1YHE MICHIGAN DAILY A Large L[neo f Dwight E. W atkins SI~~ Trunks-Suit C U / COOK HOUSE BILLIARDU ALL' New IBiliard utit AT Chios given good for anwere in the house. WLI0 ' Free Lunch. vus Cutting, e r O. A . L " LForest A venlue M eat M arket . L in e n C O L L A RSCl t i r , a t e s F u n h r . 1 0 - 1 W s i g o n S . ClthesflterFunihrs 09I Wsinlo t.IPoultry, Game and ish in Season and CUFFS 5 30 Forest Ave. Phone 40 A4RE~ THE BE5ST. ntsI.~nlnt. IntFs t.++S+4. .+ +* 3 + o * s Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen" C a s O ' GT tR XFALBERT LIZ ' Other brand advetised and Sold as Linme OClaSaSe.SoeDelerf NhOT stamped "Linen." Why? 124 S. MittStreet Sold by Wagner & Co., 2 foe 25 cents Ovr 60yar ago Pond'soExtract-thse *g, is + STRAW6nAT Durng a t ca these yea entto xsbn. T theig, llattes eroInscitholeteno 0 R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the lino of +STA H T sod bomne, foe the relief of all the Is Maker of Photographs Framing, Col on Rentchir, i patn, aces and acidents of o fe- oi Phone 389-2r. Cornr lain and Huron Streets. Is v~ WEATHER tO HERE qoet occurrence. A bottle shold be $p'I tonthe room of everyostudent-handy ' ,+,. + -s4 4,I g .g t,.t sI $o t4 for quietno-anod applied before .; pole drves study from the bri.ole t- 'I' We are showin lleves sarache, toothache, rbeurna- WORTH FIFTY CENTS. Fresh Lowneys, Alegretts, Spar- Fi soothes all pain.i5 A wondefully rIOl- This ad andl $2.25 to covr sub- ing's Pharmacy cacous remedy-pare aned strong. scriptinno ino Te Saurday Eveing Stheseoad atrfresh.ens the fa Pos, $1.25, nd The Laies' Horn Your eyeo examined by an QULTEFRMOEOTHE on.If yea have ever used Journal, $1.00, sent now will pay 50C W -_ xpet optician All the lat 's GSUH I Hooater ncts wadthiosHouse, et approved appliances and mthodaAASA Hael wheitosierIf Michigan Club Hotenkown to the profesoon areempoyed.I yes as aSubstitutel if Subscriptioins en iher will pay 25c. Nweeeaooftelne lpi Extrat yous will rese A graft? Pays mc lcss than 5c. ated, frames repaired. Hater's Jow- to tate naysbstitte- MELDOWNEY, '05 Law, ery Store. tf. . WAGNER & CO. __ you will nst on 308 Packard St. y __________ ntscarl Pnd' Etrct .Habedashes K 4 lHaters : osdrtouff rpper, Cash for law and medical books. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. ACCEPT RIO SUBSTITUTE. C. E. BARTHELL, ..,..4F« Tel. 761. 326 So. State St. Furnihee music for all occasions. Dance music a specialty. Address L.- - -__________ A. J WATSON ~~Ticket for four shampoos-$1.00. . Bates, manager, 808 S. Fourth ave ..-. . A.J ASN Soft watr. Miss Vaughn, nar nue. 29-tf} Wall Paper, Paints (quarry's. e o. d. HINS"& OBL HnI0NCmpetSsoc&o BantBWadoE'___i+ P e Ct1r s CmltstcofBadWloan OisWashbu, Regal & Martin MandolinsOfNwYrwilbatorsreF- on hand. Prices the lowest tf OfNwYrwilbatnrtoFi 216 Fi ast Iluron Street. day 0111 Saturday, Jine 0 and 11 and Origilal Milk --- -We wish to secure a few office man- wilebycons-anlshollyuod ansi dslg et _agerswhoareillingtohuste,_forswilldbaynfircholandclleyoue1)(1xt-o SeilPrices on s$r1 woae0ilngt0hsl, bu ooks. SHEEHAN & CO. ejIL) $10per month ansd office expenses, __________ Mrade up Pilows, Pillow with opportunity to earn more if com- Caigdse tHte' eer T san Ba er, NORTH AMERICAN Store. t. IS the finest etig Cocolatey THIS WLEK AT Mt. Clemens, Mich., t o be hat. It cotains At Darling & Malleaux's 44 Front St., (downtair). 60111 ib1a University osti Mlwhc -- -- A first violinist wanted to dsi exra FINE eork ith tle HamonicOrciooiraGRADUATE SCHOOLS 'rie Focultsosssl'sli-ita ps - ID wr it h H r oic Ocesr ie l cue. thsiosssoy. stool 're S-esrs. - gives ita richnlessaps j (1( this year and next. Apply or wrie os froo widsurr ossgcoussrss Is-sosdig osslo si- Pl~tres nd Fame L. . Baes, 08 . Forth ve. f ees ot A. 51.aeldi.Orodsoto-a sssccbyosso-er flhiA L. C. Bates, 805 5. Fottrth ave. t ecuor seroile sciossls sre slsmittd iss tshil- : lfy 1001 SEIR MEDICS-RARE OPPOR- SCHOOL OF LAW 'Thrce-yerorsore. toss DE PkiIIrX5 AR~T 5TOk , SNIR TUNITY. essllee or sclite scolshowssi dnc 217 5Fourt Aveue. -___ ot -ut--Ticot traitisng. 