aTJIE MIC14IGAN 13AILY- * - ~.-.-..-.-. I-_ r u m ' 1F )R MEN A I of Buiton 7 Lace. THE PURITA The Old Place, 111 Away From Home away, ffom the tender, solicitous care of Mlother-at school-studying hard exercising harder, accidents will some- times happen. If at home, mother woold use Pond's Eatract-heeildfmiy dpelor-and the pain woulddsoon vns -the injory noon heal. For over 60 yearn mothers. have caned paineanod healed wounds, burnseand bruisesowith PondsExateand hove never bee disappointedlon it. There 1s no reedy ,which will takneit place-oneubstiiiute. Keep a bottle hsandy for quailetune. Soothes and freshens the facen after shaving. Walered Witch Ha el-a went solution-sonmetimes offered s inpl ci o Pond'sEntract-Casno onenicinal valne-is poitively worthileso. P'ondns Etract CURES, npzmms therefore io priceless. Sold001lysonseatedbnt- te ne ufwapr ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. A. J. WATSON Wall Paper, Paints and Oils 216 Fast Huron Street. A. LtfrtB[[, Forest AvenIue Meat Marketn Poulitry, Game and risb in Season 330 Forest Ave. P'hone 407 4 AILY nr t EDMUNDS, FISH NETS for Deatratiag~ 1 21 1r. Liiasty st. + WhoATRSENS PR;s- 2jm4d Poass-. Ati.ess..Tioatr0 i3ilie P'IlE SNIORTfIANE-' ANN4 ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NETW 'YORK AND BOSTON with direct connectiono at Chicago for fit Los, Ks Iansas Cily., St. paol aed thr Went ForInformsation and through ticketsocallon e r write toW. W. CASE. Agent. Ans Arbor. 01 .X f...U , P0/zeon in Turkey. _ Perfecfed in Egypt. ,ND WOMEN Enjoyed in America. -MOGL MOt MAtLS LG'frrlAieS?-OKLS VSvethefso. - New line __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ '/ L a(irc 7h S. Chicago sock fli. M liC#O (%b-- 'n inn.,-,.. aned sic t Cc eeb9q ®* r;: Send fr (alulureie. ~ To the teachers and ntudens of the U. ofi M. Oxfords Money Loaned GREETING. ON -: Watches, Diamonds Don't miss the World's Fair C Or other peronal proerty of lvoie Watches and Jewelry 1i0- at St. Louis, 1904. I o E co paired Bargains in W atches LH and Diamonds. The iiey say to le se of it in lSouth Main Street toll1:30nai., 1 to 3:30 p i., 7 to 9______mni . llSF.PnC. WATS. MissouiPacific Ry. ____ ___________________; Iliilyron to KanasoCiy. 'IRENTS CH L ER For anythingin the lineof 4 f 4 MaeIrPnsrph rmnCl o itir on1 lM ountaill Route Mae6'Poorph rmnCl n etclr , Phone 388-2r. Corner Main and Mron Street. r nfyTan6e' ol ok 0666*'46 4'646'',,'s*,h,'d'' 0++6' Rate ls eto all pointsnW svtor-Sointhset _______ _________dieaer c as ow iSt. Louisand the Mis- WORTH FIFTY CENTS. Fresh Lowneys, Alegretti, Spar-sori it icS vailwth a te[ri nwa r row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cush- tll infortmation free; call sit write. Thin ad and $2.25 to cover sub- ing's Pharmacy. nriptionn to The Saturday Evening H. D. ARMSTRONG, Pont, $1.25, and The Ladie' Home Your eyes examined by an T roiv. Pas.At Mo. Pnesy. rumsMoutins Journal, $1.00, ent now will pay S0C eRr piin.Altelc omis iii Teas &Paciic Ry. toward th i~3expertt spticiaenAsiss tbos Msil tOW~~ard the ~est approved appliances and methods 23asiewAv. nnrbrMch Michigan Club House. kont h rfsinaemlyd Subscription toeither will pay 25. New oneye eglasses fitted, lne l[ , lesduplir~c ' A graft.? Payn me less than 5c. Gteirms eaie.lale' Jw MEL DOWNEY, 'OS Law, era tdoraes. eaie.Halr' . MYAN'S DRUGST R 308 Packard St. aiySo.If HINDS & NOBLE THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. 