® SEVEN State. Savings Bank. GEORGE. BISOHOFF, Correct Clothes for Menz
Prof ti S (R',,rti betwrLOitiiST~. wel
Dasittewerwrig i.ronold D )r.te C.hrastughant gnus h
th nees for rdN _______~ LdSSwill taMill
The ptronge w hav re IflCI/ robF f litte notce o
ceivedofront therclass.whoS.J arhat[Capi Con btwen ues ISts Enxc erent el-resdo
aprcaeFn arani PVlair hiinLLE TRAI PhneSERVCE4 oUad in
qav aliityeIwek woking i agtimesnteo
dhealingerswofdoindicae. othatl tk
ottr efforts are to he attended --YOU WILL FIND- copright 15t,A.B.&to. need the World's
witht success. [OUR TRAINS DAILY PROM TOLEiDO good opinion to succeed. See that
As the weather contintues this label
warm, we" will nmake onor or Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains ______________
Iwo sherhets every day. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains 4 ~FAe~n~n.4
Twesdt-tabry hre --- --Wdesday - Pineapple and . - -- - - is on your clothes and you have
lemnt sherhet.°°g' ° won half the battle. The other'
44We have placed electric fan \ . W HAT if yon are a yotttg man half depends on your ability, hon.
an improved type in our dining S nt'rb'ii othhy
room. The temperature there rfi rInttfilledot allyre ingtto. Eltcourageeandsommo nsenset
yis'regcitbg to.wEqalato ine thtaintmdeein ll.bu
ismichblo ta o te tee. ~There are ,yaves anid gullies ii nir price. The maker' garantee, and
mtake-up that clothes madiiefor dcvel- 3 ors, with every garment. We are
opd fiire irtgnj tt iiExir ~ Fcluive Distriutr in thin city.
Penny c o o ~gaw kisltiieT.hata's ,iLrtey've adCUTN ER& a
f to Iave atilorna ke yotr clitts UTN EIR&L
$t HrIhidithe hadtsst its College Briaid 10 o Es Wsigtn,
Clothesaecit itade fr developed oriTEs ah~gu t
mer. They're ibuiIt jaitolike Ilie rit-
PICKWICK BILLIARD) ROOM tott tailor iinitks a stit They' re
ANDjut tmetant for -oitig eliws like yot. m., - .« - -. f
BOLIG LLYETxtite, ou) lig sholdtielis -groati t
BOLNaALV +wide pioies -lively ptterts Te
tailo's sti tit tiot ]is plicer! ?
Ii 707 N. UJNIVERSITY AV[,NUPi $12.50 to $25.00. c
Win.- -_-c---ea ,; tobbettLine of traw atitetCity-$tooup S' Origital Milk
Staebllblmev ~ie7& Wuerth M Chocolate+
Zteam & has fitter. S:E t Is liii fittestrd calitig Clr;. ,;iii i q. .,;..;..:"..
Pboue 667. 30 . State ', Continued from page one.) tUniversity students usring ins- I hefns ain hclt
Ren. 'te.) "Ant iiiiign tan s ulie positions ito teach wilt find it t to li+al tetiit
d'd. bridal ehamfier." '>'A:sdH'b F i eir intieres t o write t JatticF.
£rL~CTIJC IAN5 tect. (snoi) "Ot! hear, tittou 'ilttg,1thtn rst~tgCi the Swiss Milk which
Klcri ing tif beau)y." agot . t
elcti Chafing Di~sl'n5 Reel).-(Barittne 'Nay, wy stutu -givis it ita rihntess lpos-
£lcti TlteL&PS5 al ny gadness." Chaing dies at Hater's Jewlry * c etb i itr
inf.t,.nthn9t hi~~n pyor Miss Farlie and 'Mr. 'Woodward. --
r.M.yctii and.= 4 iigt. ap par Reit. tTn.l "So spake the spitig." Compete stock of Washbun, Martin, 10 Cents uIL.
Seini-thouts-"A mainoetetiati- Rega, and Waidt Guiars at owest
{ ft than May." prices. t
±WA,5HTEiNAW L1HT & Soli-Bloiottonny rises." .L IS
POWER COM'PANY. 1 Miss Frtit. Chaig distes at Hater's Jewe ry 32S'AET
Octet4"'Miii the
tor. Wai nstaitand air Ai, Pk.zO ctt "'i te waving rose-i ves." Store t.
