THdE MICHIGAN DAILY. SFrn N os$3~5 L ON THE SQUARE WE'VE GOT- THE GOODS, YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY. LET'S SWAP! 111 South Main St. - - Ann Arbor. Dy of stets oate requiested to he plhysicatldire((cto01of the for)phsilca(111examntion0 111 stoSeectio. (1(11 ( i l Brown'sttStore. PENNYCOOK. e The Confectioner. 310OSouth State St. I j1 R E N T SC H L E R + Fine Conections. Lunches, 1'7' Maker of Photographs I' Phone 1 (((000 (((011 (((III lmy 1110010000011001 eon etleal-I((1710717 7 7 (1 71.7<0 711' et dons N 1X. cnm I)r5t lc'a'(0011ttaiie 11'P1(111'Cto 110 Soa ;viInet 01,00 St t it 1.7 tlt 7,(I t'111t1 7,TaIlil paolwd stlttSnit yourllitct hoitied at oor 10 Kltb;stteNtIvotIt aiudayIOc. :7, in om tl apa D., Y A.. & 0_4W J,#R bAILWAY I (ll at.1)1.in1.(' li aton(1110(0 0110 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ea into shoud1(111 ((((Iti((((td(at01(once(0 J7' ropolrtilloI0 For anything in the line of t17' goinasitot Framing, Call on Rentschler, <, (111(1i an(Huon t'irllr 01a 0111hurn Sroto.17 ('17117ii ( 117r}1{t17(t71(t71171G7171171711CJ71 t,aolO } 'T'l(w top11I NOTICE FRESH MEN. Rhoot's Orchestra, Phone 132. Strict- Atl freshmten are relirelii toiprt: ly up-io-date and first-class. Any comn' toI thei'ditrlector itti'th 'i11110i(ltir ill ittin(If instrumenOIts desired. 'Praps (ndittety for phys Oicl t li(tio11 niln(]isong hits a specialty. I11nd1clatioosiotgitrllet'Is . - ---___________ ])PIAN 1'ITUSIN. Tour cttthies presseid and rleaneid and< yotir shoes shined for 25c a wreek. Sierontrit'ai 'Varstty NIlattittttCtltb Panlorium, 336 S. Slate SI. (Itrid nedeotl~'i17 '.Itexitii.( litolith11(1 ity.' Allth(11(1i1' A. 17. Roof err, (leot eliare 'otdtallyintvtet( isi(t ; eader' 11her s ittl,1 17 ..ifthtiavieinue, (thi tis mo1(lrn~tf igat llo'ctlock, elstotfIt LADIES' CLASS CHANGED AT tool )t 11111 (ik Ilir. GRANGER'S ACADEMY. lamin 11( fori'p(at ie na o es Maonger. Uni(liter till'footiiall seasonisit over lwfthi, ll' :class ind in'jg for Satlrdiays. 0Mr. ani Mrs. (iragor wviil fl o'r, Acadiiiemy, :11(-:12 Maynardi Waiting Rsom, Buron St., W. af Main. t(l' (ll (10 it111 1(t (iti l 1)11i '1nt(re1st01to 0 1 .(1(1to hitsFT ciiitlilil, (.,!)1 i'no'Arts i;., 10 h( ost-W~tilthtil wo011 1iltll ii tll ii Ir,1e We I:(ld it ytl r and~illfatheiir goodsi (117(1 ii 00111 lii liii 11)1till'p((110' 111 l'tf 1 and11didlis reIpaiing w shen 1'ieiattend- <', y,1t[ OU TAI(1(1'elll, ttinly1 r((Itu111 0s1(1'e t 10S (od i ((((Is1111' We soaslt (itooeep it FONAN E il.((ItOsli'ilfi'(11' Ql0li' s Slit, s. e and 1do fours. Hailer's Jewelry Rl1" an All', "I"11-o ta,1, lea ure ;, ainStore. fry lhce''LNIVI RSI 1Y' 1 in(00 'elinthe filAeaodelof' (ihsrrilfr ____-___- at i(to'Al (( nIt ((f ((ostFidayt-1'l'e illt'. Rooms for Rent ((lie bilocik wesO t;o Maon's Deug Since, 213 S. Main SI. ('fo (t(t-ttliti ey ietoieoie ag tt' 11(10 ill'in, successor toI'. 