23 S IIIf1I T 'Of New York will be at our store Fri- day and Saturday, June 10 and 11 and Furnishes music for all occsions. B ~ e ' will buy for each, all your ot and Dance music a pecialty. Address L. L ~AU cecond-hand nchool and college text- D. Bato, manager, S0t S. Fourth see- hooks. SHEEHAN & CO. nue. 29-t yi c lT an g A first violinist wanted to do extra Hv o a irsaea n W ii g work with the Harmonic Orchestra baeyuhdaVbang tg thin year and next. Apply or write to _____________ tf. L. C. ates, 808 S. Fourth ave. tf Compete stock of Brandt, Waldo, The Book for All the NOTICE.Washbun, Regal & Martin Mandolins NOTICE.en hand. : Prices the lowest. t People All the Time Meeting of the executive committee -Iial ocatsiioniiis; fr ihonie imrisemrient. for Students' Union today at 4 p.i., ONLY GOOD ONES puii. illsresed. Pricele. e''sei5, yars. in room 6, West hal. lbs-r-esimonsihs'coirespoenisicie eone Iii auiyo- ________________toi,r. 0 Fou-r a brisf tise Iwill sid i,,s iii, ;,isd couseofr $1. will leeture o pysii-al SENIOR MEDICS-RARE OPPOR Need apply. We have an opening traininisg israpid writing fir $ii,ir oowe TNT.-for two good indiustrial stock sellers. fr m"Cnucieri tosg.h alt ndsniisive i-siY.urs- fur ]gdwi ing idisiality rtinsse. Good mooney for good man. Natural llnisinseooinae d iise lessos, loc. Fine instruments and medical lib ability necessary Address PROF. G. BIXLER, rary for sale at great tbargain. Call G. 1-4 aLlER Hdg. Madison St. ad Ogden Ave., hiago at 08 S. Division St. 77-3 _ 1-4_ HllerBldg Fancy vest-$t.00 to $500 We wish to secure a few office man- I 177-179 Cutting, Roye & Co. agers who are willing to hustle, for 1 $180 per mnoth anod office expenses, 1 I have a large house, suitable for with oportunity to earn more if com- a fraternity, for sale cheap. -ptent. Address 177-179 CHAS. A. WARD, NORTH AMERICAN, 3-4-S Rettich lock. Mt. Clemens, Mich., 44 Front St., (downstairs). HOTEL WALDORF, E. E. Jones & CO., proprietors, 86 Woodward Ave., Chaffing dishes at Haler's Jewelry Cor. Lamned St., Detroit, Mich. New Store.,tI management, remodeled and refur nished, strictly first-ciass. American Cash for law and medical books. plan, $125 to $1.75 per day; European C. . BARtTHELL, plan, S0, 75c, $1.25, with bath. Tel, 761. 326 So. State St. E.OD.0KINNE HARRI0SONBOE . President. V. Prenident. a. W. CLARanON, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARHWR, MICH. CAPITAL, - - - $100,000 SURPLUS AWD PROFITS. - $40,000 CreamfiChewing. Candy, Salted Peanutn, SHot Muttered Popcorn, Crackerjack fresh daily. D,,: Y., A A. & J. RAILWAY S TAND AkD TIME' Fnr Dietrnit half hourly fromw6hit a. in. until m~fp . Theenlhorly usitil li:1., For Ypsi- lasti only, at 12:15a. m aed 15.45 a. m. For Jaucksen houriy from e6:15a. m. setil 715 p. w. 'Then 0-9feltp. m. and 11:15l. m WaIting Rooa. Huron St., W. of Main. Electric and Gias Fixtures and Construction Plumbing and Steam work-atlt at reasonable rates, at J. If. scIIlrns, 207 [. Washington St. -Aways Ahead hInStyles, MIL WARD, THE, TAILOR. The Best of Everything la Tailoring