Mss Sinson, Miss i-tite,
N +'* +' MisTtyr MisEeee. Mandoin strings 20c per fait set, -"
- ___ ' --' - Mr. F. Kllici, Mr. Woidwarid, Banjo strings 25c per fulte. Guitar -- -
- Mr. ervy, Mr. Siih trings l0t per fui set. Viin stringse
en-"Situouih (tui r1ri lire"35 per bait set
0TH I Sener-(a"Asoyntst riiedttsti' if LKS ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO.
ito(b)"Yet -chiiie'they soi sidly___________"_
o¢tPoll Miss tunt
T o D'Csii tor law a ei alui hoio k uus
((" i P N l tecii.. ('enor) "Ats tie hiandutis
r , Chorus . "Oi Erth-btorti sirrows.'' 't- 5.72 tu ii'S.PPULAR
in thouiiwtndueed.''-
Misses tinoti anonit, d. JOB PRNING - MEYERS. 21.,
45 ' ~~ Mr. Woioduwarud iti St S, Phne 281
- jIP if Aria-"The seti itteve."- ----CUT EBD"&e.
flylD l~ 'i t i Mr. tFreitKRlleeni. Iath sppies or nit kinds at alt AESo
gt E eNO. Reci.t-( ariitiirt i-art! bentiath priceo at Cthingo Drug store. L. CUETT NDARROWnno cs.R5
r" s e~y1 Bd ~her window."-
Ot~ 0 x 1111 10 ute-"Itknows a Rosetitd shinitng." HINDS AND NOBLE ttit
it'Coris-"Tin thy aweitiing mrinig."1 i s-r rei I e o rt i id
YId - . OftNiw Yiit'l, wilb t i oaiu ir soein-"tii
Soia"heeghtim tm tee ut-lay atidtSaturay, Juie t aIii aunt ~2Turkish Cigarettes and ipeps
AND wffA ISLAND ie.' r
Pt P°g Mri'Wiinird W i tit rcshiill urioligiandi Fier Lunh heesi ync°on
MICl6AA'S!/e YE~sR RESORTS. Reit.-) Ten.) "Forfroim tesitmmerseodhnscoladolgeex FieLcesnCneto.
btisoo.ktiiis. SHI-tEliAN &X0. 30 S.vetyting Nm t.',iiitant'
Thu LAKE AND I IL ROUTISto bMoesQuart-"Waf3tt8i- heS.i State St. R:FE:JOLlfY
T ETAL Chswetf" WveED.FarwBwutswicsteelei
T F TA 3L . Chrs f Ele-"aewl, lep-I EWENthou ightty." Stdets to cacvas for the lighttintg "- -
Detroit and Cleveland Stlo-(Tenr). duplicator. Can e carried as a side
Leave DETROIT, daily 6 0.30 p. in. Finate-(Chorts, ine.. Enqire at 102 E. Huron street REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS,
Arrive CLEVELAND. . 530 a"i. Ya ecde herss" bewemndh .m Fine Ciar and Toacos
nakingeonntectiou wihsott tait-ods Yea, _een _die _the _res." btween ___and __p__i_.JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State S, S.
Leave CLEVELAND, daily 10.15 p. m. Cash for law anud medical bonoks. Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- cOFFEE
Arrive DETROIT .. 5.30 a. m. C. It. DAR'ITtELL, row's, Hutyter's, chtocolatns at Ctush-
ConsetirgwithbSpec i'it'roinsfonWorid's Tel. 7el. 326 Sit. Stair St. igsPamay f AY
Fair. St. Louis, at, ithh 0. &CStteamerslfor tg'[Paray.tElhi
Mcia;SoMaqetDltMn-M C I api,St. Paul, Pelos.key: Milaukee, Cthi- HINDS AND NOBLE Lost-Stieti pin with tatcli~ n. 'rtRna~lt
cago stid Gorgian aY, alsno it lsit - _par eetngs Ou wnIio slrg
roasofr pointstin ichigan and the west. ,t somewhere on IDivision street. tinder
Doy Trnps betweert ritlantd Clere- I Of New Yrkwiltltue at our sre Frt- Alays felu n 28C pue' pianrd
latdduringuty outdAugut.daanYok retuiri to Titnes ofice anth receive ye-.
- a adSaturday. Juer10thneth11,. andtward. 7779 1214 Main at, DE:AN e& .CO.,
Mackinac Divisiot wilt buy or cash, al ot urtiout anei
Lv.TOLEDO Monudayusitd au Re iiys .30 necond-hanid nchootl and college text Futi ao tCunn .
ur. n.*Tisdysa ndyilu'iirsiintytOn.,.. httoks. SiIRRAN & CO. TOA OR npim
Lu . adETRITncaS s andi Flir, i'ida tO ___________Vibrassage-at Trojy's. tts great.
a.nm. "coo a wi-tJo 15th. WANTED-t with pay good wages Sa cfrIlsrtdframno h amtrnhvca
Send'5etinnr Wel(s V i I':='-phict Ltion.Mtist knuiw how to milk ciws.
Casi5Telephone 1.29-i tong. Minycle for sate. Enquire ofi Fred 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457.
A A. SCIIANTZG0 S.& P 1 Mtnt i st, Mich. t 78-79 FRED WURSTER, Jr. Mierman, il11 W. Washington st. t.
121-123 South Mrain Street 1 WAGNER &. CO