1., Fra-(1 0 ( ( II0 i i ' ( 1 1 ) i((0 ((1 I I t a(( '0 0 0 i l m s o d o f (1 1 l(' i l ~ . l r o(' a m pl 0 , g '1v e y , d s i l es l sla r g ea h t l ' C I I l t i i t t ~ l t . ( ( i l i riot], and I(01(1 fil ((m11(mutit ttlio'd "010 '101111nd $7.27; ilebed, dla (' liontohes- lll O i'o i 1(' i 'of( ((o E.r, KN$7,010;NSOILEI hetyl o ele cts from vo111 tl' ir lt. NATIONAL BANK __lnsol ~ akt O1' A NN A lk1(117, 711('1.i iilllE'i ill 10011'i0(1aso SURFLUS AND PROFITS, - $40,000 sn i'et('.11 1(Ir il t~tf romli s101enil to tit II'tdoltliros0(0001dlil 0(1(11'sni((0b1y i110'tig I liee. lo] "'ry THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD; W[ CAN SAV[ YOU M1ONEY ON thinInade11tritlfy to yor maue AND STEAMOSHIPIFLINES. K ditl's I'aiI i'8Palil'.orFst. Na- tiona(1B11111 itiig. 17 Trains hla r Ann Arlint iry Conlrrl Stalid irt, Time 1.tT(wilve (3< tcibr r 't;, 14)ii'. - LAW BOOKS - Bathi Supplies of all kin110 at all priesoat Cusiniig'os'Pharmacy. SO iTlIl I(III OUR STOCK IS THE1[ [AR6[SI IN TII1[COUJNTRYV :att._'_I1:33A._At._Xo._)_1._30_v._m, CALIAGAt.7'.N d&COMIPA0N Y State Savings Bank. 1'telillo N l 5 ;n id t ht- olot NituOil I (.Cdaw e5 bli<5her&sra77] Im7porter,5) CflICA60 w. .1. Ii 010 boTo S t .1 1crt 1r aiaiits tO I'. ( 1 0 , Nn .A A B RJs IW d,1 V I htul11 1111 El.JIDANC1, 3 '.A.f l600" State Street, 0 . L w'l1.(11 1101. itfe this~anJ~~tTiriiii Electric and _Gas Fixtures and Construction. Flumbing and Steamn Work. All at Seasonable Rates and First-Class Order at p J. F. SCHUH'S, 207 E 1.Washiragtorz. PHYSICAL TRMNIG IN RITING, ,none' loslil, lot'. Addre'tss Prof. 1. yBIXLER, Madison It. &4Ogden Ave.,Cicagno,. 55. Jt+ a f ts ' } Jr i4y,,ytrrr + s tJi fs+tJt r toW tstr+.°w t ' aw4s*t f ei O Jt J4 i'4 i y f f 4 fi f f 'F" 1 f f f f * f f f f f f f ff - s t +4r + -. -.: New Sleeping Car Line Between SDETROIT, TOLEDO, COLlInBU S I( Leave Detroit so p. in., Michigall Celltral. t Leave eToledo 12:30 Night, Hocking Valley. ~~l. Arrive Colllhlblls 6:5o a. in., Hocking V~alley. " PARLOR CARS ON THE DAY TRAINS. '~Say "Hocking Valley" to tlie ticket agent or write .3t 3t L. W. Landmanl G. T1. A.. Detroit, Mich., I. Awys Ahead In Styles.' There is no better company when "hboning" hard o' nights than a good cigarette. MOGULS are the pleasantest kind of companions. Open up your think valves, and at the same time eave mem'riea oh a choice smoke. Ten for 15c. Plain and Cork Tip. Y f Jrl r, { JFThe W. C. Kernl Co. w 411 E. 57th Si., Chicago. Caps'10and tGiisma511h1toI or- der 4 i dr iIenteds. - I PennantL for all coleges and e fiaternities ea1rried d ryf Y~ "r~. f rt ain .stock. ' ,ssr , Chaos Pino, Chass and Te'am T 5 '.Q 'AqCap'. Send for Catalogues. M+'ILWARD, THE TAILOR., The Best of Everything in Tailoring.