THE MICHIGAN DAILY !N!!!!N!!N~NO+! THE MICIGAN DAILY bsecmen annual event of rtalt ooT ! fot Airum Sturd-a u.(tte b G. . ,f sna v L oda ecad glass vneter at te n ,t . l gitgI istt I opal that the cpf !1 - traitm~ion at 'ici ngar i ta tlnx ! Publisheddaffy (01ndiy e vuted) duriegthe Jlter a e te- 'elo~ i oIo~t~ llegeyer, ati 171. Wshition tee mayet.tet eli yliFreshmanin 10 th r b eading MrhatTailors ofli (it -intent flou ide eraneet hear r .te e oni' Iis ld o th i1(C t MAN____ S AGING EIDITOR:---^ S. EM__-5 tOltY TJIMASON The Coatntwspapers areagahin^' sueBUSINSS PMANAGER:t truilugthir wratnibupon Alirhilgan. * SPRING WOOLENS f lfOtCOtE Ii.iiiiTOtN This rae the Caliltornia pent grevstoo tDI~ beause Ken, titeof th est-v quar~er EDITORS olers andtifootball Iplaeratwest iof the loenes, line been iduicedi by Trousers. Full dress suits a a'- 1S r ASSOCIATES:ostocmtoliha friseu shw yu A. G. raver, Henry . Ecnteye athletic powtersapptiear to hvlineu-tr o w or London .Serges, London A. . Paued. A. I. Oreyer. ofi Kern except as he it mentionedI in !jChevits, Scotch Mixtures, Joeph Y. ifer, Stddard S. Mire, torrid dispaches from the Net.iTheJ *Ida M. tBrownrigg. . Waite Jtyne. idea that Ken may have been offered Kiloweus, Blarneys, High- Ge. A. Oshorn. 1Haald . Smith. hislegimal inducenent to influence ans dibrhDrum- Harry 1H. Andrews. Thos. A. Slat. hi curae, is without a wrd of truth. ifh susr dihrh, odn Thomas i1. Ravert. Clyde L. lDew. Te rn omidteatriot t E UTx oclt'srMg 1l~ ugorsLndnBUSINESS STAFF: Thybigtmndhesurlsa- icnSegs Iak Ie pnNiciwhnhs L A.Thopson lit-ri. a N t at or i intt ionifi omng Bo ks "Ia anu .Ad re lnel, oi m. HK ue~o . Deaoy. ii. if. iatte re.Noit.I worbinltewild a- London Cassimeres or Amer- ) Mav Fil 2tein~i~leec it lil tln n irnwiha httn eesrn cnSre.Please call aiid see !* - lii it iJurete stni ngaft Editor Today-ARTHUR . POUND.----i niveroitphat lbeen ti dbySu-iiitm nt tieae fdT io t apvle ear, eauttle i-eteini-ettilil u --a--teriti tioti 'at a itu-lre--rreexc t i te d h a advace.If dli~yueit aterNo. 9. ~t 100, $ r esone o te0 e~m~fu~QioHas 2O)t :dai tli 15tituire its preuecessor. At G. ff. &A lid UICompany. s.Oaiy ot1iietitiffitlmcagettAA"R WhITN RIT.Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business an- - (Cntinued from pag one.l 18EWAHGTNSRE. aer, 31 Packard Street.tul'BOISRS liii 1J(11 ichltgnnsian a e "fret il __________-_________ 000O~188llilON!0Oena ndtiaittie board"' at iistbtent e 9 lb, iiatetlp alirntlidti cth antotee *00®s0 ~ E ®! ry R ! il't-erisitnotivalid reasonti why itrl p 1 SENIOIR STUDENTS ?i CALENDAR. soldtitiot legirt-aihitllviitiate _ _ _ _ _ _fl o ,e fic t u re i a it u t a n it e o yt OC A Hoir a A N E ( 1 1 June 1 -Motniay-Leei ure (up-Tr. indwlitilil b ii CA HorEXn H iu~ ! lltn titiiic lienboy willestvatt i Leave your orders now * Jbiei ii"hYlbh t i At rotIing tver ltebok ai, l i o anti a hiti it Satoud for"a i p ii ltvao uta V U 1 ENGAVD iiexbyait.inglngiltOthe.ieotntakow -ot o VIITNGCADSha itiisiortileiIrda.titnr1to a * ~Jiure 22-Vfdeilnu vnyAlutnini ap-at liii a utititltbit eri t e ii t tiliiL Styles: tie Uliietity, 2:z mi. n., Alum ttbody adtthitt luttutlsi na e et t . o i O C1t Roman, Old Enlish : ill assoitin sttnttttual teetun The l ii tiitut bto liegres tatini ill RBO I( P Scitgt a ttin rectital Int-raity h t - t nfito t ur tnoersc t arg t trot , Fronm $1.25 to $3.00 b Pp. tt.recptitot, 'Vatterrtoat gpii i11 i i ittttifimnett he lxt li i rii I ili- ! nvittiti. gituuti'ia and ti Iliit t r iii dIi-it ___ *for so o t ~ sl 0 3 ~~~~June 21 Thtrsiay Sixtieth atittali shuildi be tmai'fie i liiio s 100 Cards and Copper Plate canmetittteit1lsaetatli ptaI. i'. ICl pttr pi ltk 0 colicewetclsiiaio y A H1. S'A1 iFl-PtA tlxeitg 100 Cards from Plate, 75. * to.,atit itt0a itCiliHxca T 11.II tli il', -h u iunitiyor'. l boks. ul g 3 1Uiersity. H uit 1 iti r i in to is bok. al 9 A ______________. andn ae-fill li-iatoti. 