THE MICHIGAN DAILY- SUTDwight . Watkins R TYPEWR1TING ) 4 Made to your nmeaure and - rp s Card toe325.0S. M-1-raSt. SkA IT GUARANTEED Ktoras foyare'r I 1AT COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL /~~/ J4f C.' ~der New franagemer . r(itt XT Q i New EBiliard Outfit. #//a ' Ul~ltl~ Chihs givengood for an where in ! P 7Cab the house. itpegV CLOTHIERS, .EilL[ Hatters and Furnishers. Forest Aveue Meat MaIrket Linen anda CUFFS 109 and 111 E. Washington Street, Poltry, (ame and Fish in Season A E 1 B I T ANN ARBOR 53 Forest Ave. Phone 40 R ~ E T - -, .3.,;.., r,,«. , ". ,.,.,. ., ; .:", .: -e* . o'*- . .4S"0rI4 Barker's Collars are stamped "lVinan" 7 3Other brands advertised and Sold as Linen are ALERT LUJTZ j OT stamped "Line." Why? S n r T VOU~T YOD O Reliable Shoe Dealer 0 Sold by Wagner & Co. 2 for 25 cents A XT R124 S. Mat. Street --_____________________ junior *1111.4-+V..o++''4+44+++++++4.44 4'.44 4 Sophomoroor Feshean-frsteday at ''' STRAW HAT V Orlsyuseut t til cdnltt ainjutas'geatneed of >RE NT S CH L E RFor anything in the line of '9 Pondas tac t e ldfaneeydaeer-lo 1 Maker of Photographs Framing Call on Rnshler, & WEATHER I HERE- rttoveoua There sre5man~y ile that 0phone 109-r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. 4 a. ene. Fr over Eb0years it Cr a eea the - 1o toatoeremdyitttolodtamttyedt- - 4."o' ete40 944114' 44"I9+45+"x.... '' one chest-firt ad" nt e gn _ _ __ . - __ --- - - We are showi c dien.At cllege r selhol, as swelt asNe StlsadB is to the homeoittis coented aecesit. HINDS & NOBLE Freh Lowneys, Allegretis, Spar-HeStesn1Halt sohoaindIfroe setvorredt Of New York w ill beate our sore Fri row's and Heylers Chocolates atCush- PondasEat yu marnot reutee aty anti Saurday, Junee 1(1andl 11 and lgs Pharmacy. you .5 obsitae tC wlt ill forrose 111 ~ll 1111 011QUALITIE FROM ORE TO THREE y av evoused Pard's scolnd-eandl ol a111 nd rcollegel' lt-_ ao.a NEormet yu wil rese Your eyes examined by an t taoe asett t- lllells. SHIOI%1AN & CO.1 *4 GEUIE tAHAeOASSIX vou witlintsitaron e' __________ xr optician. All the las- Extrat Fr brs, et approved appliances and methods euso brurses, Ia etp A first violintlwaneted 1o0dleextOr known to the profession areemployed. bleedingand dive say wll iS ate lilarlonlrilOchetr New eye glasses fitted, lenes dupi- edy, eay of-ppctieln L C. .Btaes, 80 S. Ferhiae. t.'. eiry Store. tf. - 4 renasad a psttveeacure. __________ aedses At oHaters s~ flxever el, vialeer- -3. SENIOR MEDICS-RARE OPPOR- THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE.. ITO N I TY. e9r et+.4outd+4r4+i ---Furnisesnmaic for alt occasion. -_____________ --- - -- D~~ance music a specialty. Address L. ® + " ' A. J. WATSON Fine nsrtmentns and mediest liii 0. Baton, manager, S0S S. Foirth ave rary tir sale at great bargain.(alt u. P e te rs ' WalP pe ,P itsa 08S.iiso t Fasey ests-1.1111 le $5111. Any stdent wishing to earn fivedol- a dol 7-7 utnRyr& a o ri aainsn n_________ aner for particulars. Perfectly hn- Original Milk 216 East Huron Street. I lave a large hitte, sitble for crabe. a traterenity, ler sitecheap. L T. ARES, Special prices on 17779 C'tAS. A. WARtD, Room CaHignadaoc. Chocolate :-45 Rtirli lloeck. Winnipeg,Ca d. Toad Bannello s, Pllw Cash ot law ant icrial tilotin. tHave yes. had a Vbrassae at IS fle finest cating Chocolate. Tol n aorC. . 1BATiELL Trojy's? tf. to be had. It contains THtS WEEK, AT I Tel. 711. 