217 S. Furth Avnue. --SCHOOL OF MsEDICIE 51ssurysosrs-ssssse. L l Fine instruments and medical lih- Caooslsats osusi losses' osessls-lurd s tss' ero --fralat b wsrloiaosllgsor seieoolilioschosol o mst' AL\t ryfosaet great bargain. Call aslotesstoted enrancess'rxsasisnatioon. e 4~* I~ 4~ 5 +at 508 S. Division St. TCTURE O APPLIED SCIENCE AD ARCI- 24 STATE ST1 _____________Fo~ur-yareoursescirsc llct olry, Cleosry, 51550, ko s1E ~ l oasol1 !Bemo~ !5ts 'o OTL WLDOFE. E Jones & dieltootoieEll nele risso osoosiArohietreo.1 Co,,proprietors, 86 Woodward Ave., Odsonyeter hs e oco scs itatlo oIooossu l ~ -.~....~ A E. t. usoosolly tooter. LObeset.,sDetrot, Micho Ndestaneing + ~ ~ftbf /~r j or LmedSt, etoi, it. ewTEACEiRS COLLEE lrofessionssol r ,05e To the teachers andsudensofhe U.ofM. bse80 managontent, remodeled and refur- t Eslacooiossoof esrritgto ns eoot - losi, 31o l~o~ ssAbr nished, stricly firt-class. American deg'res.Ojdipos do ulr REI36 anSt n ro.decei o o d oohcol le oil *:I-I'I I III I+'I+'I56''.I'I.plan, $125 to $1.75 per day; European shoolsfor thoetrsitotooofoo.,ees. ............. Fs Yplan, 50c, 75, $125, with bath. br ioofsreoooiooo apysoltheOShc retatory ot__ ______________Columi- Uniersity. Ness York, N. Y. T Don't miss the World's Fair A Word OUR POLICY at St. Louis, 1904. The osly way to e sure of it is To Students The building tup of a Telepholne System with every possible m~od- to got hooevia St. Louis and emniimprovemnt; the giving of better service than was evetogtMs uiPa fi y tis ntsa cstom possible before. T ehonoalcontous andtstievrdtal qt.,, torecstmmend pro °k.eO ss00.s rietnry remoedies To anticipate requiremenls. To overcome impediments. To be satis- I ~yOae o tl~sCt - ring to leuvetOe psot- fe ih 11ig short of the confideitce andood will of every Citizenll hsrt mk i l h culy Ot own slection. W !Fe hloewever have kloswn W SIN W fl~[I[P1 N D r. Colwell's M5agic WkbllElAll® llltTELllHONE C~e - lytiara Oil for T POAR Ooi -Fort Ali - many- tearbstandinw PIZR OIIC Liberty street, near Fut.Ioo rso t ol ~ OL ee r.mcistellU haes to all psosots West or Southwest bA L. tesSg thscuiosimtm-are as loss via S t.Lsotis andthe Mib- ho. .. e and president of so oh lowyo rnMuti the Jacbson Counipy- ostiePasifcoailayorIonMonti Pharmaceutical Society. andwe do net besi- Rotea vaalyoe ther gotesway. Cat to recommend to our trnde his oil ns a I U LoFll inforoaotiosn fre: call or write, naperil emedy in all caseu of sprains, bruis-0 es. sore muscles, lameness anod for general ap-EYPINHDAMTOG plicatioonfter gymonosium worhoreviolest en- CCALrS ercise. t is a high grade preparatios of nice- CGAETE hol and essential oilsanod soothing asd beal- GrokvH in Turkey. R . Trav. Pooss.AteMoo, los.,toy., lessnSMountauio ing medicinlo-Iineredients tbat peuetrate ulotte asl e xarssiC 'cilic 1y. quietly and allay all soreness and lufiamma-Peeceingyt 123WseawA. AnArolch ties, leaving the skin anod clothin free fromTefceinEy. l2lwootuwA. AtoAb-,ti. stain. There is no grease ofany id used in Enjoed in America. ML 0ILSP ece D.CleIsMagicEgyptian O.oyMEhaesccnfecenDr. Colwell's "MOGUL SMOK1. MAKES LcYIAN SM'OKES M LGI LSIE tecs Magic Egyptian Oil tbat we sell eery bottle sih ,P~,~O ~ ~ .t 'ois satisfaction. f it does not you can return ~s o sse. -llnsln aj n utr the bottle and we will rfund your money. Cosk rhesoPaino4a.sahion4. hn StrylsCmusDu ore tins agencsy fsr Quary's amp s E~ucJBrandt Mandoi,-[arland Banoand Marlin Guitar. Always Ahead M IT XxARDlTHE TAT1 The Best In Syles ~ ~of Everything .in Tailoring