtiatelhytneil a tirdnm balance of 1st semester i nk mnmmwhna'itim
time soil neted 5 yards. Againm it Mailin oyour address to The Michigan Daily, or Phonue 46 btrill slutch fil iihimscolleague, Ispets-
(Continued on Page Three.) w;,F,., ; ,+ *. F + (Coniuedh on Ptage Two.)