'Th o New line Crane's T Ihe lsi isue o it ii- lieligaIDailyI Hatve oytu ad a Vibasoge at i eltolty bteltiite ittcy and tied- S ou- the ye-ut- aill ine lhhbli d lte. ntle r jytOf. Fine Stationery ro. Aloics cmmnctin,_____ooetalihmnt il I-e t.,tshold beli lft a theuoficinue yo unwill find the eat stringa for Mithigan. oI i~~ C tom o irersty olall, befort six violin, mandolin, guitar and banjo at0 !: SHEHAN & CO S oclk. _____ oote MuiHouse. We make apcatyo hbs.Trhmwt Studay riuytp rec en littwantesTr thm ws University Booksellers, Sta- unitabltied whictobtusfair tobloetin S UMMER WORK 0CIE AlS' T tionersanod Engravers nefthteii it e tltt raitius tf Ililli-, 3320 South State Street. 3thi tO i l t pethutsian, aiis(trdClore'osPMagneilte. laarge coi tuil 0!!!r "O!!!000!!! sh e buut i ltlea funueral pre- in Cash ipries for hbest work I ty ITel 71, 3216 S. State St. w lite l itthro m. th'ii e i us l s IDigniiehd. Write notw fr ilipanoic weithb-l u lttn iu-t i,' litlde it-aiiu'ns lirs. 141 Ent 25th St., Neuw York s ee . e oe e U. of My. Antiseptic Barber Shop itFwvl trluuui sli'aearine Cty. 17e AND BATH-Ik15.5 of dtisti ti-e it-augear blip'e(li t ear mn is uri to beuoeritttatcolege HINDS AND NOBLE J. R. TROJAN$OWSKI, Proprietor. culstom si thelie tictirio-u utiit these .- Face Massage a Specialty. capsatnIa giveon tinte udeserets a pane o e w tv Tr, till ien-to ur si re Fri To keepo voo face 322 SOUTH STATE STREET eiause i uiiihit's thu ittof thue tiy andlStturdap, Jue I adti1ii,-antip you -- " Fresh" aphprentieshiip, While uex will lily for cash, tll yuur oliland11111 1 good c o sn di t i o011 C. H. MrAJOR F~ CO"rPANV ear' sopuihiooreswere joyeusily vet- secondit-hadtschooul anti collee tt Specialty of Fine ciutinglii-lames detropthetiir wont bors. SHiIkICIAN Pa CO. Ise Williams' Shavisg Interior Decorating headgear, thety a-rc. uncnusciiusly ftil-- Stick. lowing ant examplle st oni yyears ugo Lost--A Harvardl SalPi'n iln tr Cohplte now line of Wal Papers, yPrceoaldCrie.Altee1-athruoih.bohrAonr- Paints, Oils and Varnisheborneo.n Crel itee erOecmu. idrpes e culie', the Pu-coltaluplbt-irt' has torn to 100111Fati vesit -iy atinueui. i23 E. Washington. Phone 237 _____ 'I~-S+ -ti d'I I 11:19'19IIV7!!O!!!!®!!!! - - YOU CA N GETAM LAEON Hot Lunch ! T EI TSOT=%EU Ie Watches, Diamonds, At Tuttle's, 338 S. StteDEAN M5. SIABOL, M5aagr I' jeweryand all ligli ,1 V ! -_ _ ---- - -- - -- ..._._ -- j' Class Chattel antiod v w"I 0w CC * - Collateral Security --- - ---< .-- - --- --- BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 8--. W.I OUIM. NIERSTYDAN- 1 Si4Sib Are. Oppoitt Coutr Huse. CINO ACADEMN~Y * 'Ticedotorsesouthi:ofi aeY. AS. C. ,, $ 2 id0ttt;;S. 2 Office IOhu rei 1:41toh 4:it 0ti T 7:04 :0SOTTRT {1 ! 15 - IG.UHIGAN CENTRA OHIO CENTRAL LINES 'The Nagara Falls Rute°° DIRECT LINE THE SHORT LINE- TLD OCLMU ANN ARBOR to TLD OCLDIU CHICAGO Parlor CAe. s tal Tran BUFFALO NEW YORK U ri 1rtflje SA.LGA ING AND BOSTON Office fHoturs: 3 wIth direet connections at Chlcago ror St Mr. Granger bi e at ai-ademyoyfTti(,e froim Foris KnorananthoSt.Puladthcetstoo'From cig et. o 5p Ionayo. wl Fo oai ansa CtrboSuladtcWetstonteF9aSe.e-toesinucms onestlo.s Muill swrite to W. W. CASE, Agene. Ann Arbor. rehach him. TINKER & COIMPANY, FURNISHE"RS aild HATTERS. 334 5. STATE S.,Phonle 342-Zr .