2"So.Sae isrS. At Darling & Malleaux's - EXCHANGED. tie Swiss Milk whil ______ HOTEL WALDORF, E. E. Jones & __ Cso.propritors, 86 Wsdward Ave. I the tpersoenewshitoteet a tat msark- gives it a rchness pos- -- FINS,- Cor Lmred S., Derst,. Mich. New -'d "K" at lrtngersItMoettayetening iPtV1 and Fraestmanagrnirnt, remodleed and reur- will rcall at 2111 N. Maise he ay traee sesedribyee ro oiler. nashed strictly first-class. Americas i ler hs lwis.If Ppuu .I lan $1201to $1.70 per day; Erpas 10 Cents u. DEt 17'It ART S5TOklE, plan, 5c, 75c, $1.2, with bath. Complete stock of Bradt, Waldo, W5e wishtoscra few ofien aon had Prices the lowest tff C j la --- agers whet are willing lee hustle fr _____________ & .... * >3sr e$11111 jer meeseth ant ieiexpensites NYGODOE 324 STATE ST. pp y________ with opportutnily to earn nmore if crnse- OL ODOE seeO +Z ~b40 ptent. Atdress -- .e...I- .d .." CNOl TAMERICAN Nee aptly. We have an oeneeirg__ . ]. ZIiltgb, l gr Mt Clmen, Mch. lfr twit geeteeineles~ria tockteell eters. To the teachers and sudes olheoIM. '44 FrontsiSt.(eowns ntats). I Goodemneeyler guodreena..Natural AlS anS.Plones. naiity necessary. GREETING. ___________S._AnArbor Chafing dishes at Haler's Jewelry G. H. HALER & C'. __ 'T *I..lSI1luII+.o4* Store. tf. 77-31 1-4 Haler Hd. ---_____________-______________ Don't miss the World's Fair A Word OUR POLICY' at St. Louis, 1904. __________The only way to e urs s it to To St.udelnts Tie building uIP of a Telephonee System with every possible mod- t ohm i t oi n een improvement; the givnof better service than was ever dtaight 'nI Itaasrcmetom possible before. To be onorabe, courteous and just in every detail.iiiOl1 ain Ry prto-oprecry HTo anticipate requirements. To oveomle impediments. To be satis ris eeNrevsey ---orposprengferied with rothinig short of tie confidence ard goodwilo every ciie rigto leave the pur- -0 il o cRrc DR.U chaIS sr e mtee rehis in the county. vt ow elae ion.WAS" IINA W lOfr-[ I[[[P ON[ CO. Iolsfin R oulhte. Mo nanEgyptisn Oil forassn~snn sss' - many yearsnand know FU4MPONARY Ootg iet street, near Fourth. i irt ~ao e ld t -w the high standingof6DiyTantoLtlhck Or C.'§t. 'olwell asa a n physieian sod regis-SDates to sall points West or Southwest IAN OIL trd pamcit eare as ieew vra St. Loesir and theMrs- her sod president eof sooni Pacifie.Raitway or Iron Mon ntarn the Jaekson County Rouete as via arty other gastewayv Pharmaceuticsl Society, and we do nothesi-tetullinformation free eaii or write. tate to reeommend to our trade his oil asa superioreremedy in all cases of spralas, brain- es. sore muscles, lamenens and for general ap- GFcA H. D. ARMSTRONG, plication after gymnasiume workbrvileates c2ARLTTLS ereise. It inna high grade preparation of sico Qolm Tuke.Trav. Ptess. Agt Mo. Pae.c. yeroo Mountain hal and essential oils and soothing and heal- S nTrky otatssd Texass.&PtaiicRy. iog medielnal ingredients thai pnetra te .01233 Wasbtenaw Are. Ann Arbor, Mile. quickly and allay all soreness and leeSiama- Perfected in Lgypt.___ _________ ___ tton, leaving the skin and lothiog free from____ stain. There is no grease of any ind used in Enjoyed in America. Dr. Colwel's Magic Egyptian Oile. , MEL G I''L PI E teaches We have such eonfidenee in Dr. Coweitl's r MOGUL SHOES MAKLLC-GTIANS " '5 ''o- ~..r-.a- ~ Magic Egyptans Oil that we sell every hotte' n utr with the posittave guarantee that it wilt lyie toteor Iserents. Mlandolin, Banjoan utr sattsfaetlon. If t does not you ean retarna$dZ' ~Cask Tiptor P'bin. SIN . Washiogton St. Pheone the bttle anod we will refund your money. iethtlno isageyfr Quarry's Campuos Drug Store Brandt Mandolin, Faled Banjo anrtMartinsGtlar. Always Ahead Instyles. MI ARTHE TAILOIR. The Best of Everything- in Tailoring